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Brutal Intelligent men have the same sexual success as mentally retarded men - Women like men with below average and average IQ the most

Life fuel in a way, makes me feel superior to all this whole mating ritual, and it gives me more reasons for leaving this hemisphere and buying an islamic wife, females are truly subhuman

The movie Idiocracy sums it up.

Are these intelligent guys ugly? or do women just hate intelligent men? I think intelligence dries up pussy. Intelligence usually means reserved, analytic, etc women hate these things since they're subhuman thrill seekers with no foresight

Most males are considered ugly, so it is irrelevant.

The second one.

Given that the average IQ of a Black person is 85, and Black people have the highest rates of criminality, this is an excellent argument in favor of BBC theorem, as I've pointed out before:

This hypothesis explains the seeming contradiction with respect to looks theorem:

Indeed. I do believe that black males are the least incel group of males in the West. JBW is cope, because high IQ and high inhib is shit to these skanks.

I really can't fucking stand it when people say that all your problems are just a result of your insecurities which are SOMEHOW based on nothing. According to bluepillers men just create issues for the heck of it.

It's the inverse of female issues with DSR. She has "depression", and that's real.

Incel? We're just making it up in our heads and are insecure about the fact every single Becky ghosts us if we even get that far. JFL.

I've always thought this tbh. it makes sense.

Women are too low iq to be around high IQ males. It's like having a child be friends with an adult or somethin

Also women will find it harder to put on their facade and to manipulate them meaning high IQ males are useless to them.

So much based shit in this thread.
yeah i also noticed this in high school, foids absolutely love low IQ guys. its over for high IQcels, only gigachad can get away with being high IQ

if you're not gigachad but above average, and truly high IQ, you could pretend to be low IQ in order to get away with it, but by the time you get the hang of it, truly low IQ guys will already life mog you into oblivion

R.I.P. never began
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I think you are right.
Literally why as a 30-year-old kissless virgin I never am attracted to foids my same age - they hate me, they think I’m a freak.
Literally why as a 30-year-old kissless virgin I never am attracted to foids my same age - they hate me, they think I’m a freak.
What if you larp as a sex haver
good thread. peak clown world, repeal the 19th
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

Tldr what does it imply explain to me like I'm 5
Tldr what does it imply explain to me like I'm 5

basically what me and many other have said before, intelligence is a pretty much a useless trait. it negatively impacts your dating life, so smarter your are less successful you'll be.

this is why nerds shouldn't invent good things for shitty society, you would think that whore mother nature would prioritize iq as big trait foids search in men but nope mother nature is also 6ft good looking chad slut as well
>70 IQ
SO FUCKING CLOSE YET STILL FAR :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: 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:reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee:
basically what me and many other have said before, intelligence is a pretty much a useless trait. it negatively impacts your dating life, so smarter your are less successful you'll be.

this is why nerds shouldn't invent good things for shitty society, you would think that whore mother nature would prioritize iq as big trait foids search in men but nope mother nature is also 6ft good looking chad slut as well
If you're smart enough to hunt, find cover when it rains etc you're smart enough for mother nature
It’s all about the face
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

sigh, another @Gymcelled thread that is not in must-read :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice: MODS
I summon you @PLA1092 because your chill orang utoon avi soothes my tortured membranes.
Onwards brave mod! Elevate this thread, forever elevator, to something that is greater (but preferable into must-read my lord :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:).
sigh, another @Gymcelled thread that is not in must-read :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice: MODS
I summon you @PLA1092 because your chill orang utoon avi soothes my tortured membranes.
Onwards brave mod! Elevate this thread, forever elevator, to something that is greater (but preferable into must-read my lord :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:).
sigh, another @Gymcelled thread that is not in must-read :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice: MODS
I summon you @PLA1092 because your chill orang utoon avi soothes my tortured membranes.
Onwards brave mod! Elevate this thread, forever elevator, to something that is greater (but preferable into must-read my lord :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:).
:worryfeels: are you going through all my old posts?

:feelsautistic: but im glad some people still read the old threads i made back in the day

Also if you want a fun read, you can check this thread. Yeah it's more of a history post, so kind of off topic but i laughed my ass off when i discovered this royal fuck up. PERSONALITY DETECTOR TEEHEE

Water Day Loop GIF by Pi-Slices
:worryfeels: are you going through all my old posts?

