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LifeFuel I will approach 1000 girls and find a GF

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Approaches 7/17/2018

1. I tried to talk to her. She looked at me and moved away.
Expected tbh but l needed this approach to start the session.

Note: thinking of the people around and the foids as just flesh helps


2. She was shocked as fuck and said: I don't talk to strangers.

Fucking foids man....

3. Reacted very well facially but said: we don't know each other.

I said: just tell me your name then.

She said: l would rather not.

I said: keep it a secret then and left.

4.Hot but with fake up

I maintained decent game and will post the convocation.

Hi. You look like the cute kind.
You heard me.
Do we know each other?
We will know each other after you tell me your name.
If l tell you my name....
I like my construct better...
She got somewhat
amused but kept texting.
Happy texting l said and left.

5. She was thrilled ever so slightly but showed me her engagement ring.
It was somewhat my mistake. I should have seen it from far away.

6. Didn't want to talk. Made some hand sign.
Fucking foids man. This week is worse than before
7. Kept texting

Wtf man.....

This shit is brutal.

Surprise: since l was approaching at the same metro station at the same time, l saw the foid that refused to give me her number a week ago. Lmfao

She gave me a nasty look and passed by me like l am nothing and went to the other end of the station and started reading a book. I thought about reapproching her but didn't because her body language was way too nasty for the womanlet she is.
She showed some aggression and disgust.
Fuck it man.

On the good side, it is taking me a lot less time to do my approaches.

I get back home an hour earlier.

This is great. I need to reduce the time even further.

The goal is to do 10 legit approaches in as little time as possible.

At this point, my heart is getting colder. I don't think l will ever experience love or whatever form of pure affection ever.

To me foids are becoming just flesh that my body is wired to find attractive.

I am not attracted to their souls anymore if l ever was to begin with.

810 to go

This week uncle uninstall will reach 200 rejections.

Honestly, l have probably reached them already since l don't count every approach.

Number 4 didn't sound to bad. Maybe you shouldn't have give up so quick with her.:think:
You sound like you're so low inhibition by now you might be ready for rape.
You are a hero.
Approaches 7/19/2018

1. She was some form of womanlet. I approached her and saw that her eyes were red either from crying or screens.

I said how are you and see replied by saying:


Usually l would stay and fight a little but her tone was mega nasty and l just said:
Lol calm down and left.

2. Told her she is cute and she kept texting.
Ignored me like l am trash.
I said good luck in the fight against autism then and left.
3.She ran Bros.
She was scared.
I said good luck in the fight against autism and left
This shit is getting to me boyos.
It isn't fun anymore. If it ever were...
4. Complete ignore
Holy mother of ignore
I said u look cute,
She just stood there and the moved away out of discomfort
Created by my presence.

806 to go
My mind is pretty destroyed right now.
Jfl @ being a man in 2018
Women are cunts, you should take out a bottle with water in it (which they will think is acid) when they ignore you.
>Good luck in the fight against autism

So you approach all these women in the metro? Doesn't seem like a great place to me, but it could work. I do think you are too nice to these whores though. Redpillers advocate treating women like shit to make women interested. It might get more attention then being another beta coming into her orbit.
Approaches 7/19/2018

1. She was some form of womanlet. I approached her and saw that her eyes were red either from crying or screens.

I said how are you and see replied by saying:


Usually l would stay and fight a little but her tone was mega nasty and l just said:
Lol calm down and left.

2. Told her she is cute and she kept texting.
Ignored me like l am trash.
I said good luck in the fight against autism then and left.
3.She ran Bros.
She was scared.
I said good luck in the fight against autism and left
This shit is getting to me boyos.
It isn't fun anymore. If it ever were...
4. Complete ignore
Holy mother of ignore
I said u look cute,
She just stood there and the moved away out of discomfort
Created by my presence.

