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Blackpill SCIENTIFIC PROOF that the order of importance is: Race > Height > Face > Money

Race > Height > Face > Money

- Being Asian costs you $247,000 extra per year compared to a white guy.
- Being 5'7" costs you $150,000 extra compared to a 5'11" guy, or $180,000 compared to a 6'2" guy.
- Being bottom 10% facially costs you $40,000 extra compared to an average guy or $186,000 compared to a top 10% guy.

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest 10% of men up to the performance of the top 10% most handsome men.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.

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Did you even take into account the baseline cost? Like "0" meant 62,500 in all the categories.
High IQ as fuck thread
Did you even take into account the baseline costs? Like "0" meant 62,500 in the race category.

Yes. As I said, "If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy."

Because: 437,000 + 62,500 = 499,500

Compensating with money for deficiencies in race/height is almost impossible. Compensating for a poor face is more feasible. A bottom 10% face only costs you $40,000 more than an average face. Of all the deficiencies, it is the best bargain. Though of course it's still harsh.

Women live for tall white guys. I have maybe met one or two dorky tall white guys who had trouble with women in my entire life. Every other tall white guy has gotten easy sex.

Being tall and white are the two most important things, and very expensive to try to compensate for. Almost impossible.
Yes. As I said, "If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy."

Because: 437,000 + 62,500 = 499,500

Compensating with money for deficiencies in race/height is almost impossible. Compensating for a poor face is more feasible. A bottom 10% face only costs you $40,000 more than an average face. Of all the deficiencies, it is the best bargain. Though of course it's still harsh.

Women live for tall white guys. I have maybe met one or two dorky tall white guys who had trouble with women in my entire life. Every other tall white guy has gotten easy sex.

Being tall and white are the two most important things, and very expensive to try to compensate for. Almost impossible.
Oh my bad, I didn't read what you wrote below good enough. I'm a Lazycel.
Time to start betabuxxing

proves once again that asian girls are best/easiest/carefree-est for white guys who want carefree dating/life, good match
The next time I see another JBW denier start talking about how being white doesn't matter, I want you to remember: your white skin alone is worth $247,000 per year to white women (and $271,000 per year to Asian women) so shut the fuck up.
@SergeantIncel Pin this.
Although I can't believe that being a turbo manlet is worse than being deformed. It gotta be exponentially higher for the bottom .0001% of faces.
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I just realized the analysis becomes even more brutal when you look at it over a lifetime.

For example, it costs an extra $247,000 per year for an Asian man to get a white girl. If you imagine traditional marriage at 30, and working until 65, this means a white foid would rather give up $8.65 MILLION than spend those years with an Asian guy.

Just LOL at how much women hate us nonwhites. The lifetime tally goes way over $10-15 million once you start throwing in things like being 5'7" or being subpar facially.

ie. Fucking a tall white guy is literally worth tens of millions of dollars to women.
So based upon this, if I moneymaxxed I could compensate for my face? Of course, this is a fantasy as I'd be lucky to get hired for a minimum wage job(I'm a fuckup), but if I did have a 6 figure salary I guess I could theoretically ascend?
So based upon this, if I moneymaxxed I could compensate for my face? Of course, this is a fantasy as I'd be lucky to get hired for a minimum wage job(I'm a fuckup), but if I did have a 6 figure salary I guess I could theoretically ascend?
ascend as a betabux.
@13k thoughts?
@SergeantIncel Pin this.
Although I can't believe that being a turbo manlet is worse than being deformed. It gotta be exponentially higher for the bottom .0001% of faces.
I definitely think many foids would date a tall deformed male over a 5'1 man, because the tall guy makes her "feel protected." She can have him beat up the turbomanlet.
This sounds ridiculous and unachievable. If these studies are real, then it's definitely OVER. Also, this is just for being in a relationship and not even guaranteed regular sex lmao. Fuck that betabux life. I'd rather be a homeless gigachad so women will cater to me and pay me to fuck.

Financial wealth isn't correlated to sex appeal.
Actually it is, but only for notoriously rich men who are already 5+ lookswise.
Hard to believe. I think SOLELY looks (face, frame, and height) turns on a woman. Not money. Money is more of a relationship stabilizer but does not spark the animalistic attraction in women. Just my opinion.
Hard to believe. I think SOLELY looks (face, frame, and height) turns on a woman. Not money. Money is more of a relationship stabilizer but does not spark the animalistic attraction in women. Just my opinion.
I agree.

face is everything. brad pitt could be homeless, tom cruise is a manlet but still attractive despite his crazy scientology
I think SOLELY looks (face, frame, and height) turns on a woman. Not money. Money is more of a relationship stabilizer but does not spark the animalistic attraction in women. Just my opinion.
I agree. The money makes a male more of a potential mate, only due to provider purposes. A rich Danny Devito looking guy does not make a woman rub her clit furiously at night, but she'll definitely marry him to leech his wallet. A lot of studies tend to conflate "likelihood to get married" with "sex appeal."
Such an easy block for me
Hard to believe. I think SOLELY looks (face, frame, and height) turns on a woman. Not money. Money is more of a relationship stabilizer but does not spark the animalistic attraction in women. Just my opinion.

