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Discussion Why are you guys so pro-male anti-female rather than just misanthropic?



Sep 9, 2024
It's one thing to hate the illogical and gynocentric narrative that plagues our modern society, or the behavior of modern women as a collective. That's not what I'm talking about.

I notice that the posters here seem to have an innate preference for male nature over female nature, and it seems that hating women is one of the core tenants here. I'm just wondering why you guys don't hate men just as much if not more? Men are the bootlickers and foot-soldiers of women. The only reason why women have a say in anything is because of the army of pathetic men that do their bidding. Women would be nothing without the hordes of desperate men who enable them, selling out their own brothers for a crumb of pussy. If you experienced bullying in school, it was likely other males bullying you for an increase in social status. The contempt I hold for men's pathetic nature is equal to the contempt I hold for women's manipulative nature. Nobody is worse than a bootlicker in my eyes.

I'm just a misanthrope, I don't really see how hating women more than men is productive in any way. Women don't like incels because incel's genetics don't make the cut, end of story. It's not like she's actively choosing to not date you out of spite, she is biologically repulsed by you due to your genes. It's no different from what happens in the animal kingdom. Imagine going to a zoo and genuinely hating the gorilla for the way that it selects mates.

This post is not meant to be hostile or anything I just want to hear your guys' perspective on the matter, all I'm saying is that the innate behaviors of the common male irritate me just as much as the common female.
Many of us hate simps the most.
Because society already hates men. It's redundant.
I hate most of soyciety in general whether they are male or female
I don't particularly hate anybody, I just hate being an incel
This is true, but at least I understand why men do what they do. Simps are desperate for that blue pilled bullshit called love that they are taught about since birth, so they do whatever they can to find it. They are just stupid. Chads are just assholes who can't understand what it would be like to be us. But women are like an entirely different species, they get whatever they want and have an opportunity for the perfect life, but by nature they are instead all evil piece of shit sadist who enjoy our suffering and agony. Kaw
Many of us hate simps the most.

Modern men are somewhat less at fault because of how badly they are brainwashed and how strong the pressure is on them to conform to the Zeitgeist. Women can easily farm attention and affection by being just minimally pro-male, but choose not to because they just don't care at all about what's right or fair.

I do hate society / people in general and male nature is not something I would care to idealize. Evolution is an uncaring, amoral process and we are its shitty results. The ultimate fault lies with nature and the rule set of the universe itself, which birthed all our issues. Selfishness, stupidity and cruelty are all downhill from resources being limited which is downhill from physics.
I don't really see how hating women more than men is productive in any way.
Winning at politics requires a functional interest group. Men hating each other is not productive at all. Men coming together to defend their group interests against women and stupid/cowardly men is.
Imagine going to a zoo and genuinely hating the gorilla for the way that it selects mates.
Now that's sophistry.

The mosquito, man's number 1 enemy, whose diet involves sucking blood through the canal. It's their natural way of life, but that doesn't stop us from hating them for the inconvenience they cause to men, just like women, whose hypergamous nature is not in the direct interest of mankind as a whole.
Many of us hate simps the most.
Truth, I see both men and women as animals following our instincts now that society barely has any norms or standards of behavior left, but simps deserve a special place in hell due to how pathetic and easily led they are. "Happy wife happy life :forcedsmile:".
Pepe simp
Foids are evil. Simple as, GrAY.
I think it's mostly resentment if I had to guess.
I just hate peopel who hated me first
Now that's sophistry.

The mosquito, man's number 1 enemy, whose diet involves sucking blood through the canal. It's their natural way of life, but that doesn't stop us from hating them for the inconvenience they cause to men, just like women, whose hypergamous nature is not in the direct interest of mankind as a whole.
I'm not saying I LIKE female nature. I'm saying that I hold similar levels of contempt for male nature. The male instinct to abandon all loyalty and dignity for the purpose of pussy is just as bad in my opinion as the female instinct to be hypergamous and manipulative. . The only reason why other males ostracize us is because women don't like us. Men are basically slaves to women, and I don't respect that.

I'm wondering why one would look at both male and female nature side by side, and come to the conclusion that females are the root of all evil, rather than seeing males and females as extensions of one another. 2 sides of the same coin in regards to evil, weakness, etc.
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It's one thing to hate the illogical and gynocentric narrative that plagues our modern society, or the behavior of modern women as a collective. That's not what I'm talking about.

