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NSFW Just another incel killing himself

Why is everyone lashing agaisnt the mother lmao.

Probably the only person who actually loved him if he was incel, and now scarred for life after the sight of his son head literally exploded all over the place.

He should have gone ER on privileged Chads and bullies, but this forum apparently sees Chads as "bros" or some shit.

Unless you have the abusive kind of parents, they are probably the ONLY people who got your back as an incel. it's an incredibly stupid thing to blame them and take your anger on them instead of society, Chads and bullies.
Why is everyone lashing agaisnt the mother lmao.

Probably the only person who actually loved him if he was incel, and now scarred for life after the sight of his son head literally exploded all over the place.

He should have gone ER on privileged Chads and bullies, but this forum apparently sees Chads as "bros" or some shit.

Unless you have the abusive kind of parents, they are probably the ONLY people who got your back as an incel. it's an incredibly stupid thing to blame them and take your anger on them instead of society, Chads and bullies.

nice, even more massive assumptions about a kid nobody here knows
Is it even confirmed he was an incel? Sounds like a typical r9k discord norman
ooohh and he was subbed to ER
apparently the suicide WAS brought about from problems with the mother

if the mother's stupid actions brought about the misery to this poor guy then her crying like that is even more disgusting, she should be feeling solemn and guilty
Hope eggman is next
well you're gonna be hoping for a long time, probably be you before him

Eggman is an ascended normie and shit, with girls and shit
The mother took the gamble in bringing the person into existence to begin with. She accepted all the decay that comes in life and the risks involved, yet decided it was worth the chance. Ultimately it wasn't worth it. It's selfish to expect anyone to live a life they don't want just to satisfy someone elses needs. As for doing it at home, well he clearly did so because it's where he felt he belonged.

Reminds me of these anti suicide people who stop legally all ways for humane deaths, so instead people have to jump in front of trains and have horrific deaths, while the family pet can be put down peacefully. What a stupid system.


But, anyway, if you are going to kill yourself with a shotgun, maybe its not a bad idea to get away from people that could be personally upset about it, like friends and family, or any other people that actually know you. But thats secondary. The most important thing is that he was completely and absolutely entitled to do what he did, no God, tradition or moral philosophy will ever change that. We have no right to blame him, because he did nothing wrong. Maybe he could have been more elegant, thats all.
a god cant watch that. @RREEEEEEEEE omg whats that...
It's an 18 year old guy who used to go on r9k often, like I did when I was younger, and he put a shotgun to his head and after taking a few heavy breaths, he pulls the trigger and his head gets blown to smithereens.
She was a muslim?? Omg i feel more sad about this now. @RREEEEEEEEE
Wtffffffff I thought she was Mexican. I already felt bad for the mom, now I feel worse. :(
HIS MOTHER SUFFERED 9 months to born this shit??? 3 years she changed his fucking shitty diapers and probably didnt even slept days/months because this shitty fgt screamed and cried in the night.

Dude SHE raised him FOR 18 YEARS and he just kills himself?? Sorry but THATS SELFISH.
You are 100% right brother.
He didn't say anything ban-worthy. He's a legitimate and pretty decent poster. It's just a matter of ideological (and perhaps cultural) differences when it comes to this issue.

Lots of people think that because your parents put a lot of money, time and effort into raising you, that you are eternally indebted to them (or at least as long as they are alive). Some take it a step further, basically saying that as long as there is one person on the planet who would be upset if you committed suicide, that you are obligated to stay alive until your natural death, for their sake.

The issue I have with this view is that it comes with the implication that your life doesn't fully belong to you.
It's definitely ideological and cultural. I'm taking he's talking about @Allblueeeee. We come from societies where we think that putting your parents in an elderly home is the worst thing you can possibly do.
It's definitely ideological and cultural. I'm taking he's talking about @Allblueeeee. We come from societies where we think that putting your parents in an elderly home is the worst thing you can possibly do.

