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Brutal Intelligent men have the same sexual success as mentally retarded men - Women like men with below average and average IQ the most

Maybe low-IQ = more likely to inflate sex they have?

I didn’t read because it was too long and I gotta go to sleep but, there is no way they can confirm male virginity etc.

Also other studies show good looking people have higher IQs and that.
The world is just out to destroy everyone who isn't a useful idiot.

That said, even if you fit the '70-90' iq range you might still fail for plenty of other reasons, I don't buy into the bs that all incels are mental, there are normal people on here, they're the considerable majority, actually. People become less normal (perhaps smarter?) and less social because other things can stigmatize you, whether just from girls, or from everyone.
I don't blame stupid people for being stupid. I blame stupid people for liking stupid people.
You can fail because of your looks and hypergamy (main reason) or you can fail because you've been socially ostracized for years or because your self esteem has been completely crushed by years of negative reinforcement.
Incels who say that are so infuriating. Good thing it's been a while since I last saw that shit here, thanks OP for posting that and contributing for less of that retarded shit.
I mainly see ITcels and bluepillers saying this these days.

" Yes, incels are incredibly misogynistic. But I do not blame them. Years and perhaps decades of futile approaches, getting rejected and getting stampled as a creep is certain to invoke misogyny and hatred."

Black pill.

" If you cannot attain sex by your appeal, then at least by money. "

Blue pill.
I mean money can buy you surgeries. But yeah I doubt that's what she was referring too since she didn't bring up looks at all

Are these intelligent guys ugly? or do women just hate intelligent men? I think intelligence dries up pussy. Intelligence usually means reserved, analytic, etc women hate these things since they're subhuman thrill seekers with no foresight
No idea but the article does say at the end that high t is somewhat correlated with a reduction in iq. And high t itself tends to create more attractive men in general.

But I think that like that female professor on quora said: when high iq men get rejected they tend to withdraw because they're ultra self aware, whereas the low iq men won't get a clue and will keep trying over and over again. That also skews the sexual success in their favor somewhat i suppose.
Also, an explanation to those who wonder how looks play into this: These articles talk about correlation, not causation. No one is claiming that low iq > looks. The causal mechanism behind is that low iq = lower inhib and more extroverted.
This. Sadly some people here misunderstood this and thought i was trying to cope or lay bluepills

Given that the average IQ of a Black person is 85, and Black people have the highest rates of criminality, this is an excellent argument in favor of BBC theorem, as I've pointed out before:

This hypothesis explains the seeming contradiction with respect to looks theorem:
Is neoteny even a good in feature in men? I know men love it in women though.

Or do things like not balding, having good skin etc count as neotenous?
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Nuclear Blackpill. Of course I could have told you this just by looking around but nice to have studies to back it up
Giphy 1
Incels bc of iq :soy:, stop coping at least u won one positive thing in genetic lottery, foids arent able to determine and verify ur intelligence, for them chad is always confident and intelligent. Tbh i feel suicidal bc i prob dont have as high iq as i would like to have
you are stupid,the study is right in front of you
Incels bc of iq :soy:, stop coping at least u won one positive thing in genetic lottery, foids arent able to determine and verify ur intelligence, for them chad is always confident and intelligent. Tbh i feel suicidal bc i prob dont have as high iq as i would like to have
Incels bc of iq :soy:, stop coping at least u won one positive thing in genetic lottery, foids arent able to determine and verify ur intelligence, for them chad is always confident and intelligent. Tbh i feel suicidal bc i prob dont have as high iq as i would like to have
you are stupid,the study is right in front of you
you are stupid,the study is right in front of you
Brutal finding, under a system of control & limiting the rights of females under the guise of religious morals smart men flourished & so we had nice things & good times. Now the leashes are off & the power dynamics have swapped around we find women wanting to procreate with violent morons & so everything starts going to shit.

Many of these men that turn faggot, go tranny would of never resorted to this in the past as their chances of getting a woman were higher.

Just as wealth inequality is higher than ever so are mate prospects as Chad a world away is available on an app & makeup enhances a womans rating to the point she perceives her trickery to be her natural state & lives in a world of delusional self projection.

