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RageFuel Im fucking tired of FAKECELS here

can you remind me of your stats real quick please ?
I swear I remember seeing you say you were 4/10 face and 5'10.
If I got your stats wrong I apologise in advance but if you ARE 4/10, 5'10 and NT you are unironically the fakecel here and should get a grip for your own sake.

"Ummmm just don't have schizophrenia bro"
"Naah bro autism is fake just go talk to women"
"Just make friends bro, works for me"
Completely retarded. What makes you think you have a right to talk about non-NTs ?

Im approximately like 60% Slav and about 40% black(West African)
You just called @Cayden Zhang a fakecel for not going to china to ascend.
What's stopping you from going to Africa and ascending there ?

I'm as offended as you are at the idea that people would come here and make a fucking mockery of our lives but give it a break bro, you're ALWAYS going on about fakecels. It's not a race to the bottom.
Sure its harder as I already stated but not as big of a failo as a bad face usually. There are more normie looking autists who have sex than ugly NTs who have sex. Plus bad genes often come together so more autists are also ugly than NTs. Attractive or atleast normie looking autists are rare and far in between. They might be incel longer but they have way better chances than someone ugly
You say same stuff over and over again it's sad really
There are more normie looking autists who have sex than ugly NTs who have sex.
I'm 5/10 spergcel manlet who never had kiss with girl, let alone relationship, you good example of normie 30 year old guy who never kissed with girl again i will say

You say same stuff over and over again it's sad really
can you remind me of your stats real quick please ?
I swear I remember seeing you say you were 4/10 face and 5'10.
If I got your stats wrong I apologise in advance but if you ARE 4/10, 5'10 and NT you are unironically the fakecel here and should get a grip for your own sake.
I'm 5/10 5'8 manlet who has both schizophrenia and autism he mogs me

And it's just proves my further thesis that gatekeeping 'truecels' are just virtue signalling whores
one of those would be enough to make you an incel, let alone both
that's brutal
some summary of my life ( copy pasted from PM's )

Very short summary
Bullied heavily entire elementary school and middle school
begged on my knees with my mate when i was 10 to thugs who just wanted to threat me as toy
begged before my mother to not kick me out house when i was 14
my dad nearly killed me with knife ( my mom held him and i with all my strength held my doors...i was so scared )
i tried to kill my dad with knife he also wanted to kill me with knife ( my mom held both of us ) kicked me out house for 1 day
kicked out house after another huge argument for 2 days at beggining of 2022
one kid shooted me with plastic gun to face ( plastic bullets )
tried to kill myself in may of 2020 and nearly jumped on bus and train i wanted to hug mom but she rejected my hug after this ( one of two most painful moments in sense of rejection )
i had suicide attempt in july of 2022 and spent 11 days at mental ward ( dad called phone to me and only time i saw him crying in my life )
'mates' at uni maked meet up which for 30 minutes insulted me ( cause my behavior i must admit but im autistic and schizophrenic and my negative experiences make me like this ) non stop until i left
general people treat me as trash whole life cause im autistic and latter schizophrenic manlet who was medications fat for quite lot of time ( at least i lost it )

meant to be short but like can see it isn't...

second most painfull rejection is girl which i sent pics to you after learning that i love her started to be scared of me...girl which i love
"Ummmm just don't have schizophrenia bro"
"Naah bro autism is fake just go talk to women"
"Just make friends bro, works for me"
Completely retarded. What makes you think you have a right to talk about non-NTs ?
Im somewhat non NT myself. I pretty much have all the symptoms I would say
You just called @
Cayden Zhang
@Cayden Zhang a fakecel for not going to china to ascend.
What's stopping you from going to Africa and ascending there ?
You are right, I could probably ascend in Africa. I might give it a try

