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Hypocrisy IT caught lying and fabricating content once again. (IncelTear user creates long winded pedo fantasy)

Bruh, this is just insane:feelshaha::fuk:.

Those freaks have always been manipulating the screenshots for their shithole of a sub (when not simply posting stuff from completely unrelated sites) but this is just unbelievable:feelskek::feelskek::dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels::feelsseriously::feelsseriously:.

Would be nice if this story somehow slipped through the cracks.
Same. Honestly, I think this might. This honestly seems like it's just too much, both with how much of a blatant fake it is as well as how much of a response it's generated. Obviously, this probably won't get mainstream attention, but I uironically hope something like Kiwifarms (as much as I might sometimes dislike them) will pick this up.
They seem to follow the herd effect.
A quick check of the username and date of account creation would unmask him.
We shouldn't even try to answer them considering how retarded they are.
They seem to go into euphoria when they see a suspicious "post"
The best thing is to see that in the comments some normies are wishing for a nuclear war or something
Imagine if an incel posted about nuclear war jfl. They'd freak the fuck out. And eh, usually I dont bother with them tbh. But this one was just too funny not to highlight.
Bruh, this is just insane:feelshaha::fuk:.

Those freaks have always been manipulating the screenshots for their shithole of a sub (when not simply posting stuff from completely unrelated sites) but this is just unbelievable:feelskek::feelskek::dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels::feelsseriously::feelsseriously:.
It's believable to me but tbh i've seen them do this god knows how many times now jfl. It's their M.O. Deranged tbh. The irony is, if incels are so bad as they'd like to believe, they surely wouldnt need to create their own content, nor post non-incel related shit to place blame on us.
Same. Honestly, I think this might. This honestly seems like it's just too much, both with how much of a blatant fake it is as well as how much of a response it's generated. Obviously, this probably won't get mainstream attention, but I uironically hope something like Kiwifarms (as much as I might sometimes dislike them) will pick this up.
It wont. They'll just ignore it as per usual. I mentioned Doogy, he was a mod on there for a while. A known child groomer for over a year and they did nothing. They accepted it and didn't care. Infact what got him banned wasnt the evidence of him being a groomer, it was him blackmailing a woman on the sub.
It's believable to me but tbh i've seen them do this god knows how many times now jfl. It's their M.O. Deranged tbh. The irony is, if incels are so bad as they'd like to believe, they surely wouldnt need to create their own content, nor post non-incel related shit to place blame on us.

It wont. They'll just ignore it as per usual. I mentioned Doogy, he was a mod on there for a while. A known child groomer for over a year and they did nothing. They accepted it and didn't care. Infact what got him banned wasnt the evidence of him being a groomer, it was him blackmailing a woman on the sub.
Obviously they won't care, what I meant was that I hope that either Kiwifarms or some other relatively-large group will notice this at least.

Obviously they won't care, what I meant was that I hope that either Kiwifarms or some other relatively-large group will notice this at least.
They might do. Although they didnt seem to care about worse incidents from them in the past. Would be based though
We live in the era of disinformation as leftards love to cope about but most retards can't be bothered to do the bare minimum, the simple fact is that IT are a hivemind of a singular opinion and will absorb anything that feeds into it so what they 'think' is worth less than dirt
We live in the era of disinformation as leftards love to cope about but most retards can't be bothered to do the bare minimum, the simple fact is that IT are a hivemind of a singular opinion and will absorb anything that feeds into it so what they 'think' is worth less than dirt
This needs pinning jfl. The accuracy and summary are exact
It looks like it was removed.
When the FBI knocks on that stupid IncelTears cuck’s door, good luck to him in explaining to FBi-cels that he was “just joking” and that he made that post just to “frame incels.”

I hope that IT cuck gets locked up for life and gets raped by big niggER dicks in prison everyday for rest of his life.
IT user considers this post to be the worst thing ever posted on the sub. Given that this post was a fabrication by an IT member it stands to reason that: IT worse than incels confirmed by IT users themselves.

