Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

RageFuel Im fucking tired of FAKECELS here

Truecels don't have a Tinder account because they're afraid to post their subhuman face anywhere online. Fakecel spotted :feelsdevil:
No, you're a volcel or fakecel if you're the type of guy who's too scared to ask out girls and stuff, which is why you're single.
Actively going out and trying to find girls but still being constantly rejected is a trucel trait, if that's a fakecel trait, then I guess we should all just put this forum down.
No, you're a volcel or fakecel if you're the type of guy who's too scared to ask out girls and stuff, which is why you're single.
Actively going out and trying to find girls but still being constantly rejected is a trucel trait, if that's a fakecel trait, then I guess we should all just put this forum down.
"Bro if you don't ask girls out you're a fakecel"

if you are gonna call this an incel forum then don't allow people who don't fit in the definition of being an incel here and don't ban users for the smallest mistakes.
Precisely the reason why I stopped posting on here as much. Inceldom became a fucking joke on this forum
I'm not saying that, I just saying if you never gotten rejected, you might be a volcel or a fakecel. And asking girls out and being rejected is NOT a fakecel trait at all
Why would you ask girls out as a sub 5? Only bluepilled faggots do that
I’m the biggest truecel here. I have a 3/10 face with the worst eye area imaginable, autism, and obviously the reason why I have a 3/10 face im a chink too. Yes I can improve to a 4 with leanmaxxing and maybe a 5 with surgeries and bulking up but that takes time and right now I can’t even work on those things until august.
my huge nose truecelmoggs you to norma cluster and back boy
Lol, I mostly fit that criteria, but I believe my autism is more than mild. I had zero friends all through high school and have obsessive special interests.
I think @VideoGameCoper belongs here even though he is 6'0. Just the fact he joined later than me yet posts way more tells me he doesn't have much going on in his life and he also mentioned he has some pretty big physical failos. I obviously cannot ever be 100% sure if he is for real or not but as I said, from what he described he belongs here
Thanks man. I definitely struggle a lot, or I wouldn’t be spending so much time on here. I don’t have much of a social life in real life, so this place helps give me a venting hole and make up for it a little
matches dont matter if ur a non nt loser retard. I'm a trucel buddy
No you are not. I don't understand why the mods were so easy on you. Even @SlayerSlayer agreed that he would have permabanned you if he saw that thread before the other mods. I never got one match in my life yet you get 50.
@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo
What do you think?
Why was this guy given only 50%
No you are not. I don't understand why the mods were so easy on you. Even @SlayerSlayer agreed that he would have permabanned you if he saw that thread before the other mods. I never got one match in my life yet you get 50.
@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo
What do you think?
Why was this guy given only 50%
bro has 15 posts, this is a clear troll mods are jacking off instead of keeping any kind of rules here
I agree with most of what you say but why don't you stop farming replies with your baitposts, I've seen like 3 of you whining about fakecels, if you want your postcount to grow go to the sewers, posting baits to get 2/3 pages with replies, faggot.
why don't you stop farming replies with your baitposts, I've seen like 3 of you whining about fakecels, if you want your postcount to grow go to the sewers, posting baits to get 2/3 pages with replies, faggot.
Its not a baitpost you moron. Its REALITY. GET THE FUCK OUT if you are going to talk to me like this. It is easy to act like a boss online and call me a faggot when you have no evidence Im one. This forum is full if brainwashed, stupid retards who don't understand anything about how the world works yet its still the best forum there is
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Also, MENTALCELS, ARENT real INCELS. Just to make that clear
Even as a diagnosed autist this is true to a certain extent if you are tall and somewhat attractive and high functioning you`re a fakecel i`m ok functioning i would rate my severity a 7/10 and i have a few other mental conditions but im also really ugly and 5`9
Its not a baitpost you moron. Its REALITY. GET THE FUCK OUT if you are going to talk to me like this. It is easy to act like a boss online and call me a faggot. Irl you would have a knife in your stomach
@Samurai alt
you're such a little bitch aren't you :feelskek:
Facts tho too many fakecels here
You have no evidence for anything you are saying. You wont tell me what to do little bitch
your spergouts are my evidence, not giving you more replies, keep farming your postcount with baitposts bitch.
Death Note sucks :feelskek:
your spergouts are my evidence, not giving you more replies, keep farming your postcount with baitposts bitch.
Death Note sucks :feelskek:
Its not like your opinions have any weight
No you are not. I don't understand why the mods were so easy on you. Even @SlayerSlayer agreed that he would have permabanned you if he saw that thread before the other mods. I never got one match in my life yet you get 50.
@LeFrenchCel @Uggo Mongo
What do you think?
Why was this guy given only 50%
Matter is resolved now
Yes can you imagine. He was a fakecel at 18 but now he isn't for some reason. I sure believe him
How can getting shit like that at 18 not warrant a ban?

The unironic absolute state
The rules have been more relaxed over the years. I got temp banned just for having this avi back in 2019.

Truth is everyone you are talking to will either be dead or ascend within the next 2-3 years. You won’t see them again, you won’t hear from them again.

It’s been like that. The guys back in 2018 who said they will be incel forever, guess what? 80% of them ascended, the other 20% committed suicide.
The rules have been more relaxed over the years. I got temp banned just for having this avi back in 2019.

Truth is everyone you are talking to will either be dead or ascend within the next 2-3 years. You won’t see them again, you won’t hear from them again.

