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NSFW Just another incel killing himself

Suicide isnt the right choice. Especially for this 18yo idiot who still lives in the hosue of his parents. Attention seeking bastard
That is a debatable topic and morals / beliefs are subjective. I can't really have a clear stance on this topic
The crying roastie would have condescended him every chance she got if he was in the same highschool as her

Unless there is a slavic/white incel to bully instead
@Ryo_Hazuki Ban this faggot right now for this bluepilled nonsense .

He didn't say anything ban-worthy. He's a legitimate and pretty decent poster. It's just a matter of ideological (and perhaps cultural) differences when it comes to this issue.

Lots of people think that because your parents put a lot of money, time and effort into raising you, that you are eternally indebted to them (or at least as long as they are alive). Some take it a step further, basically saying that as long as there is one person on the planet who would be upset if you committed suicide, that you are obligated to stay alive until your natural death, for their sake.

The issue I have with this view is that it comes with the implication that your life doesn't fully belong to you.
It was very difficult not to laugh at his teasing of the suicide, also that gunshot was gruesome, I imagined it would blow his brains out slightly more clean like in DOOM

It's sad to see what happens after the suicide, just a room covered in blood being there until someone who liked him walks in and suffers a trauma

Let this suicide be a warning to incels who are planning to get revenge on their bullies far in the future or even to forgive them, this might be you
mom doxxes herself on the 911 call (name, address & phone number); law enforcement confirms his name is Shuaib @ the 44:00 mark in the video (yes I sperged-watched for that long lmfao... 2x speed tho)

boy in red might be a rare pic of him when he was 12 (see his comment on the pic, then see his mom's comment further down)

His fb is otherwise unrevealing & pretty damn empty although I haven't trudged through everything

His fb: https://www.facebook.com/Shuaibyyy
fb photos he's commented on: https://www.facebook.com/search/1701823584/photos-commented/intersect
His sister: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.aslam.167
His mom: https://www.facebook.com/shama.aslam.9

Random article written about his sister and mom from 2016: http://www.recordnet.com/news/20160730/blood-pressure-checks-theres-app-for-that

His twitter: https://twitter.com/Shuaibyy
His reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/shuaiby

He doesn't appear to have explicitly identified as incel AFAICT. He said he had autism in a reddit post though. Prob just straight mentalcel tbh
I guarantee women on IT are laughing at him.

He should’ve went hERo
damn his moms reaction is heartbreaking.....
sounds like he had a little sibling in the background during his moms 911 call.....this guy was an absolute coward
HIS MOTHER SUFFERED 9 months to born this shit??? 3 years she changed his fucking shitty diapers and probably didnt even slept days/months because this shitty fgt screamed and cried in the night.

Dude SHE raised him FOR 18 YEARS and he just kills himself?? Sorry but THATS SELFISH.

Stop being such a fucking cuck.
Wow, this is truly heartbraking... I could not even watch the whole video, it is just too much...
When I rope I'm gonna do it in the middle of nowhere so I can literally rot alone in the woods and give back nutrients to mother nature.

Reminds me of a Japanese death poem I read somewhere, it goes like this:

When I die, do not bury me
Nor cremate me
Leave my body on a field
To feed a famished dog
Stop being such a fucking cuck.

Lol he is just a slefish cunt. He should rather go ER than suicide imo . Even if he goes suicide he should kill jimself not in his home like wtf
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Suicide isnt the right choice. Especially for this 18yo idiot who still lives in the hosue of his parents. Attention seeking bastard
If he's 18 he is not an incel so he can't use that to justify his suicide
I feel old as fuck to where we're at the point where it's no longer white kids killing themselves but ethnic kids.
Lol he is just a slefish cunt. He should rather go ER than suicide imo especially not in his room
i fully agree with you he is a cunt for putting his mother through this
mom doxxes herself on the 911 call (name, address & phone number); law enforcement confirms his name is Shuaib @ the 44:00 mark in the video (yes I sperged-watched for that long lmfao... 2x speed tho)

boy in red might be a rare pic of him when he was 12 (see his comment on the pic, then see his mom's comment further down)

His fb is otherwise unrevealing & pretty damn empty although I haven't trudged through everything

His fb: https://www.facebook.com/Shuaibyyy
fb photos he's commented on: https://www.facebook.com/search/1701823584/photos-commented/intersect
His sister: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.aslam.167
His mom: https://www.facebook.com/shama.aslam.9

Random article written about his sister and mom from 2016: http://www.recordnet.com/news/20160730/blood-pressure-checks-theres-app-for-that

His twitter: https://twitter.com/Shuaibyy
His reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/shuaiby

He doesn't appear to have explicitly identified as incel AFAICT. He said he had autism in a reddit post though. Prob just straight mentalcel tbh

Nice work man. I just thought hes an incel because people said he posted on 4chans incel board and lets be honest just look at those posters on the wall.

