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Short+brown= most br00tal combo. Is there anything worse?



Dec 26, 2020
I am not even deformed or recessed but I am 5'6 with skin darker than the average ethnic around me. It's endless frustration looking like a walking dirt stain everywhere I go and looking so puny and pathetic, especially next to white people. I feel uglier than men i facially mog because that's how much of a failo shitskin is in spic cultures.

Any other ethniccels share this plight? I feel like most of the ethnics here still racemog jfl -- i was truly dealt a shit hand from God.
Being 5,9 and skinny (110>) is way harder
I hate being Mexican because American think all central and South Americans are all Mexicans
I hate being Mexican because American think all central and South Americans are all Mexicans
I am not even mexican tbh my parents are from central america, I look more ethnic than the average spic around me which are actually mexicans.

I run into castizos alot and it's brootal, I can tell they know they are aesthetically superior. in spic and other shitskin cultures, if you come out light skinned then you are immediately higher status, you succeed alot more than just dating but getting jobs, being respected, not being bullied, etc etc. Youre ego gets massively inflated as a lightskin in darkie communities
yea we basically look like a small turd tbh.
I'm asian so I look like the stereotypical small loser asian in front of the avg person.
I am not even mexican tbh my parents are from central america, I look more ethnic than the average spic around me which are actually mexicans.
Fuark brutal, you can't even get by with Mexican clout. Mexicans treat Central Americans like shit
Ugly, autistic, short and white is the worst possible combination. At least for dark ethnics such as dark spics and curries you are expected to be ugly and short while being ugly and short as a white guy is less common.
high inhib
5'3 browncel
there's little you can do about it, even gymmaxxing and wearing fitting clothes (I can get away with shopping in the kids' section :lul:) won't improve your appearance.
females (and males) mock you for existing and say you're overcompensating if you do anything about it
this is also the worst case for whites

gymmaxxing and wearing fitting clothes (I can get away with shopping in the kids' section :lul:)l

you r the same size as kids, despite being an adult

That’s fucking brutal
Short + ginger + NW6 + glasses + disabled like me
Just bleach your skin, if you don't want to stand out.
Ugly, autistic, short and white is the worst possible combination. At least for dark ethnics such as dark spics and curries you are expected to be ugly and short while being ugly and short as a white guy is less common.
“Expected to be ugly”.
No one wants to spawn out as ethnic, so it is still worse.
Ugly, autistic, short and white is the worst possible combination. At least for dark ethnics such as dark spics and curries you are expected to be ugly and short while being ugly and short as a white guy is less common.
i dont think either of them have it easier
Lmao what??? you just eat alot more. For manlets there is legit nothing u can do lol. You are in la la land.
Yeah, I hope that dude is trolling. In before someone comes along saying "it's so hard being 6'2 and white if you have a really good metabolism and never put on weight"
Ugly, autistic, short and white is the worst possible combination. At least for dark ethnics such as dark spics and curries you are expected to be ugly and short while being ugly and short as a white guy is less common.
I am more ethnic looking than your standard spic, and spics are arguably more racist than the modern day cucked whites. Imagine being given a nickname based on your ugly trait and that's what ppl went with most of your life. You whites have no clue how good u have it.
5'3 browncel
there's little you can do about it, even gymmaxxing and wearing fitting clothes (I can get away with shopping in the kids' section :lul:) won't improve your appearance.
females (and males) mock you for existing and say you're overcompensating if you do anything about it
yep i always wear somewhat baggy ish clothing at the gym and everywhere else I go. I am built like a square jfl it's awkward looking as fuck

I remember a time in high school where I was compared to painters and construction workers if i had something like a stain on my clothing. Total beaner pheno= 0 smv
I'm 3 standard deviations below the average height for my age and location, I have hyperopia, and I have dark triad traits. But, I'm white, my IQ is significantly above average, I'm about an 8/10 in the face, I'm neurotypical and I'm unlikely to ever bald due to genetics. Being good looking and smart is only good for yourself if you get heightmogged by a 13-year-old boy.
Not really, no
I rather be avg white guy sitting at 5'10 but bald than a 5'5 brown af ethnic with full head of hair.

It's about the sum of the traits
both can't see a real life vagina in their lifetime
I am not even deformed or recessed but I am 5'6 with skin darker than the average ethnic around me. It's endless frustration looking like a walking dirt stain everywhere I go and looking so puny and pathetic, especially next to white people. I feel uglier than men i facially mog because that's how much of a failo shitskin is in spic cultures.

Any other ethniccels share this plight? I feel like most of the ethnics here still racemog jfl -- i was truly dealt a shit hand from God.
Being tall and good looking is so hard, boyos:

I never know if foids are into my pERsonality or just want my spERm for breeding purposes.
@Ron.Belgrade and i are both 6ft+ and white we beat gypsies daily
@Ron.Belgrade and i are both 6ft+ and white we beat gypsies daily
no height for your autism

(also death to gypsies)

(literally niggers but worse)
do gypsies even have good looking foids??
they are mostly in romania right?
Yes but there are also in the balkans they are literal subhumans the most disgusting smelly shitskins basically turkey
Yea we hate them a lot
do gypsies even have good looking foids??
they are mostly in romania right?
they crossdress as muslims with hijabs it's terrible


yes mostly in bulgaria/romania but they appear everywhere in europe

true pesticide
Yes but there are also in the balkans they are literal subhumans the most disgusting smelly shitskins basically turkey
Yea we hate them a lot
but doesnt turkey have slutty foids??
smelly cant be worse than shitskin curries from india

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