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Blackpill [STUDY] Women convince other women to look like ugly dykes to wipe out intrasexual competition (and how they artificially inflate the price of sex)

I remember blonde with huge tits from work. As far as I remember, she always walked alone.
She had really big tits and pretty face and was somewhat chubby but not unhealthy fat/obese.
Seeing truly beautiful women online or IRL mostly just makes me feel bad nowadays. It’s like you’re hit in the face with a brick that, yes, beautiful gorgeous young women you would die to be with exist — but of course there is zero chance to ever land a woman like that since the entirety of the male species is competing over those women. That in turn combined with the realties of social media mean those women also tend to become spoiled and out of touch with reality to boot so there’s just no win condition. But yeah, seeing someone truly beautiful makes my brain go monkey where I’d ruin my life to have sex with them lol — but of course that cannot happen so the end feeing is just despair and frustration.
as well as rival manipulation via dishonest or disingenuous advice (such as telling another woman that her clothing is flattering when it is not, Fisher & Cox, 2011)
Clothing is inconsequential, this study is showing signs that it's written by very bluepilled millennials or Zoomers who have not a clue about looks theory. 'Rival manipulation' they write, how pretentious. The only manipulation that happening is Chad's you know what manipulating the insides of those women.

I'm instantly disagreeing with this study from first reading the abstract. The authors assert that women are in some sort of competition with each other: that's terribly wrong. Women compete by not being deceased and every woman has unlimited SMV.

I see so many problems with this study, that, in my opinion, it's useless.
  1. Sample size of <500 women with an average age of 30
  2. These women were made aware they are participating in a social study. Similarly to how we know women act differently when there is a camera focused on them and recording (women want to appear high virtue and avoid shame in public), every single one of these women were primed that their behavior is going to be judged, meaning they would act in the same manner as if that camera were watching:
  3. The core premise is that women are aware and believe that men find longer hair more attractive than shorter hair, supposing this is instinctual and every woman intrinsically knows this.
  4. No hair was cut, no actions were evaluated, it was only what the women said, and you know how much you should believe what women say.
You might believe in female intersexual competition, but with the inflation of women's value today, each woman is a celebrity with tens of orbitors and simps. If they do weakly compete, and compete in a way that's unlike men's competition of mogging, it's incredibly subtle and extraneous to our problems or the rudiments of female nature .

Yeah I've always thought that the main reason they want to remove hot women in video games is so they look better in comparison.
It's not to improve their SMV, because women aren't in competition. It's because it evokes envy. When women see more attractive women, they want to have that body/face. And that might be because women are aware that they get preferential treatment proportional to their looks. Preferential treatment, or validation and social status, and any of these things feel very good when you have them. (Not that incels experience being valued in society.)

Women would rather not see attractive women because envy makes them feel bad and insecure about what they have (remember, female brain is like the beads rattling in a maraca). Anetia Sarkesian I think was envious of the attractive curves and proportions of pixels on a computer monitor when she would make her Feminist Frequency shit about Double Dragon or whatever video game that happens to have depictions of hot women contained within it.

based :bigbrain:

most redpill/blackpillers forget how fiercely competitive foids are for the top men and other things they desires. sabotaging other foids is very common.
Are you serious? Haven't you heard the compelling argument about why women are lesbian until Chad has a slot open, then they're coincidentally bisexual. The argument is that in prehistoric times where very few men reproduced, women would have been evolving to avoid fighting and get along with one another so that in Chad's haram they don't kill each other and their gene lineages meld with Chad's all dandy like.

This study is not convincing to me. Based on my own experience dealing with women; observing their behaviors, and not their words. Women are not competing with one another. They can share men, and they do.


Great finds. That’s the thing though, absolutely none of the people gaslighting and bullshitting us had any problem with those truths when it was just scientists saying it. Some of the lookism studies I’ve seen and posted here have been from the 80s and 90s or so, and cited even older ones, and nobody had any problems with them for decades until a bunch of sexless, bullied male outcasts realized that they explained everything that happened in their lives and what they saw happen around them.
I always think back to an article in the New York Times in 1981 written by a female professor who studied the effects of physical attractiveness on indivuals lives.

That's what life is, you know, and pretty much everything normies tell you is something that helps them cope, and so when it's given as advise or to console, they really do believe it, and will contest if you try with evidence or logic or reason, so don't ever speak up, or try talk to any non-incel about anything here, ever. Waste of time.

but then the worst fear of females was realized
Not enough Chads to commit, however, women haven't realised this. Women don't give a shit about a collection of short or ugly men raging on an obscure webfourm. Women aren't even aware of their own behaviors.

Even wondered why women who can freely act bitchy and sexually suggestive are usually attractive, sexually desirable and curvy?
Because they have the higher value amongst other females and they can risk conflict with other females because they are high in the [female] pecking order.
I don't notice a pattern like that where I am in England. I believe more attractive women are nicer people because they are the utmost validated type of women, whereas the less attractive women don't recieve that same amount of validation, so are unlikely to have as much of a spring in their step.

