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Blackpill Masculinity is an actual social construct and More - Studies

people do tell women all the time that they are not real women. Never heard the term "unlady-like" used to criticize the actions of women? Or women being told they arent women for their body hair, muscles, lack of naturing qualities or inability to reproduce?
My god some of you dont know how to see mens issues as completely valid in their own right without making up some shit about women to justify your thoughts lol. And then you wonder why we as a community are shunned or silenced. No one other than a couple idiots here are gonna hear you out. If you wanna make a good argument you need to at least be knowledgeable about women and the other side, unless you wanna be like tHey arEnT LisTenINg tO Us tHey dOnT cArE for the rest of your life
Cucked retard. You missed the whole (correct and high iq) point and are probably it infiltrator
Cucked retard. You missed the whole (correct and high iq) point and are probably it infiltrator
i literally linked a study about what I said in the OP which specifically mentions it.
It's the first fucking link, quote:

This article reviews evidence that manhood is seen as a precarious social status that is both difficult to
achieve and tenuously held. Compared with womanhood, which is typically viewed as resulting from a
natural, permanent, and biological developmental transition, manhood must be earned and maintained
through publicly verifiable actions. Because of this, men experience more anxiety over their gender status
than women do, particularly when gender status is uncertain or challenged.

As always, the person critiquing me reduces the blackpill to a personal issue, like my only argument is some internalized bitterness about the opposite sex. This is not about me, I only care about whats true or not, and not my personal preference. As the study states, manhood can be revoked or diminished, unlike womanhood, which is rooted in being a biological woman. My point stands, no counter was provided, case closed.
As always, the person critiquing me reduces the blackpill to a personal issue, like my only argument is some internalized bitterness about the opposite sex. This is not about me, I only care about whats true or not, and not my personal preference. As the study states, manhood can be revoked or diminished, unlike womanhood, which is rooted in being a biological woman. My point stands, no counter was provided, case closed.
The fucktard is probably a foid IT infiltrator. That’s why he/she cannot grasp the idea of abstract thought detached from personal interest.

Holy shit this idiot really compared women having muscles (which btw has entire porn sections dedicated to) to men being non masculine hence not desired by fucking anyone
Or women being told they arent women for their body hair, muscles, lack of naturing qualities or inability to reproduce?
Litterally ANYTHING you mentioned makes the woman still appreciated or sexually desired. Sometimes even MORE. There are millions of men into girls with hairs, muscles (are you even kidding me, giga tard?) while there are no girls into broke, short ugly men. Also the lack of nurturing qualities (at least write decently) never made women lose a single fucking point in the SMV if anything they are praised for that by femishit soyciety or by cucks using them as moneymistresses or shit like that.

Your whole point is stupid, invalid and lacks awareness to a embarassing level. Foids problems, especially what you cited, are litterally nothing compared to their equivalent male problems.

Go back to it, fucktard
My point is that we see such cruelty in men and women alike, and generalazing that all women must be like that and blame people that you dont know for others doings is just a projection of your sexual frustration, an attempt to feel superior to them to compensate for you sense of inferiority because you cant attract them.
You normies really struggle to understand the ideas of attacking someone for abstract reasons not becayse ME ME ME personally i have something to gain from that (ME MEME MEEE). It’s litterally like you are retarded.

What part of men defend women while women do not defend men and this creates a strong imbalance don’t you understand?

Even if i had or when i had some kind of success with women i still didn’t change my mind about them a single fucking bit. I loathe women because they would love to see me dominate other men or insult inferior men, not for my lack of capability to do so.

Abstract morality. Want me to draw for you? Is it too difficult?
Litterally ANYTHING you mentioned makes the woman still appreciated or sexually desired. Sometimes even MORE. There are millions of men into girls with hairs, muscles (are you even kidding me, giga tard?) while there are no girls into broke, short ugly men. Also the lack of nurturing qualities (at least write decently) never made women lose a single fucking point in the SMV if anything they are praised for that by femishit soyciety or by cucks using them as moneymistresses or shit like that.

Your whole point is stupid, invalid and lacks awareness to a embarassing level. Foids problems, especially what you cited, are litterally nothing compared to their equivalent male problems.

Go back to it, fucktard
even on this forum we literally have a micro-cult dedicated to muscular "amazonian" women.
Just ask @wereq and look into his server.
And I am not saying that to shit on him, because I am one of them actually. I love big women, I love fat women, I love tall women with a big frame.

Men have zero standards, honestly. And this too has been proven over and over again - look at these studies here for example:

These quotes from the second thread in particular:

  • For men, the results show that being unattractive decreases the likelihood of finding a partner, of finding a partner with a university degree, and of finding a partner with a higher educational level.
  • For women, physical attractiveness does not affect the likelihood of any of those events occurring.
  • Among women, physical attractiveness did not matter when it came to mating. The results for women indicate that attractiveness did not matter.

And women many times are just testing men, they want to see how emotionally resilient you are or how much you doubt yourself, i do it too and im not a woman. Bullying is a two edged sword, it can teach you that you dont have to atribute value to everything that is said about you and challenge you to become stronger or it can make you miserable or even physically hurt if you cannot stand up to that challenge.
I kinda expect you to be some kind of shit testing/bullyinng apologist fucktard.
Normie boomer gonna boom


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even on this forum we literally have a micro-cult dedicated to muscular "amazonian" women.
Just ask @wereq and look into his server.
And I am not saying that to shit on him, because I am one of them actually. I love big women, I love fat women, I love tall women with a big frame.

