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JFL Ricemonkey says Asian men slay in Poland

not true

east asia is very advanced but i disagree about some takes on this thread ( like japan defeating western hegemony when they are american colony with korea )
Anti-colonialism itself became a thing when an Asian power ( Japan ) defeated an European power ( Russia ) in 1905.

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And even after 1945 Americans and Western Europeans become concerned with Japanese economic expansion in 1970-1980s.
While Americans would never fear military or economic threat from camel donkey lands...

Jfl. It's sounds pathetic.

Japanese literally ended western dominance in east and south-eastern Asia while Arabs suck western cock and can't even organise against Israel.
You're ignorant and unobjective.
Dude this place seems to attract the sandnigger copers lmao as if we dont know how hard they get bitched and bombed by everyone. They act like they're better when they're subhumans living in refugee camps LMAO
Dude this place seems to attract the sandnigger copers lmao as if we dont know how hard they get bitched and bombed by everyone. They act like they're better when they're subhumans living in refugee camps LMAO.
They can't even expel American troops from Iraq despite the fact that war ended many years ago.
There are still American troops in Iraq and Syria.
Even negroes can expel American troops under pressure, like recently happened in Niger.
Also, I just noticed the articles title is "made in heaven" is that where your username here came from?
Lol I had a feeling someone would ask this, but no, that's a pure coincidence.

My names comes from a Jojo stand
Isn't it ironic that people who bash east Asians for white worship so desperately try to portray themselves as whites?
It isn't, because many arabs are white caucasions. Full stop.
I'm not a pajeet Einstein.
It's just that your and others like OP race-baiting posts are of lowest quality possible.
Zero rationalism, only childish arrogance.
'Look at those subhuman Asians who worship whites. While it's we who look white :soy: '.
Don't you realise your own worship?
Yeah, I worship features found in my own race, asians worship features found in an alien race. Big difference.

Image 4
Auresian girl in a local celebration Algeria
Auresian Shawi girl Chaouia Algeria
Dude this place seems to attract the sandnigger copers lmao as if we dont know how hard they get bitched and bombed by everyone. They act like they're better when they're subhumans living in refugee camps LMAO
Has nothing to do with genetics. It's geopolitics. We see how arabs can develop 1st world countries (saudi, oman) when left alone. Niggers and pajeets cant do that.

Whatever race you belong to is undoubtedly inferior to arabs.
They can't even expel American troops from Iraq despite the fact that war ended many years ago.
There are still American troops in Iraq and Syria.
Even negroes can expel American troops under pressure, like recently happened in Niger.
Whatever shithole you belong to is 100% worse off than iraq garuntee. And this lack of comprehension abour geopolitics truly does go to show the sheer low Iq your miserable race

625b360d c7ff 49ef b247 e814413f9983
Genetic Upgrade
Anti-colonialism itself became a thing when an Asian power ( Japan ) defeated an European power ( Russia ) in 1905.

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Anti colonialism existed long before that you based retard.
And even after 1945 Americans and Western Europeans become concerned with Japanese economic expansion in 191970-1980s.
And now look at where that ended up. It was pointless fear. Jap monkeys didn't accomplish fuck all aside from turning their men into incels
While Americans would never fear military or economic threat from camel donkey lands...
Is that why they constantly fear monger about muh islamism taking over dah west? And jfl arabs are the only ones who have ever been a real threat to europeans, even @DarkStarDown admitted this himself in this exact thread.
Has nothing to do with genetics. It's geopolitics. We see how arabs can develop 1st world countries (saudi, oman) when left alone. Niggers and pajeets cant do that.

Whatever race you belong to is undoubtedly inferior to arabs.

Whatever shithole you belong to is 100% worse off than iraq garuntee. And this lack of comprehension abour geopolitics truly does go to show the sheer low Iq your miserable race

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I'm not an Asian or black so keep coping...
Anti colonialism existed long before that you based retard.

And now look at where that ended up. It was pointless fear. Jap monkeys didn't accomplish fuck all aside from turning their men into incels

Is that why they constantly fear monger about muh islamism taking over dah west? And jfl arabs are the only ones who have ever been a real threat to europeans, even @DarkStarDown admitted this himself in this exact thread.
Learn history.
The capture of Singapore was the worst British empire defeat.

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USA couldn't win against China in Korea. They also left Vietnam. While defeating Iraq two times.

And now. Show me any Arab or Muslim country.

Worlds top 10 biggest economies as of early 2024 us widened v0 57dsyregugfc1

Latest News Most Powerful Military 2022 in the World
why you suck their cocks despite you being russian :feelsseriously:
Being objective isn't the same as sucking cock.
I respect their culture and industriousness.