806 to go
My mind is pretty destroyed right now.
Jfl @ being a man in 2018
I think the "you seem sympathetic " line was working better for you imho.
I think the "you seem sympathetic " line was working better for you imho.
Ironically yes, the shittiest pick up line you can ever imagine and yet he still had one that actually wanted him to try to win her over (the one he hates).
I think the "you seem sympathetic " line was working better for you imho.

i am not sure it's that

they didn't seem in the moood - they were hostile
>Good luck in the fight against autism

So you approach all these women in the metro? Doesn't seem like a great place to me, but it could work. I do think you are too nice to these whores though. Redpillers advocate treating women like shit to make women interested. It might get more attention then being another beta coming into her orbit.

yes, the metro is great because the bitches come to you and obviously they have nothing to worry about since there's police, cameras and a fuck ton of other people, but I will have to stop going there because honestly - I fucking hate it and it is reminding me pain

i hate the malls, i hate the metro,, fuck i hate the streets too
Approaches 7/19/2018

1. She was some form of womanlet. I approached her and saw that her eyes were red either from crying or screens.

I said how are you and see replied by saying:


Usually l would stay and fight a little but her tone was mega nasty and l just said:
Lol calm down and left.

2. Told her she is cute and she kept texting.
Ignored me like l am trash.
I said good luck in the fight against autism then and left.
3.She ran Bros.
She was scared.
I said good luck in the fight against autism and left
This shit is getting to me boyos.
It isn't fun anymore. If it ever were...
4. Complete ignore
Holy mother of ignore
I said u look cute,
She just stood there and the moved away out of discomfort
Created by my presence.

806 to go
My mind is pretty destroyed right now.
Jfl @ being a man in 2018

This is either going to be an epic adventure where you beat your inceldom with brute force, or it's going to be a thrilling descent into madness and despair.

Either way I'm hyped, thank you for doing this you're really brave.

On a side note, what are you opening with?
Ironically yes, the shittiest pick up line you can ever imagine and yet he still had one that actually wanted him to try to win her over (the one he hates).

what can I say - she refused to give me her number

her stop was 1 minute a way

what was I supposed to do?

some TRP vodooo?

yeah right

then yesterday when I saw her she passed by me and went to the other end of the fucking stations and started readin a book

i doubt she's lost sleep over me ahahahahaha

This is either going to be an epic adventure where you beat your inceldom with brute force, or it's going to be a thrilling descent into madness and despair.

Either way I'm hyped, thank you for doing this you're really brave.

On a side note, what are you opening with?

i think so too

today, I just opened with either = hello how are you or you look cute
when I saw her she passed by me and went to the other end of the fucking stations and started readin a book
Yeah because she was butthurt you didn’t try to win her when she played rejection.
Women are creeps who enjoy playing mind games with guys.
Yeah because she was butthurt you didn’t try to win her when she played rejection.
Women are creeps who enjoy playing mind games with guys.

today I was there again but didn't see her - she either didn't come or I didn't see her


I doubt I was going to talk to her anyway.

I am not sure what her end game was but after a day of rejections, then a 15 minute convo with her, and a refusal to give me her number 1 minute prior to our separation, i understand why i didn't respond as TRP would require

but fuck it

i do agree that women are actually creeps because their actions are deprived of logic and think males have no hearts worth respecting
Yeah because she was butthurt you didn’t try to win her when she played rejection.
Women are creeps who enjoy playing mind games with Chad.


She would literally call the police when an incel approached her a second time
Yeah because she was butthurt you didn’t try to win her when she played rejection.
Women are creeps who enjoy playing mind games with Chad.


She would literally call the police when an incel approached her a second time
post your face after the 1000 rejections
She would literally call the police when an incel approached her a second time
And what will the police fucking do? Humbly beg him to stop doing whatever he was doing? I seriously think Our Lord and Savior Uninstall should press them harder because that's what a Chadlite/High-tier normie would do. Fuck the bitches!
And what will the police fucking do? Humbly beg him to stop doing whatever he was doing? I seriously think Our Lord and Savior Uninstall should press them harder because that's what a Chadlite/High-tier normie would do. Fuck the bitches!
That Veronica girl wanted him to.
Here for my daily dose of rejection.
Approaches 7/20/2018

1. Lol super aggression. Showed zero desire to talk. The fucking metro came and l had to fucking scream for her to hear me.

2. I said how you look sympathetic. She removed her headphones and l repeated. She said thanks and put back in her headphones.

I stood next to her while writing this text on my phone.

That's somewhat low inhibition. But what is the use...

3. Mega hot. I rate her legit 6.5 overall and 7 face wise because of her shit height and frame.

She turned out to be from Livan or someplace. I asked her what she does here and she said she is studying. Then she said she had a boyfriend and got on a train.

Doing those approves l became a ring scanner. They all have some form of rings.