Men have zero standards, honestly. And this too has been proven over and over again - look at these studies here for example:

These quotes from the second thread in particular:

  • For men, the results show that being unattractive decreases the likelihood of finding a partner, of finding a partner with a university degree, and of finding a partner with a higher educational level.
  • For women, physical attractiveness does not affect the likelihood of any of those events occurring.
  • Among women, physical attractiveness did not matter when it came to mating. The results for women indicate that attractiveness did not matter.
I really do not know where that retard even came from with such a pathetic stupid ass comparison.

Muh women have problem too! Rich people cannot go out safely at night that means you starving bastard are suffering just like da poor rich people! You should acknowledge their problems te heeee
The difference is that women are treated far less harshly.
Can you imagine someone forcibly catching young women on the streets and forcibly impregnating them?
This doesn't happen even in third world countries. Only enemy soldiers can rape women forcibly.
While male recruits can be caught by force ( look at Ukraine ) and no one cares. Men are treated as disposable even by their own country.
Don’t even waste time with this tard. He litterally compared foids with muscles (loved litterally by anyone and with entire fetishes dedicated) to short, weak, broke incel men. IT tier faggot
As always, the person critiquing me reduces the blackpill to a personal issue, like my only argument is some internalized bitterness about the opposite sex. This is not about me, I only care about whats true or not, and not my personal preference. As the study states, manhood can be revoked or diminished, unlike womanhood, which is rooted in being a biological woman. My point stands, no counter was provided, case closed.
Just recently I have read in local news about some politician saying about another that he doesn't have a spine and doesn't deserve to bear a name 'man'.
Masculinity don't mean fighting other men
"You're not a real woman!"
Said no one ever.
Why does that only work on men?
The answer is two-fold

1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh.
2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely harms men and benefits women.

According to this study, you actually need to work constantly to maintain your status as a "real man" - Sisyphus anyone?


I will now explain point 1 and 2 a bit more in detail:

1. Why do Women have more value
a) TL;DR Water Wet, the only thing that makes a woman a woman is her looks

I don't believe in evo-psych sorry. I think it's even completely unnecessary to recount elaborate fables for certain human behaviors, when the same behaviors could simply be explained by narcissism.

Besides, the entire discussion usually slips into female-worship when you bring up evolution, because the implication that for instance "men are disposable" implies that all women are somehow 10/10 genetically perfect and healthy creatures, since the majority of them reproduce. So all women have perfect genes, and if we just let women reproduce with chads, everyone would be 10/10?

This is retarded and foid worship. Especially given that the fetus spends 9 months inside the foid growing, yet somehow only the males sperm is responsible for ALL the traits the child has? Again, foid worship because it leaves the females responsibility out of the equation. If anything the health and nutritional profile of the mother is WAY more important than DNA. Look into nutrition please, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price is a good starting point. Your looks are mostly shaped by factors such as maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, correct chewing, swallowing and breathing patterns etc.

Good article on the suppression of medical data showing that animal fats are good for you:

Neoteny in women is also often not the result of sexual dimorphism but simply nutritional degeneration. It is just not as apparent in women because women, unlike men, profit from looking neotenous. If the genders were healthy and fully developed after being raised on the correct diet, sexual dimorphism would be reduced greatly.

"Sorry sweaty its just natural selection" - so why does the majority of women reproduce? This is a simple logical fallacy, which, if brought to its conclusion, implies women somehow are more healthy, genetically superior and smarter than men. This is foid-worship, without a doubt.

So, I propose an alternative theory for why women are more valued, with a different starting presupposition:

1. Men respond to neoteny in any form, puppies, children, women with parental instinct (origin of instinct is debatable)
2. Women do everything in their power to exaggerate sexual dimorphism and increase neoteny (Esther Vilar wrote about this in her 1971 book "The Manipulated Man")
3. The mechanism (for lack of a better word) that makes men forgive women, is the same mechanism that makes men forgive a dog for shitting on the rug.

Dogs, btw, are nutritionally deficient mutants bred to look retarded and neotenous. It's literally like having a down syndrome child in your home, but on purpose. Women anyone?
3 million dog bites that need medical attention in US every year, yet nobody cares. Why? Neoteny, the dog is never blamed. If it was a hyena people would put it through meat grinder and applaud the person doing it.
It's the same mechanism that shields women from blame. It's just their looks. Stupid example to make a point: If a woman looked like a man, but acted the same, would her behavior be remotely acceptable? No, of course not -> ALWAYS genderswap in your head. Use faceapp on bitches to see what they would look like as men, then you can tell their actual nature. Some bitches look like thugs when genderswapped and their behavior always matches the looks.

So, the only thing that keeps women from getting their register pounded six days from tomorrow is their looks. Obviously.

b) INSANE female in-group bias (4.5 times the one men have, men have ZERO - study below)

Now, this one is less discussed and may come as a surprise to some here.
1. women are the only group in society that has innate in-group preference for their own gender
2. this means women naturally form a "herd" or "hive"
3. women trust women; men trust women; men fight men; ->society

That means, society is only women. Men fighting to get female validation is an attempt to get BACK into society.
ALL men are viewed as and out-group by both men and women. Every man is a stranger effectively.
The only way to get away from this, is by being accepted by women. If one woman accepts you, all do and thus, you are part of society (which is only women).
That's why people always act suspicious around single males, but not around men with women.