I'm as offended as you are at the idea that people would come here and make a fucking mockery of our lives but give it a break bro, you're ALWAYS going on about fakecels. It's not a race to the bottom.
I know, Im sorry for being a bit toxic lately, its just that Im in a bad mood I guess

can you remind me of your stats real quick please ?
I swear I remember seeing you say you were 4/10 face and 5'10.
If I got your stats wrong I apologise in advance but if you ARE 4/10, 5'10 and NT you are unironically the fakecel here and should get a grip for your own sake.
Yes Im 5'10 and Im about a 4/10 facially but Im not really NT as I said and while I will admit it, am no "truecel" Im still an incel obviously
one of those would be enough to make you an incel, let alone both
that's brutal
It depends. Only one failo provided its not severe cannot render you an incel, its always a combination of bad features
Ok I admit it, I was exaggerating about that but that doesn't make me a fakecel in any way. I have big facial failos and I never got matches on Tinder unlike some other users here
bro stfu u have 7 inches and ure trying to pretend like ure some gatekeeping final boss when ure fakeceling
:soy: :redpill:says to ask out girls nothing bad will happend. its jus rejection bro

its pure humiliation no reason to do that to yourself
Yeah but I'm just saying being rejected doesn't mean you're a faekcel. A 100% blackpilled incel would never ask people out tho, because of the risk of being seen as a creep
Im not really NT as I said
sorry, didn't know
Yeah if you're even slightly non-NT I take back what I said, but I think you underestimate how bad some people have it. (even though with your stats you could probably be considered a mentalcel too, no offense I just think 4/10 5'10 aren't catastrophic stats)

Looks can carry if you're not TOO non-nt but socialising won't just "be harder", it can honestly just be impossible because you weird everyone out before you even opened your mouth.
Some women might overlook it if you're not too weird and you look good enough, but in severe cases if you're anything less than a Chad it can completely ruin your life.

I know, Im sorry for being a bit toxic lately, its just that Im in a bad mood I guess
I get where you're coming from bro don't worry about it, and it's good that you catch fakecels like that 50 match faggot, but just lower your standards a bit.

I kind of look like Andrew Tate facially but I have hair(started balding) and I have somewhat green eyes
Depends on the angle obviously but I think Andrew Tate looks pretty good tbh, if you're similar to him it's definitely not over. He looks much better nowadays than he did when he was younger so you might want to copy his style a bit.

Only one failo provided its not severe cannot render you an incel, its always a combination of bad features
I think light autism and a bit of bad luck would be enough to make someone an incel if their other stats are unremarkable.
Fail to form a social circle early on and it could be gg.
Also really dislike how non NT view mentalcels here

Autism and other serious disorders will fuck normie life in many aspects let alone cels, but everybody here always assume that every mentalcel is some 6'4 with chad face, hunter pale blue eyes. Just ask yourself if intellau has good life...and he is mega mentalcel to point of complete retardation

I got called out for seriously being autistic. That shit ruins your life unironically. You are seen differently by default. Automatic incel status if you have autism and not the mild kind (Unless you are chad or something). It's not even about getting foids at that point.
some summary of my life ( copy pasted from PM's )

Very short summary
Bullied heavily entire elementary school and middle school
begged on my knees with my mate when i was 10 to thugs who just wanted to threat me as toy
begged before my mother to not kick me out house when i was 14
my dad nearly killed me with knife ( my mom held him and i with all my strength held my doors...i was so scared )
i tried to kill my dad with knife he also wanted to kill me with knife ( my mom held both of us ) kicked me out house for 1 day
kicked out house after another huge argument for 2 days at beggining of 2022
one kid shooted me with plastic gun to face ( plastic bullets )
tried to kill myself in may of 2020 and nearly jumped on bus and train i wanted to hug mom but she rejected my hug after this ( one of two most painful moments in sense of rejection )
i had suicide attempt in july of 2022 and spent 11 days at mental ward ( dad called phone to me and only time i saw him crying in my life )
'mates' at uni maked meet up which for 30 minutes insulted me ( cause my behavior i must admit but im autistic and schizophrenic and my negative experiences make me like this ) non stop until i left
general people treat me as trash whole life cause im autistic and latter schizophrenic manlet who was medications fat for quite lot of time ( at least i lost it )

meant to be short but like can see it isn't...