I'm also against low-quality race-baiting. It's understandable when people have prejudice against blacks since blacks are violent and unpredictable but when some kebab sellers shit on respectable cultures, why should I like it?
Personally, I have positive experiences from brief interaction with Asians.
Being objective isn't the same as sucking cock.
I respect their culture and industriousness.

I'm also against low-quality race-baiting. It's understandable when people have prejudice against blacks since blacks are violent and unpredictable but then some kebab sellers shit on respectable cultures, why I should like it?
Personally, I have positive experience from brief interaction with Asians.
i see

still i would simp for any race cause everyone looks down on each other
Lol I had a feeling someone would ask this, but no, that's a pure coincidence.

My names comes from a Jojo stand

Source of your name ig.

nevER seen Jojo, or that many anime tbh.
Has nothing to do with genetics. It's geopolitics. We see how arabs can develop 1st world countries (saudi, oman) when left alone. Niggers and pajeets cant do that.

Whatever race you belong to is undoubtedly inferior to arabs.
JFL keep larping online, you sand monkeys are super subhuman and weak irl. Your shitholes are weapons testing ground for Western missiles and bombs :feelskek:
Also blacks and indians can also claim the same thing about outside involvement, it's nothing special. France has screwed up the finances and economies of many West African and Central African nations hence the controversy with Chad telling the French troops to leave.

Israel is bitching Palestine and multiple Arab shitholes and yall cant do anything about it lmao yall can't be out here race baiting

I'd rather not deal with race war affairs but it would make hella lot more sense for somebody like a Japanese or French or something to talk shit because they've actually managed to achieve things lmao ancient China alone mogs anything out of sandnegro land.
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:feelskek:"Rice monkey "

Source of your name ig.

nevER seen Jojo, or that many anime tbh.
Based stand still not based as GER or KC, D4C

@Made in Heaven
Anti colonialism existed long before that you based retard.
"based retard" :feelskek::feelshaha:
And now look at where that ended up. It was pointless fear. Jap monkeys didn't accomplish fuck all aside from turning their men into incels
Shame what has befallen the Japanese; once a proud people reduced to this.

Hitler considered them to be honorary aryans/whites.
Is that why they constantly fear monger about muh islamism taking over dah west? And jfl arabs are the only ones who have ever been a real threat to europeans, even @DarkStarDown admitted this himself in this exact thread.
And as per my previous communications, it's why I prefer East Asians to Sands & consider them superior/better: Not to mention, aside from Central Asian Turks, East Asians don't follow Pisslam & many don't follow Cuckchristianity either.
Has nothing to do with genetics. It's geopolitics. We see how arabs can develop 1st world countries (saudi, oman) when left alone. Niggers and pajeets cant do that.
I concede that while the (((governments))) in Western countries have contributed to the MENA region being destabilized, you do have to admit in some ways it is Arabs/MENAs fault: You don't think the US & other governments tried to subvert & destabilize China? Absolutely we have, yet China is as strong as ever.
@Rabbi Schneerson thoughts?
Polish women are no different from any western femoid. People talk about Poland like its completely closed off from all (((American influence))) but it isn't. Polish women are nasty degenerates.
They aren't white in the same way white nations are 'white'.
Still white caucasion
Some east Asians look pale and 'white', this doesn't really makes them white.
It does. They are WHITE ASIANS, just like how malaysians are brown asians.


I'm not an Asian or black so keep coping...
So, like I said, you're a pajeet.
Learn history.
The capture of Singapore was the worst British empire defeat.

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1 victory doesn't undo the mass butt rape chinks suffered by europeans. It's called the century of humiliation for a reason
USA couldn't win against China in Korea. They also left Vietnam. While defeating Iraq two times.
USA couldn't win against Afghanistan either. They also left

How can they defeat Iraq when they weren't even fighting them.
And now. Show me any Arab or Muslim country.

