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JFL Ricemonkey says Asian men slay in Poland

But If I said, I loved Kpop and that Japnese are Hardworking people with safe streets, then, I'm white right?
no, you'd be some middle eastern guy that likes kpop and thinks Japanese hardworking and orderly. having a good opinion of asians doesn't change your race. honestly, i don't know what you were trying to say with that statement.
Mostly because the culture negates the masculinity. I've seen many EA slay over here as long as their parents were rich so they taught them to not be cucks/studycels and be like jocks. And all thugmaxxed asians I saw slayed, like those filipino and cambodian gang in california. But all the studycels were meek and timid. Because East Asian culture rewards submissiveness and deferrence and is almost matriarchal in nature (ex the men are literally trained to wageslave and studycel from birth while , the woman does whatever she wants and raises the children to submit to her and thirsts after foreign men). East asian culture is what is cucked (except mongolia and nomads). Look at these bluepilled Uncle Rogers who are justifying "alternative masculinity" and that asians should just "statusmaxx their way out of racism". That is the mentality that leads to weakness.
All this is cope to protect your ego, vietcuck. Asians are consistently rated to have the least masculine faces, smallest dicks, least hairy (masculine trait). It's SO bad out there for ricecels that even indian men are deemed more masculine than asian men, hence many paki or indian men slaying pussy in SEA countries.

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Difference here is I'm a white caucasion. You aren't.

Everyone white worships, everyone, but, again, the difference is I have whiteness in my genes.

90% of my extended family as peach/pink skin, I have multiple relatives with hazel/green/blue eyes, 2 of my sisters are brunettes. Think that warrants enough of a reason for my case to be different than yours.

2 of my cousins and sister

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it's sad you'd post private photos of your family members, just to prove how huwite you are on a literal incel forum. no one here is impressed. it's sad and pathetic.
well that's questionable, because you haven't posted anything convincing, like some statistical evidence for example. you merely made a claim and said "it's true" and you expect me to believe you?:lul:
Russian and Finnish women marry a fuckton of turks and iraqis

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All this is cope to protect your ego, vietcuck. Asians are consistently rated to have the least masculine faces, smallest dicks, least hairy (masculine trait). It's SO bad out there for ricecels that even indian men are deemed more masculine than asian men, hence many paki or indian men slaying pussy in SEA countries.
How you gonna confuse me with the other guy. I literally saw that shit with my own eyes. Like they were walking together with their white gf and latina gf. And on social media their status. You can't tell me I didn't see what I saw a million times :feelskek: how about you go to long beach and stockton and then you go to unis in the US where there are tall rich asians and you will see for yourself. But this only happens if they didn't embrace the wageslave/cuck culture. So at the end of the day the culture is still a huge impact.
:feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

That site is a fucking joke: Somehow, it managed to be even worse than this shithole.

We also have tons of Whites on here who whilst I wouldn't say are "self-hating" seemingly are fine with mass-immigration from shitholes, which will still impact their QOL: Many here also love to throw around the epithet of "SFcel" simply just because I'm White & see the issues with multicultural/multiracial societies, when by most metrics I'd be considered "left-wing" since I support redistribution of wealth from richfags.
why you are sfcel ? it's soo bizzare while i see why are against immigration many sfcels go to far and starts worshipping muh white women, muh strong white chads :lul:

i myself at this point that while lurk race threads i stopped giving damm about polaks, whites, poorland after realizing that i will be never accepted anywhere due to my assburgerism
it's sad you'd post private photos of your family members, just to prove how huwite you are on a literal incel forum. no one here is impressed. it's sad and pathetic.
They're baby pics for a reason. But hey whatever helps devert the topic from the original point, eh?
depends how good looking you are and tall

You must be at least MTN
I'm ogrecel by face and frame but avg height. I might have like 1% niche appeal that's about it but I'm hoping it will be higher in EE
You think all white people love Asians, that's why you kept insisting that I wasn't a " white European" when I never even mentioned my race. And before, you say " well, that was because, you wouldn't say it, so I figured you were embarassed about your race" you also said that you were pretty sure, I wasn't a European because, " only browns have such hate against Asians" or something along those lines.