4. Soooo cute.... reacted so well.

My approach structure was perfect from a body perspective. Insanely straight posture. Looking her in the eyes. No movements indicating hesitation. Here's the convo:

Hi. You seem nice.


What are you up to this eveninng?

Going home.

What's your name?

(I don't remember it lol)

My name is X. How old are you?


You look 19. (She laughed.) U are getting on the next train?

Yes. You have a boyfriend?


Damn. You are one of those.


The liars.

You think l am lying?

Yes.( I made her repeat because l didn't hear her).

I can show you pictures.

The her train came and she got on it.

5. Mean semi-womanlet

Perfect posture. Perfect voice.

Hi. You look sympathetic. Are you?

(I can sense that she is very cold.)

Thanks l guess.

What are you up to this evening?

I am waiting for someone.

What is your name?

Does it really matter? (Nasty tone)

I guess not. I am too cool for you anyway.

(I said this because l got tired of treating this bitches so softly.)

6. Cute but a bitch.

Holy fuck my posture and intonation is getting insane. The deeper l am in my approach session, the manlier l become.

She was looking elsewhere when l said hi and the she turned towards me.

You look sympathetic.

What did you say to me?

U look sympathetic. What are you up to this evening?

Going home l am super tired.

Me too. What is your name?

(The whole time l am maintaining brutal eye contact. No blinking. Killer stare.)

She didn't say anything for 10 seconds.

I said : so u it's a secret.

She said yes.

Well. Good luck in life then and hope to meet someone as cool as me one day.

7. Tall and ugly very unresponsive.

Don't even want to say anything else.


She was 18 although she looked older than the 26.

When l said that l am 29 she lost at least 20% interest and her body language told me to bail out.

She was somewhat chubby. ,(Cope)

A note to youngcels.…young girl s are more responsive. Don't waste time.

9. Headphones.

I said you look nice

She removed them and l said you look sympathetic. Are you? She smiled and put them on. I said - I guess you are not.

10. Ugly

I regretted approaching her but it was too late.

She was mega arutistic and had some weird piercing under the lip. Disgusting.

I asked her if she can talk. She said yes but this conversation is not for me.

I said good luck in the fight against autism. Pulled out my phone and started writing this

11. I saw Veronica again and decided to troll her. Went to her and she completely ignored me. Like she didn't even move her eyes to see me. I said piece of shit and bounced. I am highly positive she heard it despite her headphones.

Holy fuck.

I think she thinks l am stalking her. She is probably scared.


It is too dangerous.

If someone is watching the cameras my movement is very weird. They may charge me with something l am not guilty of.


I want to die.

12. Approached her at the bus stop.

She smiled and said l am not interested.

I said. Normal. I am too cool for you anyway.

It sounds bitter on paper, but since l actually meant it came out as firm as l could have made it in that moment..

At this point, I keep wondering what is the point of everything. My mom is constantly bitching that l don't have a gf but if she knew what what l have done to get one...

To be honest, l think she will say that l am an idiot. She always find a way to attribute every failure to me. She is results focused.

When l try to blackpill her, she says that l qm choosing the wrong women. A.k.a. my fault again.

794 to go
Are you starting to see a pattern?
Keep trying brother, there must be one that will say yes to you. If not, then maybe in the next life you shall be rewarded.
Are you starting to see a pattern?

yes, awalt is at full force

women are so damn similar

i need to work on my dialogues, but I am nailing down my posture and voice like a motherfucker
good on you for paying attention to rings, depending on country the ring is on the ring finger of either the left hand or the right hand. ring on left means it's pretty much over where i live (married), on the right hand could mean either engagement or that it's a joke ring.
obviously the girls that i am interested in have it on the left hand
yes, awalt is at full force

women are so damn similar

i need to work on my F A C E, but I am nailing down my posture and voice like a motherfucker

Fixed it for you.
If you don't suicide after this I will suicide for you. This shit is beyond depressing.
OP, i've asked you this before i think we're all VERY curious about it.
-What do you rate your face /10
-Hows your frame
-I think you once said you're 6ft2, confirm?
OP, i've asked you this before i think we're all VERY curious about it.
-What do you rate your face /10
-Hows your frame
-I think you once said you're 6ft2, confirm?

i am 6-6'1 - no more; frame is medium; 6.25 inch wrists
I think with 200 flops you probably need to think about a new line. Going sour on them when they reject you is not the best thing as it just builds up the negativity in you. Maybe just shrug your shoulders and say - fair enough - nice talking to you.
i am 6-6'1 - no more; frame is medium; 6.25 inch wrists

I am 6ft 2 - medium to slim frame (40 inch chest) and wrist size 7.5 inches - which I consider to be near weakling wrists considering my height - so 6.25 suggests you have a very slim frame either that or skinny arms out of proportion with your overall frame. what is your chest size? If it is under 40 - that is an issue for certain.

