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JFL Ricemonkey says Asian men slay in Poland

No it isn’t. At most its because when they think of chinks they think of mongolians and central asians their not dating a bug eyed fat chink like me
Doubt it, I'd be genuinely surprised if more than 10% of the people here even knew that there are significant differences between East and Central Asians, most normies are genuinely clueless about the world:feelshaha:.
i found some vids, but they guy always look kpop maxxed
Extremely rare. The fact that the best looking ricecels get surgery and wear makeup, should tell you something.
Why is it always delusional shitskins who think they're white that hate ricecels? You're coping harder than that sexpat ricecel, you will never be white :feelshaha:
Ricecels are hated because they have no backbone and spiritually suck white cock, yet at the same time are aroggant as fuck
No, they don't lol. Even with all that Kpooop halo, they're still treated like Bugs. I can't help but laugh, when a ricecel brings that up, as if all Ricemonkeys look like surgerymaxxed, Kpop stars.
That's the saddest part about ricecucks, the best example of asian beauty these clowns can even point to aren't even real, they're a bunch of tranny looking face mutiliated scrawny soy boys. Meanwhile this is what some random pajeet looks like. Only Uigurs, Kazakhs, and other Turks can be said to be attractive Asians, but even THEN, Turks are like 30% Iranian on average. meaning they're basically hapas.


Indians at least have caucasian skulls, so a chadpreet even though, they're rare can pass as med and escape the ethnic tax. Chinks no matter how much they bleach their skin and get double eyelid surgery will always be seen as chinks.
Yep yep yep. No matter how subhuman pajeets may be, those small drops of whiteness in them here and there is enough to elevate them above mongoloid monkeys. I have seen many pajeets in canada with medium brown skin, tall noses, and brown/hazel/green eyes. I would say the top tier pajeets even mog top tier hapas tbh. And if you want to count Afghans as pajeets as well, then the mog is even more brutal

Khaled Ibn al Waleed is associated with terrorism , Jungkook with twinky kpop artists
they're both incels why are we going after ricecels anyway imo they share the same enemy as us
lmao such delusion. Khalid Ibn Walid is a man who never lost a single battle in his life, his nickname was the "Sword of God", and back when he was a kaffer, he actually gave Prophet Muhammad trouble and bested his forces in battle. You are retarded to compare a man like that to some twinky kpop monkeys.
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Whaitu men stearu muh chinese ancient civirisation! Now we sray in eastern eulope! Asian mascurinity power!
In ancient china, iranians were often key players in the politics. Look up the Tocharians and Sogdians.
you're delusional if you think women of any race, even ethnic see ethnic men as anything more than apes or insects to not be interacted with
What race are you? JFL the average sand man mogs asians/indians/niggers by a long shot. The average sand is far more white passing, and even if a sand doesn't look white, they will still facial features more akin to whites than not. Take these few as examples, they dont look white at all, but because they still have caucasion features, they still look beautiful.


Even brown haired with non brown eyes arabs look different compared to real white people from northern Europe.
This just isn't true lmao. I don't have brown hair, and I don't have non-brown eyes. YET, I have had British WHITE NATIONALISTS on twitter accuse me of being self-hating white because they look at my PFP and see my selfie and assume I'm white like them. I'm Iraqi Arab.