Shkreli had a new flock of young foids trying to get with him, every single day.
So again, you have to be 5+ or normie-tier, and be notoriously rich.
Lol, stop this scientific bullshit, the personal anecdotes from IT users are far more reliable.
JFL at all these butthurt damage controlling cumskins.

Inceldom is an ethnic problem, always has been.
JFL OP, you know that is to be accepted as betabux, not for true love you know:feelsrope:
I just realized the analysis becomes even more brutal when you look at it over a lifetime.

For example, it costs an extra $247,000 per year for an Asian man to get a white girl. If you imagine traditional marriage at 30, and working until 65, this means a white foid would rather give up $8.65 MILLION than spend those years with an Asian guy.

Just LOL at how much women hate us nonwhites. The lifetime tally goes way over $10-15 million once you start throwing in things like being 5'7" or being subpar facially.

ie. Fucking a tall white guy is literally worth tens of millions of dollars to women.
OP. how bad is it for sandcels?
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Just realized this doesn't even include currycels and sandcels, ITS THAT BAD gentlement
brutal, absolutely brutal
u are right too
that 250k is for BETABUX, not enough for to be loved
you can NEVER close that gap, not even by MONEY

Never began
Never even going to begin unless we get race transplant (idk how tf tho):feelscry:
These are stats for Long term relationships/betabux. You would think face would be more important than height though. Strange results
I keep thinking, "Damn, it's nice to be white!" But then I wonder, "Wait, so then why am I still involuntarily celibate?"

Someday maybe I'll figure it out.

I'd be interested to see how age played a part in this too - ie how much money would it take a 50 year old to be attractive to a 20 year old. I wonder because I am getting long-in-the-tooth myself, and I really want young girls... well, I guess it's all a fantasy anyway. :(

It'd actually be interesting to do this with all types of things; like by city, body fat percentage, education, etc.
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why is this shit pinned? the mods on here are getting so much more fucking retarded, they claim to not like racebait but then pin a post that condemns white incels. Jfl
why is this shit pinned? the mods on here are getting so much more fucking retarded, they claim to not like racebait but then pin a post that condemns white incels. Jfl

Truth doesn't equal bait, low-IQ faggot.
The next time I see another JBW denier start talking about how being white doesn't matter, I want you to remember: your white skin alone is worth $247,000 per year to white women (and $271,000 per year to Asian women) so shut the fuck up.
White skin is worth far more than that because you can give your hard-earned riches to some white whore, and she's still going to fuck Chad/Tyrone behind your back as much as she can get away with.

The problem is that you are not Chad/Tyrone.
Just realized this doesn't even include currycels and sandcels, ITS THAT BAD gentlement

Never even going to begin unless we get race transplant (idk how tf tho):feelscry:

Yep, currycels aren't even on the radar. Even $1Billion wouldn't be enough for a Stacy to fuck a curry.
White skin is worth far more than that because you can give your hard-earned riches to some white whore, and she's still going to fuck Chad/Tyrone behind your back as much as she can get away with.

The problem is that you are not Chad/Tyrone.


Every white is a Chad in the eyes of ethnic foids.
Truth doesn't equal bait, low-IQ faggot.
keep coping, boyo. wnat the truth? foids are repulsed by you because your fucking ugly not because of oyur background. i wonder how the millions of fucking arabs and south easte asians get laid? i wonder boyo, clearly china with 1bil population do not fuck at all
keep coping, boyo. wnat the truth? foids are repulsed by you because your fucking ugly not because of oyur background. i wonder how the millions of fucking arabs and south easte asians get laid? i wonder boyo, clearly china with 1bil population do not fuck at all

Muh high population.

No MENAcel is getting laid in this post Tinder world.
I swear you are THE DUMBEST poster on this forum if you are not deliberately trolling.

OP isnt baiting, just stating results of a STUDY, without even adding his own commentary. what part in his post "condemns" whitecels ?

You are as dumb as IT posters "Ive seen an ugly dude with a hot gf today, your looks theory destroyed. all those scientific studies you present mean nothing because of muh anecdotal personal experience"
suck off its over some more
horribly low IQ thread. high iq premise, but conclusion is complete bullshit.

Face > Height > Money
Race affects Face, Height and Body so you can put it first if you want.

Seems you just looked at how being the worst in a category affects you, what about being the best in a category? smh.
horribly low iq post.

"Face > Height > Money"
based on what source ? your ass.

>Seems you just looked at how being the worst in a category affects you, what about being the best in a category? smh

translation: "I dont have enough cognitive ability to comprehend stats and graphs"

Literally common sense... But I have my own information and sources that prove it.

Women can smell attractive faces when blindfolded so it clearly mogs height, dumbass. This is about attracting women not your life quality or some stupid cope like this. Women will fuck manlets if they are 10/10. Hence, all the woman still calling Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones attractive. Whereas if you make blackopsIIcel taller, it won't increase the attraction that much - girls will just think he is more dominant or has better genes but in reality they will be repulsed after he fucks them if he ever has a chance.