What that means for us is that the female in-group dictates which traits men need to display to get access to their in-group. Aka, women define what masculinity is.
As always, everything women say is projection.
Femininity is a social construct, designed to encourage certain behaviors in men by negation. These behaviors are then called "Masculinity."

Women act weak and helpless, there for its Masculine to be strong and help women (Female hypoagency).
This is also a classic manipulation tactic. The easiest way to manipulate people is by giving them what they want, because people don't question compliments (Just world fallacy + Fundamental Attribution Error).

What they do is basically pretend to be weak so the man feels empowered in his pseudo "masculinity" (which is only contingent on women liking him). That makes the man feel powerful and in charge, while she is actually in power and retains plausible deniability.

In reality, women are extremely powerful. This can not be stated enough. Women are infinitely more powerful than men. Their in-group preference alone makes them unstoppable. Imagine having 50% of society unconditionally supporting you + simps worshipping you and ready to kill another man at your order.

The reason why women project that there has to be a patriarchy is because it matches their IRL experience of life.
They constantly cheat the system by getting support from other women. They are like the mafia, but its half of society + simps as their cronies.

Additionally, women control 80% of customer spending or more, depending on sector:

View attachment 744382

This statistic alone should send shivers down your spine.
The implication here is that 40% of the money women spend comes from men, AT THE VERY LEAST.
Furthermore, women hold most of the wealth.

More studies here:

An additional study where they made men and women play an online RPG together. After some time, the women held the majority of the resources and power, while engaging in less risk taking behavior (fighting, dying, competing) -> men gave them all their resources. Even in a video game.

This means exactly what it sounds like.
4.5 in-group preference = women form a large, coherent hive-body with no individualism. This also makes them lesbian.
Men fuck each other. Up.
TL;DR of study:
1. women have much higher in-group bias for other women, communicate much more, have stronger networks to support each other - sisterhood mafia, women are jews
2. men kill each other but paradoxically trust women instantly and surrender all their resources to them
3. as result women are extremely empowered with both males serving them and providing them with resources while women take zero risks of their own
4. society. study link below.

That means, women are in total control of society on any level. They dictate beliefs, thoughts, how men view themselves, who gets big on social media, they dictate the entire market through their spending etc...
I want you to pay attention on livestreams, where the money comes from when they do superchats and shit.

I think even Karl Marx wrote that you can't start a revolution with men. You kickstart the foids first and the men follow.

It all comes down to something we all are familar with: Briffaults law
Briffault's law states:

Now, in the light of all of the above, consider the insane power women hold in society. It's truly staggering how powerless men are.
Please think about this:
How pathetic, I can't stress this enough, HOW PATHETIC is it to tell young men to "just go to the gym" in the light of this?
How absolutely comical is it to make young men participate in a race this rigged?

The biggest pill is the genderpill: IF YOU ARE BORN MALE ITS OVER
That's why "masculinity" doesn't exist outside the context of what women want, that's why you can loose it. It's a passport to society that can be revoked by women at any time. It's a conditional surrender of your individuality and dignity in favor of women.

If it isn't obvious at this point:

1. women control all the wealth, directly and indirectly
2. if you want to be successful in any way financially, you have to cater to women
3. by chasing money you indirectly support women by providing them services and further exploiting men
4. to chase money means to compete with other men for female validation, women don't compete like that, they support each other (4.5 in-group pref)
5. women act just like jewsh with their retarded-tier high in-group preference and nepotism. If you go along with this, you're a jew. A female with a male body would just be jew tbh.

Chasing money is a feminine trait. It's female centered, it serves females, it gets you female attention -> its feminine

There's a reason why it says in the Gospels, you can either serve God or Mammon, not both. A man can only have one master.

- Matthew 6:24, KJV

@lifefuel @MortonZnk @M.Yass @Med Amine @Tarquinius
this whole post is water but at least the r/inceltears retards can see that hatred towards women stems from deep inequality from the beginning and is rational. You'd have to be a complete brainlet to lose as a woman, with all the advantages they have for simply existing is insane.
Masculinity is a toxic word created by privileged men and often now used by women to blackmail their male victims.

Meanwhile, bitches fuck with pretty boys all day long(they can't even lift 20kg or 44lbs) and the masculine one goes to the gym fucking up their ankles and watching Zyzz videos on JewTube for inspirational purposes. Jfl.

Masculinity... What a toxic word.
Masculinity is a toxic word created by privileged men and often now used by women to blackmail their male victims.

Meanwhile, bitches fuck with pretty boys all day long(they can't even lift 20kg or 44lbs) and the masculine one goes to the gym fucking up their ankles and watching Zyzz videos on JewTube for inspirational purposes. Jfl.

