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Brutal Intelligent men have the same sexual success as mentally retarded men - Women like men with below average and average IQ the most

This is maybe the smartest human in existence. Highest ever IQ score and made several novel mathematical discoveries.

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^ Like even a man in the top 1.25e-8% IQ, who is actually quite a nice guy based on interviews, has to settle for betabuxxing THAT.

Nah that's him being a retard there. This gookess is bottom 0,00001% tier even for a gookess. He's mentally ill.
Okay so im stupid and im intelligent, Where is my pussy?
But they would pick smart Chad over dumb Chad
Here's mathematics olympiad teams (150+ IQ typically) of USA, Canada, China, India, and Germany. Can't imagine dick size above 5 inches for this lot of subhumans.

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^ White tallfag will likely ascend with sister of one of the ricecels. Actually, he maybe is a chadlite+ if he hits the gym and does generic redpill shit. Like, he mogs these rices to absolute oblivion.

^ Bottom left has looksmaxxing Chang potential. Top left is normie. Other 4 are absolute subhumans who will be virgin at 30+
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^ These guys would be "eew" 30+ yo virgins in the west, but in Chinkland they can STEMcel and betabuxx (at their IQ level they can get the 0.01% moneymog jobs in China)

^ Like the Chinks all but 2 of these will be absolute guaranteed 30yo genetic dead end virgins in the west, but in India they'll probs pass on their genes. Actually in this particular case I feel they are inded better looking than average curry man, but that might be caste/race related.


^ Seems German men 150+ IQ are about average height and average looks level compared to general German population. Which supports my theory that height/face and IQ is a small correlation, i.e., if you get to 150+IQ you won't necessarily have 6ft6 moggers everywhere. In fact, I think they're uglier than average white German man. Still, dude in red if NT will easily pass on his genes with German foid, others can easily SEAmaxx or slavwhoremaxx with their $$$$ STEMcel incomes.
This analysis is 100% accurate. JFL :bigbrain: :feelsbadman:
Yet another confirmation that I'm clinically retarded.
What Im getting from this is that it’s not even about survival or genetics (excluding looks, of course)

The problem seems to be connection and finding people on a similar thinking level as you. It’ll be a mismatch if the two people have similar hobbies or whatever.

This shit sucks because now were put in a situation where we HAVE to connect with each other to figure out who’s on our wavelength or not. That means someone smart will burn through many people and exhaust their already tiny social battery. Yet if you don’t, it’s a high-way to depression.

Smart men are cooked. Ugly smart men are finished. At least more copes are available to them in regards to their intelligence. (Irony here is, it’s hard to stay motivated in this when you are somewhat self-aware)
Smart men are cooked. Ugly smart men are finished. At least more copes are available to them in regards to their intelligence. (Irony here is, it’s hard to stay motivated in this when you are somewhat self-aware)
This thread blackpills the shit out of me.
I feel like I've got a lot of avenues I can sink my time into to avoid rope, but they all just seem so pointless.
Even more so if I can't at least say "I'm doing it for my children/wife/legacy".

I've got none of those. So who am I struggling for?
fuck man… i’m a virgin in studio art where it’s supposed to be 0% i thought those classes were my one place of refuge from all the whores around campus
Wait, what do you mean 0% and studio art? I'm not following
LUL I was biochemistry. So at least I got sorted right haha.

LUL I was biochemistry. So at least I got sorted right haha.

yeah man fuck art classes have the most innocent looking girls too, they’re not all that attractive so i thought about the possibility… now i have to spend the rest of college with this knowledge :forcedsmile:
Higher Intelligence=greater ability to calculate different outcomes; the ability to see the worst case scenario, see if it's worth the potential reward.
Average & low IQ men simply don't do this. They act without thinking. They don't ask the question "could asking this girl out get me expelled/fired from my job/arrested? They don't even consider the negative consequences of their actions.
This is what most people see as "confidence". Wheras many intelligent people are self aware enough to know that if they're attracted to a woman than other men are too, men with better looks & higher social status. Why then would he waste his time asking a girl when he knows he'll be rejected in favor of higher status suitors (best case scenario)
Foids cannot be trusted with sexual selection. They will always make a dysgenic choice based on an archaic biological drive
more reason to take away females rights
True, the dumber you are, the more sex you have
Makes sense that women would be attracted to someone who's low IQ considering that they're even bigger retards
dnr but I already know this.
I’m below average and still no pussy
I'm too smart to the foids and i could beat them at their deception and lies, they hate not just my ugly face but the competition at the mind games. Foids are the same as the kikes i see no difference between them, they always try to make themselves as the victims.
High IQ men will be devoting more time to intellectual pursuits whereas low IQ men don't have that interest so they spend more time indulging in their primitive urges. Low IQ guys have more sex because they spend more time trying to have sex
Ah, a time when high-effort, high-iq, and even just well thought-out threads such as this were common on this forum......