:feelsautistic: but im glad some people still read the old threads i made back in the day

Also if you want a fun read, you can check this thread. Yeah it's more of a history post, so kind of off topic but i laughed my ass off when i discovered this royal fuck up. PERSONALITY DETECTOR TEEHEE

:feelsYall: :feelsYall: :feelsYall:
nah I've just been here for longer than my account suggests. I remembered your thread from back in the day and was surprised it's not in must read.

Also lmao at the thread, reminds me of this:

Skip to chapter IX, thats where he starts talking shit about Justinians wife and says how she fucked animals and shit. Very funny.
:feelsYall: :feelsYall: :feelsYall:
nah I've just been here for longer than my account suggests. I remembered your thread from back in the day and was surprised it's not in must read.

Also lmao at the thread, reminds me of this:

Skip to chapter IX, thats where he starts talking shit about Justinians wife and says how she fucked animals and shit. Very funny.
Did we chat in PMs back in the day? Several people i used to talk to have deleted their accounts.

I'll check it out :feelsPop:
Did we chat in PMs back in the day? Several people i used to talk to have deleted their accounts.

I'll check it out :feelsPop:
nah i was not as prominent as i am now back in the day. I had no account in fact until last year :feelsYall: :feelsYall: :feelsYall:
This is why drugmaxxing works for meta high IQ cels
Sexual attraction is animalistic in its core. Intelligence more likely to help to extinguish flame of sexual passion and lust than to ignite it.

Also there may be correlation between intelligence and smaller dick size on average.
These are just my speculations.
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

Chad always win
Face > iq cope
Sexual attraction is animalistic in its core. Intelligence more likely to help to extinguish flame of sexual passion and lust than to ignite it.
Nope women like attractive men lol at OP’s cope about muhhh chad being low iq


Intelligence is just as strongly correlated with beauty as with education.

Why beautiful people are more intelligent

Empirical studies demonstrate that individuals perceive physically attractive others to be more intelligent than physically unattractive others. While…

Too many Hollyjew watching basement dwellers still think chad is dumb while incel rotters are giga high iq. Hahahah genes come in packages and if you’re non NT those genes are useless (or you get fucked by genetic recombination which happens to many non NTs) so It doesnt matter for you anyways.

Halo effect may play a role but iq has nothing to do with halo effect which these studies measure. Iq Is primarily generic & although maybe some of us autists like us may have a higher iq IT DOESNT MATTER. You still need to be NT to be perceived as intelligent and if you aren’t HTN+ you will never be taken seriously. Keep coping about HTN + being dumb when studies show the opposite.
refer to this
Face > iq cope

Nope women like attractive men lol at OP’s cope about muhhh chad being low iq


Intelligence is just as strongly correlated with beauty as with education.

Why beautiful people are more intelligent

Empirical studies demonstrate that individuals perceive physically attractive others to be more intelligent than physically unattractive others. While…

Too many Hollyjew watching basement dwellers still think chad is dumb while incel rotters are giga high iq. Hahahah genes come in packages and if you’re non NT those genes are useless (or you get fucked by genetic recombination which happens to many non NTs) so It doesnt matter for you anyways.

Halo effect may play a role but iq has nothing to do with halo effect which these studies measure. Iq Is primarily generic & although maybe some of us autists like us may have a higher iq IT DOESNT MATTER. You still need to be NT to be perceived as intelligent and if you aren’t HTN+ you will never be taken seriously. Keep coping about HTN + being dumb when studies show the opposite.

refer to this

@prajeet88 @Balding Subhuman i debunk ur claims here
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


View attachment 348404

I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

View attachment 348405

Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

If virginity is correlated to IQ than at 22y virgin I am like Tesla:hax:
anyway most IQ people aren't chads . At least this is what the graphic is telling me
Thanks heavens, at least I know I am not getting cucked by smartbros. If I had a few more IQ points maybe I'd be smart enough to fuck.

This thread reminded me of this answer from quora, the smarter you are, the less chance you have of ascension...

Also it always surprised me how brutally honest this female was in her answer.
She literally describes my life, JFL:

"An assertive man approaching women is considered a jerk - if he has low intelligence. But if he has high IQ, he is not considered a jerk. He is considered a creep. He is seen as a sexual predator.

Since high IQ and high EQ go hand in hand, most high IQ boys who get rejected and perceived as creeps, realize that themselves - and very quickly cease to make any approaches on women. They do not want to get jailed for sexual harassment."

