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Soy The absolute state of soycels and their coping mechanisms (fat western trash megumin cosplayer vs 2D)



Stay asleep
Aug 15, 2018
just read the comments (I think they speak for themselves)

you know its over if men like this exist, the woman on the right looks fat as fuck (say what you want about your personal standards, im referring to expectations that redditor males have for others). Did the hentai numb me from 3DPD? Yes to a great extent, but I think that I can still conclude that this is insane.

and thats without going into issues with foid behavior etc.
I cringe whenever I see a fat lardbeast piggu trying to cosplay 2D
Thats not a landwhale. I’d fuck.

Also jfl at this retarded soy
At least she's not despoiling Yunyun.
I really hate those weeb degenerates.
She’s not fat, maybe chubby. That’s probably his sister or just a random chick he took a photo with at a convention.
no lol she looks fat
Not by Western standards. We have to see landwhales on a daily basis, this chick is just “thicc”.
What a fat whore.
I hate how normies overrating every fucking thing and make it trend like cosplay
most of the people on r/justneckbeardthings are just neckbeards in disguise.
She is fat. Let's stop with the pc.
You can call her curvy, chubby, whatever you want. At the end, she is still a fat pig.

most of the people on r/justneckbeardthings are just neckbeards in disguise.
Quick fix to feel better about themselves.

"Hey look, I wrote a cleaver comment.
P-Please, give me my internet points.
OMFG I can't believe it!! You gave me gold?! Thank you kind stranger."

pleddit is the cancer of the internet.
most of the people on r/justneckbeardthings are just neckbeards in disguise.
Just as bad as cucktears imo. Pretty much the same shit same idea.
She is fat. Let's stop with the pc.
You can call her curvy, chubby, whatever you want. At the end, she is still a fat pig.
I wouldn't say she is too fat by American standards. Volcel if you wouldnt for sure.
If he decides to cope with sex dolls or waifu pillows so what? At least he isn't putting six bullets in the bitch.
Not fat but not as skinny as 2D counterpart

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