This thread serves to elaborate upon the "behavioral sink" which our society is undergoing; highlighting how the sexual choices which foids make by nature are dysgenic.

Also, it provides insight as to why many of the most intelligent men within history -scientists, philosophers, leaders, etc- all tended to lack relationships or were even "protocels." Oftentimes, they tended to only attain relationships after achieving some kind of greatness.

This graph sums things up very well: Most foids in college tend to be nursing, psychology, education, or following some kind of "meme degree" career path, I can confirm this based on my observations as a unicel.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.
I almost facepalmed when reading this: So if they did have a low sex-drive, why would they need to see an escort?

Jesus Christ, the mental gymnastics these people will do is fucking astronomical.

Another idea is that smarter people are more risk averse, and delaying these activities is a byproduct of enhanced concerns about unwanted pregnancy and disease. While not avoiding sexual behaviors, per se, they are just less likely to seek it out or consent to it for fear of the potential consequences
So basically, they are admitting that people whom have sex-less actually are more focused as human beings, and thus are k-selective as opposed to r-selective.

I find this quite interesting, and I may incorporate it in a thread I am planning on making concerning how foids choices, quite literally, are dysgenic.

smarter people spend more time socializing with their friends, indicating their hours aren't spent as uniquely isolated and narrowly channeled as the theory would require.
Again, it's as if they are almost just admitting it: No matter how much effort one puts into "putting themselves out there" they simply never attain sex, and if they do, it is significantly less-frequent.
Women have highest representation in 100±15 iq range. Thats why they are attracted to average normies. Men however have equal representation in both 100-15 and 100+15 range.
Here's a BRUTAL article that demonstrates that women favor dumb and average men the most. (article link at the end)

And before someone says I'm coping: the point of this isn't too circlejerk (haha i'm too smart to be a sexhaver XDDD), it's to disprove the just world fallacy and the whole "women are improving the gene pool bro"

The article has dozens of citations but sadly most of them don't lead to anywhere (the article is from 2007). Never the less it's filled with blackpills.

As always women favor men who have propensity for violence, destruction and abuse. So bluepillers stfu, you can't tell me that women are improving the gene pool when on average they're actively trying to reproduce as much as possible with violent criminals and complete morons.

For reference, 70 is the threshold of mental retardation and the US Army sets an IQ threshold of 92 for its applicants**. If you're under 92 IQ the army literally thinks you're too stupid, useless and dangerous to serve them. But remember women like men with an IQ of 70 to 90 the most. So?


Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy

Yes even being handholdless or kissless are inversely correlated with IQ


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I'd also like to add that those sexless majors are the ones which have the highest IQ students on average

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Yet another proof that intelligence is correlated with virginity

For those who don't know, a correlation of .6 is considered a moderate to strong correlation in statistics.

Next up the article throws lots of hypothesis to try to explain those findings, the author ends up proving most of these wrong and ends up settling for the "they're low sex drive bro" without really thinking why that is. But don't worry, they later show that high IQ people go to prostitutes more often which contradicts this low sex drive idea.

This is what awaits you if you "ascend": you get married and barely get any sex, a deadbedroom ( :soy: ) awaits you.

And did you notice how hypocritical normies are? They say "waaah it's immoral" and yet fuck like rabbits. :feelsseriously:

"You don't put yourself out there enough bro!!"
"Have you tried making more friends??"

Stfu, plenty of people go out and try to socialize, it doesn't mean shit when it comes to getting sex or a gf.

Sadly all the links are dead again :feelsbadman:, not surprising since this is an article from 2007

It's really interesting though, smartcels are likely to escortmaxx. This really debunks the whole low sex drive hypothesis

So the conclusion of the article is that high testosterone is possibly making men dumb. Perhaps it's not that high intelligence is unattractive, or that being below average IQ is attractive. Rather:


Women go after the men who can dominate and unleash violence upon others, regardless of whether or not those men are dumb. So long as they aren't dumb to the point of being mentally crippled they're fine.