Masculinity... What a toxic word.
on looksmax I once read this guy who said he knew this prettyboy chad who had the lowest fucking t-levels, like clinically low
and he said despite this, this guy would get tons of pussy

ive seen similar things in irl.
Dudes working out and destroying their body
and then tall lanklet with v-neck shirt shows up and just gets pussy

These memes capture it perfectly:

1. only gay guys hit on you (if you even get big - you need insertions, frame, metabolism etc)
2. nothing changes even if you get big
3. lanklet DYEL chads get all the pussy (the guy in the meme with the white shirt, I literally met a dude in the mental hospital who looked 1:1 like that, same hair, face, shirt, height. Suffice to say he was a slayer)


Besides thats, there may be health risks to going to the gym that people dont talk about. Here is something I PMed someone:

1. the recommended gym diets are all horrible and you can see it easily by how every long term gym person has shit skin and looks aged af

2. people are not working out less now than in past. they are not even eating more calories. Just look at the annual turn over rate of fitness industry in last 50 years. It has exploded from being a niche subject Most ppl just lulled at into billion dollar behemoth

and yet people are sicker and sicker, cancer and heart disease have exploded. Whatever is happening, gyms ain't helping

3. gym culture is gay, has historically always been viewed as such. In ancient times it was well known that men went to the gym to have gay sex and some gyms even had statues dedicated to exotic gods in them.
Further only naked men were allowed in gyms and Olympics.

this is why gym culture died out with the rise of Christianity and resistance sports remained an obscure activity only practiced by the few nobles and professional warriors who could evev afford the time and nutrition for such a thing.
And even they only did it because their job required it.

I think reintroduction of gym culture is an attack on the west and Christian ethics. It's a very gay activity.

4. on the health benefits.
when you question the methodology behind how you would have to do a study that proves health benefits from working out, it all falls apart.

a) you have to find a group of people that works our regularly for years. this already leads to extreme selection bias because these won't be average people at all.

b) when you measure these peoples health markers, you come in with a whole slew of blind faith assumptions about what causes disease, nutrients etc...
then you have develop a system to process these already internal flawed assumptions.
However, said system will also rest on flawed assumptions about disease, exercise and the human body.

In the end the entire research is completely worthless. Which of course reminds us of the constantly changing scientific consensus and how it has almost always been wrong in the past. Just look at doctors diet recommendations over the last 100 years.

There ate tons of legitimate researchers that propose alternative models for how the human body works, many of which undermine the mainstream consensus.

c) Everyone will agree that an unhealthy person should not exercise or only very cautuosly.
In order to successfully exercise you need to be able to sleep well, have a functioning metabolism and ideally no prior health risks from genes or conditions.

What they don't tell you is that only a tiny minority of people is healthy at any given moment. like 5%
everyone else has some sort of condition.
if you will, look up the prevalence of sleep disorders, chronic health conditions and so on.
One third of Americans has at least 1-2 chronic health conditions.
Sending these people to the gym is reckless and asking for injury.

The gym is only safe for a small subset of young people that still live in the afterglow of their youthful invincibility. Once that fades with age, the injuries mount. Most people in any given modern society are old. Not young.

Which brings me to another point: The longer you exercise the higher the risk of injury. If you do it regularly for 3-5 years, you can bank on at least one or two injuries according to stats.
I have never heard or seen a longterm gym dude who didn't experience injury, often severe injury.

Another point a friend of mine made is that there are literally zero old bodybuilders or runners. They are all dead. Normies like to Point to exceptions because they are dumb and don't get that exceptions PROVE the rule, not disprove it.

So as we can see, the gym will fuck you up long term especially.
Most people are not insane so they intuitively pick up on this and stop going to the gum within the first year. Like 80% quit in that time frame.

Remember the selection bias point I made? Think about this, when scientists study these populations, they are studying people that ENJOY going to the gym anyway. They enjoy moving their body so much they do it effortlessly for years. This means... these people were healthy to begin with!

last point:

d) mainstream science has known for decades that exercise is a horrible way to loose weight. In fact we have known this for a century.
Again, its all based on faulty assumptions like "calories in = calories out."

This completely ignored that there are 3rd world populations with no access to food that still suffer from obesity. Even I animal studies we have proved this. Some animals will not loose fat, even when starved. Their body just eats the organs until they die, with all their fat.

Fat is a hormonal thing, not a calorie issue. Shitty food fucks with your hormones so you build up fat.
It's hilarious that people acknowledge that pregnant women get fat from changing hormones during pregnancy, that men get fat and develop boobs from estrogenic foods like beer, but the second we turn to the gym it's suddenly all calories in, calories out.

If you want to loose weight, you have to change diet That's all you have to do. And that's assuming fat is even bad for you in the first place, which is another bottomless assumption.
Besides thats, there may be health risks to going to the gym that people dont talk about. Here is something I PMed someone:
That gym part seems to be a cope. Gym is useless for attracting others but necessary for yourself.

Being 5'4 manlet it is essential you have a good physique and learn some martial arts to defend yourself
Besides thats, there may be health risks to going to the gym that people dont talk about. Here is something I PMed someone:
Fat isn't bad for you, saturated fat is. It will increase LDL cholesterol and clog up your arteries.