Edit: While were collecting data heres is grandpa and his mother and 2 aunts. (mother is on the right)
Damn I feel bad for them and his mother
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nothing to suggest this guy was a legit incel tbh
cant watch this. the mothers cry makes me cry, such an egoistic BASTARD I HOPE HE ROTS IN HELL. Making your mother suffer. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ?????

Idd the mother crying is so fked up, made me teary, i couldnt watch all of it.
This is why i tell ppl to not commit suicide, if you have ppl that care about you such as your parents.
Its really scars them for life.
he shouldn't have done it with his mother in the call, that's insanely fucked up

he should've just done it alone somewhere else or went ER, yeah she'd still find out later on but to do it like this is just crazy. no fucks given
nothing to suggest this guy was a legit incel tbh

yeah, he most likely wasn't, as is the situation with all of these anime weeb cunts who are like "i-i-i'm shy!!!" but end up being average-above average and not being socially retarded, they literally put themselves through shit situations as a means of character development, i knew someone exactly like that who was some weeb dickhead
Idd the mother crying is so fked up, made me teary, i couldnt watch all of it.
This is why i tell ppl to not commit suicide, if you have ppl that care about you such as your parents.
Its really scars them for life.

Bro we muslism are more emotional in thi topics. Some bastards said that dont care about the crying of the mother and that ist is the choice of the guy although she raised him for 18 years. I had to cry
Bro we muslism are more emotional in thi topics. Some bastards said that dont care about the crying of the mother and that ist is the choice of the guy although she raised him for 18 years. I had to cry

Ppl are dumb af, they lack empathy.
Too many psychopathcels/edgycels.
we don't know if mother was to blame or not

from this only I would lean toward she not. Many incels can blame shitty parents however many cannot
Ppl are dumb af, they lack empathy.
Too many psychopathcels/edgycels.

As truecels, our lives have hardened us. We have received no empathy, have been constantly told to "man up" and thus are not going to dole out empathy.
mom doxxes herself on the 911 call (name, address & phone number); law enforcement confirms his name is Shuaib @ the 44:00 mark in the video (yes I sperged-watched for that long lmfao... 2x speed tho)

boy in red might be a rare pic of him when he was 12 (see his comment on the pic, then see his mom's comment further down)

His fb is otherwise unrevealing & pretty damn empty although I haven't trudged through everything

His fb: https://www.facebook.com/Shuaibyyy
fb photos he's commented on: https://www.facebook.com/search/1701823584/photos-commented/intersect
His sister: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.aslam.167
His mom: https://www.facebook.com/shama.aslam.9

Random article written about his sister and mom from 2016: http://www.recordnet.com/news/20160730/blood-pressure-checks-theres-app-for-that

His twitter: https://twitter.com/Shuaibyy
His reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/shuaiby

He doesn't appear to have explicitly identified as incel AFAICT. He said he had autism in a reddit post though. Prob just straight mentalcel tbh

He looks arab or mexican ?
mom doxxes herself on the 911 call (name, address & phone number); law enforcement confirms his name is Shuaib @ the 44:00 mark in the video (yes I sperged-watched for that long lmfao... 2x speed tho)

boy in red might be a rare pic of him when he was 12 (see his comment on the pic, then see his mom's comment further down)

His fb is otherwise unrevealing & pretty damn empty although I haven't trudged through everything

His fb: https://www.facebook.com/Shuaibyyy
fb photos he's commented on: https://www.facebook.com/search/1701823584/photos-commented/intersect
His sister: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.aslam.167
His mom: https://www.facebook.com/shama.aslam.9

Random article written about his sister and mom from 2016: http://www.recordnet.com/news/20160730/blood-pressure-checks-theres-app-for-that

His twitter: https://twitter.com/Shuaibyy
His reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/shuaiby

He doesn't appear to have explicitly identified as incel AFAICT. He said he had autism in a reddit post though. Prob just straight mentalcel tbh

She was a muslim?? Omg i feel more sad about this now. @RREEEEEEEEE
As truecels, our lives have hardened us. We have received no empathy, have been constantly told to "man up" and thus are not going to dole out empathy.

