Good for you dude. That's brave and although I don't have the guts to do it myself, we need more guys willing to do this to destigmatize the phenomenon.
Here are some main talking points I would consider important as well as pointers if you're not used to being in the hotseat. This is going to be lengthy because I want to convey everything I personally would think is important to get across. I also believe that in these types of situations, preparation is the best weapon to guarantee a successful outcome. The more you can prepare the more ready you will be.
Style/Process Pointers
Expect a lot of very bright lights, and to feel a bit off kilter by virtue of all the cameras pointed at you. Practice imagining yourself there and going through the interview in your mind, what it will feel like to sit in the seat and have all that around you. Don't let the environment or all the distractions throw you off too much.
Take your time. Speed is never necessary in an interview. People will try to pressure you into answers or pose you challenging questions. In general, it is better to say, "Hmm. That's a really interesting question. Let me think about that a moment" or "You know I haven't really considered that before, I'd have to read more about that or consider if that's true before I could say for sure". Don't feel like you need to have ALL the answers or have to answer everything with a punch immediately. It's better to think it through than to answer too quickly, say something stupid, and get caught defending the indefensible.
Talk with a slow and measured voice. Don't talk too quickly or too slowly. How you say things is as important to normies as what you say. You can have the best answers in the world, but if your heart is bounding 120 beats a minute and you sound jittery as fuck, people will just ignore your words and think "what a fucking spaz". So breathe deeply, avoid getting tense in your body, and try to speak in a relaxed and measured fashion. Have a sip of water if you need it, but mainly it's about forcing yourself to take slow measured breaths and fix your posture if you start tensing up.
If you're not used to speaking publicly (ie. shut-in or NEET), you may want to practice getting dressed how you plan to attend the event and testing yourself out by speaking into a mirror or out loud as if someone is asking you the questions. Rehearsal for job interviews is a common strategy. Politicians similarly rehearse before debates or interviews. It helps you get a groove and perform well in it.
Talking Points
Why are you on the show?
You are speaking on the show on record likely because you think it's an important subject to discuss and you want to be open about it. Being a male celibate is now a pretty common thing from the statistics, and there shouldn't need to be a stigma about that. So much of our society tries to shame men for not being sexually successful. But this is something that "just is" - it's neither something one should feel proud or ashamed of. A man is defined as an incel because he'd like to be in a sexual relationship, but can't find a willing partner. We should be able to talk freely about that.
Regarding "hate", misogyny, entitlement, etc.
Incels are just men who cannot find sexual partners and wish to. That is it. Within that group of men, there can be all sorts of philosophies or thoughts, just like among any group of men. But in general, most incels don't feel "entitled" to women. We just greatly want one, as is our natural biological drive. Being incel also doesn't mean that one needs to hate women. In fact, many incels greatly love women or the idea of having a woman, and that's one of our greatest dreams - to have a woman we love and loves us back. Describing and reflecting on innate gender differences also doesn't make one a misogynist - it's just trying to understand what drives us all and makes us unique.
What makes a man incel
Incels are typically created when a man is too low in sexual market value to compete in the modern dating market. In our current world, women have thousands of options. A woman can make a Tinder account in a busy city and have over 10,000 likes in less than 2 weeks, and people have proven that. When a woman has 10,000 pictures of men to pick from, she will generally take the upper tier and reject the bottom. And unfortunately women are fairly consistent in who they consider the upper men and the lower men.
Men are most typically judged based on their race, height, and facial attractiveness, and there is a great deal of scientific evidence proving these are the primary criteria. If the man is for example Asian, short, and has a poor face, it is very easy for him to end up with zero matches and zero prospects. >30% of Asian and Indian men are now celibate for example in America, while less than 4% of women of these same races are. Women also harshly discriminate against men with autism, as this is considered a very unattractive trait. So some incels may be better looking but generally are suffering from a condition like autism which disqualifies them instead. Almost half of men with autism will be virgins into their 30s (someone posted the exact stat but I can't find it now...
Hypergamy is the principle that women are always in competition with one another to try to secure the highest value male they can, who is typically of higher value than they are themselves. Hypergamy is facilitated by our modern dating culture, where average women can easily match with all the tallest, most handsome, best looking men in a city. These men can then take turns servicing each of these women, and the women don't necessarily mind, because they all fantasize they will be "the one" he chooses. Statistics show the top 5% of men are now having 38% more partners than they did a decade ago, and women's sexual partner count is also rising with this. Hypergamy also leads to unstable relationships, as women are always eager to "trade up" if given the opportunity. Most divorces for this reason are initiated by women.
Gender differences in sexual selection
Men are far more open to different types of women than vice versa. While many men may have very different tastes - liking Asian girls or white girls or latinas, or liking tall or short girls, or liking big or small breasts, women tend to all have a very similar taste. Women tend to like the ideal of the tall handsome, chiseled, steroided white (or sometimes black) male. If you look at Hollywood, almost all movie stars who lead blockbuster films will fit this mold. And if you look at who gets matches on Tinder or replies online, it's the same archetype. So while people will say "everyone has different tastes", this isn't actually true for women. They tend to have remarkably similar tastes.
Women will also discriminate more harshly on genetic factors a man can't change. A man can't change his race, yet race is one of the primary criteria women use to decide if a man is dateable or not. A man similarly can't change his height, and yet not only do women feel happy to discriminate on height, they will gleefully mock shorter men on social media. A man's facial structure is also minimally within his control. There is no cure for autism either. Yet women think all these are fair criteria to reject millions of men by. By contrast, when a man rejects a woman because she is overweight, he is called a misogynist. Even though weight is actually something a person can control.
Effects of being incel
Humans are social animals and prolonged isolation can be extremely harmful. The desire to find and have a mate is extremely innate for most of us also, and when it goes unfulfilled, many of us feel empty and useless, and even drop out from society. It can lead to depression, withdrawal, self loathing, and suicidality. Social isolation can shave years of a person's lifespan.
What should be done about inceldom
It should be destigmatized. Men shouldn't be told they should be ashamed for wanting women or for being men. It is part of a man's nature to seek a woman. And if he is simply too low in sexual market value to get one, he shouldn't be mocked and told that means he is hateful or a horrible person. Many of the things that cause a man to be incel are beyond a person's control. While we all do our best for self improvement, sometimes, there's only so far one can improve. Society should be more open and aware of that.
Prostitution should be legalized. This would at least provide men with a sexual outlet. Women should be socially encouraged to return to more traditional values where the goal of life isn't to sleep with all the best looking male models from their Tinder accounts, but rather to build lasting relationships with guys more on their level. In the long term, sex dolls may help more men who are tired of the inequity to leave the dating market altogether.
I would study up a bit on your basic blackpills in advance as well so you can throw some stats and references out if it is opportune. The blackpill archive has all the big ones:
Key points I'd personally recommend:
If you have any points you especially want to prove, you might want to go through the blackpill archive and make a list you can remember. Having this sort of stuff mentally on hand ready breeds confidence in my experience, because you know you can prove what you're saying, and it makes you sound far more authoritative when you can say, "according to recent statistics from the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at University of Chicago, over 30% of nonwhite/nonblack men are no longer having sex..."
It sounds concrete, irrefutable, and very enticing as a foundation for conversation, because no longer are you debating opinions, you're discussing facts.
Good luck boyo! Hope this is at least somewhat helpful. Do a bit of prep work in advance, practice speaking and answering some imaginary (predictable) questions out loud, know what points you want to convey going in, stay on subject, and you should do well.