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Economy has fuck all to do with anything being discussed.
Our numbers are low, and what does military strength have to do with genetic superiority? You trying to say pajeets are better than japan? Also I just know this chart is bullshit since Japan has no actual army JFL

Source of your name ig.

nevER seen Jojo, or that many anime tbh.
It's a good show. All the main characters are white or hapas:feelsokman: The 5th main character is even italian

JFL keep larping online, you sand monkeys are super subhuman and weak irl.
That's why we have defeated Europeans and Mongols throughout history despite our tiny numbers.
Your shitholes are weapons testing ground for Western missiles and bombs
This is brutal and true unfortunatley. We are the #1 opposition to jewish world order, unlike whites and blacks who work alongside them.
Also blacks and indians can also claim the same thing about outside involvement, it's nothing special.
Nope, it's not the same thing, because niggers and pajeets have never achieved 1st world countries. Meanwhile, Saudi, Oman, UAE are some of the safest, well off countries in the world. And Turkey/Iran have comparable living standards to Eastern European countries.
France has screwed up the finances and economies of many West African and Central African nations hence the controversy with Chad telling the French troops to leave.
OK, what's your point? This also applies to North African Arab countries too like Algeria and Moroccoa, arguably even moreso.
Israel is bitching Palestine and multiple Arab shitholes and yall cant do anything about it lmao yall can't be out here race baiting
Where was I racebaiting?
I'd rather not deal with race war affairs but it would make hella lot more sense for somebody like a Japanese or French or something to talk shit because they've actually managed to achieve things
Japs are a dying race that get cucked by foreigners left and right. Look up any racemixed person in Japan, and they almost always have a foreign father/japanese mother. Because while ricecucks are killing themselves in forests and masterbating to tentacle porn, japanese women are getting creampied by iranian immigrants. Nothing to be proud of.


And I wouldn't be praising the French, a self-suicidal cuckhold race that have enshrined in their LAWS that parenity tests are illegal and that abortions are in their constitution. There will be no French race in the near future, you can damn well count on it. It will be a land full of Nafris and Niggers.


lmao ancient China alone mogs anything out of sandnegro land.
LMAO! Such delusions.
Shame what has befallen the Japanese; once a proud people reduced to this.

Hitler considered them to be honorary aryans/whites.
Japs need to ally with China if they want to exist in the future, they need to stop being goys to america.
And as per my previous communications, it's why I prefer East Asians to Sands & consider them superior/better
Right, but to be fair, the main reason is due to geographic distance. I'm sure asians would have also posed a threat if they lived closer to Europeans. We saw this somewhat with Mongols.
Not to mention, aside from Central Asian Turks, East Asians don't follow Pisslam & many don't follow Cuckchristianity either.
ok, well, I disagree, but arguing religion is pointless here.
I concede that while the (((governments))) in Western countries have contributed to the MENA region being destabilized, you do have to admit in some ways it is Arabs/MENAs fault: You don't think the US & other governments tried to subvert & destabilize China? Absolutely we have, yet China is as strong as ever.
I don't think comparing it to China is fair comparison at all. Aside from the sheer difference in populations between China and MENA, America never gave much of a shit about China up until a few decades ago, they were more concerned with Japan back in the 80s. Look how recent China's rise has been.


Whereas with MENA, there was always been a constant interest in the region due to oil, defending israel, trade routes like the suez canal, etc. And that has been going on for 100 years, obviously far FAR longer than they have ever had interest in China.

That said, the bottom line is this: If a bunch of Natufian-mixed Arabs can make 1st world countries, then by race realism rules, the more Aryan-mixed, more Anatolian-mixed Arabs of Syria/Iraq/Palestine, would naturally ALSO be able to make 1st world countries if they weren't under constant attacked.
That's why we have defeated Europeans and Mongols throughout history despite our tiny numbers.
If you're referring to a defeat of Mongols by Egyptians in 1260 or 1261, this wasn't full-fledged Mongolian army.
Also Arabs failed to defeat an Eastern Roman empire despite fighting for many centuries.
Our numbers are low, and what does military strength have to do with genetic superiority? You trying to say pajeets are better than japan? Also I just know this chart is bullshit since Japan has no actual army JFL
Egypt has more than 100 million population.

India is strong by numbers with 1.4 billion population. It makes more sense to compare countries with similar populations. Egypt has 105+ million population while Japan has 124 million population so they are in the same 'league'. But Japan mog Egypt in everything. Also Japan has self-defence forces and military industry.
thread about ricemonkeys slavmaxxing turned out to be full flegged sand rice war

Japs need to ally with China if they want to exist in the future, they need to stop being goys to america.
Agreed, not to mention, it would correlate with my ethnonationalist views which I would have for Europe/White countries: Megastates won't work(as we see with Shitmerica & even Russia), however, all "brother" nations as I term them should be bound together by some greater force of sorts, which encourages social & economic co-operation.

