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Serious I am disgusted by some of the incels here



Blackpill General,Pastor,Soldier and Saint
Nov 7, 2021
Support of Pedophilia & Racism.... Come on guys really? Some of the incels here are normal but some of you are just evil.
Incels are just like any demographics : NT ppl and crazy ppl, good ppl and evil ppl, lamb and criminals, ...

If you think we should somehow be of higher quality compared to the normie pleb, then don't forget we're just a bunch of loser after all.

Plus, actual criminals posters are certainly being watched here more than in most place of the internet, so you're the last person who have to worry since you're not getting paid by some government to do the good boi job.
caveat to glowie cucks : of course I condemn those illicit activities, learn to read if you understood otherwise for god's sake.
They're just trying to be edgy.
Both behaviors are normal in humans. Due to them being so taboo and frowned upon in wesntern societies nowadays, people will want to vent when they have a rare opportunity to do so, like these anonymous forums.

There are things worse than those here, like posting and laughing about gore videos, etc.
It's an anonymous forum. Of course there's gonna be shit like that, if you want a censored safespace reddit is that way.
14y old muh pedophilia

fucking nigger
I don’t hate other races. If you are referring to the liberal use of “nigger”, that would mean every hip hop artist is racist.

If you think being attracted to a foid whose age is 17 year 364 days is pedo you are just moralfagging soy
If you think about it, people like teens or even children better than older people for the same reason people will hate some races. Lookism is the root cause of all that.

Overfocusing on racism for instance while ignoring lookism is like taking a shitload of medicine for a particular sick organ while ignoring all the other organs which are sick as well due to a cancer metastasis and not treating the cancer.
i hate minorites
ok soyboy, how bout you get some migrants to live at your house and also try to get a date with a 80yo foid than
get fucked, nigger
Change your username, you are not worthy of being known as blackpill general.

more like soypillgeneral
Being racist is natural, non-whites are ironically the most racist and hate each other too. Pedocels liking 9 year olds is NOT OK though!
I don’t hate other races. If you are referring to the liberal use of “nigger”, that would mean every hip hop artist is racist.

If you think being attracted to a foid whose age is 17 year 364 days is pedo you are just moralfagging soy
I always wondered why no one is calling out rappers for saying nigger.
I don't support pedophilia but I like the word "nigger".
Those are the animals. It takes time and some endurance to find one that is really worthy of talking to. @FrothySolutions and @Wizard32 are the only ones I've seen who have an interesting post history.
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Racism just because of different skin color is not an issue here. We back out “racism realism” with cold hard facts. Niggers are stupid, chinks are ugly, currys are beyond salvation.
racism is lookism

ethnics get treated like shit if they look like shit
Racism is just a branch of lookism yet incels defend racism, there's a lot of double standards/inconsistencies people don't want to address
Kill everyone and their dog.
Also I have to add that in your mind we might feel some sort of satisfaction by being above other races. But it’s the opposite, if niggers were to disappear off the face of the planet, crime would become almost nonexistent in most countries. I don’t feel any type of pride being above my race more like disgust at the stupid leaching destructive monkeys that make up most of my race. If I could press a button that would kill us off, I would because that would benefit everyone else. That is the difference between nigger pride and knowing your own people are useless.
Racism is just a branch of lookism yet incels defend racism, there's a lot of double standards/inconsistencies people don't want to address
Funny that you said that. Let's check out your post history.

You said the N-word here.

Here you are endorsing non-White on White violence.

Here you call Blacks 'niggers' and Whites 'cumskins'.


"Turkroaches", eh?

And again.


There's a lot of inconsistencies on this forum, isn't there?
Funny that you said that. Let's check out your post history.

You said the N-word here.

Here you are endorsing non-White on White violence.

Here you call Blacks 'niggers' and Whites 'cumskins'.


"Turkroaches", eh?

And again.


There's a lot of inconsistencies on this forum, isn't there?
I didn't say i was exempt so I don't get your point. My original point is yet to be refuted, whitecels bully ethnics on .is for their looks and then cry when fat landwhales rejects them for looking ugly :smonk::feelsLSD: Racism is part and parcel of lookism this is a fact
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Racism is just a branch of lookism yet incels defend racism, there's a lot of double standards/inconsistencies people don't want to address
I didn't say i was exempt so I don't really get your point. My original point is yet to be refuted, whitecels bully ethnics on .is for their looks and then cry when fat landwhales rejects them for looking ugly :smonk::feelsLSD: Racism is part and parcel of lookism this is a fact