I have a performance IQ of 87, and got called "retarded" by people behind my back at a retail job. I'm sure all the ladies get their pussies wet when some hyper NT faggot makes fun of me. This post is fucking stoopid.
If not in school, where do young men meet other people?
83% is fucking brootal
High IQ men will be devoting more time to intellectual pursuits whereas low IQ men don't have that interest so they spend more time indulging in their primitive urges. Low IQ guys have more sex because they spend more time trying to have sex
I always figured Women didn’t care much for real intelligence, they would mostly date Low iq criminals if they could.
So I have the same sex appeal as an intelligent man. Cool.
Higher IQ NT/Chads can see foids bullshit easier and they are harder to manipulate so the foids choose lower IQ.

High IQ is a cope
Men who look ugly cope with inventing stuff.

Jfl at women who don't appreciate makers of technology while using technology to fuck chad
Tesla was an exception, since he was a tallfag with normie face. Yet, could not find himself among the crowd.
What Im getting from this is that it’s not even about survival or genetics (excluding looks, of course)

The problem seems to be connection and finding people on a similar thinking level as you. It’ll be a mismatch if the two people have similar hobbies or whatever.

This shit sucks because now were put in a situation where we HAVE to connect with each other to figure out who’s on our wavelength or not. That means someone smart will burn through many people and exhaust their already tiny social battery. Yet if you don’t, it’s a high-way to depression.

Smart men are cooked. Ugly smart men are finished. At least more copes are available to them in regards to their intelligence. (Irony here is, it’s hard to stay motivated in this when you are somewhat self-aware)
This is where some rope. :feelsbadman:
Good thing the concept of modding games exists! Or Collect stuff for your personal amusenent.

While that lasts, try not to carry so much weight with you
But you must BE invited first, which means the foundation for that social circle was made Somewhere else.
Nailed it — in reality the people who always got invited were the upper hierarchy types. Charismatic Chads and Stacies never longed for invites. The losers had maybe a few close guy friends if you’re us to play vidya with or talk about anime or whatever but you don’t get invited to anything outside your “class” barring something unusual.

I tried like hell to make friends and get invited to stuff. Also tried spending a lot so I could host. Nobody ever cared or wanted to come unless they were my few guy friends who were equally losers as me. Meanwhile a club I was part of had drug parties and rumor is they had a lot of sex — but it was just the popular ones.

People say “that’s just high school” or “you’re just socially awkward”. Nigga high school never ends. I’ve been working for like 14 years and I never ends. Socially awkward has some bearing but looks dramatically trump social skills 99/100 and the Halo effect is real. Most Chads and Stacie’s don’t have outstanding social ability and confidence comes naturally when people respond well to you due to your looks. Hell most hot women I’ve known throughout my life have been borderline retards. Is that a social skill causing their popularity? Lol
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"Psychology - 68% virgins" ohhhh it is so over for me
Nailed it — in reality the people who always got invited were the upper hierarchy types. Charismatic Chads and Stacies never longed for invites. The losers had maybe a few close guy friends if you’re us to play vidya with or talk about anime or whatever but you don’t get invited to anything outside your “class” barring something unusual.

I tried like hell to make friends and get invited to stuff. Also tried spending a lot so I could host. Nobody ever cared or wanted to come unless they were my few guy friends who were equally losers as me. Meanwhile a club I was part of had drug parties and rumor is they had a lot of sex — but it was just the popular ones.

People say “that’s just high school” or “you’re just socially awkward”. Nigga high school never ends. I’ve been working for like 14 years and I never ends. Socially awkward has some bearing but looks dramatically trump social skills 99/100 and the Halo effect is real. Most Chads and Stacie’s don’t have outstanding social ability and confidence comes naturally when people respond well to you due to your looks. Hell most hot women I’ve known throughout my life have been borderline retards. Is that a social skill causing their popularity? Lol
This is why serial killers are a natural occurrence mostly to nurture and frustration, not some mystery "gene".

In some cases, depending on the context, i feel as though they are aspies with a few extra steps.(actual schizotypal loner types)
I'm pretty sure I am retarded. But I am also high inhibition and neurotic. Jfl.
Its not the low iq that attracts them, its that most men are average iq and low iq men are usually more aggressive and low inhib. High iq guys probably looks worse on average.
Low IQ correlates with impulsiveness, risk taking and low inhibition just like personality disorders have some thing in common. Sheboons and Slavic women love that.
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