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JFL "The 33-Year-Old Virgin: Life Without Sex Is Only Torturous If You Let It Be."



nevER lose your smile⚡⚡
Nov 20, 2022
I stumbled across this awhile back, and just recalled it now.

Published in Salon, which is a very well known Globohomo Leftoid magazine, so the title of it checks out: Also, you have to pay to read it, so feel free to utilize textise to do so

The 33-year-old virgin: Life without sex is only torturous if you let it be I'm proof that normal guys manage without sex. If it hasn't happened for you yet, don't feel ashamed -- or alone
>without sex
Pick one. :feelsjuice:

It's a literal basic need, even Maslow said so: It's another milestone which all normie males will inevitably reach by a rough timeframe, if you done meet it you aren't normal.

I’m not a virgin for religious reasons. I was never waiting for marriage or “the right one.” Mine is a case of bad luck. Wrong women, wrong times.
This is where I really start to question the intelligence & cognitive functions of most people- how could you constantly get rejected & simply amount it to just "bad luck" or "wrong times?"

Surly, it should be enough to detect some kind of pattern: This is why at times, I feel that it's much easier for an Autistic male to become blackpilled, due to the fact we are able to detect patterns, correlations, etc. much more often as opposed to NTfags.

My story doesn’t fit the profile you’d expect. I’m a comic in New York City, and I've worked in and around this scene since I was 22. I’m a good comic. Some nights, I’m even great. You know what comedians do after shows? Drink, smoke or fuck. They do that because all three are easy to find after-hours, when our shifts end. I’ve gone out with female audience members on occasion, but those nights somehow fall apart, and I end up at home playing "Sonic the Hedgehog.
This reveals many things, which of course confirm our fundamental beliefs yet again:
-Jestermaxxing is the only potential way for any "Incel-tier" male to possibly attain a higher value of social status: Even then, he's probably one of those comedians people laugh at, as opposed to laugh with.
-Even then, it's not enough, as evidenced by this case: Sure, he may have gotten a few dates, but nothing came of it.

So why am I writing about all this? Because I know there are more guys out there like me. I was reminded of that last weekend, when 22-year-old Elliot Rodger went on a murderous rampage, saying that part of his rage was because he was still a virgin. He describes his existence as “torturous.” I can relate to that feeling. Not only have I never had sex, but I’ve never had a girlfriend. In my entire life. But I wish I could've told that guy life without sex is only as torturous as you want it to be.
Part of the reason I chose to do this, is due to the fact that it is close to the Day of Retribution.

Honestly, I wish I could have seen this play out somewhat: Just imagining this guy trying to speak to ER, offering the most bluepilled advice ever, and seeing how it would play out.

It hasn’t been easy. Every girl I’ve ever cared for has rejected me. The last big rejection was April 29, 1999. I was in high school, and I was fairly certain this girl was interested in me, too. But her ex told her I was going around school saying she was already my girlfriend. The next day she told me to fuck off and never talk to her again in front of the entire school. OK, not the entire school. Just the drama club. And the kids in detention (chanting “ECW!” because extreme wrestling was big up here and “Jerry! Jerry!” because ahhh, the '90s). And the dance company. And the cheerleaders. So, you know, most of the school. When I got upset, as one does when his heart is broken in front of the senior class, a teacher grabbed the girl. “Don’t you remember what happened last week in Columbine?” Gee, thanks.
Honestly, how could he not become blackpilled after this?

I mean, this literally follows the exact same "plot" which many Incels stories -here & elsewhere online- have: Rejected in not only the most brutal way possible, but in front of literally all your peers, and humiliated by a literal fucking adult who is supposed to "help" you.

Also, I guess this shows that whilst hypergamy has clearly gotten worse over the past decade, due to social media & the likes, it has been this way for quite some time: Granted, 1999 wasn't really that long ago.

But that wasn't enough for this girl. She also framed me for a bomb scare at my school. She also called my mom to let her know she only hung out with me because she felt bad for me. As the days turned to weeks and the months turned to years, I realized that perhaps I was wrong. She never did care about me. And in fact no one has.
Ah, once again foids nature is proven through the blackpill lens yet again: Not only was it enough for this foid to embarrass him in front of everyone, but she also had to go & frame him for a literal terror threat, humiliate him to his own mother, and cause him more distress.

I just, seriously cannot comprehend how this guy still has such a bluepilled mentality after this foid literally tried to ruin his whole life: This is insane mental gymnastics right here, and trying to apply any kind of logic to justify it is making my head hurt.

However, I do like how it shows he perhaps just has a hint of blackpill in him: He states how no one has cared for him, yet somehow still has this insane level of copium.
It's not your fault if you’re a virgin and you’re over the “appropriate” age society randomly deems to be normal. But it’s also not the fault of the women who made a different choice.
>It's not your fault
>It's also not the literal gatekeepers of sex fault

They want to live their lives their way, and you have to respect their decisions. I have seen women I cared for go with slobs. I’ve known women who were lonely and knew full well I wanted to date them go to online dating sites. They’d rather risk it with a stranger than try me out. I’ve seen women I liked sleep with my friends behind my back. In fact one did that on my 22nd birthday. I was depressed as hell the next day. And angry! You know what I did to feel better? I went and bought “The Best of Dokken” and put “Alone Again” on repeat. (Still love that CD.)
The fucking bluepill & copium here.....