When I've tried approaching women, It's the women who are almost as subhuman as me who give the most unessisarily nasty rejections, possibly because I remind her of her own attractiveness.

Foids are more cruel and judgmental towards other foids than any incel is :feelshaha:
Cope. You either aren't ugly or haven't spoken to a woman in months. Other women rank higher in a woman's dating priority than incels.

0.2 to 0.5? If you photoshop male models to make them balding, they go from 9 to 4. Some dude here has a balding Chico avatar I believe.
Balding is a special case and should be treated as a sexual death sentence. There's a huge difference between framing your face such that unappealing features are made invisible by hair, and your hair deciding that it's going MGTOW at age 17.

There’s a reason most societies globally that functioned historically restrained their worst inclinations and behaviors in reasonable ways. I don’t even say that hypocritically. Societies also restrained men too the problem is today we only restrain men.
Religion did a lot more than I am cognizant of for the west. A cynic would profess that religions are about control as I'm sure you've heard, but a secular society is very clearly not fucking working.
Seeing truly beautiful women online or IRL mostly just makes me feel bad nowadays. It’s like you’re hit in the face with a brick that, yes, beautiful gorgeous young women you would die to be with exist — but of course there is zero chance to ever land a woman like that since the entirety of the male species is competing over those women. That in turn combined with the realties of social media mean those women also tend to become spoiled and out of touch with reality to boot so there’s just no win condition. But yeah, seeing someone truly beautiful makes my brain go monkey where I’d ruin my life to have sex with them lol — but of course that cannot happen so the end feeing is just despair and frustration.
I've heard it's possible to delete your sex-drive with drugs, and this year I'm really considering it.
Have you tried floor-gazing? When you are proven to be an incel, it's useless even looking at women in public; look at the ground while on a bus, train, etc. If you're sure you're an incel, then you can know nothing is going to come from looking at that woman besides her getting validation or she gets creeped out.
It's not to improve their SMV, because women aren't in competition. It's because it evokes envy. When women see more attractive women, they want to have that body/face. And that might be because women are aware that they get preferential treatment proportional to their looks. Preferential treatment, or validation and social status, and any of these things feel very good when you have them. (Not that incels experience being valued in society.)

Women would rather not see attractive women because envy makes them feel bad and insecure about what they have (remember, female brain is like the beads rattling in a maraca). Anetia Sarkesian I think was envious of the attractive curves and proportions of pixels on a computer monitor when she would make her Feminist Frequency shit about Double Dragon or whatever video game that happens to have depictions of hot women contained within it.

Now that I think about it though... this doesn't explain why they have no issue with OnlyFans. That surely creates envy and involves the "male gaze".

Maybe it's mostly just man-hating? They know that those games make men happy, celebrate male sexuality, give men some control over the women they see, are made by men, etc.

I do get that it's not super nice to see your gender reduced to "pieces of meat", like the men are in the new Mortal Kombat games. But ultimately if it's mainly men buying a game (which is the case with most games that aren't ultra-casual) then market forces dictate that hot women in it will improve sales. And it's not immoral is it... they're adults.

'90s MK was so much better, lol
market forces dictate that hot women in it will improve sales. And it's not immoral is it... they're adults.
Feminists are so stupid, they can't respect or are even aware of the free market. I mean so stupid that this logic is too difficult to remain in their cognition
  1. Video game consoles can play games
  2. Men are the main consumers of video game consoles and games
  3. Male sex-drive
  4. Including sexy women in your movie, video game, drag race, increases demand for that product
  5. More sales
this doesn't explain why they have no issue with OnlyFans. That surely creates envy and involves the "male gaze".
I see women being ambivalent to OF in the exact way women are ambivalent to real world prostitution.
celebrate male sexuality
This is the part in your point that our society wants to curtail into dust. Our society, even other men, are dead-set on reducing men's ability to express sexually.

The women that hate men are the jaded thirty-five-year-old, roast beef. And they hate men because of not what men do, but because of Chad's misgivings. It's ridiculous. The young, attractive women are un-jaded and possibly soon starting the long transition into that thrity-five-year-old. Young women however are most focused on themselves and how wet their pussy is with their Chad encounters. It's not part of female nature to be loyal or possess a sacrificial-love for anything. A woman's politics are whatever guy's she's dating at the time. (Another reason the overwhelming majority of women should be restricted from voting.)
This is the part in your point that our society wants to curtail into dust. Our society, even other men, are dead-set on reducing men's ability to express sexually.
Our species has some biologically-enforced mechanisms that cause us to hate anything that men do. I'm completely serious. Being born a woman is like having all your actions be rewarded with cake, whilst being born a man is like having those actions either lead to tumbleweeds or dog shit shoveled down your throat.
Garbage society.
I don't notice a pattern like that where I am in England. I believe more attractive women are nicer people because they are the utmost validated type of women, whereas the less attractive women don't recieve that same amount of validation, so are unlikely to have as much of a spring in their step.