Time for the gym
Last edited:
I think with 200 flops you probably need to think about a new line. Going sour on them when they reject you is not the best thing as it just builds up the negativity in you. Maybe just shrug your shoulders and say - fair enough - nice talking to you.
Don't agree. It's not him who deserves to be treated like shit. It's these fucking "teehee" bitches, "i am not in the mood" bitches, "i can't talk because i am sucking Chad's dick" bitches. They should be treated like shit for all the pain and suffering our brothers endure each passing day. Some of them are so high up their asses they can't even say no properly. And should I remind that these same bitches would get mad if they were treated this way. So why should he end the conversation on their terms? His goal is not to develop loser syndrome. His goal is to ascend, dammit!

Don't agree. It's not him who deserves to be treated like shit. It's these fucking "teehee" bitches, "i am not in the mood" bitches, "i can't talk because i am sucking Chad's dick" bitches. They should be treated like shit for all the pain and suffering our brothers endure each passing day. Some of them are so high up their asses they can't even say no properly. And should I remind that these same bitches would get mad if they were treated this way. So why should he end the conversation on their terms? His goal is not to develop loser syndrome. His goal is to ascend, dammit!


i used to end by saying have a nice evening

but I plan to end that permanently

i will come up with a few closing lines such as - I am too pretty for you anyway, enjoy your lonely evening in front of FAcebook
@uninstall you are either in a Slavic country or a Slav living in the West, correct? The use of the word Livan to indicate Lebanon seems to indicate something like this. If so, what country are you from?
@uninstall you are either in a Slavic country or a Slav living in the West, correct? The use of the word Livan to indicate Lebanon seems to indicate something like this. If so, what country are you from?
Livan’s a name a town in Belgium which you might know as Leuven its Dutch name.
If you don't suicide after this I will suicide for you. This shit is beyond depressing.
I'm surprised anyone here found these results surprising. Of course he is turned down every single time - that's how he ended up on this forum!

It would seem that out of a thousand approaches at least one woman would say yes, but women are very much a hive mind. Think of how they swoon over Justin Beiber, creaming their panties in excitement as he walks by. Men don't do that, we don't all simultaneously fixate on one woman.

My point is, women only find men attractive that other women are attracted to. That's why they are wary of virgins - "What the heck is wrong with him so that he couldn't get laid?"

I hope @uninstall continues to bother women; that's the best case scenario. Be a pest!
I'm surprised anyone here found these results surprising. Of course he is turned down every single time - that's how he ended up on this forum!

It would seem that out of a thousand approaches at least one woman would say yes, but women are very much a hive mind. Think of how they swoon over Justin Beiber, creaming their panties in excitement as he walks by. Men don't do that, we don't all simultaneously fixate on one woman.

My point is, women only find men attractive that other women are attracted to. That's why they are wary of virgins - "What the heck is wrong with him so that he couldn't get laid?"

I hope @uninstall continues to bother women; that's the best case scenario. Be a pest!

While I'm not surprised that he's being turned down, I still am surprised by how brutal most of his rejections have been. I thought they'd at least be nice and just say bullshit lies like 'I have a boyfriend' instead of outright ignoring him.
While I'm not surprised that he's being turned down, I still am surprised by how brutal most of his rejections have been. I thought they'd at least be nice and just say bullshit lies like 'I have a boyfriend' instead of outright ignoring him.

dude, as soon as an under-35 female senses that you need her slightly more than she needs you, she turns into a fucking rattlesnake.

Do you find fat or abnormal looking girls to be more hostile overall in rejection? I’ve only looked at a few of your field reports but that is the impression I am getting.

