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JFL Comradespiderman’s “baby picture”

I honestly think a hard-ban would be doing him a huge favor from further embarrassing himself like this :feelsgah:
do it

Permaban him forever

He did not post any blackpill related thread and causing too many useless drama on this forum which is unrelated to the blackpill
Thanks for the thread i will humilitiate him in shitter now
Can a mainland currycel organise a meetup with him in Bangalore?
Why didn't you tag me?

Also, this should be fucking common sense.

Are people on this forum really that low IQ?

I remember people actually believing @Samurai 's larp school fight stories

People here really just take everything at face value huh? They literally believe any bullshit that's fed to them
why would it be common sense that he’s indian :feelskek: I honestly can’t believe that a curry would put so much effort as larping as another race
hehehehehehehe this shit is too good bro, indian ip? ahahahahaha
curries have no shame, if he came back he wouldn’t care
Well he's not coming back as "comradespiderman29"

He's going to ditch that account pretty soon
best post ever
@Chudpreet you are life fuel
I actually feel bad for him, this is absolute total humiliation, he put so much effort into his larp and now it’s all gone. I would like to come out as a 5’1 telugu AASI abo larping as a 5’6 ricecel to take the heat off of comrade. Please stop embarrassing my boy let him back into the community he is a stonecold mentally ill trucel.
I actually feel bad for him, this is absolute total humiliation, he put so much effort into his larp and now it’s all gone. I would like to come out as a 5’1 telugu AASI abo larping as a 5’6 ricecel to take the heat off of comrade. Please stop embarrassing my boy let him back into the community he is a stonecold mentally ill trucel.
what humiliation are u talking about bro, this is the internet
what humiliation are u talking about bro, this is the internet
We were his only form of social interaction, you wouldn’t understand since you’re a fakecel.
@Chudpreet @anandkanga i don't yet understand that why a curry like him larp as Lebanese. I mean what so special about being Lebanese. Majority of the curry larpers larp as White European Germanic Aryan, Aristocratic Hellenic Greek or Roman or larp as being Israeli. But Lebanese, it's beyond my understanding that what being so special about Lebanese identity
"But saar Arapu men have light skin and green eyes and look nothing like pajeets. Here's an old photo of me and my cousin where we look like white Aryan Levantines" The Arapus in question...
I remember his racebaiting
Lol that is why I love Indians.

Now there are some white nationalists here,
they will always be curries roleplaying whites in my mind :feelsEhh:
Yeah, that really doesn't add up. Something else I noticed is that he never even participated in Arabic discussions in the other language subforum. That already made me kind of doubt him at the start...
Exactly bro, I have never seen him on Arabic discussion in the language subforum
He's a knanaya christian. Their ancestors were Levantine chritians who migrated to India. Even today they have like 10% Levantine blood. He probably thinks of himself as Muh white Levantine :feelstastyman: just like how Poojabis think they are Muh white Aryan

There are plenty of Mallus in Bangalore. He was a larping Mallu nig knanaya christian
Wait isn't @James_Voorhese is also Knaya Christian but he is dark skinned
The thing is these niggers have deep racial insecurities, so they try to LARP as WHATEVER race they can. In their minds they literally are "white", "arab"

Look at this coping nigger for example

Nigga shows the photos of people suffering from albino as white:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
I actually feel bad for him, this is absolute total humiliation, he put so much effort into his larp and now it’s all gone. I would like to come out as a 5’1 telugu AASI abo larping as a 5’6 ricecel to take the heat off of comrade. Please stop embarrassing my boy let him back into the community he is a stonecold mentally ill trucel.
He left on his own accord
@Chudpreet @anandkanga i don't yet understand that why a curry like him larp as Lebanese. I mean what so special about being Lebanese. Majority of the curry larpers larp as White European Germanic Aryan, Aristocratic Hellenic Greek or Roman or larp as being Israeli. But Lebanese, it's beyond my understanding that what being so special about Lebanese identity
The Lebanese are criminals, thugs and a general menace to society here. That’s what sets them apart, idk why you would want to larp as them though
@Dregster @Uggo Mongo

Keep ComradeCurryMan29 permabanned. His post history is just full of Incel shaming & low effort race wars too.
He contributed nothing of value to the forum.
So he's not that Lebanese origin Orthodox Maronite Christian , he is native but he says he is Orthodox Maronite having Lebanese/Middle Eastern origin
I’m sure we’re all familiar with the recent situation regarding @comradespiderman29, Lebanon’s strongest race warrior, by now. However, @anandkanga and I have just discovered highly important new details, which this thread will bring to light.

To ever-so-briefly recap the situation:
@Uggo Mongo finds that the IP used by comrade to register on this site was Indian
• Comrade makes his excuses, me and anandkonda find they don’t add up, and we decide to do a little digging
• We find evidence based on comrade’s own accounts that he is likely partially South Indian, most probably 25%
@Dregster reveals to us that EVERY single IP used by comrade traces back to India, and particularly to Bangalore, further confounding the situation

Throughout this situation, comrade had one shining bit of “proof” on his side: a supposed baby photo of his. He provided this to a few users, including @anandkanga, @Samurai, and @VideoGameKoala. The picture seemed to check out with his purported identity, showing a Northern Levantine-passing child and his sister. Here it is:
View attachment 1311166


Now slow down there buddy. This isn’t doxxing, because this photo is public, and – more importantly – not of him.
View attachment 1311169

Little pro tip for those of you reading this: when you’re dealing with spaces such as this forum, which are crawling with feds, larpers, and other roach-ass fucks, it may do you good to try reverse image searching people’s face reveals. Especially if you plan on providing one of your own in exchange.

I’m really and truly astonished right now. Comradespiderman was a LARPing trollfag this entire time. MONTHS he spent on here racking up THOUSANDS of posts portraying his persona as a Lebanese ultranationalist; the whole time lacking so much as a DROP of Levantine Arab blood.

Every moment you spent chatting or arguing with this user was a moment of yours wasted by some stinky gigashitskin subhuman posting from the sewage system of Bengaluru. Let that sink in.
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View attachment 1311178
View attachment 1311179

@comradespiderman29 I hope you’re reading this right now. You are a fucking CLOWN, the goofiest clown in the entire world. Kill yourself (in real life) you miserable race-baiting shitcoon.

@DarkStar @LeFrenchCel @Fat Link @Castaway @beyondschizo @Racial-Identitarian @CrazyCarCrash @Fevet @supersoldier @kay' @svgmn1 @fatass30000 @Biowaste Removal @Chang.Beijing @Acorn @Diddy
It's being stupid enough to think that a stock photo would work, that I find particularly hilarious.
No his great grandparents were Dalits converted to Christianity. The church name is Syro Malabar
Is he personally tell you. Btw he says that Syro-Malabar Church is a kind of exclusively only for Middle Eastern origin Christians migrated to Kerala and they don't convert to others. And dalits ate mostly convert to mainlite protestant
Fucking indians man

I don't think so. Syro Malabar is a catholic organisation. You are confusing them for nasrani

Ohh shit, I am confusing him for Nasrani. Actually there are so many Christian sects in Kerala, it really confuses me, so Nasrani Christian are middle Eastern origin and thier church is exclusively for only them, they don't convert others. While Syro-Malabar is open to all

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