He literally is getting cucked, including by his own friend, and this is his honest reaction.

So if you’re out there getting dark about this, lighten up. Keep the faith, kids. The right one will be here one day. At least, that’s what I hope, too.
Looks something I would imagine him to look like

Also mogs me tbh
life without sex could maybe be fine if I could play video game all day... but that's not allowed :feelsree:
If i were a viking back in the day,
I could fuck multiple women on
command in the years 800.

Or i could just grape one in the fields.

This is undoable today!
My life sucks, but at least I'm not a bluepilled cuck. Good post BTW.
If you want to read it for free removepaywall might work. :feelsokman:
@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @Chudpreet @ElTruecel @RealSchizo @WorthlessSlavicShit @Corvus @TBIcel @NoIdeaWhatToDo @Grim_Reaper @Ron.Belgrade @based_meme @KillNiggers
@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo @Chudpreet @ElTruecel @RealSchizo @WorthlessSlavicShit @Corvus @TBIcel @NoIdeaWhatToDo @Grim_Reaper @Ron.Belgrade @based_meme @KillNiggers
JFL yk I watched the 40 year old Virgin movie fully this time a few days ago. It’s bluepilled but has some Blackpills in it
Looks something I would imagine him to look like


The memes just write themselves sometimes.
My life sucks, but at least I'm not a bluepilled cuck.
I remind myself this daily.
Good post BTW.
If you're a virgin past 23, it is your fault. You're ugly, weird and everyone thinks you're subhuman garbage.
Honestly, I wish I could have seen this play out somewhat: Just imagining this guy trying to speak to ER, offering the most bluepilled advice ever, and seeing how it would play out.
He probably would've made the list.
He doesn't even have the balls to hold women accountable and be reasonably angry or unhappy
Pathetic simp
I just don’t understand the concept of friends sleeping with the girl you like, knowing that you’re a sub5. What could drive a friends impulsive action into fucking your crush instead if helping you? Why are normgroids like that?
He looks like he pays at least 1k a month on OnlyFans 18 yos tbh.

Im not gona read a low iq mumble ramble jungle by 40 yo virgin.

In fact, the whole reason he made this barf article is because hes not okay with himself being a virgin loser for this long even after socializing with so many women.
I just don’t understand the concept of friends sleeping with the girl you like, knowing that you’re a sub5. What could drive a friends impulsive action into fucking your crush instead if helping you? Why are normgroids like that?
Because men are in competition with each in getting pussy. We only befriend each other for our own personal gain.
Last edited:
Because men are in competition with each in getting pussy. We only befriend each other in order for our own personal gain.
Shit is just terrible, having an amazing friendship with your bros, until a cumdumpster comes in and ruins it. Pathetic clown world we live in. Letting these toilets activate our innate impulsive mechanism ones they show their sexual appeal to us, fucking manipulating us. Fuck i despise the creature to death.
Wtf is wrong with this retard? Publicly rejected by a foid who then proceeds to frame him for a bomb scare and go out of her way to insult him to his mother?

C'est la vie!
What an annoying, retarded coper.
Just another reminder that some people cannot be saved or blackpilled no matter how hard reality tries to show them the truth.
If you're a virgin past 23, it is your fault. You're ugly, weird and everyone thinks you're subhuman garbage.
You are Brad Pitt and Henry Cavill combined next to this guy Tesque. :feelsthink:
This article is from. 2014, did he managed to ascend ? Do you guys have any news ?
Every single person who isn’t having sex is fapping. Nofap copers are very rare irl. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs substitute.
Good post. Read it all. It sucks how society bluepilled him to his core which now makes him think it was just "bad luck with women"

It's a literal basic need
He's been brainwashed into thinking it's totally normal to rot alone as a man with a sex drive in his early 30s. Brutal.