Couldnt describe it better. Sending your mother to a elderly place is like waiting for her to die. Its pretty common in thr western society tho
Doesnt mean you should fk up your parents lives.
(if they care about you that is ofc)
Which this woman surely did judging by he reaction.
There was the brother from an old classmate.He killed himself by jumping and the family is scarred for life because of it. It's fucked up but it's still a really complicated topic since it's still ones own decision.

Idk what to think about it
Couldnt describe it better. Sending your mother to a elderly place is like waiting for her to die. Its pretty common in thr western society tho
Yes exactly, and it's deplorable. It's funny how westerners say we should drop all our values and accept theirs. This is just one of their f-cked up values we could never share in the first place.
Lololol it's a ISIS lookin weeb trash with waifu posters all over his room, it was bound to happen sooner or later.


YEAH...HE FUCKING DID IT YOU STUPID ASS CUNT. Stop fucking moping you virtual signaling WHORE. Normies did this to him. WOMEN did this to him. Now celebrate you fucking pieces of garbage.

Like that now IncelTears? Huh? You fucking like that? Damn you all. Damn you all to fucking hell.
That's how they virtue signal, and it's pathetic and disgusting. They wouldn't try to help out not one of us in real life.
that femoid "crying" is such ERfuel


Not a truecel, the guy was 18 and had the frame/features of a 10 years old, he should have gone ER or at least waited for his late puberty to kick in.
He fucked up and made alot of roasties happy by killing himself.

One of his liked videos:

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At least he was thoughtful enough to use the tarp, but it didn't do much.

I knew shotgun deaths were messy, but damn. I hate my parents, but I wouldn't want them to see this.

My eventual suicide will be outdoors where hopefully some cunt will see me and be traumatized.
He shouldnt have done it if he's muslim. It was early for him and he is probably going to Jahannam
His mother is Muslim, and I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be one too. Definitely way too early, and he's got a one-way ticket to Jahannam. It's the only reason I haven't killed myself.
His mother is Muslim, and I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be one too. Definitely way too early, and he's got a one-way ticket to Jahannam. It's the only reason I haven't killed myself.

He will now shoot himself every time in the head with the shotgun sice a guy that goes suicide will repeat his suicide method in the afterlife furthet and further.

May allah suffer him not much..
He will now shoot himself every time in the head with the shotgun sice a guy that goes suicide will repeat his suicide method in the afterlife furthet and further.

May allah suffer him not much..
Yep, yep, yep. It's so sad, honestly. I hope the mom can recover from this, she's going to feel guilty her entire life. :(
How did he get a KSG anyway? It's that easy to get a shotgun in America as a kid?
The repulsive cunt in the chat "I WITNESSED... MURDER!", I hope you burn you heartless fucking cunt.
mom doxxes herself on the 911 call (name, address & phone number); law enforcement confirms his name is Shuaib @ the 44:00 mark in the video (yes I sperged-watched for that long lmfao... 2x speed tho)

boy in red might be a rare pic of him when he was 12 (see his comment on the pic, then see his mom's comment further down)

His fb is otherwise unrevealing & pretty damn empty although I haven't trudged through everything

His fb: https://www.facebook.com/Shuaibyyy
fb photos he's commented on: https://www.facebook.com/search/1701823584/photos-commented/intersect
His sister: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.aslam.167
His mom: https://www.facebook.com/shama.aslam.9

Random article written about his sister and mom from 2016: http://www.recordnet.com/news/20160730/blood-pressure-checks-theres-app-for-that

His twitter: https://twitter.com/Shuaibyy
His reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/shuaiby

He doesn't appear to have explicitly identified as incel AFAICT. He said he had autism in a reddit post though. Prob just straight mentalcel tbh

Damn, he was muslimcel? RIP my fellow muslim.
The repulsive cunt in the chat "I WITNESSED... MURDER!", I hope you burn you heartless fucking cunt.
I noticed that aswell. This bitch made a suicide about herself lol. Who cares about the mother seeing it, the other dudes seeing it? Its just her who gets affected by it
" I witnessed murder!"

