Approaches 30/7/2018
I have decided to make the following changes to my current approach routine.
I will do five approaches most days and go full mode (15+) once a week.
The goal is to preserve my mental health.
1. The most receptive girl out of 200+ approaches.
Face 5, hair 9, body 6
She was walking with headphones. I said:
Hi. How are you?
(She removed her head phones)
You look sympathetic.
Thank you. (Huge smile)
Are you?
I guess so.
What are you up to this evening? Going home?
Yes. You? (She asked a question lol).
Me too. Taking a little walk after work. What's your job?
Call center.
Nice. I am a software developer.
What's your name?
Ana. You?
I am X.
How old are you?
I am 29. Where do you take the bus from?
No bus, I am just walking home.
Nice. Are you in a hurry?
In general, yes.
(I don't think I should have asked this question tbh)
I take the bus from station X. You have a phone number?
Yes. But l can't give it to you.
So, you are going to take the risk?
(She didn't know what to say.)
Fine. Nice talking to you. Good luck in life, l said and shook her hand.
She said thank you very much and blushed.
Her body language was extremely receptive.
But.... uninstall law strikes again.
She thanked me for the validation....
My mis-tak-e was that l kept the whole thing a little too short..but fuck it...I could have talked a little more....
Honestly, I wasn't prepared for this approach because most bitches are rude AF to me...haaa
With a little more skill, I may have bent her to give me her number....but...that's the thing - I RARELY GET THIS KIND OF RECEPTIVENESS.
When I said, number, she was ever so slightly hesitating...or I like to think so.
2. Said hi how are you to some 7 and she pretended she heard nothing and moved away.
3. Opened some foid on the bus - she was 18 and we talked for 10 minutes about bullshit.
She was reading a book, l asked what are you reading and took it from there.
When she learned my age it was over. Otherwise, she was pretty receptive but ugly – 3.5/10.
755 to go
It's possible - he's had one or two near misses where the girl might have said - ok - why not!
true, but misses are still misses