Could be Joe Gelman who posted that. Keep an eye on that username.
It was an interesting read :feelscomfy:
It's always surprising when every time we think IT cucks can't be more stupid, they always find a way to dig even further in their mediocrity.
When the FBI knocks on that stupid IncelTears cuck’s door, good luck to him in explaining to FBi-cels that he was “just joking” and that he made that post just to “frame incels.”

I hope that IT cuck gets locked up for life and gets raped by big niggER dicks in prison everyday for rest of his life.
now that would be a sight to behold
It was an interesting read :feelscomfy:
It's always surprising when every time we think IT cucks can't be more stupid, they always find a way to dig even further in their mediocrity.
Cant underestimate mentally unwell redditors tbh
IT users in a nutshell. A guy on discord said about this incident and I quote "IT is past scraping the barrel and is now just an incel fanfiction sub at this point." They're comical
their subreddit is dead anyway, all those users, only a few things posted each day, most irrelevant "watchdogs" on the planet
I recognized the blood writing and inkwell symbol barring pow any day…
I got an avi feature ty crip :feelshaha:
Nonetheless, high iq. I seen this post from IT and questioned how I’ve never saw this “.is user” with him having that many posts and being a 23 cel. I typed his name into the search and also got nothing. I thought moppers might’ve mopped him up and nuked his posts, but I quickly knew it’s not possible without breaking the entire site.
I chopped it up to IT just lying like they always do and telling inkwells to rope… They say theyre friendly and want to “help,” but I don’t believe it for one second.
IT is just a hate pool of cucks and toilets who are mad we won’t worship and pay their onlycucks account.

it’s over
Sounds like projection
The real meat and potatoes is that the reddit user that posted this actually saved pics of children to post this fabricated post. So the user must be into diddling children to have such material. They just outed themselves.
This is truly one post that IT will never touch. Thank you for your research.
People say high school never ends, but sometimes I get the feeling it's kindergarten that never ended. And they say we're the men-children. I guess really everything they say is projection.
every time you do some based shit like this I literally imagine eazy e sitting behind the screen
GIGAEXPOSED. It's so JFL that IT is willing to fabricate fake posts :lul:
Time to stretch IT's hole again brocel
Wont be the last time. A shell of a report is about to be dropped on them this year from what i'm aware of.
their subreddit is dead anyway, all those users, only a few things posted each day, most irrelevant "watchdogs" on the planet
This is one of the more amusing things. Just how dead they are now. So many of their posts are grasping at straws. Non-incel stuff that they use to pin on us. IT dont even know what incels are for the most part anyway. Those that do, and express it usually get banned or downvoted out of visibility for daring to use a correct definition.
I recognized the blood writing and inkwell symbol barring pow any day…
I got an avi feature ty crip :feelshaha:
Nonetheless, high iq. I seen this post from IT and questioned how I’ve never saw this “.is user” with him having that many posts and being a 23 cel. I typed his name into the search and also got nothing. I thought moppers might’ve mopped him up and nuked his posts, but I quickly knew it’s not possible without breaking the entire site.
I chopped it up to IT just lying like they always do and telling inkwells to rope… They say theyre friendly and want to “help,” but I don’t believe it for one second.
IT is just a hate pool of cucks and toilets who are mad we won’t worship and pay their onlycucks account.

it’s over
I was going to @ you in this since I used you in the screenshot, but wasnt sure if you'd want to be tbh. So I figured, path of least resistance. Dont add a spotlight.

Fact is, a user with nearly 6k posts will have been replied too countless times too. That means you can search for replies. Not a single one exists. We dont "mop" like that. If someone posted a thread like that. We'd just fucking nuke them there and then along with their thread. And anything else they posted still exists. No tolerance for shit like that tbh. But ofc no one recognizes the account because it never existed.

