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RageFuel Race Traitors MEGATHREAD

Fucking hell that noodle whore genuinely is repulsive to even look at, I wonder what this white guy even went through to even remotely find this yellow bitch attractive. What an absolute L on his part if he ever chooses to have kids with this yellow monkey

That's another thing I always laugh at when I see these WMAF couples. These asian women chase these white men because of their caucasion features, blue eyes, and light hair. Yet their sons will almost never inherit these traits, which almost always ensures their sons will end up genetic dead ends. A fitting end to his bloodline for choosing to fucka gook
yeah she looks ugly asf
some people really don't know what to do with their looks and how to get the best out of their physical appearence.
if you look like that guy you can get a girl even above your lookmatch if you try hard enough but he still went to the bottom of the bottom just for an easy fuck
yeah she looks ugly asf
some people really don't know what to do with their looks and how to get the best out of their physical appearence.
if you look like that guy you can get a girl even above your lookmatch if you try hard enough but he still went to the bottom of the bottom just for an easy fuck
For real. That guy mogs most other European men by a long shot, let alone ethnic men. Yet his gf is brown jungle gook. Let's hope it is indeed just an easy fuck and he doesn't have hapa abominations with her

Because that is something alot of white guys do. They will fuck yellow pussy but only marry and breed pink pussy
brutal fucking racepills
just was minding my own business in jewtube and i found this gem in the wild without even looking for blackpill content
i don't know if these girls are legit looking for whiteys or just fucking scammers and looking for rich guys
@Made in Heaven

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/f5vCZd_H4Lc
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>It's the year 2080
>Attractive white men have a harem of white women
>Meanwhile the rest of white men have harem of ethnic women
>All ethnic men are incels
>The white men although having harems call themselves "whitecels" because according to them they are incel because they didn't have sex with angelic superior devine white women
>Meanwhile over 70% ethnic males report that they have never seen a female human with over 30% believing that female humans don't exist
>Anyway,this was the general overview of the social dynamics in 2080
>It is common for some radical whitecels to go to extreme lengths to vow a white women
>One of he most guresome ritual to vow a white women done by whitecels is to sacrifice(kill) their harem of ethnic women to show the white female their affection
>Alas the succes rate of these sacrifical rituals is too low
>If the sacrifical ritual fails, the whitecels are left alone after which they have to rebuild their harem from scratch
>Although it takes the whitecels only around one to two months to create another harem of ethnic , the period of sexlessness of one to two months causes the whitecels to develop PTSD
>It is common for whitecels to become depressed requiring medical attention in these months of sexlessness and over 90% attempt suicde although thankfully out of these 90% only 0.000001% are actually succesful in their attempts of suicide
>Recently a new therapy to help whitecels suffering from this post sacrifical PTSD has been approved. It involves the whitecel patient being shown pictures of "white trad wife" , whatever that is.
>It's the year 2080
>Attractive white men have a harem of white women
>Meanwhile the rest of white men have harem of ethnic women
>All ethnic men are incels
>The white men although having harems call themselves "whitecels" because according to them they are incel because they didn't have sex with angelic superior devine white women
>Meanwhile over 70% ethnic males report that they have never seen a female human with over 30% believing that female humans don't exist
>Anyway,this was the general overview of the social dynamics in 2080
>It is common for some radical whitecels to go to extreme lengths to vow a white women
>One of he most guresome ritual to vow a white women done by whitecels is to sacrifice(kill) their harem of ethnic women to show the white female their affection
>Alas the succes rate of these sacrifical rituals is too low
>If the sacrifical ritual fails, the whitecels are left alone after which they have to rebuild their harem from scratch
>Although it takes the whitecels only around one to two months to create another harem of ethnic , the period of sexlessness of one to two months causes the whitecels to develop PTSD
>It is common for whitecels to become depressed requiring medical attention in these months of sexlessness and over 90% attempt suicde although thankfully out of these 90% only 0.000001% are actually succesful in their attempts of suicide
>Recently a new therapy to help whitecels suffering from this post sacrifical PTSD has been approved. It involves the whitecel patient being shown pictures of "white trad wife" , whatever that is.
Today there was a graduation ceremony at my uni, and 90% of the couples I saw walking together were WMAF couples.
i am not, studies prove everything i said. white men are lusted by all the females of the world
also i didn't just find one or two videos, i found hundreds, i am actually going to get this thread to 1k posts.

not just that subreddit but also multiple other videos from tik tok and youtube, keep scrolling and you will see them

doesn't matter, maybe some tyroones that manage to get with white females but it's still clear that white females are mostly attracted to white men themselves. also i am not black so i don't give a fuck about nigers with white women

all the users in that subreddit are just niggers themselves lusting over white toilets in DMs or white men who have fetishises.
maybe one or two real white girl.

yeah there's that sub and there's also other subs of black woman/white men and asian women/white men and all of them are full of deathnic women lusting over white men.

you don't need to, i already saw all of them and i know what are you talking about.