A balanced diet with required amounts of carbs, protein and fat is ideal.
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Besides thats, there may be health risks to going to the gym that people dont talk about. Here is something I PMed someone:
Other factors such as cigarettes, alcohol and drugs effect your health, sleep and well being as well.
you can see it easily by how every long term gym person has shit skin and looks aged af
Reminds me, in my home country (Poland) I often get shit for looking young/having "young" face, I guess cool/masculine thing to do is to look like you're destroyed by alcohol and manual labour at the ripe age of 20, JFL
Really high effort post here. Reminds me of the many conversations I've heard when I was eavesdropping on boomer dads drinking. All of them know these truths and they are contempt with it. Sexhavers are ALL SIMPS, well everyone that isn't Chad.
dont be a soy faggot, you know, honor, thats all
Oh, so basically what women say is honorable. Got it!
So basically men are retarded gigasimps. Simps are the root of all evil. Muh female queens, please validate me, I will kill other men for a crumb of your pussy muh queeen.
Reminds me, in my home country (Poland) I often get shit for looking young/having "young" face, I guess cool/masculine thing to do is to look like you're destroyed by alcohol and manual labour at the ripe age of 20, JFL
Maybe it's just envy.
I already knew this for a long time
Reminds me, in my home country (Poland) I often get shit for looking young/having "young" face, I guess cool/masculine thing to do is to look like you're destroyed by alcohol and manual labour at the ripe age of 20, JFL
Yup, overworked to death. It's for nothing too. men are fucking idiots. Our whole lives is despair
Something I've thought a lot about lately is how to define masculinity outside of the framing established by society thus by woman. I don't have a good answer at the moment.
Tell those jabroni's to suck an egg
We came to the point where telling a foid that she should birth kids, or get married, or have those kids earlier, is considered blatant mysoginy. While everyone speak how this is the failed generation of men because we don't have or do what is traditionally expected of men. We are called weak. How come not the same logic applies to foids. We are simply born in the time when foids are worshipped. Everyone admit that foids have their cake and eat it too, but most people agree with it because they were "oppressed" in the past so they need every support to reach equality with men. It's all one big bullshit.
Does this mean incelistan will never happen?
If you live in a society where woman have agency you get cases like finnster who is a Troon twitch streamer that allot of girls are attracted to he is peak male
Besides, the entire discussion usually slips into female-worship when you bring up evolution, because the implication that for instance "men are disposable" implies that all women are somehow 10/10 genetically perfect and healthy creatures, since the majority of them reproduce. So all women have perfect genes, and if we just let women reproduce with chads, everyone would be 10/10?
Great thread overall, but this part in particular hits hard. Too many people say that females' choices are just eugenics. That couldn't be further from the truth when you realize that subhuman women reproduce unchecked. If it's eugenics, how come disgustingly ugly women can have 10 kids if they want to, but even many average men are doomed to rot and never reproduce because women won't date their looksmatch? An average man that isn't even ugly and has nothing wrong with his genes is written off while a very ugly woman with many genetic health issues like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis along with many mental disorders like OCD, Low IQ, and narcissism is allowed to reproduce with no issues. How the fuck can we call that eugenics? It's literally the opposite since subhuman female genes can spread so fucking easily and decent male genes are counted out? JFL at anyone using the eugenics argument.

It's as simple as women dating way above their looksmatch because they are allowed to. What women don't realize is that there will be repercussions to sentencing so many men to a life of loneliness and rotting. Average men are the ones who do most of the important blue collar jobs that keep society going. Kill their hope and optimism towards life, and they will start giving up and working basic jobs or not work at all because they will have nothing worthwhile to work for. When this happens, so many important tasks will be incomplete, and women will realize how much they need the average man when there's no electricity, running water, and no law enforcement.

I predict at this rate in 50-100 years things will go to shit and there will be a societal collapse. If not that, then a full on gender war might take place when enough frustration builds up in enough men. Regardless which route it happens, women will start realizing they NEED the average man, and start dating their looksmatch again instead of being hypergamous sluts. A matriarchy like we currently live in is NOT sustainable long term because men hold the monopoly on brute force. All men combines could easily dominate all women. The problem is, you need enough men to feel the struggle and band together. I won't live long enough to see it, and neither will most of us though.
Does this mean incelistan will never happen?
Only proper incelistan can be achieved if every male (literally) owns a female in his house
masclinity can be defined as courage incels are masculine as we stand against the new world order
masculinity can be standing up to female bs also money is just A TOOL and you can make women serve you if you use it well and lots of money provides a bettter life its escaping the system you could also breed by surrogacy and live an aritrostaatic life
your looks arent determined in the womb aka epigenetics its your dna or genetic recombination, women dont need to have good genes to produce attractiveness though it helps
agree with your comments on womnen disagree with ttile as a man who left society cxan still be masculine like ted kaczysnki not pertaining to women and he doestn have money lol but does that means being in the matrix makes you a masculine i thinks its moe cucked as you support the system bettter to become rich or just leave.

, the father's genes are more aggressive and gain prominence in manifesting in you. It is also a known fact that the sex of the baby completely depends on the father as the mother only carries an X-chromosome.

agree with diet but i suppose thats more for fullfilling your height as i have see literal chads who are poor and homneless n pakistan and kashmir thats due to geentics i dont agree with how you word the diet pill.
"You're not a real woman!"
Said no one ever.
Why does that only work on men?
The answer is two-fold

1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh.
2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely harms men and benefits women.

According to this study, you actually need to work constantly to maintain your status as a "real man" - Sisyphus anyone?


I will now explain point 1 and 2 a bit more in detail:

1. Why do Women have more value
a) TL;DR Water Wet, the only thing that makes a woman a woman is her looks

I don't believe in evo-psych sorry. I think it's even completely unnecessary to recount elaborate fables for certain human behaviors, when the same behaviors could simply be explained by narcissism.