I'm going to ask a friend if I can use on of their quotes to me from yesterday here. If not the below quote marks will remain empty. I'll add them in if they're alright with it. As for IT wanting to "help". They know their "help" is bullshit. They suggest stuff that we've already tried, or that is designed to fail. If we follow their advice to a T and it fails. They take it as a personal issue and blame us for it and then suggest the opposite.

"my mind isnt even capable of creating such pro pedo content cos its sickening to even think that way even to fake it. That goes to show that the person who thought of that is used to it. Is able to sink their thoughts into the moral depths and fantasise about shit normal non pedos dont even think about."
The real meat and potatoes is that the reddit user that posted this actually saved pics of children to post this fabricated post. So the user must be into diddling children to have such material. They just outed themselves.
Indeed. They removed the post and again, didnt mention it. Ofc they dont want to address it because they dont care about their users doing this sort of stuff. They only "care" when it truly reflects on them and cant ignore it.

Look at the replies to the post though. You see many people worried about the kid images... Yet its literally one of their own who compiled that image. Funny isnt it. Child abuse is fine when they do it. They genuinely do not care. Not to mention their history of employing moderators with a history of child abuse.
This is truly one post that IT will never touch. Thank you for your research.
Not the only one. But such threads are usually the ones that they like to rarely acknowledge if possible. Some posters make them. But most "IT wont touch this" threads are retarded attention seeking threads with little to no merit.

It's not really hard to make threads that IT would never truly touch tbh. Its just become an over-saturated meme opener. If you truly want to make a thread that they wont touch. Make it one they wont even dare acknowledge for a month. And then have to acknowledge later on.
People say high school never ends, but sometimes I get the feeling it's kindergarten that never ended. And they say we're the men-children. I guess really everything they say is projection.
"muh bullying ends after school/college"... I say to those people, congratulations on being a normie or above. You won... Try being below that social threshold and see how things go. If they deformed themselves a bit, they'd see just how harsh the world really is towards them. Their social status would vanish
every time you do some based shit like this I literally imagine eazy e sitting behind the screen
Would be based if he was still alive tbh. Sadly I look nothing like Eazy. And I could never even begin to live up to him.
GIGAEXPOSED. It's so JFL that IT is willing to fabricate fake posts :lul:
Willing too? They've been doing this for years. Their current sub is their second iteration. Their first sub did it actively even more so and was a lot more active. It's their M.O. To spread hatred against those they feel justified against. They use cherrypicked examples from a small amount of people, and a lot of non-incels to place blame on lonely, rejected males due to their own biases against them. Sadly that includes a lot of reject males on their own sub that hate their own description to the point of trying to reject their existence through self hate alone. "muh I called him an incel, can I get fukky fukky now?"
@IronsideCel See above. Quote got added btw
Wont be the last time. A shell of a report is about to be dropped on them this year from what i'm aware of.
Can't fucking weight, I have theory that niggas that are desperate too prove that others are pedos are pedos themselves, its happened alot with anti-anime and feminist fags
Can't fucking weight, I have theory that niggas that are desperate too prove that others are pedos are pedos themselves, its happened alot with anti-anime and feminist fags
Should be juicy. And if it includes even a fraction of what I know about that sub, well just fucking lol. By their own logic of "muh if you share space u just as guilty"... Well they will be too. I look forward too it
Mods intentionally making a fake post on IT subreddit to make themselves look good on here. I am not falling for that shit mate.
Tbh there's a whole lot of stuff posted on IT that doesn't belong there, from fabricated content, to wrong sub tier shit that has nothing to do with incels. A good amount of content is dedicated to blaming rejects for the words and actions of those who are valued, people who are non-incels. All to further enable and uphold their own continued prejudices and hatred.