When I've tried approaching women, It's the women who are almost as subhuman as me who give the most unessisarily nasty rejections
I'm talking about female behaviour in general while you concentrate on how women treat ugly guys.
I also noticed that attractive women in general are nicer to me ( not always of course) than average or unattractive.

But why stereotype of an 'ugly Betty' exists? Such women usually aren't acting in a sexual way and don't show too much skin. Even if they can potentially. Even if they don't have curves they can show their legs by wearing mini-skirt.
But they don't dress and act sexually provocative because they are low in female hierarchy and they need to score a 'good girl' points to win approval of more powerful and influential females ( or not to provoke their rage at least ).
The same is with weak men who act 'nice'...

UB0808 PM55GW

While dumb bimbos can act slutty and sexually provocative in public simply because they can.
They don't even care to be slut-shamed by men because they can rely on their aggressive dominant baboons for protection. Or they have sex/marry with rich influential men.

I am Dutch and see Germans as fellow Germanic brothers,
but holy shit Germany is such a Cucked Globohomo country....
Imagine seeing socially inept youngsters, who are disappointed about their love life as a ´threat´.
I love how foids are all about 'girlhood' 'female sisterhood teehee' and yet hate each to their very core while men openly mock and bully each other but would even die for a true brother.
Lifefuel tbh
Fuck this gene game, nature, and the human species
Mentally destroyed by reality
it happens with guys too lol but it's instantiated differently

men tend to be more directly aggressive and not as coy or cunning about it as women, but are nevertheless attracted to the idea of obliterating rivals that may potentially curtail the net success of potential sex partners

hence why i advocate ardently to pursue Dark Triad traits and embrace a dark core
it happens with guys too lol but it's instantiated differently

men tend to be more directly aggressive and not as coy or cunning about it as women, but are nevertheless attracted to the idea of obliterating rivals that may potentially curtail the net success of potential sex partners

hence why i advocate ardently to pursue Dark Triad traits and embrace a dark core
Regarding some of the comments in this thread:

I am reading Weininger's book "Sex and Character" and yes, in some paragraphs of the first chapters he makes the observation that 100% of female existence revolves around sexuality, he declares that women are pure sexuality and that while the man is sexual is more than simple sexuality. One of his phrases: "The man has a penis, the vagina has a woman"

Women exist for sex, that is their main and most important function in existence...

A certainly pathetic existence, if it were not for the fact that we live in a time when society is brainwashed to believe that sex is the fundamental goal of life then the average man's existence would not be so full of suffering.

The more a society becomes sexualized, the more power falls into the hands of women.

A masculine society is a healthy society where sexuality is not the main driving force by which to live.
Regarding some of the comments in this thread:

I am reading Weininger's book "Sex and Character" and yes, in some paragraphs of the first chapters he makes the observation that 100% of female existence revolves around sexuality, he declares that women are pure sexuality and that while the man is sexual is more than simple sexuality. One of his phrases: "The man has a penis, the vagina has a woman"

Women exist for sex, that is their main and most important function in existence...

A certainly pathetic existence, if it were not for the fact that we live in a time when society is brainwashed to believe that sex is the fundamental goal of life then the average man's existence would not be so full of suffering.

The more a society becomes sexualized, the more power falls into the hands of women.

A masculine society is a healthy society where sexuality is not the main driving force by which to live.
Based and high IQ readercel
Yeah I've always thought that the main reason they want to remove hot women in video games is so they look better in comparison.
a lot of girls have anxiety or just outright don't want their boyfriends watching the show "euphoria" on hulu or whatever bullshit mainstream media because it's a bunh of promiscuous hot people.
deception is seen being used by all creatures in nature. this applies to humans too ofc
Female indirect aggression frequently targets aspects of rivals that men prize in prospective long-term partners: attractiveness (Fisher, 2004) and chastity (Campbell, 1995, although indirect aggression in response to promiscuity may be less about damaging a promiscuous rival's reputation, and more about policing the price of sex to keep it high, see Ayers & Goetz, 2022; Regnerus, 2012; Vaillancourt, 2013).

This one is particularly fascinating and I believe OP missed how deep it goes.

Women will at the same time attack their peers for being chaste, because it increases their value in the eyes of men, and attack them for being too slutty, because that devalue the price of sex.

In other words, you can't be a virgin, because men would pick you over me, but you also can't be a slut, because that lowers the value of my pussy.

I marvel at the fact that such as nuanced, complex mechanism is actually proven by science. Imagine trying to explain that to a normie. Now, imagine trying to explain that to a normie without data.

Also, this can definitely be extended to clothing nowadays : notice how all girls dress like sluts now. If one of them were to dress modestly, she'd immediately be bullied for it.

Aside from that, this thread makes me think a particular female who was one of the only slim girl of her ecosystem, and how her "friends" were constantly telling her how she's too skinny and that she should be careful about her health.
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