Besides, the entire discussion usually slips into female-worship when you bring up evolution, because the implication that for instance "men are disposable" implies that all women are somehow 10/10 genetically perfect and healthy creatures, since the majority of them reproduce. So all women have perfect genes, and if we just let women reproduce with chads, everyone would be 10/10?

This is retarded and foid worship. Especially given that the fetus spends 9 months inside the foid growing, yet somehow only the males sperm is responsible for ALL the traits the child has? Again, foid worship because it leaves the females responsibility out of the equation. If anything the health and nutritional profile of the mother is WAY more important than DNA. Look into nutrition please, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price is a good starting point. Your looks are mostly shaped by factors such as maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, correct chewing, swallowing and breathing patterns etc.

Good article on the suppression of medical data showing that animal fats are good for you:

Neoteny in women is also often not the result of sexual dimorphism but simply nutritional degeneration. It is just not as apparent in women because women, unlike men, profit from looking neotenous. If the genders were healthy and fully developed after being raised on the correct diet, sexual dimorphism would be reduced greatly.

"Sorry sweaty its just natural selection" - so why does the majority of women reproduce? This is a simple logical fallacy, which, if brought to its conclusion, implies women somehow are more healthy, genetically superior and smarter than men. This is foid-worship, without a doubt.

So, I propose an alternative theory for why women are more valued, with a different starting presupposition:

1. Men respond to neoteny in any form, puppies, children, women with parental instinct (origin of instinct is debatable)
2. Women do everything in their power to exaggerate sexual dimorphism and increase neoteny (Esther Vilar wrote about this in her 1971 book "The Manipulated Man")
3. The mechanism (for lack of a better word) that makes men forgive women, is the same mechanism that makes men forgive a dog for shitting on the rug.

Dogs, btw, are nutritionally deficient mutants bred to look retarded and neotenous. It's literally like having a down syndrome child in your home, but on purpose. Women anyone?
3 million dog bites that need medical attention in US every year, yet nobody cares. Why? Neoteny, the dog is never blamed. If it was a hyena people would put it through meat grinder and applaud the person doing it.
It's the same mechanism that shields women from blame. It's just their looks. Stupid example to make a point: If a woman looked like a man, but acted the same, would her behavior be remotely acceptable? No, of course not -> ALWAYS genderswap in your head. Use faceapp on bitches to see what they would look like as men, then you can tell their actual nature. Some bitches look like thugs when genderswapped and their behavior always matches the looks.

So, the only thing that keeps women from getting their register pounded six days from tomorrow is their looks. Obviously.

b) INSANE female in-group bias (4.5 times the one men have, men have ZERO - study below)

Now, this one is less discussed and may come as a surprise to some here.
1. women are the only group in society that has innate in-group preference for their own gender
2. this means women naturally form a "herd" or "hive"
3. women trust women; men trust women; men fight men; ->society

That means, society is only women. Men fighting to get female validation is an attempt to get BACK into society.
ALL men are viewed as and out-group by both men and women. Every man is a stranger effectively.
The only way to get away from this, is by being accepted by women. If one woman accepts you, all do and thus, you are part of society (which is only women).
That's why people always act suspicious around single males, but not around men with women.

What that means for us is that the female in-group dictates which traits men need to display to get access to their in-group. Aka, women define what masculinity is.
As always, everything women say is projection.
Femininity is a social construct, designed to encourage certain behaviors in men by negation. These behaviors are then called "Masculinity."

Women act weak and helpless, there for its Masculine to be strong and help women (Female hypoagency).
This is also a classic manipulation tactic. The easiest way to manipulate people is by giving them what they want, because people don't question compliments (Just world fallacy + Fundamental Attribution Error).

What they do is basically pretend to be weak so the man feels empowered in his pseudo "masculinity" (which is only contingent on women liking him). That makes the man feel powerful and in charge, while she is actually in power and retains plausible deniability.

In reality, women are extremely powerful. This can not be stated enough. Women are infinitely more powerful than men. Their in-group preference alone makes them unstoppable. Imagine having 50% of society unconditionally supporting you + simps worshipping you and ready to kill another man at your order.

The reason why women project that there has to be a patriarchy is because it matches their IRL experience of life.
They constantly cheat the system by getting support from other women. They are like the mafia, but its half of society + simps as their cronies.

Additionally, women control 80% of customer spending or more, depending on sector:

View attachment 744382

This statistic alone should send shivers down your spine.
The implication here is that 40% of the money women spend comes from men, AT THE VERY LEAST.
Furthermore, women hold most of the wealth.

More studies here:

An additional study where they made men and women play an online RPG together. After some time, the women held the majority of the resources and power, while engaging in less risk taking behavior (fighting, dying, competing) -> men gave them all their resources. Even in a video game.

This means exactly what it sounds like.
4.5 in-group preference = women form a large, coherent hive-body with no individualism. This also makes them lesbian.
Men fuck each other. Up.
TL;DR of study:
1. women have much higher in-group bias for other women, communicate much more, have stronger networks to support each other - sisterhood mafia, women are jews
2. men kill each other but paradoxically trust women instantly and surrender all their resources to them
3. as result women are extremely empowered with both males serving them and providing them with resources while women take zero risks of their own
4. society. study link below.

That means, women are in total control of society on any level. They dictate beliefs, thoughts, how men view themselves, who gets big on social media, they dictate the entire market through their spending etc...
I want you to pay attention on livestreams, where the money comes from when they do superchats and shit.