While this preface isn't really news to anyone, there's one example they posted earlier today which is just so comically fake, I thought i'd go through the post with you all. This post is a fabricated rambling that an IT user's mustered up in their mind in an attempt to cause more moral outrage over their own writings. The post in question is here. (archive at bottom for the inevitability of IT removing it and trying to cover it up as if it never happened as is their M.O when their users get caught nonceing or whatever else)

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/13in730/wtf/

Now of course, people on IT are having a rave about this. No fact checking was ever done as expected, despite the obvious flaws in this post. I'll never stop finding it ironic how IT (also openly admit that they) use "guilt by association", but fail to apply it to themselves when their own users do stuff like this, promote stuff like this, call for murder and violence, encourage suicide etc. By their logic, this is a reflection of themselves and them choosing to associate with that space given all these incidents makes them just as culpable.

See this thread I made a while back:

Let's start off by Highlighting the obvious. The user in question. A supposed "OlegTheWaterDrinker"

View attachment 751945

It's worth noting that there are a few hard giveaways in this image. To start off with. let's analyze the username. Well if I use the search feature to look for this profile. Nothing comes up. At all. Ever, anywhere. No ones so much as replied to this user. They don't exist. No trace.:feelswhere: Despite having nearly 6k posts? No chance. But if you need anymore proof. Here. This is a list of users who registered on the apparent join date for this user. Not a single account that joined on Jan 12 has over 5k posts. As you can see, the closest too it is 568 posts.

View attachment 751947

Not convinced? Tbh Im sure IT never would be because any excuse to hate rejects is an excuse they want to keep. But here's another issue with the above image.
View attachment 751949
Look a little closer, You see that human outline. That's not supposed to be there. Instead this is what a real online status indicator should look like. Just a nice plain green
View attachment 751951

We still aren't there though. The account itself? How do I know it never existed to begin with? Well first off lets show you what happens if you try to create an account with the same name as an existing one.

View attachment 751956

...Oh, I guess the account does exist after all damn... NOT. Over for any gullible ITards. I created this account earlier today before making this thread to demonstrate that the account in question never existed. Had it existed, I wouldn't have been able to do this.

View attachment 751957 View attachment 751958
Here's the same account as viewed from my main.

View attachment 751959

I fail to see how an account that was supposedly created in January, and has over 5000 posts, that supposedly made the thread in question last week... Managed to register today.

What happens if we type a user with 5k posts username into the search bar then? (same thing also happens when searching for the text contained in the supposed thread)

View attachment 751960 NOTHING

Don't you find it interesting how the original screenshot doesnt include a thread name despite it apparently being the first post? Makes you wonder why they were hiding it. Is it so people couldn't go out and easily find the thread for themselves, only to realize that no thread ever existed. I have a feeling which thread was used for this mini project by IT. But the thread used is irrelevant. (The pinned "ask an incel" thread is my guess for those who are curious).

Just another case of IT users having twisted fantasies about children and then deciding "I know who I can blame for this". It makes them feel morally justified when they spread misinformation, call for violence, encourage suicide and defend child groomer mods for over a year. Over for those who have to grasp at straws.

Funny bonus:

IT user considers this post to be the worst thing ever posted on the sub. Given that this post was a fabrication by an IT member it stands to reason that: IT worse than incels confirmed by IT users themselves.
View attachment 752267

Bonus quote from discord friend
describing this IT user:
"my mind isnt even capable of creating such pro pedo content cos its sickening to even think that way even to fake it. That goes to show that the person who thought of that is used to it. Is able to sink their thoughts into the moral depths and fantasise about shit normal non pedos dont even think about."

Mods intentionally making a fake post on IT subreddit to make themselves look good on here. I am not falling for that shit mate.
Not sure if a joke or retarded
Mods intentionally making a fake post on IT subreddit to make themselves look good on here. I am not falling for that shit mate.
retard, get outta here. :soy:
IT user considers this post to be the worst thing ever posted on the sub. Given that this post was a fabrication by an IT member it stands to reason that: IT worse than incels confirmed by IT users themselves.


"We" associate with people like this????? :lul::lul::lul:

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