Fucking pathetic whore. That's not what "murder" is. It's HIS life. He has the right to do whatever he fucking wants with his life...right feminists? Remember? Isn't that the same thing you bunch of sjw faggots say? Her body...her right? She can do anything she wants because it's her body, right? What's the difference here?

Also to some of the subhumans on here like allblue, shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit if his mother saw it? It's not selfish. It's selfish to keep him in a world where he hates life and is alone. Pathetic bluepillers.
I'm eating a watermelon right now and can't stop thinking about that guy's brains splattering all over the place.
How did he get a KSG anyway? It's that easy to get a shotgun in America as a kid?
Yup. You can buy a long gun at 18. He most likely saved up and then bought it, because his mother had no idea what type of gun it was or anything about it. "Some kind of rifle". Either his father had a gun and the kid found it when the mother had no idea the father even owned a gun, or he just bought it.
Also found this on the r/watchpeopledie

This is why normies are garbage humans:
As morbid as it is. It works. This dude could have easily taken that weapon or anything else to a store or school and let loose, waiting for the cops to come finish him off.
Good point maybe this was on his mind at first

Normies are seriously trash. They really are absolutely horrid human beings to make that assumption. There is a big difference in someone committing suicide, and committing mass murder you dumb fucks. Look at the ratio in people committing suicide to people committing mass murder; it's a big fucking difference.

Hey hurrr I guess he didn't go kill other people hurrrr!! Holy shit. And they say WE'RE toxic? Who the fuck even assumes that? TRASH.
Sending your mother to a elderly place is like waiting for her to die.
My grandmother's in a home. Put herself in there. She's paying 5,000 a month. Homes are insanity IMO. 5k a month isn't a little bit of money. THat's like, changing the outcome of her will. What if she lives for a few more years. like... that's fucking selfish IMO. If you're just waiting to die why bleed money out your ass?
did the vid get taken down?
nah m8 you're the idiot making such broad assumptions about his situation, you can't understand what was going on in his head, how his parents treated him or anything else, so just stfu dude. suicide is a perfectly valid answer to the absurdity of life, well as much as having a kid is anyway
You weebcels should stop trying to be edgy.
" I witnessed murder!"

Fucking pathetic whore. That's not what "murder" is. It's HIS life. He has the right to do whatever he fucking wants with his life...right feminists? Remember? Isn't that the same thing you bunch of sjw faggots say? Her body...her right? She can do anything she wants because it's her body, right? What's the difference here?
I never noticed this parallel. My body my choice lmao.
" I witnessed murder!"

Fucking pathetic whore. That's not what "murder" is. It's HIS life. He has the right to do whatever he fucking wants with his life...right feminists? Remember? Isn't that the same thing you bunch of sjw faggots say? Her body...her right? She can do anything she wants because it's her body, right? What's the difference here?

Also to some of the subhumans on here like allblue, shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit if his mother saw it? It's not selfish. It's selfish to keep him in a world where he hates life and is alone. Pathetic bluepillers.
Brilliantly said boyo
His suicide doesn't bother me. I know he wanted to end his pain.

I can't get past that female's mindset that when his fucking Mom is crying in agony, her thought is to loudly say on stream "I WITNESSED MURDER!"


Everyone needs to watch the Japanese film Kairo--it's happening.
His suicide doesn't bother me. I know he wanted to end his pain.

I can't get past that female's mindset that when his fucking Mom is crying in agony, her thought is to loudly say on stream "I WITNESSED MURDER!"


I just woke up 2 hours ago, what the hell happened? Did two people kill themselves today, or just the one?
I just woke up 2 hours ago, what the hell happened? Did two people kill themselves today, or just the one?

Heres a NSFW gif of a teenager blowing his head of with a shotgun. The video got taken down because the mother found him, called the police and exposed her information. Also, in the video there was also a stupid bitch on voice chat with some dudes who made the suicide about herself.
Kiwi Farms thinks this is hilarious.
He was an arab looking brown subhuman so not surprised he got blackpilled

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