View: https://youtu.be/XkxtxZSrPMQ&t=2m04s

Maybe low-IQ = more likely to inflate sex they have?

I didn’t read because it was too long and I gotta go to sleep but, there is no way they can confirm male virginity etc.

Also other studies show good looking people have higher IQs and that.
Perhaps they're being given favourable grades & assistance due to halo effect.
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You can fail because of your looks and hypergamy (main reason) or you can fail because you've been socially ostracized for years or because your self esteem has been completely crushed by years of negative reinforcement.
All of those have had some influence but mainly the middle one, autismos magic at work as usual.

Look at this BS article: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/collette-gee/self-image-perception_b_8143908.html

" How an individual perceives him/herself is either a real or distorted view of who they believe they really are, not always who they actually are, or how others see them for that matter. People either develop a positive or a negative self-image based upon their perception of a past experience or event. Therefore, an individual's strengths and weaknesses are a direct manifestation of how a person evaluates themselves. "

How does someone get it so backwards???

It's other people's perceptions that cause a person to evaluate themselves badly, not their own self esteem. Strengths and weaknesses cause your self-evaluation when other people judge you, not the other way around. Your self-image doesn't change what you're capable of ! And realizing this ofc takes some brains and ability to not follow the herd which is another reason the guys too dumb for that get laid more, they're not self aware of how they're preaching bullshit.

Reading this kind of bullshit is a slap to the face for me as someone with a diagnosed and nigh untreatable disorder. (aside CBT but that's a meme).

I have more such examples

View: https://vimeo.com/138585939

All of these are various red and blue pill perspectives but the point stands that the cause and effect here is ass backwards and being insecure is seen as a choice and not a fundamental unchangeable quality. The world needs to wake up.

I've said before inceldom or rather its ideas is akin to conspiracy, except sociosexual instead of socioeconomic. The truth hurts, especially for normals. Better believe a comforting and popular lie instead so you can get away with being a bad person and feel good (psychology bullshit tactics).
This isn't really surprising
I've met plenty of extremely intelligent guys, and most of them were KHHV's
All of those have had some influence but mainly the middle one, autismos magic at work as usual.

Look at this BS article: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/collette-gee/self-image-perception_b_8143908.html

" How an individual perceives him/herself is either a real or distorted view of who they believe they really are, not always who they actually are, or how others see them for that matter. People either develop a positive or a negative self-image based upon their perception of a past experience or event. Therefore, an individual's strengths and weaknesses are a direct manifestation of how a person evaluates themselves. "

How does someone get it so backwards???

It's other people's perceptions that cause a person to evaluate themselves badly, not their own self esteem. Strengths and weaknesses cause your self-evaluation when other people judge you, not the other way around. Your self-image doesn't change what you're capable of ! And realizing this ofc takes some brains and ability to not follow the herd which is another reason the guys too dumb for that get laid more, they're not self aware of how they're preaching bullshit.

Reading this kind of bullshit is a slap to the face for me as someone with a diagnosed and nigh untreatable disorder. (aside CBT but that's a meme).

I have more such examples

View: https://vimeo.com/138585939

All of these are various red and blue pill perspectives but the point stands that the cause and effect here is ass backwards and being insecure is seen as a choice and not a fundamental unchangeable quality. The world needs to wake up.

I've said before inceldom or rather its ideas is akin to conspiracy, except sociosexual instead of socioeconomic. The truth hurts, especially for normals. Better believe a comforting and popular lie instead so you can get away with being a bad person and feel good (psychology bullshit tactics).

jfl. So it's just pure chance that utter manlets and super ugly men all have shitty self esteem while tallfags and good looking men just happen to have really good self esteem

I really can't fucking stand it when people say that all your problems are just a result of your insecurities which are SOMEHOW based on nothing. According to bluepillers men just create issues for the heck of it.

Like how they say teehee nobody cares about balding, you're the one making it a problem/making yourself a target

Believing in the just world fallacy is like believing in santa smh
It’s all very simple —- women like men smart enough to work and function, but dumb enough to be hoodwinked and believe blue pill bullshit
jfl. So it's just pure chance that utter manlets and super ugly men all have shitty self esteem while tallfags and good looking men just happen to have really good self esteem

I really can't fucking stand it when people say that all your problems are just a result of your insecurities which are SOMEHOW based on nothing. According to bluepillers men just create issues for the heck of it.