If it hasn't happened for you yet, don't feel ashamed -- or alone
This is totally normal goy! Be proud of your virginity!
Hey! starvation is not bad! It is all just your mind!
Good post. Read it all. It sucks how society bluepilled him to his core which now makes him think it was just "bad luck with women"
He's been brainwashed into thinking it's totally normal to rot alone as a man with a sex drive in his early 30s. Brutal.
This is totally normal goy! Be proud of your virginity!
interesting how you bump a thread about 33yo virgins
His copium levels must be insane to not have been blackpilled by now.
The only light in the end of the tunel is a train charging at full speed
Unreal. What an idiot sumo to not blame women at least a little bit and feel some rage. How the fuck can he cope so hard by claiming his situation is ok and normal? He says he’s normal. He also says he’s a 33yo virgin. Fucking pick a side. You can’t be both. I might be a virgin loser with no real friends, but at least I’m not a sumo like him.
life without sex could maybe be fine if I could play video game all day... but that's not allowed :feelsree:
thats what I'm thinking. Not having sex wouldn't be so bad if we could just engage in our copes all day that helps us forget about it. Wageslaving on top of not having sex is what makes us miserable. Wageslaving by itself is making normies who do have sex miserable, but we have to deal with being incel on top of that
He maxed out his delusion stat, even religiousfags can't attain his power.
life without sex could maybe be fine if I could play video game all day... but that's not allowed :feelsree:
that's what i'm doing all day and it's getting less and less bearable with each passing year
If i were a viking back in the day,
I could fuck multiple women on
command in the years 800.

Or i could just grape one in the fields.

This is undoable today!
Formule 1 Podcast GIF by Grand Prix Radio
Shit is just terrible, having an amazing friendship with your bros, until a cumdumpster comes in and ruins it. Pathetic clown world we live in. Letting these toilets activate our innate impulsive mechanism ones they show their sexual appeal to us, fucking manipulating us. Fuck i despise the creature to death.
Made by Satan.
The right one will be here one day.
When he will be 65 y.o, we all know man peaks in their 60s
It's easy when you're low T
I stumbled across this awhile back, and just recalled it now.

Published in Salon, which is a very well known Globohomo Leftoid magazine, so the title of it checks out: Also, you have to pay to read it, so feel free to utilize textise to do so

>without sex
Pick one. :feelsjuice:

It's a literal basic need, even Maslow said so: It's another milestone which all normie males will inevitably reach by a rough timeframe, if you done meet it you aren't normal.

This is where I really start to question the intelligence & cognitive functions of most people- how could you constantly get rejected & simply amount it to just "bad luck" or "wrong times?"

Surly, it should be enough to detect some kind of pattern: This is why at times, I feel that it's much easier for an Autistic male to become blackpilled, due to the fact we are able to detect patterns, correlations, etc. much more often as opposed to NTfags.

This reveals many things, which of course confirm our fundamental beliefs yet again:
-Jestermaxxing is the only potential way for any "Incel-tier" male to possibly attain a higher value of social status: Even then, he's probably one of those comedians people laugh at, as opposed to laugh with.
-Even then, it's not enough, as evidenced by this case: Sure, he may have gotten a few dates, but nothing came of it.

Part of the reason I chose to do this, is due to the fact that it is close to the Day of Retribution.

Honestly, I wish I could have seen this play out somewhat: Just imagining this guy trying to speak to ER, offering the most bluepilled advice ever, and seeing how it would play out.

Honestly, how could he not become blackpilled after this?

I mean, this literally follows the exact same "plot" which many Incels stories -here & elsewhere online- have: Rejected in not only the most brutal way possible, but in front of literally all your peers, and humiliated by a literal fucking adult who is supposed to "help" you.

Also, I guess this shows that whilst hypergamy has clearly gotten worse over the past decade, due to social media & the likes, it has been this way for quite some time: Granted, 1999 wasn't really that long ago.

Ah, once again foids nature is proven through the blackpill lens yet again: Not only was it enough for this foid to embarrass him in front of everyone, but she also had to go & frame him for a literal terror threat, humiliate him to his own mother, and cause him more distress.

I just, seriously cannot comprehend how this guy still has such a bluepilled mentality after this foid literally tried to ruin his whole life: This is insane mental gymnastics right here, and trying to apply any kind of logic to justify it is making my head hurt.

However, I do like how it shows he perhaps just has a hint of blackpill in him: He states how no one has cared for him, yet somehow still has this insane level of copium.

>It's not your fault
>It's also not the literal gatekeepers of sex fault

The fucking bluepill & copium here.....

He literally is getting cucked, including by his own friend, and this is his honest reaction.

it just story aiming as propaganda tbh, ive seen a lot over the years not just relate to inceldom but many of their lame take on life or politic view
Unreal. What an idiot sumo to not blame women at least a little bit and feel some rage. How the fuck can he cope so hard by claiming his situation is ok and normal? He says he’s normal. He also says he’s a 33yo virgin. Fucking pick a side. You can’t be both. I might be a virgin loser with no real friends, but at least I’m not a sumo like him.
This reveals many things, which of course confirm our fundamental beliefs yet again:
-Jestermaxxing is the only potential way for any "Incel-tier" male to possibly attain a higher value of social status: Even then, he's probably one of those comedians people laugh at, as opposed to laugh with.
-Even then, it's not enough, as evidenced by this case: Sure, he may have gotten a few dates, but nothing came of it.
"Just be funny bro, just make women laugh bro, they like that"

Honestly, I wish I could have seen this play out somewhat: Just imagining this guy trying to speak to ER, offering the most bluepilled advice ever, and seeing how it would play out.
ER would have shot him on the spot.

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