So clearly, you belive that white people view Asians as good and intelligent people, and when you saw that I wasn't praising you. You accused me of being "some kind of brown".
I'm ogrecel by face and frame but avg height. I might have like 1% niche appeal that's about it but I'm hoping it will be higher in EE
sadly i don't there a chance asians here somewhat are sought but only as kpop twinks
I'm not, I'm from midwest :feelskek: :feelskek: I just said that because theres a lot of thugmaxxed sea there so I think maybe they get bitches
Sea are more thugmaxxed than east asians cause...they are lower iq, just like albanians arabs and well...niggers
sadly i don't there a chance asians here somewhat are sought but only as kpop twinks
DAMN it. but I thought for example I once heard that someone who look like Fedor Emelianenko gets pussy in Russia and he ogre af I heard that once from somebody who went to russia. Like you know those mongolian wrestler thats what I look like. And I originally wanted to go there to fight in a MMA organization tbh since I am fighting cel so will that help me status-wise
brown people, like you, are more likely to worship whiteness.
I used your own words against you. I won this debate. You're Just diverting now. Even you haven't answered my questions as weIl even I can play this game. Let's start.
plenty of whites that hate asians. not sure what you're trying to say
They’re the race I dislike the least & would take living with them over Spics & Niggers, both of which i’ve been forced to be around my whole miserable life.
I used your own words against you. I won this debate. You're Just diverting now. Even you haven't answered my questions as weIl even I can play this game. Let's start.
You didn't seem to understand what he was saying you and other guy were just getting mad sperging out. reread
DAMN it. but I thought for example I once heard that someone who look like Fedor Emelianenko gets pussy in Russia and he ogre af I heard that once from somebody who went to russia. Like you know those mongolian wrestler thats what I look like. And I originally wanted to go there to fight in a MMA organization tbh since I am fighting cel so will that help me status-wise
just googled him...when i see all mma fighters, boxers i see tall robust ogress :feelswhat:

their existence is interesting they are ugly but giga NT and dominant, maybe if you are giga NT then it's not over
They’re the race I dislike the least & would take living with them over Spics & Niggers, both of which i’ve been forced to be around my whole miserable life.
I like white people like you who know the truth about the situation. I fucking hate white people who worship niggers and shitskins for being thugmaxxed yet turn around and hate on asians even though asians didn't do shit to them. That is too common
maybe if you are giga NT then it's not over
But if I was giga NT I wouldn't be incel even in the US. Because I am mentally ill non-NT. And fighting sports it only helps me a little bit, it helps me while I'm fighting, but once I relax I'm back to being socially awkward. So its still the same everywhere then :feelscry:
But if I was giga NT I wouldn't be incel even in the US. Because I am mentally ill non-NT. And fighting sports it only helps me a little bit, it helps me while I'm fighting, but once I relax I'm back to being socially awkward. So its still the same everywhere then :feelscry:
it's interesting to see at least figthers are GIGA NT everywhere, so your existence is unique
plenty of whites that hate asians. not sure what you're trying to say
Lol, nigger that's not what you said at first. You accused me of not being white, Just because, I didn't praise Asians and because
" It's browns who hate Asians so much, so you're probably some kind of brown"- your own words. You clearly belive that white men can't be critical of your race, because, even though, you may not admit it here, you chinks think you're on par with whites, that's why your projecting so much, the fact that you use" brown" in a derogatory manner proves my point. Which is ironic, that you use that as an insult, when most sea are brown.
but i think that you aren't lost cause tbh like many here..
I saw a stat about how tons of Asian males, mainly Central Asians, were the most common grooms in Russia.
it's hard me to believ ein this

it's like guys who say here that noodles throw themself at whitecels
I didn't praise Asians
no, you're overly hostile towards asians and you praise brown arabic people. of course you're not white. if you were, you'd be the first white person i've seen doing this. that's why i assumed youre brown
it's hard me to believ ein this

it's like guys who say here that noodles throw themself at whitecels

Check this out.

Check this out.
nigga i know this :dafuckfeels:

still vast mayority of russian women prefer russian men
the fact that you use" brown" in a derogatory manner proves my point
that's a you problem. seeing how you put whiteness on a pedestal, it's obvious calling you brown would get under your skin. plenty of brown people call themselves brown, they just don't regard it as an insult since they're not fixated on whiteness like you.
that's a you problem. seeing how you put whiteness on a pedestal, it's obvious calling you brown would get under your skin. plenty of brown people call themselves brown, they just don't regard it as an insult since they're not fixated on whiteness like you.
You chinks are very cunning, you keep taking words and sentences out if context. I admit I can't compete. I give up
I like white people like you who know the truth about the situation. I fucking hate white people who worship niggers and shitskins for being thugmaxxed yet turn around and hate on asians even though asians didn't do shit to them. That is too common
Yeah I've never understood that: Sure, Asians look different, are far more collectivist by nature, and tend to lack empathy but they're civilization builders, innovative, and contribute much more to society, other than shit rap music & a Mexican restaurant.

I mean, why would you hate the people are in terms of behavior are the most compatible with you? And this is why I hate the normies & foids of my race, they're completely incapable of level-headed thinking & some logic.
nigga i know this :dafuckfeels:
Brutal, I apologize brocel.
still vast mayority of russian women prefer russian men
I figured yeah: Point is, I just wanted to discern this information to show that the whole "JBW in SEA" is more to do with money as opposed to "looking white"
How you gonna confuse me with the other guy. I literally saw that shit with my own eyes. Like they were walking together with their white gf and latina gf. And on social media their status. You can't tell me I didn't see what I saw a million times :feelskek: how about you go to long beach and stockton and then you go to unis in the US where there are tall rich asians and you will see for yourself. But this only happens if they didn't embrace the wageslave/cuck culture. So at the end of the day the culture is still a huge impact.
Seems like Rices being tall is kind of a prerequisite for them dating/having a sex life, wonder if their parents give them HGH?
Russian and Finnish women marry a fuckton of turks and iraqis

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Fucking treacherous whores, I wish I could burn them on a stake(in Minecraft)

Shitmerican mayowhores are bad also, fucking ridiculous standards especially for height & wealth.