Like how they say teehee nobody cares about balding, you're the one making it a problem/making yourself a target

Believing in the just world fallacy is like believing in santa smh
The maturity of women, chads, soys, and generally all normies is childish and santa like when it comes to anything psychological or social. That's because it all comes naturally to them as good looking well proportioned people with instincts for how to act normal and plenty of chances to practice since people actually want to look atand listen to them.

I believe that the IQ correlation also factors in because if you're incel and dumb you may not even realize you're incel and just try anything till you get killed/arrested or succeed. If you're smart on the other hand you will get self-conscious. So stupidity is almost like a cope or even occasional cure for inceldom. That's why you hear, for instance, about a lot of non-Tyrone black men not getting laid but only the smart and average IQ ones tend to call themselves blackcels.
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

So fuckin true!!! Girls and women like those bird brained potheads and/or brutes! They ignore gentlemen whether they are good looking or not!
"women are selecting the best genes by fucking chads bro" :soy:
Wow. your contribution will not go in vain. I know studies like these exist.
Top notch black pill post. Top 5 in my list.
These studies will go into the dumps anyways. meekspill dont give a sheet.
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Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

Damn you have been dropping some blackpill bombs lately.
You can fail because of your looks and hypergamy (main reason) or you can fail because you've been socially ostracized for years or because your self esteem has been completely crushed by years of negative reinforcement.

This is for real. Everything is inter related.
Damn that answer is amazing. Obviously she isn't acknowledging looks at all, but she does acknowledge the fact that many men are completely screwed and have either extremely low chances of getting laid or NONE. That line of thinking is very blackpilled, even if she's missing the core of the problem

When she talked about self awareness it reminds me of pic below. I think that we're very self aware, much more than incels in denial, bluepillers and redpillers. I think even the people here who think of themselves as dumb like @muharremabi probably self awareness mog most men.

View attachment 348445
Melvinpill destroyed me.

We truly all start low inhib to this life. But our personal experiences makes us afraid
iq is one of the biggest gigacope I have seen tbh


High IQ is utterly worthless

Importance of "smarts" and "talents" and "hobbies" are all just normie gaslighting

All utterly worthless

Looks destroy SO hard when it comes to life quality

Everything else is just a distraction

High IQ is utterly worthless

Importance of "smarts" and "talents" and "hobbies" are all just normie gaslighting

All utterly worthless

Looks destroy SO hard when it comes to life quality

Everything else is just a distraction
Yeah, ugly muggly scientists and rich people think anyone gives a shit about them are coping. There's a reason people hate ugly shits like Jeff Bezos, they think ugly people are evil.
Yeah, ugly muggly scientists and rich people think anyone gives a shit about them are coping. There's a reason people hate ugly shits like Jeff Bezos, they think ugly people are evil.

Every moneymaxxed status maxxed ugly man becomes deeply depressed because he realizes money doesn't buy the one thing we all want:

Genuine sexual attraction from women

And a high IQ makes this realization even more painful because you can't escape it with shoddy logic or flawed rationalizations
Every moneymaxxed status maxxed ugly man becomes deeply depressed because he realizes money doesn't buy the one thing we all want:

Genuine sexual attraction from women

And a high IQ makes this realization even more painful because you can't escape it with shoddy logic or flawed rationalizations
I am in that situation, it's over for me.
I've always thought this tbh. it makes sense.

Women are too low iq to be around high IQ males. It's like having a child be friends with an adult or somethin

Also women will find it harder to put on their facade and to manipulate them meaning high IQ males are useless to them.
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

Fuck this gay abomination of an earth.

Though I wouldn’t be surprised if other factors were involved too such as the looks or behaviourism of the person/group with High IQ that leads to being a TFL.
I've always thought this tbh. it makes sense.