" If you are a boy and your IQ is over 148 (three standard deviations), the alarm bells should ring. You are better to marry the first woman who even remotely appears matching because the chances are you will never meet another. "

:cryfeels: :feelscry::feelsrope:
Brutal but let's not pretend this forum is filled with Einsteins.
Most high-IQcels are in the 120-130 range.
@prajeet88 @Balding Subhuman i debunk ur claims here
The correlation between IQ and looks is very small. Yeah chad on average probs has sub-optimal 105 IQ (95 is best), but 105IQ is still much much better than 115 or 130IQ than many rice STEMcels have.
The correlation between IQ and looks is very small. Yeah chad on average probs has sub-optimal 105 IQ (95 is best), but 105IQ is still much much better than 115 or 130IQ than many rice STEMcels have.
wrong many chads iq mog.
The correlation between IQ and looks is very small. Yeah chad on average probs has sub-optimal 105 IQ (95 is best), but 105IQ is still much much better than 115 or 130IQ than many rice STEMcels have.
The issue is u probably see chad as that obese white ogre football player simply because he’s tall & not short.
2.7% chance of virgin PER IQ POINT?!?!?

If i'm reading that right, doesn't that mean 138+ having sex is literally against all odds and considered to be basically impossible.

That's absolutely terrifying.
wrong many chads iq mog.
The correlation between facial symmetry and IQ is small. Ditto for height and IQ (especially in a post nutrient-deficient world).
I wonder how this synergizes with the study on the scientific blackpill page about how "very unattractive" women are more likely to be married than other women?

Because when you look at it, the researchers found that their husbands are also much higher-income than the husbands of other women, and so they explain this by high IQ men, since IQ correlates highly with income, being the ones marrying those very unattractive women?

Quotes from that study:

The analyses of the (data) showed that very unattractive women were significantly more likely to be married ...than unattractive women at 29, sometimes more than average-looking women, and their spouses or cohabitation partners earned significantly more than those of unattractive or average-looking women.
Because both intelligence and physical attractiveness are highly heritable, we would expect their offspring to be simultaneously intelligent and very unattractive.
Intelligent men’s preference to marry or mate with very unattractive women, if robust, can potentially explain why the correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness is not larger despite the assortative mating of intelligent men of higher status and physically attractive women over many generations.

Absolute fucking clown world, intelligent guys get barely anything, and what they get is only what other men don't want, but they still quickly marry those low-value women because they know that they might never get another chance:feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope::feelsrope:.

Fucking clown world man.

Pedro Laughing GIF by Brand MKRS creative agency

sigh, another @Gymcelled thread that is not in must-read :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice: MODS
I summon you @PLA1092 because your chill orang utoon avi soothes my tortured membranes.
Onwards brave mod! Elevate this thread, forever elevator, to something that is greater (but preferable into must-read my lord :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:).
Damn, it's this easy to get a thread to the must-read, as long as it's good enough:feelshaha::feelsokman:?

And here I am, thinking and debating with myself for weeks whether to shyly ask for a consideration of that for this thread about a study proving feminists of both genders to be narcissists:feelshaha::

@PLA1092 may I humbly ask for a quick consideration of this, since your exchange with Gecko provided a perfect opportunity for me to ask so:feelshehe::feelshehe:?
Women choose the worst specimens of humans, what a surprise
Attractive people have higher IQs on average so it doesn’t matter
Not all sexhavers are attractive. Some criminals aren't attractive.
The point is that women would rather sleep with dumb low iq aggressive gorilla with broad shoulders than with unattractive intelligent framecel.
Not all sexhavers are attractive. Some criminals aren't attractive.
The point is that women would rather sleep with dumb low iq aggressive gorilla with broad shoulders than with unattractive intelligent framecel.
True ur correct. Bideltoid Is law and tbf iq doesn’t matter regardless ur correct.
The correlation between facial symmetry and IQ is small. Ditto for height and IQ (especially in a post nutrient-deficient world).
Honestly yea it doesn’t matter iq doesn’t matter all that much
I wonder how this synergizes with the study on the scientific blackpill page about how "very unattractive" women are more likely to be married than other women?

Because when you look at it, the researchers found that their husbands are also much higher-income than the husbands of other women, and so they explain this by high IQ men, since IQ correlates highly with income, being the ones marrying those very unattractive women?

Quotes from that study:

Absolute fucking clown world, intelligent guys get barely anything, and what they get is only what other men don't want, but they still quickly marry those low-value women because they know that they might never get another chance:feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope::feelsrope:.

Fucking clown world man.

Pedro Laughing GIF by Brand MKRS creative agency
yeah ive kinda seen this irl
these mutant nerds in IT jobs marry these USS Iwoa battleship class looking bomber "women."