Your stupid "translation" MAKES no sense, there are no graphs on this page and it didn't prove any hierachy. This post just shows you how much money certain handicaps cost you in pursuing women. Surely, money should be at the top then because if you are a billionaire/millionaire, all these problems are solved? And being 5'0 costs your more than being black or white so why isn't Height more important than Race. JFL at taking a study and twisting it to support your preformed opinion.

Negative IQ OP and reply.
Yes. As I said, "If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy."

Because: 437,000 + 62,500 = 499,500

Compensating with money for deficiencies in race/height is almost impossible. Compensating for a poor face is more feasible. A bottom 10% face only costs you $40,000 more than an average face. Of all the deficiencies, it is the best bargain. Though of course it's still harsh.

Women live for tall white guys. I have maybe met one or two dorky tall white guys who had trouble with women in my entire life. Every other tall white guy has gotten easy sex.

Being tall and white are the two most important things, and very expensive to try to compensate for. Almost impossible.
How many times did i say just be tall and white
Pretty brutal but lifefuel for 5'11'' manlets
I think this thread is seriously under rating face.
LOL even if you have all that money she will still just think of you as a beta bux. Let me break down in order of importance what is important for a girl to actually be attracted to you. Face/Height/Race ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personality-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Money
I think this thread is seriously under rating face.

Definitely Face/Height are both the top qualities and they are interchangeable and at times equal. People get mixed up by thinking race is #1 because girls aren't going for asians and curries. They aren't avoiding them cause of their race they are avoiding them because their face and height is fucked up.
I think this thread is seriously under rating face.
Depends on how you look at it. In your previous post when you said,
How many times did i say just be tall and white
The reality is something like, just be tall, white, and loaded so you can get cucked and divorce raped. As has been mentioned multiple times, if you're using money to compensate for looks, it's not going to be the same type of attraction. She'll be attracted to your lifestyle and how much she can parasite off you, not your looks.
Depends on how you look at it. In your previous post when you said,

The reality is something like, just be tall, white, and loaded so you can get cucked and divorce raped. As has been mentioned multiple times, if you're using money to compensate for looks, it's not going to be the same type of attraction. She'll be attracted to your lifestyle and how much she can parasite off you, not your looks.
Depends on how you look at it. In your previous post when you said,

The reality is something like, just be tall, white, and loaded so you can get cucked and divorce raped. As has been mentioned multiple times, if you're using money to compensate for looks, it's not going to be the same type of attraction. She'll be attracted to your lifestyle and how much she can parasite off you, not your looks.

So true women prefer whites when it comes to settling down and finding a nice beta bux to fund them. But for sexual attraction women prefer black guys. Women can only truly love black guys and they love them for how they look women only care about white guys money.
Race and face is correlated though
The average white guy is most likely better looking than the average Asian guy.
>But I have my own information and sources that prove it.

what are these """source""" and ""information"" that """"""prove""""""" it. Do you even know meanings of those words ?
what you mean is your worthless anecdotal evidence against A MOUNTAIN OF studies, polls, surveys, experiments.

>And being 5'0 costs your more than being black or white so why isn't Height more important than Race.

thats what I mean when I say you cant interpret numbers. You lack critical reasoning skills stemming from low cognitive abilities.

An asian would need to make additional 247k more to have same chances as a white man. But difference btw 5'10''-5'2'' is 245k.

It is better to be 5'2'' white than 5'10'' asian. Race > 8 inches of height. Height only becomes more important than race when the difference is waaaaay to high like 1ft+. if the white is like 4'10'', then yes at that point it is better to be 5'10'' ethnic than a 4'10'' white.

And where are the mountains of studies, polls, surveys and experiments that prove this order:
Race > Height > Face > Money

First of all you didn't say I can't "interpret numbers", you said I couldn't "comprehend stats and graphs because of low cognitive ability"
LMFAO. But 5'0" is the lowest height not 5'2". Why take the one that suits you best?

Second of all, all you can do is throw around some thinly veiled insults? How would you know the stem of muh "lack of critical reasoning skills"? You avoided answering the section of my post where I said this:

This post just shows you how much money certain handicaps cost you in pursuing women. Surely, money should be at the top then because if you are a billionaire/millionaire, all these problems are solved?

This post acknowledges money's importance then downplays by saying you need a lot, JFL.

It is clear you are projecting muh low cognitive ability, because this is measuring it against income needed. Just because more money is needed because of a handicap doesn't mean it is more/less important because money is an ATTRACTOR itself.
This also stems from an online dating study so of course people will be looking more for money because they want someone to provide for them - online dating is rife with golddiggers.
Great post. I hope this puts an end to all the JBW doubters.

I will add that to date another Asian, and I'm including South and East Asian (ESPECIALLY WESTERNIZED), there is absolutely an additional cost. If you're not some high level doctor/engineer/lawyer/business guy you're shit out of luck.

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