Types on incels.is.
You may need to have read my first post on the subject to understand the polarities if you didn't.
X = Xeelee, A = Angel, TL = Time Lord <- Good
T = Tauri, S = Slave, F = Freak <- Neutral
R = RWA (Right Wing Authoritarian), N = Narcissist, P = Psychopath <- Evil
on that order in a 3x3 grid table. Their corresoonding baseline values (000) are:
Topology and Geometry | Value and Knowledge | Games and Closed Systems
Togetherness and Snuff | Weakness and Laziness | Finite Volumes
Punishment | Centers of Universe | Failure and Finality
So let's do it:
FrothySolutions - S111 'Omega Man is too lazy to move'. Literally a tree that is a Slave to others' expectations. Has S100 hiddenness, S010 dressage and can handle being S001 ungled from a source to S110 drain. Insignificance is S111 too, as is patience and stagnation. King from One Punch Man exemplifies it. Level 6 (assertive).
Wizard32 - N001 'Torturer bends anything around its center of universe', as are scripts, genuine imitations, victimization. Anything he says is a form of torture (CBT) twisting things into "I" sentences. Breaks his responses like N001 Izuku Midoriya breaks his body and tortures himself for power. Also level 6.
Fat Link - T011 'good cop keeps fucking on the torture he faces'. Has T011 tolerance with everyone and, like a crooked martyr, T010 preaches for everyone to T001 die TOGETHER. Level 5.
Ap0calypse - N100 'spoiled wants things his way', also intimidation, flexing and pressuring, like handshake squeezing to assert dominance, but in his case is just low level (3) like Goldilocks.
BallisticTesticles (iirc) - N100 now this one is level 5 so more obvious. Goku in his avi is N100 boasting his center of universe and being always bigger than whatever opposes it, and so are ballistics made to intimidate people.
WaitingForDeath - T111 'charismatic man of duty spreads the Cause while leaving no one behind'. Level 4 or 5.
Colvin76 - S010 'cotton nigga is just so happy to be part of the conspiracy'. Level 3.
Calimero - T001 'black man of honor is rejected by the community'. Calimero is T001 so the only black (roasted) chicken among yellows, hence why the user likes to roast people, so that everyone is a nigga wallowing in the mud like himself. Level 5.
Trying to ascend - A010 innocence, benefit of doubt, self, wings (hence his username and desire to fly away from shitzil), trials, options, nursing (like hospital wings are options for nursing), expertise, appliances, applications, slack... so on. Level 5 at best, though.
Caesarcel - F100 getting away, Mary Sues, mindless bimbos, pronoia, happy clowns, free spirits, hitchhikers, rainbow. He's Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye. A motherfucking monster searching for redemption. Level ?.
Emba - F000 indifference, equality, sameness, whiteness, forgetfulness, meaninglessness. Completely indifferent to reality, acts like a mime autist feeling trapped inside a soundproof finite volume, hence his stint posts, and desires to get away from it like a F100 Leprechaun. Level ?.
Cowcel - T100 'lobotomized cow toes the line straight to be salughtered'. He's just together with the group and postmaxxing to toe the line drawn by the rules. Level 3, probably.
Vermilioncore - S101 'little man just wants to survive in a big world'. He's a bleeding heart, that's what vermlioncore means. Level 5.
SaintKaczynski - T110 elephant bureaucrat (republicans) terrorizes people, stomping them to the terra/terror state. Hence why he sanctifies a terrorist earth-munching like the Unabomber (T111). Level 5.
Moeggels - S001 'SO HUNGRY world-eater doesn't know friend from foe and eats the helpless until he himself is helpless then begs abjectly for his life'. Like Rony Weasley, he has a big fat mouth, but acts very timidly and cowardly. Maybe S101 whininess fits him too.
Meus - T110 'straight bureaucrat sends the T010 next generation to die in the army', like Gendo Ikari in his avi himself. NGE is a high level T010 show where Angels are the enemy (for representing originality in Adam) and humans are bastards that came from the T000 original sin when Adam and Lilith went together on he same planet. This guy is level 6.
Praise The Sun - catchphrase from another T111 charismatic man of duty (Solaire), the user's posts didn't contradict it. Level 5
Arsecel - S101 'hyped anime girl spaz does lines of coke'. S001 has brown nosers, hence the obsession with arse. Slaves worship circles hence rimming is S001. But he is 'arse', not ass, thus S101 Victorian instead of truly savage like S001 Gandhi. Level <4
Edmund Kemper - F110 'couch potato thinks he's a local genius'. Same problems with indifference also shared with his namesake. Level ?
-BrettyBoy- - S011 quitter, beaten and tired, unemployability, being forced to do things. He's a good boy like Yoshi. Level 2 to 4.
Mecoja - F001 'killer clown emo kills the joy of people by infiltrating in reality'. Just like 4channers are sad killer clowns that infiltrated (raids) reality lots of times. He stomps (Tauri), but on dreams (F110). Level 5.
BrendioEEE - A100 guilt, prosecution, accuracy, precision, perfection. Now, incels as a group are that archetype. A100 is about 100% correct knowledge and value, 100.0% purity, so being only able to handle this means you don't A010 trial and therefore refuse to partake in A110 reality, thus acting like A100 Peter Pan with everypower summoning nurses to solve his self-created problems. Level 5.
Rhaast - P000 failure, finaility, psychosis, brokeness, bad idea. He fails even at being a failure (incel) and can't handle any emotional polarity thus wants things to break (end), but doesn't know how. Level 5.
IrritableBowelCel - S101 as well. Constipation is S110 drainage amd firmness, whilst S011 is diarrhea, quitting and letting things go. What is the irritable bowel, then? S101 anxiety, jumpiness. Level 3.
ChudurBudur - T101 'cavemen apes around and is perfectly adapted to environment'. T101 also has interracial since interracial breeds were a way of white genes adapting to warmer climates, hence his obsession with sheboons. Level 5.