Steven crowder VS some random Afghan man


Osama bin Laden's son VS Daniel Conversano, a white nationalist lmfao


No, it's not rare. Levantine Arabs often have coloured hair and eyes. That's enough for Normies to think you're white even if you have semetic features. Just watch any documentry on gaza, Syria or even Iraq, so many people have coloured eyes. Arabs are second after whites. Take off the hijabs and traditonal clothing and put them in western clothing and they will be indistinguishable from whites. A lot of the "Syrian" refugees in Europe, are nafris. That's why a lot of white people think Arabs look like Indians. Normies Thought, Hamza was Arab.
I constantly see Arabs at my mosque with white skin, light hair, and colored eyes, and most of the Arabs in Ottawa tend to be turks, syrians, and lebanese.
Doubt it, I'd be genuinely surprised if more than 10% of the people here even knew that there are significant differences between East and Central Asians, most normies are genuinely clueless about the world:feelshaha:.
This is true tbh. However, it still wouldn't change that if slavs have access to Turkics, they'd assume that Asians look the same as Turkics. I always thought this myself growing up. I have a few cousins who look Turkic/Kazakh/Uigur, and I always assumed Chinese/Japanese people looked like my cousins, only to find out those chinks and nips were far far far more subhuman than my cousins.

Jfl. Take a look at his eyes. He got surgery.
Chinks have no shame when it comes to frauding. Coloured contact lenses, dyeing their jet black Black hair blonde/brown/red, skin lightening, Red tinted lip balm to fraud causcaian lip colour, and hundreds of surgeries to look more causcaian. Also rip to her bloodline, She will raise gook monkeys
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Ricecels are hated because they have no backbone and spiritually suck white cock, yet at the same time are aroggant as fuck
They have watched too much anime, and now probably, think they look white lol.
That's the saddest part about ricecucks, the best example of asian beauty these clowns can even point to aren't even real, they're a bunch of tranny looking face mutiliated scrawny soy boys. Meanwhile this is what some random pajeet looks like. Only Uigurs, Kazakhs, and other Turks can be said to be attractive Asians, but even THEN, Turks are like 30% Iranian on average. meaning they're basically hapas.
Idk how Kpooop monkeys don't feel guilty about frauding so much. Skin lightening,(which won't change their shit yellow understand) blue contacts, dyeing their hair blonde/brown, red lipstick/lip balm to get a more causcaian lip colour.( even toned red/pink lips) and who knows how many surgeries to change their gook features. While, some boy in a refugee camp in gaza has all of this naturally jfl.
It won't matter if he is chaddam. And don't be biased here, a name like Khaled Ibn al Waleed pronounced in an Arabic accent sounds cool and warrior like. While, Jungkook ling chong sounds like shit. Stop coping
Jfl. It's sounds pathetic.
Ricecels are hated because they have no backbone and spiritually suck white cock, yet at the same time are aroggant as fuck

That's the saddest part about ricecucks, the best example of asian beauty these clowns can even point to aren't even real, they're a bunch of tranny looking face mutiliated scrawny soy boys. Meanwhile this is what some random pajeet looks like. Only Uigurs, Kazakhs, and other Turks can be said to be attractive Asians, but even THEN, Turks are like 30% Iranian on average. meaning they're basically hapas.

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Yep yep yep. No matter how subhuman pajeets may be, those small drops of whiteness in them here and there is enough to elevate them above mongoloid monkeys. I have seen many pajeets in canada with medium brown skin, tall noses, and brown/hazel/green eyes. I would say the top tier pajeets even mog top tier hapas tbh. And if you want to count Afghans as pajeets as well, then the mog is even more brutal

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Japanese literally ended western dominance in east and south-eastern Asia while Arabs suck western cock and can't even organise against Israel.
You're ignorant and unobjective.
OP go sell kebabs. 'warrior'. Jfl.
Those scum in adidas clothes from Middle East are the most pathetic scum. Literally zero.
I constantly see Arabs at my mosque with white skin, light hair, and colored eyes, and most of the Arabs in Ottawa tend to be turks, syrians, and lebanes
Kpooop gooks on suiwatch
Only Uigurs, Kazakhs, and other Turks can be said to be attractive Asians, but even THEN, Turks are like 30% Iranian on average. meaning they're basically hapas.
I have been trying to tell normies that the Mongols and Genghis khan are not gooks. He literally had red hair and green eyes.
Those scum in adidas clothes from Middle East are the most pathetic scum. Literally zero.
Look at the king of Jordan. Now, imagine, if his Father was a gook instead of Arab. He would have come out as a gook lol.
Jfl. It's sounds pathetic
How? It sounds warrior like, especially, when pronounced with an Arabic accent. Jongkook prounced in a Korean accent sounds gay af. Because, Asian languages are are soy sounding. Just like how rucecucks look like soyboys. There's a reason why nasheeds sound good, semetic languages mog.
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Japanese literally ended western dominance in east and south-eastern Asia while Arabs suck western cock and can't even organise against Israel.
You're ignorant and unobjective.
Two nukes, and Japan still worships white people jfl. Both Japan and korea are have extremely low birthrates. They're failing miserably.
How? It sounds warrior like, especially, when pronounced with an Arabic accent. Jongkook prounced in a Korean accent sounds gay af. Because, Asian languages are are soy sounding. Just like how rucecucks look like soyboys.
I don't think that Yamato, for example, sounds soy. And don't think that they look soy.