There are studies that show Black Men are seen as the architect of masculinity, and it's known we're the most desired globally and there's more than one or two videos to prove it. I also don't give a fuck about your post count it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

There's also videos on tiktok and YouTube of white women saying "we love you Black men" over and over, also other races of women confessing their love for Black men. look it up.

And Chad's are the only one's getting those so called women from other races. You uglyass, short ass, virgin ass, yt bois are left jerking your dicks and crying online about how hard it is to get laid(incel.is). Lol

You don't have a choice but to not care. Tyrones are going to fuck who they want when they want, with or without your approval.

Last but not least. The pictures are not for you, they're for the others. You've already admitted that you know all about the subreddits dedicated to Worshiping "The Almighty BBC." Lol
It's 35% of full sheboons who marry white men actually, there's a guy here who says it all the time for some reason

All y'all do is lie on this app. BW//wm is the smallest interracial pairing.
>It's the year 2080
>Attractive white men have a harem of white women
>Meanwhile the rest of white men have harem of ethnic women
>All ethnic men are incels
>The white men although having harems call themselves "whitecels" because according to them they are incel because they didn't have sex with angelic superior devine white women
>Meanwhile over 70% ethnic males report that they have never seen a female human with over 30% believing that female humans don't exist
>Anyway,this was the general overview of the social dynamics in 2080
>It is common for some radical whitecels to go to extreme lengths to vow a white women
>One of he most guresome ritual to vow a white women done by whitecels is to sacrifice(kill) their harem of ethnic women to show the white female their affection
>Alas the succes rate of these sacrifical rituals is too low
>If the sacrifical ritual fails, the whitecels are left alone after which they have to rebuild their harem from scratch
>Although it takes the whitecels only around one to two months to create another harem of ethnic , the period of sexlessness of one to two months causes the whitecels to develop PTSD
>It is common for whitecels to become depressed requiring medical attention in these months of sexlessness and over 90% attempt suicde although thankfully out of these 90% only 0.000001% are actually succesful in their attempts of suicide
>Recently a new therapy to help whitecels suffering from this post sacrifical PTSD has been approved. It involves the whitecel patient being shown pictures of "white trad wife" , whatever that is.
lmao only God can stop this fuckery
i wouldn’t be surprised if this was the future
i dontt want to see any white mf complain about “muh anti-white racism”
you animals run the world, enjoy it now
>It's the year 2080
>Attractive white men have a harem of white women
>Meanwhile the rest of white men have harem of ethnic women
>All ethnic men are incels
>The white men although having harems call themselves "whitecels" because according to them they are incel because they didn't have sex with angelic superior devine white women
>Meanwhile over 70% ethnic males report that they have never seen a female human with over 30% believing that female humans don't exist
>Anyway,this was the general overview of the social dynamics in 2080
>It is common for some radical whitecels to go to extreme lengths to vow a white women
>One of he most guresome ritual to vow a white women done by whitecels is to sacrifice(kill) their harem of ethnic women to show the white female their affection
>Alas the succes rate of these sacrifical rituals is too low
>If the sacrifical ritual fails, the whitecels are left alone after which they have to rebuild their harem from scratch
>Although it takes the whitecels only around one to two months to create another harem of ethnic , the period of sexlessness of one to two months causes the whitecels to develop PTSD
>It is common for whitecels to become depressed requiring medical attention in these months of sexlessness and over 90% attempt suicde although thankfully out of these 90% only 0.000001% are actually succesful in their attempts of suicide
>Recently a new therapy to help whitecels suffering from this post sacrifical PTSD has been approved. It involves the whitecel patient being shown pictures of "white trad wife" , whatever that is.
W post bro
Insanely brutal racepills. Anyone denying it is coping
Insanely brutal racepills. Anyone denying it is coping
i just found the channel of this htn white guy and most of his videos are just sheboons and brown deathnic girls simping for him, it's really mind blowing. and what's even more crazy is that i didn't even search for blackpilled content, i just found it by chance.
you can see all the deathnic girls in his video thumbnails treating him like a literal god among men
i just found the channel of this htn white guy and most of his videos are just sheboons and brown deathnic girls simping for him, it's really mind blowing. and what's even more crazy is that i didn't even search for blackpilled content, i just found it by chance.
you can see all the deathnic girls in his video thumbnails treating him like a literal god among men

Stop cherry picking. If you're going to show that then show the other race of men being simped on too.

