BBC spammer: Lives with parents, in room all day, room full of piss jugs, 50 tabs active on Chrome, harddrive full of fetish porn, rarely even showers.
blkpillpres: Spends all day in his bedroom. Is actually either fat or skinny and weak (always the case for internet tough guys). Constantly looks up social media of people he hasn't seen in over a decade who he believes wronged him and posts about his revenge fantasies. Meek coward in real life.
Anandkonda: Indian guy with no friends who lives in his room 24/7. Spends all day on the internet looking for people to argue with. Is non-NT but is one of those autistic guys who thinks he's superior to other autistic guys when in reality he's even more insufferable. Browser history full of cuckold porn.
Knajjd: (the former moderator, not the one currently with the username): Lives in a fancy house in a wealthy neighborhood in Istanbul. Alcohol bottles all over the place. Losing touch with reality more and more. His mom is probably hot.
Ritalincel: Actually a high IQ autist. Stopped posting much because he now has a decent job. Lives on his own. Still plays old school runescape.