Word image 8545 1

Two nukes, and Japan still worships white people jfl. Both Japan and korea are have extremely low birthrates. They're failing miserably.
It's how you forget about North Korea which isn't worshipping anyone and is one of the most anti-western countries.
And still can produce missiles and weapons.
It's how you forget about North Korea which isn't worshipping anyone and is one of the most anti-western countries.
And still can produce missiles and weapons.
Outlier again jfl. And Asian self hatred is genetic, Kim Jong un 100% wishes he was tall and white.
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doesn't make him white. It's a possibility Khan had a mongoloid skull and monolids. Having light hair and eyes doesn't make you white.
I never said he was white. He is turkic
Arabic is poetic language. I'm not cherry picking.
could be bias. i don't know what your race is, but judging by your hostility towards asians, i think it's a safe bet you are some kind of brown.
doesn't make him white. It's a possibility Khan had a mongoloid skull and monolids. Having light hair and eyes doesn't make you white.
Arabs with light hair and/or light eyes are white, if they have light skin with pink undertones( k Shami)
He is turkic
again, it's possible he is still some sort of mongoloid since we do not have any knowledge of his skull shape. only second hand written accounts of him exist, and this is not good evidence.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/1c92rix/wheres_wes_why_poland_is_still_better_than_latin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

I really don't know how Gooks can be so delusional, they really think Slavcels are just going to sit back and let some 5'4 scrawny flat faced gook, with a 3 Inch dick come and take their women. Slavs brutally mog these chinks back to china, there's a reason why chinks have the lowest smv even below Indians, and it has nothing to do with "muh media representation". They think just because, they're a bunch of timid Little cucks who let white men come and steal their women, that everyone else must be the same lol.

And Polish/slavic women are mostly interested in Turks/arabs, because, they're Darker caucasians and look exotic to slavic foids, and let's not forget that a lot of them have coloured eyes and hair. And these copers also think that Asians do well in Columbia:feelshaha::feelshaha:.
There are videos of even some curries geomaxxing in Poland/Russia. But I have
Yet, to come across, a ricemonkey who is successful there. Chinks need to accept that they're the least casuacian looking race, and that women aren't attracted to their flat faces, monolid eyes, brown yellow skin, souless black eyes and black hair. There's no "Geomaxxing" for ricecels.
@Made in Heaven

Why is this nigger insulting other incels when he is also an incel?
Idk how Kpooop monkeys don't feel guilty about frauding so much. Skin lightening,(which won't change their shit yellow understand) blue contacts, dyeing their hair blonde/brown, red lipstick/lip balm to get a more causcaian lip colour.( even toned red/pink lips) and who knows how many surgeries to change their gook features. While, some boy in a refugee camp in gaza has all of this naturally jfl.
Yeah, it's genuinley amazing how they feel no guilt. I feel guilty when I merely beardmaxx, yet these gooks are out here trying to racebend
Japanese literally ended western dominance in east and south-eastern Asia while Arabs suck western cock and can't even organise against Israel.
You're ignorant and unobjective.
Why is this nigger pajeet always crying at me? And no, Japanese are themselves under western dominance, you dumb shitskin. Arabs mog your kind and they mog asians too. keep crying.
Outlier again jfl. And Asian self hatred is genetic, Kim Jong un 100% wishes he was tall and white.
This. No amount of muh tech muh chayna sooperpooper 2050 will change that GOOKS want to look NOT GOOK. Northernwind needs to get that through his skull

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/qFq5VcC7l2M?si=VkcY4pDm57d3o3MX

Arabic sounds masculine and poetic.

