I really don't know how Gooks can be so delusional, they really think Slavcels are just going to sit back and let some 5'4 scrawny flat faced gook, with a 3 Inch dick come and take their women. Slavs brutally mog these chinks back to china, there's a reason why chinks have the lowest smv even below Indians, and it has nothing to do with "muh media representation". They think just because, they're a bunch of timid Little cucks who let white men come and steal their women, that everyone else must be the same lol.
And Polish/slavic women are mostly interested in Turks/arabs, because, they're Darker caucasians and look exotic to slavic foids, and let's not forget that a lot of them have coloured eyes and hair. And these copers also think that Asians do well in Columbia

There are videos of even some curries geomaxxing in Poland/Russia. But I have
Yet, to come across, a ricemonkey who is successful there. Chinks need to accept that they're the least casuacian looking race, and that women aren't attracted to their flat faces, monolid eyes, brown yellow skin, souless black eyes and black hair. There's no "Geomaxxing" for ricecels.
@Made in Heaven