I think even Karl Marx wrote that you can't start a revolution with men. You kickstart the foids first and the men follow.

It all comes down to something we all are familar with: Briffaults law
Briffault's law states:

Now, in the light of all of the above, consider the insane power women hold in society. It's truly staggering how powerless men are.
Please think about this:
How pathetic, I can't stress this enough, HOW PATHETIC is it to tell young men to "just go to the gym" in the light of this?
How absolutely comical is it to make young men participate in a race this rigged?

The biggest pill is the genderpill: IF YOU ARE BORN MALE ITS OVER
That's why "masculinity" doesn't exist outside the context of what women want, that's why you can loose it. It's a passport to society that can be revoked by women at any time. It's a conditional surrender of your individuality and dignity in favor of women.

If it isn't obvious at this point:

1. women control all the wealth, directly and indirectly
2. if you want to be successful in any way financially, you have to cater to women
3. by chasing money you indirectly support women by providing them services and further exploiting men
4. to chase money means to compete with other men for female validation, women don't compete like that, they support each other (4.5 in-group pref)
5. women act just like jewsh with their retarded-tier high in-group preference and nepotism. If you go along with this, you're a jew. A female with a male body would just be jew tbh.

Chasing money is a feminine trait. It's female centered, it serves females, it gets you female attention -> its feminine

There's a reason why it says in the Gospels, you can either serve God or Mammon, not both. A man can only have one master.

- Matthew 6:24, KJV

@lifefuel @MortonZnk @M.Yass @Med Amine @Tarquinius
wow thats hella good, i always had a subconscious bias where i was thinking in fact women make all wars and they actually lead the society. but on jewternet everything of that sort was censored. thanks so much for the time you spent on making this thread brocel.
That means, society is only women. Men fighting to get female validation is an attempt to get BACK into society.
ALL men are viewed as and out-group by both men and women. Every man is a stranger effectively.
The only way to get away from this, is by being accepted by women. If one woman accepts you, all do and thus, you are part of society (which is only women).
That's why people always act suspicious around single males, but not around men with women.

What that means for us is that the female in-group dictates which traits men need to display to get access to their in-group. Aka, women define what masculinity is.
As always, everything women say is projection.
Femininity is a social construct, designed to encourage certain behaviors in men by negation. These behaviors are then called "Masculinity."
W paragraph
"You're not a real woman!"
Said no one ever.
Why does that only work on men?
The answer is two-fold

1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh.
2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely harms men and benefits women.

According to this study, you actually need to work constantly to maintain your status as a "real man" - Sisyphus anyone?


I will now explain point 1 and 2 a bit more in detail:

1. Why do Women have more value
a) TL;DR Water Wet, the only thing that makes a woman a woman is her looks

I don't believe in evo-psych sorry. I think it's even completely unnecessary to recount elaborate fables for certain human behaviors, when the same behaviors could simply be explained by narcissism.

Besides, the entire discussion usually slips into female-worship when you bring up evolution, because the implication that for instance "men are disposable" implies that all women are somehow 10/10 genetically perfect and healthy creatures, since the majority of them reproduce. So all women have perfect genes, and if we just let women reproduce with chads, everyone would be 10/10?

This is retarded and foid worship. Especially given that the fetus spends 9 months inside the foid growing, yet somehow only the males sperm is responsible for ALL the traits the child has? Again, foid worship because it leaves the females responsibility out of the equation. If anything the health and nutritional profile of the mother is WAY more important than DNA. Look into nutrition please, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price is a good starting point. Your looks are mostly shaped by factors such as maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, correct chewing, swallowing and breathing patterns etc.

Good article on the suppression of medical data showing that animal fats are good for you:

Neoteny in women is also often not the result of sexual dimorphism but simply nutritional degeneration. It is just not as apparent in women because women, unlike men, profit from looking neotenous. If the genders were healthy and fully developed after being raised on the correct diet, sexual dimorphism would be reduced greatly.

"Sorry sweaty its just natural selection" - so why does the majority of women reproduce? This is a simple logical fallacy, which, if brought to its conclusion, implies women somehow are more healthy, genetically superior and smarter than men. This is foid-worship, without a doubt.

So, I propose an alternative theory for why women are more valued, with a different starting presupposition:

1. Men respond to neoteny in any form, puppies, children, women with parental instinct (origin of instinct is debatable)
2. Women do everything in their power to exaggerate sexual dimorphism and increase neoteny (Esther Vilar wrote about this in her 1971 book "The Manipulated Man")
3. The mechanism (for lack of a better word) that makes men forgive women, is the same mechanism that makes men forgive a dog for shitting on the rug.

Dogs, btw, are nutritionally deficient mutants bred to look retarded and neotenous. It's literally like having a down syndrome child in your home, but on purpose. Women anyone?
3 million dog bites that need medical attention in US every year, yet nobody cares. Why? Neoteny, the dog is never blamed. If it was a hyena people would put it through meat grinder and applaud the person doing it.
It's the same mechanism that shields women from blame. It's just their looks. Stupid example to make a point: If a woman looked like a man, but acted the same, would her behavior be remotely acceptable? No, of course not -> ALWAYS genderswap in your head. Use faceapp on bitches to see what they would look like as men, then you can tell their actual nature. Some bitches look like thugs when genderswapped and their behavior always matches the looks.