View: https://youtu.be/3SoafezhgrY?si=SaQbsgX7oasCEaqy

View: https://youtu.be/z_f7kpXW0tQ?si=4t7I2nEI1D-uz8yu

This is how gook language sounds. Only a coping gook can like this. Also, Notice, how despite the gook being lighter skinned, the Arab the brutally mogs him.

Arab is the only ethnic langugae that doesn't sound subhuman. Even iranian sounds stupid as fuck
they're caucasoid, not white. white implies their origins are from europe.
Yeah, I agree with tha. Not white, as in having European blood. Because, most mena who have light hair and eyes, still
Mostly have arab blood. But most Normies will s mistake them for white, so who cares?
again, it's possible he is still some sort of mongoloid since we do not have any knowledge of his skull shape. only second hand written accounts of him exist, and this is not good evidence.
He was probably Mongoloid. But not fully. He was a hapa.
Another looksmax fag obsessed with mogging who is a closet homosexual? Seems like it
they really think Slavcels are just going to sit back and let
Are you a slavcel, and if so, are you doing something about it? Also, would any of those women give you the time of day? Why defend them?
Arab is the only ethnic langugae that doesn't sound subhuman. Even iranian sounds stupid as fuck
Agreed. But Persian is an Indo European language. Semetic languages mog, and Arabic is the best among all semetic languages.
Are you a slavcel, and if so, are you doing something about it? Also, would any of those women give you the time of day? Why defend them?
I'm Just laughing at their delusions.
He was probably Mongoloid. But not fully. He was a hapa.
"Hapa" typically refers to half Asian. To what extent he is mixed, we don't know; we don't have DNA evidence of Khan. But judging by his geographic location, it is likely he is overall more asian than not, so to call him a hapa can be a bit of a misnomer
"Hapa" typically refers to half Asian. To what extent he is mixed, we don't know; we don't have DNA evidence of Khan. But judging by his geographic location, it is likely he is overall more asian than not, so to call him a hapa can be a bit of a misnomer
Pure Asians can't have light hair and coloured eyes.
But most Normies will s mistake them for white
no. most normies will probably view them as middle eastern despite the light features. there are other features that indicate a middle eastern origin, like big nose and excessive body hair
no. most normies will probably view them as middle eastern despite the light features. there are other features that indicate a middle eastern origin, like big nose and excessive body hair
That's assuming that they have those traits. Even with a big nose, it won't matter.
Most Normies will assume K shami is white if they meet him without, knowing, his Syrian background.
And his Syrian background will probably be a halo in his case, because, Arabic is a cool language, and many people fall in love with arab culture. It's much better then, being Asian.
no. most normies will probably view them as middle eastern despite the light features. there are other features that indicate a middle eastern origin, like big nose and excessive body hair
Maybe, it has something to do with arabs ruling certain parts of Europe. But most westerns fear and respect arab culture. Meanwhile, only Mentally ill Beckys give a shit about Asian culture.
Most Normies will assume K shami is white if they meet him without, knowing, his Syrian background.
the average syrian doesn't look like k shami.
Arabic is a cool language, and many people fall in love with arab culture.
this is obviously biased. When arabic pop culture becomes an actual thing and becomes global phenomenon, i'll believe you.
But most westerns fear and respect arab culture
that's like saying whites fear and respect ghetto black people. that's because arabs are known to be violent and antithesis to western values like free speech. can't even burn a Quran to make a statement without get mobbed by brown people lmao.

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