second most painfull rejection is girl which i sent pics to you after learning that i love her started to be scared of me...girl which i love
Being non-NT and being bullied for years is bad enough, but having that bad of a family life on top of it makes it so much worse.
This is the kind of shit that could ruin your mind even if you were NT to start with.
Idk what to tell you bro, it's just cruel that some people are born with everything while others go through shit like this, and then society expects the same results from both and blames you if you can't do it.
Being non-NT and being bullied for years is bad enough, but having that bad of a family life on top of it makes it so much worse.
This is the kind of shit that could ruin your mind even if you were NT to start with.
Idk what to tell you bro, it's just cruel that some people are born with everything while others go through shit like this, and then society expects the same results from both and blames you if you can't do it.
Thank you for your understanding, for year i realized how disgusting humans are especially to vulnerable individuals
Thank you for your understanding, for year i realized how disgusting humans are especially to vulnerable individuals
Did your life get a bit better or do you still have problems with your parents ? (ignore me if you don't feel like telling me)
Did your life get a bit better or do you still have problems with your parents ? (ignore me if you don't feel like telling me)
No i don't have problem with my parents anymore actually they changed and accepted my autism

Actually i try to finish uni with animation project i hope that i will succed

Shamefull self promotion here
Some of my works

414667242 1423782915237977 1389695836755055789 n
423568488 938528091010421 896573892329337344 n
413357153 651108463672363 7174158896942175758 n
371163121 3209633942514312 4313106000580393464 n
371076805 828877922147344 2479009959128365762 n
IMG 0512
IMG 0510
345740008 1615907992223510 7170281383054118317 n
320216987 722483382541731 1702454178231840974 n
320199301 717667436223020 3202184546487231850 n
320133913 1187336461862014 504966337551149066 n
320371149 609098100987186 5269374291666184489 n
309159831 463620009162279 4789923698769784356 n
309084808 1071738166714569 9058549630340761560 n
296218994 3333468823538600 4172281791881859120 n
353622586 1428511944387589 258787092185256851 n

No i don't have problem with my parents anymore actually they changed and accepted my autism
that's good, hopefully things can get a bit better from here on out.

Some of my works
I like the drawings and the animation is pretty smooth.
I recognise chainsaw man, naruto and bleach but what is the realistic face from ? (botom left)
You recreated the art styles well.
that's good, hopefully things can get a bit better from here on out.

I like the drawings and the animation is pretty smooth.
I recognise chainsaw man, naruto and bleach but what is the realistic face from ? (botom left)
You recreated the art styles well.
Lightning from FF13
You literally got kiss bites on the neck. How are you an incel? You are as fakecel as they come
I am a virgin at 25
This story was 7years ago
You literally got these at age 17-18, yet it somehow doesn't matter because you're allegedly a virgin at 25.


@LeFrenchCel @Fat Link @Uggo Mongo @The Enforcer @SlayerSlayer @proudweeb @TheProphetMuscle
You literally got these at age 17-18, yet it somehow doesn't matter because you're allegedly a virgin at 25.


@LeFrenchCel @Fat Link @Uggo Mongo @The Enforcer @SlayerSlayer @proudweeb @TheProphetMuscle
Well, honestly I don't want to jump into conclusions too quick but I think that was important to point out. I wonder what the mods think, I did point the kiss bites part out to @LeFrenchCel in that thread @Qwertyuiop99 made but Im not sure if he saw it since he didn't reply any further
Fakecels getting mad at fakecels for fakecelling
You literally got these at age 17-18, yet it somehow doesn't matter because you're allegedly a virgin at 25.


@LeFrenchCel @Fat Link @Uggo Mongo @The Enforcer @SlayerSlayer @proudweeb @TheProphetMuscle
After that ,she bit me in my arms ,neck ; sucks those parts and left marks. It was lifefuel but I realized I lost a girl I didn't have .