It’s been like that. The guys back in 2018 who said they will be incel forever, guess what? 80% of them ascended, the other 20% committed suicide.
bro you have literally 0 evidence of that
bro you have literally 0 evidence of that
It is possible it is like that. Take a look at the older threads from 2018-2022 even and you will see half of the users are either not active or banned
bro you have literally 0 evidence of that

Bro I’ve been around since 2018, I’ve seen people come and go all the time. The idea “we’re all in this together, none of us will ascend it’s over” is nothing but BS.

How many 2018cels can you name?
Bro I’ve been around since 2018, I’ve seen people come and go all the time. The idea “we’re all in this together, none of us will ascend it’s over” is nothing but BS.

How many 2018cels can you name?
they're not active not because they are dead or ascended but because this site is getting repetitive and there are other copes that make you not post here
About this @Copexodius Maximus @Blackpill Monk @Ron.Belgrade

Is autism a physical or metal disorder? Can't you just use "Observe imitate and Assimilate" theory for integrating into standard society behavior?
Autism is a mental disorder and unless you are moderate or severe on the spectrum or have a low IQ, you have no excuses. A high functioning mildly autistic person with a normie face and a 6'0+ height SHOULD NOT be on this forum
Yeah, most mild autists actually don’t give a shit about relationships like they claim. They think about it occasionally but not enough to actually make an effort.
Autism isn't mental disorder it's devolpment disorder you retard

Being autist isn't just being shy, it's whole package of genetic failure

Also new user ( btw i never will understand obsession this forum date join, pointless tribalism ) and you already gatekeeping, wouldn't be suprising it's some virtuesignalling act to show that you are 'True' incel
Autism isn't mental disorder it's devolpment disorder you retard

Being autist isn't just being shy, it's whole package of genetic failure

Also new user ( btw i never will understand obsession this forum date join, pointless tribalism ) and you already gatekeeping, wouldn't be suprising it's some virtuesignalling act to show that you are 'True' incel
I know but just because you are autistic doesn't mean you can't ascend, given the right looks
I know but just because you are autistic doesn't mean you can't ascend, given the right looks
6'0 normie is not that great for even mild autist, it's impossible ? no
Can he slay easily ? agian no

6'0 is new 5'10 basically
6'0 normie is not that great for even mild autist, it's impossible ? no
Can he slay easily ? agian no

6'0 is new 5'10 basically
If a midly, high functional autistic man has a height of 6'0 for example and an atleast 6/10 face. There is not that much stopping him from ascending. Sure, socializing might be harder but he will still attract a foid and is not a true incel by definition. Im not denying the NTpill entirely, I just think its a bit exaggerated
Also really dislike how non NT view mentalcels here

Autism and other serious disorders will fuck normie life in many aspects let alone cels, but everybody here always assume that every mentalcel is some 6'4 with chad face, hunter pale blue eyes. Just ask yourself if intellau has good life...and he is mega mentalcel to point of complete retardation

If a midly, high functional autistic man has a height of 6'0 for example and an atleast 6/10 face. There is not that much stopping him from ascending. Sure, socializing might be harder but he will still attract a foid and is not a true incel by definition. Im not denying the NTpill entirely, I just think its a bit exaggerated
I know personally 192 cm autists with 5/10 to 6/10 face who was cel
You don't get that lack of social skills ( something humans really need at basic level ) is huge disadvantage
Also really dislike how non NT view mentalcels here

Autism and other serious disorders will fuck normie life in many aspects let alone cels, but everybody here always assume that every mentalcel is some 6'4 with chad face, hunter pale blue eyes. Just ask yourself if intellau has good life...and he is mega mentalcel to point of complete retardation

Intellau is also ugly and has a bad voice. Inceldom is caused by a multitude of factors. Also Im autistic aswell, yes I didn't get diagnosed officially but the signs are all there
I know personally 192 cm autists with 5/10 to 6/10 face who was cel
You don't get that lack of social skills ( something humans really need at basic level ) is huge disadvantage
It is certainly a disadvantage but those guys are still going to ascend sooner or later. If I was somewhat taller with better features I wouldn't even know about this forum even if my mild autism stayed the same. It only becomes a major disadvantage with severity and if combined with a multitude of other disorders
It is certainly a disadvantage but those guys are still going to ascend sooner or later. If I was somewhat taller with better features I wouldn't even know about this forum even if my mild autism stayed the same. It only becomes a major disadvantage with severity and if combined with a multitude of other disorders
then why many autists are virgins ? why many kill themselvs ?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih-xCPx3KlY

30 year old autist with normie face, and he is virgin ?
No, you're a volcel or fakecel if you're the type of guy who's too scared to ask out girls and stuff, which is why you're single.
Actively going out and trying to find girls but still being constantly rejected is a trucel trait, if that's a fakecel trait, then I guess we should all just put this forum down.

:soy: :redpill:says to ask out girls nothing bad will happend. its jus rejection bro

its pure humiliation no reason to do that to yourself
then why many autists are virgins ? why many kill themselvs ?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih-xCPx3KlY

30 year old autist with normie face, and he is virgin ?

Sure its harder as I already stated but not as big of a failo as a bad face usually. There are more normie looking autists who have sex than ugly NTs who have sex. Plus bad genes often come together so more autists are also ugly than NTs. Attractive or atleast normie looking autists are rare and far in between. They might be incel longer but they have way better chances than someone ugly

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