Women are too low iq to be around high IQ males. It's like having a child be friends with an adult or somethin

Also women will find it harder to put on their facade and to manipulate them meaning high IQ males are useless to them.
Well actually there can be cases where women can easily manipulate the smart man, even the twitch streamer who brags about saying if you don’t support/donate her there’s no point in watching her, and the usual guys viewing her are those with STEM jobs, and what makes it worse is that she has the power to dox them because they pay her with their full details and information.

Though if an intelligent person takes in to factor of being observant of every experience they face, then they can easily figure out how the foid plays in social dynamics, and out manipulate the foid, to which if you were blackpilled is the ultimate proof to never have these foids interact unless receiving sexual relations.
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I guess my iq is too high for these chimp whores.

High IQ is utterly worthless

Importance of "smarts" and "talents" and "hobbies" are all just normie gaslighting

All utterly worthless

Looks destroy SO hard when it comes to life quality

Everything else is just a distraction
High IQ means you see the big picture.

Good looks means you have a good life, but you will be nothing more than some retard who happened to win a genetic lottery and got foids.

Pick one, I choose the first option.
I've been wanting to make a post about the intelligencepill for a long time, thanks for finally doing this. Women's sexual preferences are retarded and would only make sense if we still lived in the caveman days.
I've been wanting to make a post about the intelligencepill for a long time, thanks for finally doing this. Women's sexual preferences are retarded and would only make sense if we still lived in the caveman days.

And yes it's caveman tier instincts kickin in. They really just want the person who has the best chance of bashing someone else's skull in
The problem is that nobody understands human beings are separated by caste by nature.

Evolutionism has thrown the traditional understanding that a man is born to fulfill a certain role out the window and has reduced everything to one single equation: survival of the fittest and reproduction, so that everything is measured up entirely according to this single metric which has led to the mistaken assumption there is an "ideal" upon which all human beings are to be measured in their totality.

Incels fall into this trap too when they think high intelligence goes along with being Chad (despite the OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary, namely, every single genius that has ever lived, none of which were Chads), under the rubric that "good genes come in a package".

The truth is that Chad cannot be actually all that bright, because Chads are what in the Hindu caste system would be referred to as Kshatriya, the warrior caste. The warrior skull, the square jaw, the talent with sports, the high risk behavior, and even the outward beauty (the warrior caste is also the regal caste) all fit that description.

In fact, the mental aptitude of the warrior type is action oriented and entirely outward, so that Chad is actually incapable of contemplativity and the only "transcendent" values he understands are those pertaining to the world of action. Courage, honor, and so on.

Those of high intelligence, those pertaining to the "Brahmin" caste (again, talking about natural castes here, not any arbitrary social organization. People are literally born to be either thinkers, soldiers, workers etc), will very rarely display anything but the most "bland" kind of outward features, because their world is one of inner beauty and not outward splendor.

Thus, what those stats are saying is not that women are repelled by high intelligence per-se. They are all obviously favoring Chad and Chad is of low intelligence by type hence those results.

BTW, i think it's pretty telling that in the middle ages, the world of romance was the domain of the knight, where as the priest and the monk were intended for celibacy. Those who could be both were often seen as superior to either:

But generally speaking it was the monk who was seen as higher than the knight, something that is very amusing considering how things work in our modern world.
The problem is that nobody understands human beings are separated by caste by nature.

Evolutionism has thrown the traditional understanding that a man is born to fulfill a certain role out the window and has reduced everything to one single equation: survival of the fittest and reproduction, so that everything is measured up entirely according to this single metric which has led to the mistaken assumption there is an "ideal" upon which all human beings are to be measured in their totality.

Incels fall into this trap too when they think high intelligence goes along with being Chad (despite the OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary, namely, every single genius that has ever lived, none of which were Chads), under the rubric that "good genes come in a package".

The truth is that Chad cannot be actually all that bright, because Chads are what in the Hindu caste system would be referred to as Kshatriya, the warrior caste. The warrior skull, the square jaw, the talent with sports, the high risk behavior, and even the outward beauty (the warrior caste is also the regal caste) all fit that description.

In fact, the mental aptitude of the warrior type is action oriented and entirely outward, so that Chad is actually incapable of contemplativity and the only "transcendent" values he understands are those pertaining to the world of action. Courage, honor, and so on.

