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Blackpill [STUDY] Women convince other women to look like ugly dykes to wipe out intrasexual competition (and how they artificially inflate the price of sex)

-This is one of the reasons gigastacies often have no female friends. Other women despise them because they suck up all the attention in the room.
I remember blonde with huge tits from work. As far as I remember, she always walked alone.
She had really big tits and pretty face and was somewhat chubby but not unhealthy fat/obese.
Great post. I bet this is why flat chested foids keep convincing their big titty friends to get breast reductions too.
Or mothers convincing their busty daughters to get breast reduction.
Foids are very aggressive, vain and insecure. They hate each other's guts because they all want to be desert queens but they know their common goal is to inflate women worth in society.

When foids fight among themselves they are first to use as an insult "whore, ugly, fat, old, everyone fucked you" etc

If you want to make a foid mad, just praise another foid in her presence, especially her youthfulness and weight, she will go full retard in nanoseconds.
Competition is fierce! even for the smallest bargains at the store you'll see people rushing in to secure the best items.

But in the dating game you can pay with your life in the worst cases.
Competition is fierce! even for the smallest bargains at the store you'll see people rushing in to secure the best items.

But in the dating game you can pay with your life in the worst cases.
This reveals the true nature of humanity. They act civilized when resources are plentiful, but in the dating market resources are always scarce because if someone gets a mate, there is actually less options for you.

I remember blonde with huge tits from work. As far as I remember, she always walked alone.
She had really big tits and pretty face and was somewhat chubby but not unhealthy fat/obese.
No male tried to ask her out? They usually try to swarm women like that.
This reveals the true nature of humanity. They act civilized when resources are plentiful, but in the dating market resources are always scarce because if someone gets a mate, there is actually less options for you.

No male tried to ask her out? They usually try to swarm women like that.
Probably tried. But women don't like to be seen in presence of superior females.
As I think of it, the most the current foid trends are meant to remove competition instead of making themselves present better.
Getting buzzcuts or short hair during lockdown, alt girl fashion, becoming muscle mommies - it doesn't affect a lot naturally good looking ones (or slightly helps by making them rememberable) but looks hideous on the ones with less regular face features (that could compete if they show off what is good about them)
Yes, it can be interpreted as a display of resource abundance.
Women are the real misogynists.
one of many reasons female vocal cords should be severed at birth :feelsYall:
Yeah I've always thought that the main reason they want to remove hot women in video games is so they look better in comparison.
Women really are incorrection personafied huh
Yes, it can be interpreted as a display of resource abundance.
It’s called zahavian signalling (saw it in a youtube video jfl).
This belongs in must-read, tbhngl. The findings here are a massive black pill on female behavior that help men understand the underlying reasons behind them, both IRL and online.

@Fat Link @Dregster @SlayerSlayer @The Enforcer @TheProphetMuscle @Caesercel @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 @Uggo Mongo
There are copers on this forum and say “bro, noodles aren’t even attractive”. The example they always use is some ugly bloated foid who is clearly chubby af with extremely small eyes as their proof. Then use a stacey to show what white women look like. It’s always some delusional ethnic worshipping whites (as usual) or probably a secret mayo foid posting here.

Thanks for sharing, I never heard of the beach feminst stuff. You should make a post about it and tag me, cause I want to look more into that. That is funny af.
I am white and I think most asain women are skinny and have no ass plus look the same
Overview of the study:

1) Women use competitor manipulation as a form of intrasexual competition.

2) Highly competitive women advised hypothetical salon clients to cut off more hair.

3) Women told clients of similar attractiveness as themselves to cut off the most hair.

4) Female intrasexual competition may be assortative with respect to mate quality.

5) Female intrasexual competition manifests without any contextual cues to mating

Now why would they do all this? I thought it was the evil patriarchy holding women down, and women all looked out for one another? Well the inteoduction gets to the point.

What this boils down to is this: mogging is relative. If you want a mate, women have to either mog their competition or wipe them out.

But as the first line of the introduction says, women don’t physically attack their competition, and that “intrasexual competition between women is often covert, and targets rivals' appearance.” Maybe this is why so many women look like ugly dykes these days: widespread competition removal at a societal level.