So, the only thing that keeps women from getting their register pounded six days from tomorrow is their looks. Obviously.

b) INSANE female in-group bias (4.5 times the one men have, men have ZERO - study below)

Now, this one is less discussed and may come as a surprise to some here.
1. women are the only group in society that has innate in-group preference for their own gender
2. this means women naturally form a "herd" or "hive"
3. women trust women; men trust women; men fight men; ->society

That means, society is only women. Men fighting to get female validation is an attempt to get BACK into society.
ALL men are viewed as and out-group by both men and women. Every man is a stranger effectively.
The only way to get away from this, is by being accepted by women. If one woman accepts you, all do and thus, you are part of society (which is only women).
That's why people always act suspicious around single males, but not around men with women.

What that means for us is that the female in-group dictates which traits men need to display to get access to their in-group. Aka, women define what masculinity is.
As always, everything women say is projection.
Femininity is a social construct, designed to encourage certain behaviors in men by negation. These behaviors are then called "Masculinity."

Women act weak and helpless, there for its Masculine to be strong and help women (Female hypoagency).
This is also a classic manipulation tactic. The easiest way to manipulate people is by giving them what they want, because people don't question compliments (Just world fallacy + Fundamental Attribution Error).

What they do is basically pretend to be weak so the man feels empowered in his pseudo "masculinity" (which is only contingent on women liking him). That makes the man feel powerful and in charge, while she is actually in power and retains plausible deniability.

In reality, women are extremely powerful. This can not be stated enough. Women are infinitely more powerful than men. Their in-group preference alone makes them unstoppable. Imagine having 50% of society unconditionally supporting you + simps worshipping you and ready to kill another man at your order.

The reason why women project that there has to be a patriarchy is because it matches their IRL experience of life.
They constantly cheat the system by getting support from other women. They are like the mafia, but its half of society + simps as their cronies.

Additionally, women control 80% of customer spending or more, depending on sector:

View attachment 744382

This statistic alone should send shivers down your spine.
The implication here is that 40% of the money women spend comes from men, AT THE VERY LEAST.
Furthermore, women hold most of the wealth.

More studies here:

An additional study where they made men and women play an online RPG together. After some time, the women held the majority of the resources and power, while engaging in less risk taking behavior (fighting, dying, competing) -> men gave them all their resources. Even in a video game.

This means exactly what it sounds like.
4.5 in-group preference = women form a large, coherent hive-body with no individualism. This also makes them lesbian.
Men fuck each other. Up.
TL;DR of study:
1. women have much higher in-group bias for other women, communicate much more, have stronger networks to support each other - sisterhood mafia, women are jews
2. men kill each other but paradoxically trust women instantly and surrender all their resources to them
3. as result women are extremely empowered with both males serving them and providing them with resources while women take zero risks of their own
4. society. study link below.

That means, women are in total control of society on any level. They dictate beliefs, thoughts, how men view themselves, who gets big on social media, they dictate the entire market through their spending etc...
I want you to pay attention on livestreams, where the money comes from when they do superchats and shit.

I think even Karl Marx wrote that you can't start a revolution with men. You kickstart the foids first and the men follow.

It all comes down to something we all are familar with: Briffaults law
Briffault's law states:

Now, in the light of all of the above, consider the insane power women hold in society. It's truly staggering how powerless men are.
Please think about this:
How pathetic, I can't stress this enough, HOW PATHETIC is it to tell young men to "just go to the gym" in the light of this?
How absolutely comical is it to make young men participate in a race this rigged?

The biggest pill is the genderpill: IF YOU ARE BORN MALE ITS OVER
That's why "masculinity" doesn't exist outside the context of what women want, that's why you can loose it. It's a passport to society that can be revoked by women at any time. It's a conditional surrender of your individuality and dignity in favor of women.

If it isn't obvious at this point:

1. women control all the wealth, directly and indirectly
2. if you want to be successful in any way financially, you have to cater to women
3. by chasing money you indirectly support women by providing them services and further exploiting men
4. to chase money means to compete with other men for female validation, women don't compete like that, they support each other (4.5 in-group pref)
5. women act just like jewsh with their retarded-tier high in-group preference and nepotism. If you go along with this, you're a jew. A female with a male body would just be jew tbh.

Chasing money is a feminine trait. It's female centered, it serves females, it gets you female attention -> its feminine

There's a reason why it says in the Gospels, you can either serve God or Mammon, not both. A man can only have one master.

- Matthew 6:24, KJV

@lifefuel @MortonZnk @M.Yass @Med Amine @Tarquinius
Read all of it. Very very high IQ constructive and cultural post. I also agreed with every single point of it.
Ironically the friendliest people I have ever encountered were other autists. Normies are cold-blooded, calculating sociopaths.
The world is like a spectrum between the false light demiurge/foids and normies vs the blackpilled endarkened saints/unknowable god.
Use faceapp on bitches to see what they would look like as men
I actually done that in my head multiple time. I remember being facinated by the way people tolerated so much more from them. If a man acted the same way as them he would be called a retard in less than 5 seconds. The whole point of "feminity" is acting like a retard (they don't need to "act" that much am sure) and being an entilted whiny bitch. Just watch how they move their hand and giggle while they talk. We only tolerate these kind of behavior in fags.
Great post. Bump.

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