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RageFuel Race Traitors MEGATHREAD

I read somewhere that 75% of converts in the UK are white women.
Yeah. And 99% of the time, they marry sand or black or paki men when they convert lol
This is the kind of behavior you want to bring to the middle east with your Kaffe niggerdom, faggot
you posted a lot of times in this thread but now you're changing your opinion like a little obedient hypocrite bitch since this new larp account @Osman279 started posting, it's pathetic to see your white washing deathnic ass in my thread like this.

what even make it worse is that you're in this forum just because of your race inferiority complex, you bragged multiple times about white women complementing you when you was young.
keep seething you faggoted ethnic, you will never be a real white.
now enjoy seeing your worthless opinion being thrown in the ocean as i keep posting whatever the fuck i want
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you posted a lot of times in this thread but now you're changing your opinion like a little obedient bitch since this new larp account @Osman279 started posting, it's pathetic to see your white washing deathnic ass in my thread like this.
Niggerz where did I change my position even once in this thread?
what even make it worse is that you're in this forum just because of your race inferiority complex
Nope. I am here because I am a balding 5'8 autistic 26 year old
you bragged multiple times about white women complementing you when you was young.
Yes. When I was like 12 or 14 years old. Wow.
keep seething you faggoted ethnic, you will never be a real white
You're a cuck. Dumbass, if you can't see that Islam prevents us from being cucked like rice monkeys, then you are blind as fuck
your white washing deathnic ass
Given you live in a country of 100% deathnics why do you care so much about what white guys are going in the West?
You're a cuck. Dumbass, if you can't see that Islam prevents us from being cucked like rice monkeys, then you are blind as fuck
He has a fetish. Normal murtad behaviour tbh








Given you live in a country of 100 deathnics why do you care so much about what white guys are going in the West?
i didn't post this thread because there's whites in my country, i posted it because this is an issue that a lot of ethnics suffer from.
you will find not just arab/white couples but also asians, niggers, latinos and other ethnicities with white, this thread wasn't about me and not all my threads are about me.
He has a fetish. Normal murtad behaviour tbh
says the faggot who live in a first world country, you're not a Muslim, you're just a hypocrite deathnic living in the west and you will probably finish the rest of you life living with kafirs and under their ruling like a good abused dog.
unlike me who can enter jihad even tomorrow, i have complete power over what i can do and what i can't and having phases means shit when i know excatly how i am going to die.
How's that for evidence? If you want tiktoks, of sand men with white women, feel free to go to my tiktok blackpill megathread
God this is so fucking brutal. Confucius was right.
I thought I should have become completely apathetic to this shit after all these years, but no, every time I see a white guy bragging about his success with noodles it still makes my blood boil.
very accurate. niggers are only attractive in certain area of the world.
if a nigger is in the usa then he would have a high status and SMV but in a place like europe (nothern euro or germany) then he's dead
ofc a nigger in the middle east is a slave and in north africa no one will even interact with him but shittywood made it easier for them to date outside of race in the usa

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/phSrBF2gdOU
This was the most infamous example of a JBWmaxxer on Looksmax.org, this broke fat mentally ill (he kills cats for entertainment) white guy made his Chinese wife pay everything for him, impregnated her, got divorced and left her all because he was 6’2 and white.

@Incelius Savage
White people should not be permitted to race mix.
This was the most infamous example of a JBWmaxxer on Looksmax.org, this broke fat mentally ill (he kills cats for entertainment) white guy made his Chinese wife pay everything for him, impregnated her, got divorced and left her all because he was 6’2 and white.
View attachment 828287View attachment 828288

@Incelius Savage
It is a cheat code to get asian girls as a white man, wish it would get nerfed.
brutal bump
start tran race rn, shitskins
Post image
I remember chatting to a noodle whore in 2013 through a website. As an ethnic living in Europe, that stupid whore really thought I was blonde and blue eyed (I didn't mentioned I was an ethnic) until we exchaned our pictures. And guess what my fellow brocels: She ended the chat immediately. This was one of my very first blackpill moments.
>It's the year 2080
>Attractive white men have a harem of white women
>Meanwhile the rest of white men have harem of ethnic women
>All ethnic men are incels
>The white men although having harems call themselves "whitecels" because according to them they are incel because they didn't have sex with angelic superior devine white women
>Meanwhile over 70% ethnic males report that they have never seen a female human with over 30% believing that female humans don't exist
>Anyway,this was the general overview of the social dynamics in 2080
>It is common for some radical whitecels to go to extreme lengths to vow a white women
>One of he most guresome ritual to vow a white women done by whitecels is to sacrifice(kill) their harem of ethnic women to show the white female their affection
>Alas the succes rate of these sacrifical rituals is too low
>If the sacrifical ritual fails, the whitecels are left alone after which they have to rebuild their harem from scratch
>Although it takes the whitecels only around one to two months to create another harem of ethnic , the period of sexlessness of one to two months causes the whitecels to develop PTSD
>It is common for whitecels to become depressed requiring medical attention in these months of sexlessness and over 90% attempt suicde although thankfully out of these 90% only 0.000001% are actually succesful in their attempts of suicide
>Recently a new therapy to help whitecels suffering from this post sacrifical PTSD has been approved. It involves the whitecel patient being shown pictures of "white trad wife" , whatever that is.
Currycel moment
I remember chatting to a noodle whore in 2013 through a website. As an ethnic living in Europe, that stupid whore really thought I was blonde and blue eyed (I didn't mentioned I was an ethnic) until we exchaned our pictures. And guess what my fellow brocels: She ended the chat immediately. This was one of my very first blackpill moments.
thankfully, i never met a noodle in my life. they're the biggest race traitors and whores in the world.

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