Damn, it's this easy to get a thread to the must-read, as long as it's good enough:feelshaha::feelsokman:?
its gotta be the right mod
@PLA1092 is chill orang utooon so he will understand your torment :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
whenever i see him come online
i imagine him driving around the forum like

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od_PmtmMDV0

And here I am, thinking and debating with myself for weeks whether to shyly ask for a consideration of that for this thread about a study proving feminists of both genders to be narcissists:feelshaha::

@PLA1092 may I humbly ask for a quick consideration of this, since your exchange with Gecko provided a perfect opportunity for me to ask so:feelshehe::feelshehe:?
Also ngl, you do often have good threads that get no replies and shit, ive noticed.
I have bumped some before, yes sir ho ho

I think you need to socialmaxx more, tag a few niggas in your thread and shit :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
Intelligence more likely to help to extinguish flame of sexual passion and lust than to ignite it.

Idk about the intelligence and dick size correlationt though.
Idk about the intelligence and dick size correlationt though.
Here's mathematics olympiad teams (150+ IQ typically) of USA, Canada, China, India, and Germany. Can't imagine dick size above 5 inches for this lot of subhumans.


^ White tallfag will likely ascend with sister of one of the ricecels. Actually, he maybe is a chadlite+ if he hits the gym and does generic redpill shit. Like, he mogs these rices to absolute oblivion.

^ Bottom left has looksmaxxing Chang potential. Top left is normie. Other 4 are absolute subhumans who will be virgin at 30+

^ These guys would be "eew" 30+ yo virgins in the west, but in Chinkland they can STEMcel and betabuxx (at their IQ level they can get the 0.01% moneymog jobs in China)

^ Like the Chinks all but 2 of these will be absolute guaranteed 30yo genetic dead end virgins in the west, but in India they'll probs pass on their genes. Actually in this particular case I feel they are inded better looking than average curry man, but that might be caste/race related.


^ Seems German men 150+ IQ are about average height and average looks level compared to general German population. Which supports my theory that height/face and IQ is a small correlation, i.e., if you get to 150+IQ you won't necessarily have 6ft6 moggers everywhere. In fact, I think they're uglier than average white German man. Still, dude in red if NT will easily pass on his genes with German foid, others can easily SEAmaxx or slavwhoremaxx with their $$$$ STEMcel incomes.
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Most of the forum probably falls on the lower end of the scale

I'll see myself out.
Idk about the intelligence and dick size correlationt though.
I haven't seen any studies but it's worth noticing that males on a classic Greek statues have small dicks ( maybe this wasn't widespread everywhere and in any epoch in Greek history, I don't know ) and ancient Greece was one of the cradles of civilization.
We owe them such creations of human mind as philosophy, science, historical writing etc.
Maybe smaller dicks symbolise the connection with being civilised.

Also we know that blacks didn't created any functional societies resembling advanced civilizations ( don't know about Ethiopia, tbh ) and black are known for being animalistic and bbc...
Here's mathematics olympiad teams (150+ IQ typically) of USA, Canada, China, India, and Germany. Can't imagine dick size above 5 inches for this lot of subhumans.

View attachment 1080156
I'm sure Stacies want to have sex with them because intelligence is sexy :soy:.
I'm sure Stacies want to have sex with them because intelligence is sexy :soy:.
This is maybe the smartest human in existence. Highest ever IQ score and made several novel mathematical discoveries.


^ Like even a man in the top 1.25e-8% IQ, who is actually quite a nice guy based on interviews, has to settle for betabuxxing THAT.
This is maybe the smartest human in existence. Highest ever IQ score and made several novel mathematical discoveries.

View attachment 1080240
^ Like even a man in the top 1.25e-8% IQ, who is actually quite a nice guy based on interviews, has to settle for betabuxxing THAT.
Over. Even jobless alcoholics can sometimes score better looking females in EE...
Yeah water hence the insult "nerd" (aka intelligent man). It's always women who say it with disgust. Men value intellect. Women will say "look at this geek, look at this nerd". It all goes back to the fact the foid operates with a cavefoid brainlet where "thinking too much" could risk your life getting killed by an animal instead of being more midwit and focusing on environment and 5 senses only :soy: :foidSoy: "muh smartphone, muh fashion".

I just wish litteral death to all of them. And I think the Elites want the same thing (injections, GMO, chemicals in water, etc.), so we're on the same page, thanks Elites :y'all:

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