Since his English is kinda bad, its maybe easy to missunderstand this part but its also interesting to note that he later confirmed she gave him a kiss
It was either in this thread or in his thread
Since his English is kinda bad, its maybe easy to missunderstand this part but its also interesting to note that he later confirmed she gave him a kiss
It was either in this thread or in his thread
It didn't last 5 seconds.
still better than reddit or quora
bro stfu u have 7 inches and ure trying to pretend like ure some gatekeeping final boss when ure fakeceling
Jfl OP tried to create an image of himself being a truecel by sperging out on a few users that mog him in certain aspects, even though he mogs majority of the forum himself.
You literally got these at age 17-18, yet it somehow doesn't matter because you're allegedly a virgin at 25.


@LeFrenchCel @Fat Link @Uggo Mongo @The Enforcer @SlayerSlayer @proudweeb @TheProphetMuscle
Well, honestly I don't want to jump into conclusions too quick but I think that was important to point out. I wonder what the mods think, I did point the kiss bites part out to @LeFrenchCel in that thread @Qwertyuiop99 made but Im not sure if he saw it since he didn't reply any further
Non-khhvs are still allowed here as long as they are virgins
Non-khhvs are still allowed here as long as they are virgins
He literally got a "hickey". He is not an incel by definition. If he could get a "hickey" he can eventually get sex aswell, or maybe he already did but just never pointed it out for obvious reasons
Hugs are different, since I got some at Church, but how are guys who received kisses allowed?
He literally got a "hickey". He is not an incel by definition. If he could get a "hickey" he can eventually get sex aswell, or maybe he already did but just never pointed it out for obvious reasons
I just read the rules again and I saw nothing written about this kind of cases, but that's how I understand we have to judge them.

Virgin = you're in
Non-virgin = you're out

@Fat Link Virgins who aren't khhv are still allowed here, right?
I just read the rules again and I saw nothing written about this kind of cases, but that's how I understand we have to judge them.

Virgin = you're in
Non-virgin = you're out

@Fat Link Virgins who aren't khhv are still allowed here, right?
Yes but they are not allowed to share their prior romantic experiences.
So @Qwertyuiop99 should get a perma?
No, but a 3-4 day ban should suffice.

You could give him longer if you think it warrants it but I’d think anything longer than a week or two would be excessive. :feelsugh:
No, but a 3-4 day ban should suffice.

You could give him longer if you think it warrants it but I’d think anything longer than a week or two would be excessive. :feelsugh:
No, but a 3-4 day ban should suffice.

You could give him longer if you think it warrants it but I’d think anything longer than a week or two would be excessive. :feelsugh:
I think he should get a perma honestly. He got love bites and on top of that subtly bragged many times before. I guess it just got overlooked but what do I know
I agree. The mods or whatever allow looksmax.org normie mods on here, i guess theres some business going on between them? It is the reason the fakecel Jason Voornormie didnt get banned haha. Cant take this forum seriously anymore.
I agree. The mods or whatever allow looksmax.org normie mods on here, i guess theres some business going on between them? It is the reason the fakecel Jason Voornormie didnt get banned haha. Cant take this forum seriously anymore.
Yea probably. They must have some kind of business going on between them. They should not let people like @Jason Voorhees and especially @Qwertyuiop99 be here.
There are many people here who don't even fit the incel criterion, many just based on looks alone and many who even brag about their experiences while they get only a small warning. Its just NOT FAIR! I get warnings for every little thing, for necroposting, for making copypasta joke threads, I will potentially even get a high percent warning for saying 'fuck off' so many times to annoying users here at some point. Meanwhile an actual fakecel who gets 50 matches on Tinder gets an only 50% warning. And that is not even the only example, there are normie looking users allowed here, who obviously don't belong here by definition. Furthermore there have also been users incel shaming as of late yet they got pretty much no warning at all

Now I could go on with this but Im sure you get it. This forum is becoming more like reddit by the day and IM simply tired of this bullshit, if you are gonna call this an incel forum then don't allow people who don't fit in the definition of being an incel here and don't ban users for the smallest mistakes. Im sure even some mods might be fakecels themselves but of course there is no way to confirm this so Im going to try to not make assumptions.
All in all if none of those things change then I might have to actually leave this forum but for now lets see what happens
same we should make it to get harder here

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