You've just said endorsing racism is bad for incels and mentioned double-standards, but also proceeded to attack Blacks, Whites, and ethnics like Turks many times in your previous threads. That's called hypocrisy.
You've just said endorsing racism is bad for incels and mentioned double-standards, but also proceeded to attack Blacks, Whites, and ethnics like Turks many times in your previous threads. That's called hypocrisy.
That's called what happens when you rot on an incel forum in your prime years:smonk: .is made me like this
Bildschirmfoto 2022 01 09 um 211917
Get out of here nigger, what's pedophilia? I JUST HATE AGECUCKS:feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke::feelsclown:
Ok, i don't remember asking, faggot. Keep crying for us, you utter soylet pathetic redditor.
Hope you’re using the term ‘pedophile’ correctly and yeah, the racism is pointless and NPC behaviour.
Support of Pedophilia & Racism.... Come on guys really? Some of the incels here are normal but some of you are just evil.
kids could beat the shit out of most of the users on here + its super edgy + anonymous forum so if it bothers u probabbly just leave
Those are the animals. It takes time and some endurance to find one that is really worthy of talking to. @FrothySolutions and @Wizard32 are the only ones I've seen who have an interesting post history.
I hope you're not suggesting I support pedophilia because I am actually reforming pedophiles to cure their pedophilia: so that instead of being fixated JUST on pre-pubescent girls that they widen their appreciation to like all three groups of foids simultaneously: pre-pubescent girls, mid-pubescent girls and post-pubescent girls all at the same time.

That leads to a greater balance and those are habits where if you ever did get to thigh some pre-pubescent girl you'd both have more longterm happiness if you didn't suddenly get grossed out like some cuck just because she grew a pube or something.

Ironically I think society's paranoia about pedophilia is actually causing it to occur because it manifests artificially as a form of rebellion where someone artificially embraces pedophilic fixaiton merely to assert a sense of freedom of thought.

IE if society would back off and not shame them, they'd probably organically like pre-pubescent and mid-pubescent and post-pubescent girls simultaneously as nature intended, but because of being told what to think (and the degenerate habits of roasties don't help matter) they might just take a "only pre-pubescent is worth my time" approach.

I went through a phase like that as a teen and echoes of it still linger occasionally, but it's an unhealthy bias and one should take a broader appreciation of beauty.
sometimes i miss the reddit rules. the days of braincels were the best because you had less low-iq shit like that on there.
Niggers are stupid, chinks are ugly, currys are beyond salvation.
I find a lot of Chinese girls to be beautiful, I have witnessed some intelligent black people (Candace Owens is okay) and I always get confused about what a curry is supposed to be, not sure what you mean by this.

I'm concerned about all the violent crimes that black men engage in, but I think the lurking problem in society is how we turn a blind eye to how bearded Jewish mohels flay the skin off the penises of newborn baby boys and then put the bleeding penises into their mouth.

I think we have a centuries-long cognitive dissonance to somehow tolerate this and pretend it doesn't exist. The rabbinists need to be called out and brought to trial for their child abuse.

Look at all those "Catholic priest" memes by contrast: somehow some faggot Catholic sucking the cock of some fourteen-year-old choir boy (without drawing blood) gets a bunch of press, while the sadist-faggot mohel Rabbinist who sucks the cock of a fourteen-DAY-old newborn boy (after slicing off all the skin as it screams in pain) gets less than 1% of the press.

The Catholics who molest teen choir boys are doing so against their church's teachings whereas "slice up baby dicks and suck them" is an essential part of the Rabbinist teachings introduced by their new post-Christian Roman-era Oral Torah ever since they started adding shit absent in the original Written Torah.

Rabbinism is SYSTEMIC child abuse whereas Catholicism is more like ambivalent DGAF trying to earn money and cover up their fuckups to keep a good reputation, but they at least don't actively revolve their religion around sucking boy dick, it's just a side effect of them being selfish SOBs who care more about appearances than to deal with the fags that sneak in to co-opt their priesthood.

Rabbinism by contrast will actively ban you from being an elite rabbi (mohel) if you refuse to slice up and suck baby dicks. It's the core tenant of their form of Judaism, and they wiped out all the less-evil Jews who wouldn't adopt this new practice because they were fine with the old way of non-circumcision Milah where they just snipped the tip (akroposthion) and didn't suck the dick.
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I don’t support pedophilia but I really don’t give a fuck what happens to random kids
Change your username, you are not worthy of being known as blackpill general.

more like soypillgeneral
I am a blackpillgeneral cause I'm willing to die for it. While yall cower and LDAR, I'm building a militia.
Support of Pedophilia & Racism.... Come on guys really? Some of the incels here are normal but some of you are just evil.
Most people online are mostly pscho sociopaths or just faggots ,truecel s and good people like us are a minority
Racism is good
Less than 5 people unironically support pedophilia on this whole forum
Grow the fuck up, not being racist is evil.

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