@Biowaste Removal
Right, but to be fair, the main reason is due to geographic distance. I'm sure asians would have also posed a threat if they lived closer to Europeans. We saw this somewhat with Mongols.
Fair enough: However, you cannot deny that the "collective consciousness" in both
ok, well, I disagree, but arguing religion is pointless here.
And I will make some threads on religion in the future....boy I just know those will be a warzone, but not as bad as racewar/racebait threads.
I don't think comparing it to China is fair comparison at all. Aside from the sheer difference in populations between China and MENA, America never gave much of a shit about China up until a few decades ago, they were more concerned with Japan back in the 80s. Look how recent China's rise has been.

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Whereas with MENA, there was always been a constant interest in the region due to oil, defending israel, trade routes like the suez canal, etc. And that has been going on for 100 years, obviously far FAR longer than they have ever had interest in China.

That said, the bottom line is this: If a bunch of Natufian-mixed Arabs can make 1st world countries, then by race realism rules, the more Aryan-mixed, more Anatolian-mixed Arabs of Syria/Iraq/Palestine, would naturally ALSO be able to make 1st world countries if they weren't under constant attacked.
Fair enough points here: I've had some interest in Saddam & Ba'athists, since in a way, it's somewhat similar to National Socialism in a sense.
I wouldn't know as I've never been to Europe or Poland but my life experiences has taught me that slav foids are noticeably more open to dating men of color than anglo foids.

This is undeniable because I have seen it over and over again throughout my life. Through co-workers, acquaintances, etc... Also south american foids are noticeably open to dating asian men as well much more than American foids.

Its only when you go to America/Other anglo countries where you have this extreme mockery of Asian men.

I've seen slav foids with both black and asian men consistently throughout my life.

As far as who mogs who, I think OP is coping hard. I believe White passing MENA and Indian men mog Asian men but otherwise, it has been shown that MENA men rank just slightly above Indian men and Indian men are dead last.
I wouldn't know as I've never been to Europe or Poland but my life experiences has taught me that slav foids are noticeably more open to dating men of color than anglo foids.

This is undeniable because I have seen it over and over again throughout my life. Through co-workers, acquaintances, etc... Also south american foids are noticeably open to dating asian men as well much more than American foids.

Its only when you go to America/Other anglo countries where you have this extreme mockery of Asian men.

I've seen slav foids with both black and asian men consistently throughout my life.

As far as who mogs who, I think OP is coping hard. I believe White passing MENA and Indian men mog Asian men but otherwise, it has been shown that MENA men rank just slightly above Indian men and Indian men are dead last.

it has been shown that MENA men rank just slightly above Indian men and Indian men are dead last.
Suifuel for @Made in Heaven

I don't believe that tbh, source?

And as someone who lives in Shitmerica as you do, I will say White Amerimutt whores are quite open to dating men of other races, especially Gen-Z sluts.
Suifuel for @
Made in Heaven
@Made in Heaven

I don't believe that tbh, source?
It's bullshit, the average white american has no idea what an arab looks like. I've argued this with other users YEARS ago when they would site american-based statistics about arabs being undesirable to white women

FFS, there was a user on this forum who genuinley thought the pakis in britiain were "arabs" JFL. @damagedbaffled. And if a redpilled person like that can be ignorant about racial appearance, that would apply even moreso to normies

It's bullshit, the average white american has no idea what an arab looks like. I've argued this with other users YEARS ago when they would site american-based statistics about arabs being undesirable to white women

Question for you: do you think you could pull some form of JBW/betabuxxing in Indonesia? You are a White-passing/lighter MENA, and you have a religious connection to a lot of the people there, which to me at least objectively gives you a better shot than myself or another Whitecel here.

Firstly, Americans are not the most intelligent people, and I say that as someone who lives here & is sadly a Shitmerican.

Secondly, I would also say that a lot of it has to do with the fact that due to the "war on terror" Arabs/MENA have a very negative appeal & halo around them: For example, look at that South Park episode making fun of Bin Laden,

Monsters osama bin laden

-Elephant ears
-Unkempt beard
-excessive large & hooked nose
-Almost a unibrow
Question for you: do you think you could pull some form of JBW/betabuxxing in Indonesia? You are a White-passing/lighter MENA, and you have a religious connection to a lot of the people there, which to me at least objectively gives you a better shot than myself or another Whitecel here.