Doesnt mean you should fk up your parents lives.
(if they care about you that is ofc)
Which this woman surely did judging by he reaction.
cant watch this. the mothers cry makes me cry, such an egoistic BASTARD I HOPE HE ROTS IN HELL. Making your mother suffer. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ?????

The incel suffered much more than the mother ever could you cucked low IQ piece of shit. She should have thought about that before she brought a subhuman into the world.

Your mother should have swallowed you.
The mother took the gamble in bringing the person into existence to begin with. She accepted all the decay that comes in life and the risks involved, yet decided it was worth the chance. Ultimately it wasn't worth it. It's selfish to expect anyone to live a life they don't want just to satisfy someone elses needs. As for doing it at home, well he clearly did so because it's where he felt he belonged.

Reminds me of these anti suicide people who stop legally all ways for humane deaths, so instead people have to jump in front of trains and have horrific deaths, while the family pet can be put down peacefully. What a stupid system.

Just lol at calling his suicide cowardice. Kid got balls. Best way to go is out with a bang where everyone can see so you can share the pain ... err ... i mean love, with everyone.

RIP lil bro
The mother took the gamble in bringing the person into existence to begin with. She accepted all the decay that comes in life and the risks involved, yet decided it was worth the chance. Ultimately it wasn't worth it. It's selfish to expect anyone to live a life they don't want just to satisfy someone elses needs. As for doing it at home, well he clearly did so because it's where he felt he belonged.

Reminds me of these anti suicide people who stop legally all ways for humane deaths, so instead people have to jump in front of trains and have horrific deaths, while the family pet can be put down peacefully. What a stupid system.


Extremely high IQ post.
I bet she will have forgotten about him next week.
Him maybe but witnessing suicide is a genuinely traumatic experience. So, technically he just got her laid.
you fucking cunt do you want to tell me what it is getting bullied you fucking piece of shit with low iq of a fish. He is 18 and chooses going suicide instead of trying until he is 25. He is a high inhib bastard that made her mother suffer now

Learn to speak proper English before you insult other peoples' intelligence. I can barely understand your low IQ babble.
Learn to speak proper English before you insult other peoples' intelligence. I can barely understand your low IQ babble.

i wish you get cancer and die by that painfully. i guess u understood know u wannabe high iq fgt
Man that was brutal.
cant watch this. the mothers cry makes me cry, such an egoistic BASTARD I HOPE HE ROTS IN HELL. Making your mother suffer. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ?????

Bluepillers always out themselves in the end when their programming can't cope with reality when it gets to real.
Bitches, listen, you can't wipe that blood off from your roast beef vagina.

Retribution is long due.
shuda pulled an ER and becum a hero
wonder what happened to his KSG, police keeps it then auctions it off or what? Id totally buy it, imagine owning a shotgun a fellow incel killed himself with.

Also like, when he waved, I waved back, R.I.P brother
Bluepillers always out themselves in the end when their programming can't cope with reality when it gets to real.

Yup. I see multiple cucks in this thread. I know who not to take seriously thanks to this thread.
Does anyone have the link to the original video so I can hear the roastie tears?
HIS MOTHER SUFFERED 9 months to born this shit??? 3 years she changed his fucking shitty diapers and probably didnt even slept days/months because this shitty fgt screamed and cried in the night.

Dude SHE raised him FOR 18 YEARS and he just kills himself?? Sorry but THATS SELFISH.

nah m8 you're the idiot making such broad assumptions about his situation, you can't understand what was going on in his head, how his parents treated him or anything else, so just stfu dude. suicide is a perfectly valid answer to the absurdity of life, well as much as having a kid is anyway
Bluepillers always out themselves in the end when their programming can't cope with reality when it gets to real.

look at the definition of blue pill you low iq
Let this be a warning to any incels that are gonna blow their brains out. Do you really want the indignity of normie paramedics and police viewing your mutilated subhuman corpse ?

Fuck that shit. When I rope I'm gonna do it in the middle of nowhere so I can literally rot alone in the woods and give back nutrients to mother nature.
Why? So Logan paul and friends can come piss on my corpse?
Him maybe but witnessing suicide is a genuinely traumatic experience. So, technically he just got her laid.
>Tfw you will never take a girls "witnessing a suicide live" virginity.


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