Do you find fat or abnormal looking girls to be more hostile overall in rejection? I’ve only looked at a few of your field reports but that is the impression I am getting.

i never approach fat bitches - sometimes they may be slightly chubby but never fat

what i've learned is that IOIs or what I think IOIs are often bullshit

the girl that gave me the best reactions are those who actually seem hostile on the outside or neutral

don't know why that it is but those who I think are friendly are nasty
i never approach fat bitches - sometimes they may be slightly chubby but never fat

what i've learned is that IOIs or what I think IOIs are often bullshit

the girl that gave me the best reactions are those who actually seem hostile on the outside or neutral

don't know why that it is but those who I think are friendly are nasty

it's possible that those who are most extroverted and open, are also the ones that need the attention and invitation of a cold approach the least.
Holy shit OP it may be max cope but what you've gotten from this confidence-wise nearly outweighs an actual lay
Holy shit OP it may be max cope but what you've gotten from this confidence-wise nearly outweighs an actual lay
What he has gotten? You mean his confidence completely crushed and a tendency to go ER?
What he has gotten? You mean his confidence completely crushed and a tendency to go ER?
He knew he was an ugly worthless bastard from the beginning. We all do. What percentage of the guys on here could do what OP is doing? What percentage could do what ER did? Sure it might not be worth a damn, but the guy who approached a thousand chicks and got rejected is still the guy who approached a thousand chicks. The guy who did something few else could, for good or bad
He knew he was an ugly worthless bastard from the beginning. We all do. What percentage of the guys on here could do what OP is doing? What percentage could do what ER did? Sure it might not be worth a damn, but the guy who approached a thousand chicks and got rejected is still the guy who approached a thousand chicks. The guy who did something few else could, for good or bad
He doesn't know that he is ugly, he thinks he is good looking.

If he knew that he was ugly and unwanted by foids, he wouldn't have tried to go out on a quest to approach 1000 of them.

There is literally no reason to approach that many foids if you know you're ugly, all you're doing is making your mental health even worse. It's retarded.
He knew he was an ugly worthless bastard from the beginning. We all do. What percentage of the guys on here could do what OP is doing? What percentage could do what ER did? Sure it might not be worth a damn, but the guy who approached a thousand chicks and got rejected is still the guy who approached a thousand chicks. The guy who did something few else could, for good or bad
I've never thought of being rejected by a thousand women as a good thing. And I still don't.

He doesn't know that he is ugly, he thinks he is good looking.

If he knew that he was ugly and unwanted by foids, he wouldn't have tried to go out on a quest to approach 1000 of them.

There is literally no reason to approach that many foids if you know you're ugly, all you're doing is making your mental health even worse. It's retarded.
I'm pretty sure he knew he was ugly. He was just hoping that out of a thousand women, one would have a thing for ugly guys. If he thought he was good looking, he wouldn't have to declare "I am going to approach 1,000 women!"
i used to end by saying have a nice evening

but I plan to end that permanently

i will come up with a few closing lines such as - I am too pretty for you anyway, enjoy your lonely evening in front of FAcebook

Sounds kinda butthurt though...
I've never thought of being rejected by a thousand women as a good thing. And I still don't.

I'm pretty sure he knew he was ugly. He was just hoping that out of a thousand women, one would have a thing for ugly guys. If he thought he was good looking, he wouldn't have to declare "I am going to approach 1,000 women!"
He has stated that he is good looking.
He has stated that he is good looking.
Ah I didn't know that. If he really thinks he's going to get a girl then he's fucked. I thought it was a social experiment by someone who has already taken the blackpill. My bad bro you're right
Sounds kinda butthurt though...

it does but fuck it

at least it gives me some satisfaction

once i am rejected by a foid, i don't have an incentive to save face or some shit - it's over
Ah I didn't know that. If he really thinks he's going to get a girl then he's fucked. I thought it was a social experiment by someone who has already taken the blackpill. My bad bro you're right

before that I tried online dating for 18 months - the only interested in me was by 4-5 fat whales and 35+ single moms - and even some of them were nasty
I think with 200 flops you probably need to think about a new line. Going sour on them when they reject you is not the best thing as it just builds up the negativity in you. Maybe just shrug your shoulders and say - fair enough - nice talking to you.

I am 6ft 2 - medium to slim frame (40 inch chest) and wrist size 7.5 inches - which I consider to be near weakling wrists considering my height - so 6.25 suggests you have a very slim frame either that or skinny arms out of proportion with your overall frame. what is your chest size? If it is under 40 - that is an issue for certain.

Time for the gym
you're retarded if you think you have slim to medium frame at 7.5 inch wrists.
That's 95th percentile wrist size.
You're LARGE framed.
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