I have heard turkish and arab actors are popular among Indonesian and Malaysian women. Because, of Islam marrying a Turk or an arab would be the best option, because, they're an upgrade from the local ricemen.
It's bullshit, the average white american has no idea what an arab looks like. I've argued this with other users YEARS ago when they would site american-based statistics about arabs being undesirable to white women

FFS, there was a user on this forum who genuinley thought the pakis in britiain were "arabs" JFL. @damagedbaffled. And if a redpilled person like that can be ignorant about racial appearance, that would apply even moreso to normies


View: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1bcpc3a/to_dehumanise_palestinians/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Question for you: do you think you could pull some form of JBW/betabuxxing in Indonesia? You are a White-passing/lighter MENA, and you have a religious connection to a lot of the people there, which to me at least objectively gives you a better shot than myself or another Whitecel here.
Yes, I probably could but why would I want a gook wife? Unless I permanently moved to Indonesia, which I never would, as I would never curse my sons with being g brown hapas in the west
Firstly, Americans are not the most intelligent people, and I say that as someone who lives here & is sadly a Shitmerican.
Secondly, I would also say that a lot of it has to do with the fact that due to the "war on terror" Arabs/MENA have a very negative appeal & halo around them: For example, look at that South Park episode making fun of Bin Laden,

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-Elephant ears
-Unkempt beard
-excessive large & hooked nose
-Almost a unibrow
The war on terror absolutely played into decreasing the smv of Arabs in America, but like I said before, the main problem is that the average American thinks we all look like rakesh, which is far from the case.

It's why in Aladdin, the Sultan's Palace is modeled after the fucking Taj Mahal, a pajeet building made by Persians, despite Aladdin initially being meant to take place in Iraq.

Many subtle examples of this can be seen in American media, whete they conflate Arabs and indians together

Another funny example I can give you is that I was watching this italian muslim and american Christian debating some topic (I forgot what), and the american christian put on a pajeet accent when trying to mock Arabs. Lmao

Yep exactly. You also see this in debates about whether Jesus was white or not. Objectively, he COULD have had blonde hair and blue eyes, yet the average American is too stupid to realize thay plenty of levantines have those traits. I have seen probably at least a dozen random lebanese people who have blue eyes or blonde hair just randomly living my life. Yet Americans are convinced we all look brown.

Even ignoring blonde hair or blue eyes, most levant and northern arabs have a more mediterranean look to them
071f1302 42c7 48a8 85bd cf9c15298bbf
16510a38 59d0 475e 8c30 1d3b4ab04bb9
Egypt has more than 100 million population.

India is strong by numbers with 1.4 billion population. It makes more sense to compare countries with similar populations. Egypt has 105+ million population while Japan has 124 million population so they are in the same 'league'. But Japan mog Egypt in everything. Also Japan has self-defence forces and military industry.

East India Company (UK) had huge interests in China during the Century of Humiliation and managed to steal a few port cities but not full scale subjugation and installation of puppet rulers which is what happened in the Middle East today. Europeans were interested in China for a long time and they still can't get to them today because of the security in place, one of them being the massive firewall.

Population makes no sense as an excuse, 400 million Arabs vs 400 million West Europeans (America and its allies) sounds like a fair fight.

Japan managed to defeat Russia after the Meiji Restoration and they had 1/3th of the population of the Russian Empire at the time.
Yep exactly. You also see this in debates about whether Jesus was white or not. Objectively, he COULD have had blonde hair and blue eyes, yet the average American is too stupid to realize thay plenty of levantines have those traits. I have seen probably at least a dozen random lebanese people who have blue eyes or blonde hair just randomly living my life. Yet Americans are convinced we all look brown.

Even ignoring blonde hair or blue eyes, most levant and northern arabs have a more mediterranean look to them
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They don't even know Middle eastern Christians exist. So you shouldn't be surprised
There are still American troops in Iraq and Syria.
The Syrian US soldiers are stealing oil. But this is a moot point, cause you can say the same about Japs and Germany. Japs tolerate as their foids get raped by BBCmaxxed army bros, and Germans are sending all their industry to America meanwhile lying through gritted teeth that they dunno who killed Nordstream while they pay 6x energy prices for LNG from the USA (who killed their gas pipeline)
Honestly, I look at the world today, and I see very few countries that are not cucked or backward savages in some way. Israel is perhaps the only one, as much as I would love to see them wiped from the face of the earth (in GTA). They are ethno-nationalist, have good economy, have an active apartheid system that puts them at the top (and they not even indigenous), and have a high birth rate despite being developed. I hate them, but at the same time if I woke up a Jew tomorrow I am instantly switching my political stances on everything and becoming an integrated member of the tribe while shitting on goyim. Humans are stupid cattle, the Jews are completely right about that.
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that's like saying whites fear and respect ghetto black people. that's because arabs are known to be violent and antithesis to western values like free speech. can't even burn a Quran to make a statement without get mobbed by brown people lmao.
stupid comment

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