This study also has many other damning blackpills in it that people would claim the paper was written by some incel jfl. When talking about behaviours through which it is done, the introduction says:

Wow, this sounds just like how women treat incels. I guess maybe their female competition also just happens to have bad personalities who need to take showers.

This sound exactly like when women online gaslight incels by saying things like “you’re not ugly, it’s just your personality” or by saying “women don’t even care about looks”. This is to make sure we keep running after them, and maximizes their relative mate value when we don’t artificially decrease demand by LDAR.

When talking about female aggression:

Wait, did these pedophiles just say competition is the highest for young women in their adolescence and early adulthood? Clearly this study was funded by the National Association of Misogynist Incel Studies.

And if you though it couldn’t get any more misogynistic, the study says something so misogynistic that it might actually even shock some of you on this forum.

These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.

This not only explains why women hate sluts (while being one themselves) in our society, but also in religious orthodox societies as well. It’s artificial market inflation no different than a wallstreet investor artificially raising the price of stocks to steal money from working class people.
ngl men do this to. ive had men give me fucked advice regarding my appearance.
This belongs in must-read, tbhngl. The findings here are a massive black pill on female behavior that help men understand the underlying reasons behind them, both IRL and online.

@Fat Link @Dregster @SlayerSlayer @The Enforcer @TheProphetMuscle @Caesercel @LeFrenchCel @PLA1092 @Uggo Mongo
Thanks for the recommendation buddy boyo, it’s my first ever “must read” that was actually high effort.

I am white and I think most asain women are skinny and have no ass plus look the same
Fair enough. Although big asses are pretty rare unless someone is somewhat fat.
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Dont want no ugly libtard abomination
Lucky you get to see Stacys with big boobs, I want to fuck these types of foids
I'm jobless now.
I have seen some females with really huge boobs from the time I started to work in various jobs.
Brutal, hope you get a new one. Fucking Poland has too many big tiddy foids jfl, I want to see them.
I'm not in Poland but close.
I also don't want to wageslave again.
Seeying huge tits near you is depression inducing unless you can touch them and see them naked
congrats on getting your thread into must-read! :panties::panties::panties::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber:
Never mind I remember where you're from now, it's a lovely country.

That's true, I suppose why I want to see them is because I never get to here in Asia.
Some Asian females also have big tits. At least I have seen in porn.
Women don’t want to be reminded their gender is shallow, bitter, and just as animalistic as the physically brutish males they cry about.

It’s easier to make other fail rather than make yourself better. Just like how it’s easier to convince people to stay fat or become trannies, rather than looksmax yourself.
And it doesn't even work anyway. The rich men they desire end up looking for traditional foids outside of their own country, so no one is really winning here if they think being generic copies of each other is going to limit a man's sexual options.
femoids hate other femoids and fight with them. Look at tall femoids feeling insecure about short femoids, older femoids feeling insecure about younger femoids, black femoids feeling insecure about White femoids & feeling insecure about Asian femoids.

They all feel insecure about AI girlfriends, hot anime and video game characters & sex dolls. Men like femoids more than femoids like other femoids.
Overview of the study:

1) Women use competitor manipulation as a form of intrasexual competition.

2) Highly competitive women advised hypothetical salon clients to cut off more hair.

3) Women told clients of similar attractiveness as themselves to cut off the most hair.

4) Female intrasexual competition may be assortative with respect to mate quality.

5) Female intrasexual competition manifests without any contextual cues to mating

Now why would they do all this? I thought it was the evil patriarchy holding women down, and women all looked out for one another? Well the inteoduction gets to the point.

What this boils down to is this: mogging is relative. If you want a mate, women have to either mog their competition or wipe them out.

But as the first line of the introduction says, women don’t physically attack their competition, and that “intrasexual competition between women is often covert, and targets rivals' appearance.” Maybe this is why so many women look like ugly dykes these days: widespread competition removal at a societal level.

This study also has many other damning blackpills in it that people would claim the paper was written by some incel jfl. When talking about behaviours through which it is done, the introduction says:

Wow, this sounds just like how women treat incels. I guess maybe their female competition also just happens to have bad personalities who need to take showers.