Also, I just noticed the articles title is "made in heaven" is that where your username here came from?
why you are sfcel ?
As I stated, it's an epithet which is given to Whites here who just want to live in a homogenous society, since they are more higher trust & generally better to live in.
it's soo bizzare while i see why are against immigration
That's a big reason; I also read a journal article which showed the consequences of living in multicultural "muh diverse" societies.

“People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’—that is, to pull in like a turtle,” Putnam writes.

In documenting that hunkering down, Putnam challenged the two dominant schools of thought on ethnic and racial diversity, the “contact” theory and the “conflict” theory. Under the contact theory, more time spent with those of other backgrounds leads to greater understanding and harmony between groups. Under the conflict theory, that proximity produces tension and discord.

Putnam's findings reject both theories. In more diverse communities, he says, there were neither great bonds formed across group lines nor heightened ethnic tensions, but a general civic malaise. And in perhaps the most surprising result of all, levels of trust were not only lower between groups in more diverse settings, but even among members of the same group.

In a recent study, Glaeser and colleague Alberto Alesina demonstrated that roughly half the difference in social welfare spending between the US and Europe—Europe spends far more—can be attributed to the greater ethnic diversity of the US population. Glaeser says lower national social welfare spending in the US is a “macro” version of the decreased civic engagement Putnam found in more diverse communities within the country.

Bottom line: Multicultural & multiracial societies make things worse for everyone who lives in them.

Humans just naturally feel more comfortable with their own race, it's just another fact of nature & thus the blackpill.
many sfcels go to far and starts worshipping muh white women, muh strong white chads :lul:
Hmm fair enough point here: However, I think you were thinking of bluepilled/redpilled SFcels on twitter who want to "protect muh white wahmen" when in reality, White women are a big part of the problem.

Every ideology "chad worships" though, just look at any propaganda picture from the USSR or China.
i myself at this point that while lurk race threads i stopped giving damm about polaks, whites, poorland after realizing that i will be never accepted anywhere due to my assburgerism
I can understand that sentiment, but the thing is, to other Whites you are at least still one of them: However, to non-Whites, you are short, non-NT, ugly, and White to top it all off, so your experiences will be worse.

I also don't want to see decent places to live turn into complete shitholes, that's another big reason, since I don't want my areas QOL to lower more than it is. Not to mention, I think it's kinda cucked to be just ok with watching Whites get replaced: I hate humanity in general, but I don't want it to be just Whites who suffer & die-off, I want everyone to burn in some kind of nuclear fire.
that's a you problem. seeing how you put whiteness on a pedestal, it's obvious calling you brown would get under your skin. plenty of brown people call themselves brown, they just don't regard it as an insult since they're not fixated on whiteness like you.
I'm just being objective.

@DarkStarDown who is white himself, admitted it. Anyway, this is the end
it's interesting to see at least figthers are GIGA NT everywhere, so your existence is unique
No, strikers are giga nt, wrestlers/grapplers tend to be more awkward and non-nt. Look at islam makhachev and mikey Musumeci and those olympic wrestlers. I am mainly a grappler. Makes more sense as grappling pays attention to every little detail something that only autists could succeed most at. And requires extreme amounts of focus and experience
nigga i know this :dafuckfeels:

still vast mayority of russian women prefer russian men
Do you live in russia. If so that how you would know this. I am only curious because I want to see if it was worth geomaxxing there
Arabs with light hair and/or light eyes are white, if they have light skin with pink undertones( k Shami)
Isn't it ironic that people who bash east Asians for white worship so desperately try to portray themselves as whites?
Yeah, it's genuinley amazing how they feel no guilt. I feel guilty when I merely beardmaxx, yet these gooks are out here trying to racebend

Why is this nigger pajeet always crying at me? And no, Japanese are themselves under western dominance, you dumb shitskin. Arabs mog your kind and they mog asians too. keep crying.

This. No amount of muh tech muh chayna sooperpooper 2050 will change that GOOKS want to look NOT GOOK. Northernwind needs to get that through his skull
I'm not a pajeet Einstein.
It's just that your and others like OP race-baiting posts are of lowest quality possible.
Zero rationalism, only childish arrogance.
'Look at those subhuman Asians who worship whites. While it's we who look white :soy: '.
Don't you realise your own worship?
Hmm ? are you talking about american colony who got nuked two times ?
Still mogs any gulf parasites who live off oil and can't produce anything because of incompatibility with modernity.
Islam is a cancer.
Why I see Asian languages but not Arabic?

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Again. Chink delusion, they think Genghis khan buring badghad down, is a chink win, when he wasn't even a chink. And don't a lot Asian people work like slaves in the gulf states? Just like Indians.
Genghis khan was certainly east Asian. There exists only one painting of him from XIII century made after his death.

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