Those of high intelligence, those pertaining to the "Brahmin" caste (again, talking about natural castes here, not any arbitrary social organization. People are literally born to be either thinkers, soldiers, workers etc), will very rarely display anything but the most "bland" kind of outward features, because their world is one of inner beauty and not outward splendor.

Thus, what those stats are saying is not that women are repelled by high intelligence per-se. They are all obviously favoring Chad and Chad is of low intelligence by type hence those results.

BTW, i think it's pretty telling that in the middle ages, the world of romance was the domain of the knight, where as the priest and the monk were intended for celibacy. Those who could be both were often seen as superior to either:

But generally speaking it was the monk who was seen as higher than the knight, something that is very amusing considering how things work in our modern world.
It's as if chad/warriors weren't pressured into becoming more intelligent or introspective since their looks and strength carried them in life

It's kind of the same thing nowadays. Chad parties, has friends and girls, travels, meets new people all the time and has no need for stemceling/academia. Low value males are more likely to try to compensate with stemceling, money making and so on. Or more likely to simply go hermit mode and overthink every aspect of their life

Thus, what those stats are saying is not that women are repelled by high intelligence per-se. They are all obviously favoring Chad and Chad is of low intelligence by type hence those results.
Yeah they're attracted on average to guys who didn't need to develop intelligence. And they're turned off by guys who, on average, were pressured into introspecting, analytical thinking etc.

But since intelligence isn't the cause, chad can be smart and still be hot
That proves too that women have severe low IQ (unless mass shit media says the countrary) and they feel better with low IQ chads than with High IQ incels
lifefuel for low iqcels
Im low IQ but yet Ive never made koi, the blackpill debunked :soy: :feelsrope::feelsthink:
I think Intelectual people sound very boring and dull, average IQ people can be more passionete and dedicate their time more on social skills then intelectual one (just my ideia)
yeah i also noticed this in high school, foids absolutely love low IQ guys. its over for high IQcels, only gigachad can get away with being high IQ

if you're not gigachad but above average, and truly high IQ, you could pretend to be low IQ in order to get away with it, but by the time you get the hang of it, truly low IQ guys will already life mog you into oblivion
IQ is completely irrelevant. No idea why people on here are obsessed with IQ so much. What are you "high" IQcels doing with your time? What are you inventing? What are you creating? Why arent you rich and famous? IQ is a pathetic cope.
Your threads are always
Very high effort
Very high IQ
Very blackpilled

Thank you.
IQ is completely irrelevant. No idea why people on here are obsessed with IQ so much. What are you "high" IQcels doing with your time? What are you inventing? What are you creating? Why arent you rich and famous? IQ is a pathetic cope.
Why do you get so defensive? There always has to be someone who says this whenever iq is brought up. This thread is literally about a set of observations like "hey it looks like low iq people do well with women statistically, and high iq people not so much" yet you try to imply it's a circlejerk instead of a statistical observation

"IQ is completely irrelevant." Except it isn't, if it was there wouldn't be any form of correlation or pattern to iq and sexual success

yeah i also noticed this in high school, foids absolutely love low IQ guys. its over for high IQcels, only gigachad can get away with being high IQ

if you're not gigachad but above average, and truly high IQ, you could pretend to be low IQ in order to get away with it, but by the time you get the hang of it, truly low IQ guys will already life mog you into oblivion
They love the violent thugs as well, which tend to be low iq (since low iq is strongly correlated with aggressive impulsive behavior)

The top 10% of antisocial men are responsible for 27% of pregnancies and 62% of violent assaults against women​

Your threads are always
Very high effort
Very high IQ
Very blackpilled

Thank you.

I think Intelectual people sound very boring and dull, average IQ people can be more passionete and dedicate their time more on social skills then intelectual one (just my ideia)
You're being a bit vague there tbh
it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

In the female mind they do. Size and aesthetics is what matters the most to them.

Few women have genuine interest in intellectual development.