This sound exactly like when women online gaslight incels by saying things like “you’re not ugly, it’s just your personality” or by saying “women don’t even care about looks”. This is to make sure we keep running after them, and maximizes their relative mate value when we don’t artificially decrease demand by LDAR.

When talking about female aggression:

Wait, did these pedophiles just say competition is the highest for young women in their adolescence and early adulthood? Clearly this study was funded by the National Association of Misogynist Incel Studies.

And if you though it couldn’t get any more misogynistic, the study says something so misogynistic that it might actually even shock some of you on this forum.

These crypto-incel scientists are saying that women aren’t just damaging a woman’s long term prospects by accusations of being promiscuous, but artificially inflating the price of sex so actual sluts stand down or hide that shit so other females won’t have those expectations from their future beta-husbands. Chad sex for me, but not for thee.

This not only explains why women hate sluts (while being one themselves) in our society, but also in religious orthodox societies as well. It’s artificial market inflation no different than a wallstreet investor artificially raising the price of stocks to steal money from working class people.
remember to punch a fat dyke today

And it doesn't even work anyway. The rich men they desire end up looking for traditional foids outside of their own country, so no one is really winning here if they think being generic copies of each other is going to limit a man's sexual options.
Great thread, ignorant misogynistic inkwells were 100% right once again by sheer coincidence. IT won't touch this.
I remember blonde with huge tits from work. As far as I remember, she always walked alone.
She had really big tits and pretty face and was somewhat chubby but not unhealthy fat/obese.
Good thread, I swear I've been saying shit like this for years.

-Men do this too. Back when I had a hairline ( :feelsrope:), there was always the occasional faggot barber who would push it WAY back unnecessarily. Men are constantly trying to one up each other but we tend to be more obvious about it.

-This is one of the reasons gigastacies often have no female friends. Other women despise them because they suck up all the attention in the room.

-I've noticed a lot of people who probably feel they can't compete along gender normative lines embrace "queer" culture. "If you can't beat them, join them". There's a subtle acknowledgement that all women are competing for the same handful chads so it's not even worth the effort the femme-maxx. Much easier to queer-maxx and go for the gay chads who are into that weird shit. Also the obvious lesbian cope. Licking snatch cuz no chad.

"Oh my god your ass is SO FAT!" :foidSoy:

cause a good hair can boost your smv by 0.2 to 0.5, finding a good barber is hard. i look like a downy retard with short hair.

foids are vicious to each other, land whales get picked the hardest.
cause a good hair can boost your smv by 0.2 to 0.5, finding a good barber is hard. i look like a downy retard with short hair.

foids are vicious to each other, land whales get picked the hardest.
Some land whales turn into bullies, the big fat ugly Manish mean ones lol.
cause a good hair can boost your smv by 0.2 to 0.5, finding a good barber is hard. i look like a downy retard with short hair.

foids are vicious to each other, land whales get picked the hardest.
0.2 to 0.5? If you photoshop male models to make them balding, they go from 9 to 4. Some dude here has a balding Chico avatar I believe.
I'm not in Poland but close.
I also don't want to wageslave again.
Seeying huge tits near you is depression inducing unless you can touch them and see them naked
You a slavcel too?
0.2 to 0.5? If you photoshop male models to make them balding, they go from 9 to 4. Some dude here has a balding Chico avatar I believe.
whos this chico nigga?
0.2 to 0.5 was for hair cut not balding, ofc balding ruins your smv
imagine johnny sins with hair he would be a giga chad
whos this chico nigga?
0.2 to 0.5 was for hair cut not balding, ofc balding ruins your smv
imagine johnny sins with hair he would be a giga chad

From Chad to Melvin because of hair.
I remember blonde with huge tits from work. As far as I remember, she always walked alone.
She had really big tits and pretty face and was somewhat chubby but not unhealthy fat/obese.
WTF is wrong with women
There’s a reason most societies globally that functioned historically restrained their worst inclinations and behaviors in reasonable ways. I don’t even say that hypocritically. Societies also restrained men too the problem is today we only restrain men.

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