Here is a video discussing the trend going around on social media of various foids expressing their love for BM
View: https://youtu.be/HA4MiPADaTE
how do you explain this then. and even if some women are attracted to monkeys, the same doesn't apply to others ethnicities

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/white_glorification/comments/130axhs/from_npr/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=post_title

No your dunce ass didn't try to give me a chart from a subreddit about white glorification as an credible source? That chart is biased as hell and the least credible thing you could have posted. I'm going to have fun with you, dunce. LMAO

One more for the road
View: https://youtube.com/shorts/pQMuf-tfHlo?feature=share
This entire thread is fucking suicidefuel. How the fuck is it this bad that white men can't get even get a white woman anymore? That their only option is to find a mate outside their race and inadvertently steal women from non-white incels. Brootal.
This entire thread is fucking suicidefuel. How the fuck is it this bad that white men can't get even get a white woman anymore? That their only option is to find a mate outside their race and inadvertently steal women from non-white incels. Brootal.
white women have giant SMV and they're getting their ego stroked from simps on insta and jew tok daily. they will never settle now but deathnic whores are still having a way lower smv than ethnics so they rather get with white men than deathnics.

in the end, if you're an ethnic in the west then you're the last option of a woman.
another very blackpilling video from ITV about asian women only preferring white western men.
it's not just a racepill but also a heightpill, dickpill, facepill, hairpill, skinpill and everything pill and what's even better is that he's using the pic of @itsOVER in the thumbnail of the video

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9uPDkOu5lw
I'm taking a break right at the moment.
you're just obsessed with my based thread. go post somewhere else if you don't like it
Nothing based about this cuck thread tbh

This is saying a white girl is woth an arab guy. I think you didn't read that right
Average looking Nerdy Maghrebi gets a cute white girl. Well done debunking yourself, did you even watch any of these clips

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@omarandsea/video/7234590146295909659?lang=fr

fucking cucks, his sister is getting whitened and he's celebrating this shit

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@shabsheek/video/6858998867883478277?lang=fr

There are 3 times as many Mena men marrying a white woman in the West. Also looks like he became a muslim so why do you care?

You live in Libya/Tunisia, you should be focusing on competing with other Normie Berber/Arab men in General. Me and @Made in Heaven actually actually live in the West so we know what you are saying is bullshit.
There are 3 times as many Mena men marrying a white woman in the West. Also looks like he became a muslim so why do you care?
My mom personally knows multiple white women with MENA husband's after they converted to islam. So yeah
Is that ER?
delusional retards, i already have to live in a mudslim stupid country and every ramadan i gotta act like a muslim and not eat in the public so people don't get angry and call me a murtad, imagine living in a 1st world country heaven and still worshipping some goat fucker faggot
The Murtad to being a Cuckold day-dreaming all day about white men cucking you Pipeline is real. :feelswhat::feelswhat:
@Ricordanza @AsgardTheFatcel
My mom personally knows multiple white women with MENA husband's after they converted to islam. So yeah
I read somewhere that 75% of converts in the UK are white women.
I'm taking a break right at the moment.

Nothing based about this cuck thread tbh

Average looking Nerdy Maghrebi gets a cute white girl. Well done debunking yourself, did you even watch any of these clips

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@omarandsea/video/7234590146295909659?lang=fr

There are 3 times as many Mena men marrying a white woman in the West. Also looks like he became a muslim so why do you care?

You live in Libya/Tunisia, you should be focusing on competing with other Normie Berber/Arab men in General. Me and @Made in Heaven actually actually live in the West so we know what you are saying is bullshit.

The Murtad to being a Cuckold day-dreaming all day about white men cucking you Pipeline is real. :feelswhat::feelswhat:
@Ricordanza @AsgardTheFatcel

I read somewhere that 75% of converts in the UK are white women.
ok graycel
The Murtad to being a Cuckold day-dreaming all day about white men cucking you Pipeline is real. :feelswhat::feelswhat:
@Ricordanza @AsgardTheFatcel

I read somewhere that 75% of converts in the UK are white women.
Are you @osman27 ?
white women have giant SMV and they're getting their ego stroked from simps on insta and jew tok daily. they will never settle now but deathnic whores are still having a way lower smv than ethnics so they rather get with white men than deathnics.

in the end, if you're an ethnic in the west then you're the last option of a woman.

You're the biggest cope on this site. Everybody is telling you you're full of shit but you keep going. A true dunce.
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