"A woman takes interest only in subjects that have an immediate personal usefulness to her. For example, if she reads a political article in the newspaper, it is highly likely that she wants to cast a spell on some political-science student, not that she cares about the fate of the Chinese, Israelis, or South Africans. If she looks up the names of some Greek philosophers in the dictionary, it does not mean she has suddenly taken an interest in Greek philosophy. It means she is trying to solve a crossword puzzle. If she is studying the ads for a new car, she is not doing it with a platonic interest in its technical features, but because she wants to own it."

Their view of knowledge is purely utilitarian :

"He knows absolutely everything. → He even serves the function of an encyclopedia."
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In the female mind they do. Size and aesthetics is what matters the most to them.
But even from that angle their argument is incredibly dishonest considering females spread their genes no matter what. Short women are shortcels and framecels factories and ugly women also reproduce regardless of their face
Also women are the ones who spread balding genes to men since the genes are mainly in the X chromosome. Women spread norwooding genes to men and then treat the balding men like shit

There's nothing more hypocritical than a 5ft1 foid or truecel faced foid smugly larping as a eugenicist
Maybe this is why n*rmalfucks are so ignorant when it comes to inceldom. They are truly too dumb to be self aware. They genuinely cannot understand. I noticed thread only now and I knew high IQ could cause inceldom but I had no idea low IQ was so much more beneficial and favorable. I never thought it's so over for intellicels. Very eye-opening findings.
Women tend to be repulsed by men they can't easily manipulate & bullshit(except chads ofc.) Foids want to control average and below looking men into giving them resources while getting impregnated by chads and if any of them show signs of understanding what's going on(intelligence) then foids will quickly try to turn it on you somehow. Just look at how women try to label incels as terrorists even though we're just ugly men who call out women on their bullshit , if you don't give your wife money on demand while she's getting railed by chad in front of you then you're a stinky inkwell terrorist jfl.
Why do you get so defensive? There always has to be someone who says this whenever iq is brought up. This thread is literally about a set of observations like "hey it looks like low iq people do well with women statistically, and high iq people not so much" yet you try to imply it's a circlejerk instead of a statistical observation

"IQ is completely irrelevant." Except it isn't, if it was there wouldn't be any form of correlation or pattern to iq and sexual success
Because you and no one else here should be surprised woman prefer lower IQ men. When I say irrelevant, its irrelevant in helping subhumans and its mostly irrelevant in your quality of life so as long as it isnt Aboriginal levels of low.
Based and Dementiapilled. Going to finally make it by the ripe age of 85.
Maybe this is why n*rmalfucks are so ignorant when it comes to inceldom. They are truly too dumb to be self aware. They genuinely cannot understand. I noticed thread only now and I knew high IQ could cause inceldom but I had no idea low IQ was so much more beneficial and favorable. I never thought it's so over for intellicels. Very eye-opening findings.
low-average iq + different life experiences is what really does it. A normie can't relate or understand partly because his life has been so different from yours. The odds aren't stacked against him nearly as much, his looks don't sabotage everything

Because you and no one else here should be surprised woman prefer lower IQ men. When I say irrelevant, its irrelevant in helping subhumans and its mostly irrelevant in your quality of life so as long as it isnt Aboriginal levels of low.
Almost nothing helps subhumans other than surgeries, transplants and some basic looksmaxxing.

Women tend to be repulsed by men they can't easily manipulate & bullshit(except chads ofc.) Foids want to control average and below looking men into giving them resources while getting impregnated by chads and if any of them show signs of understanding what's going on(intelligence) then foids will quickly try to turn it on you somehow. Just look at how women try to label incels as terrorists even though we're just ugly men who call out women on their bullshit , if you don't give your wife money on demand while she's getting railed by chad in front of you then you're a stinky inkwell terrorist jfl.
I think it's also that the high iq males tend to be weirdos. Women want to fit in, they want society's approval and validation. The only time it's ever ok and not seen as lame to associate with some stem nerd is when he's bless with looks or making a nice amount of money/has status
Lol if anyone on this forum thinks that were too smart to get laid

Reminder that were the sub 70 IQ group
Lol if anyone on this forum thinks that were too smart to get laid

Reminder that were the sub 70 IQ group
Literally the second line i wrote

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

It's about noticing patterns and disproving the just world fallacy tbh

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