I notice that the posters here seem to have an innate preference for male nature over female nature, and it seems that hating women is one of the core tenants here. I'm just wondering why you guys don't hate men just as much if not more? Men are the bootlickers and foot-soldiers of women. The only reason why women have a say in anything is because of the army of pathetic men that do their bidding. Women would be nothing without the hordes of desperate men who enable them, selling out their own brothers for a crumb of pussy. If you experienced bullying in school, it was likely other males bullying you for an increase in social status. The contempt I hold for men's pathetic nature is equal to the contempt I hold for women's manipulative nature. Nobody is worse than a bootlicker in my eyes.

I'm just a misanthrope, I don't really see how hating women more than men is productive in any way. Women don't like incels because incel's genetics don't make the cut, end of story. It's not like she's actively choosing to not date you out of spite, she is biologically repulsed by you due to your genes. It's no different from what happens in the animal kingdom. Imagine going to a zoo and genuinely hating the gorilla for the way that it selects mates.

This post is not meant to be hostile or anything I just want to hear your guys' perspective on the matter, all I'm saying is that the innate behaviors of the common male irritate me just as much as the common female.
Agreed 1000% but only with the caveat that it’s useful and necessary for us to exist along with the rest of the manosphere to appear to be if not outright be or at least play and embrace our role as “woman haters” (whether each of us individually are or not) because it sends a message to society and the government that their present behavior is intolerable.

So basically what I’m saying is it’s basically a necessity for the good of men everywhere that we play into this stereotypical image of the men’s rights movement to do our small part to effect change that hopefully leads to a shift in the power balance over time.

Otherwise we’ll be increasingly looking forward to a world that’s a version of The Handmaid’s Tale but in reverse.
Truth, I see both men and women as animals following our instincts now that society barely has any norms or standards of behavior left, but simps deserve a special place in hell due to how pathetic and easily led they are. "Happy wife happy life :forcedsmile:".
View attachment 1342245
My hatred of simps is what led me to post this. It just makes me feel some kind of way. On a related note, It was a Mcdonalds worker who reported the assassin of the healthcare CEO. Imagine getting paid minimum wage and still sucking up to the ruling class. That's what sub5 simps in denial remind me of.
Foids are evil. Simple as, GrAY.
Humans are all self-serving. There's no such thing as evil or good. Calling others evil is one of the oldest copes known to man. You're judging people based on your own criteria that isn't backed by anything. It's the same as believing in an afterlife where everyone gets what they deserve. People can't handle the fact that there's nothing that objectively states that their bullies or oppressors are wrong.
"Elon musk may be a famous billionare, but he's a BAD PERSON and I'm a GOOD PERSON, so in the end I win:soy:"

Who decides what is evil?
I unironically hate men more than women. Men are supposed to stick up with each other but they don't. There is always this meme about women being more disloyal between each other, but in my experience, men are way more treacherous, and back-stab you as soon a foid appears.

Men are the ones who bully you and lower your self-esteem, men are the ones who enable roastoids to be awful.
I unironically hate men more than women. Men are supposed to stick up with each other but they don't. There is always this meme about women being more disloyal between each other, but in my experience, men are way more treacherous, and back-stab you as soon a foid appears.

Men are the ones who bully you and lower your self-esteem, men are the ones who enable roastoids to be awful.
The sisterhood is a real thing meanwhile the brotherhood is a meme. :feelshehe:
True in every point, mostly when I think about the fact that 90% of my detractors were male
You're judging people based on your own criteria that isn't backed by anything
The behavior of foids happens independently from your opinion; it doesn't matter if you're judging it by the blackpill or not. Hypergamy is a fact and is a evil.
My criteria backed my own experience. Again, it is simple.
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I hate all of humanity, but foids are insufferable and stupid. I hate them much more than men, even though I desire to have one as my wife, but she'd have to be my property :feelskek:
Agreed 1000% but only with the caveat that it’s useful and necessary for us to exist along with the rest of the manosphere to appear to be if not outright be or at least play and embrace our role as “woman haters” (whether each of us individually are or not) because it sends a message to society and the government that their present behavior is intolerable.

So basically what I’m saying is it’s basically a necessity for the good of men everywhere that we play into this stereotypical image of the men’s rights movement to do our small part to effect change that hopefully leads to a shift in the power balance over time.

Otherwise we’ll be increasingly looking forward to a world that’s a version of The Handmaid’s Tale but in reverse.
Very good point, I guess I hadn't considered the importance of our outward image. Incels very well could be the pioneers of a new movement in the future. Not saying it's likely, but still.


I think the blackpill is currently at the "Early adopters" stage. I wonder if it's mainstreamification will cause a large counter-culture to form against soyciety. That would be cool.
My criteria backed my own experience. Again, it is simple.
What is your criteria for what a good person is and how did you come up with it? How do you know your views are not extremely biased towards yourself?
What is your criteria for what a good person is and how did you come up with it? How do you know your views are not extremely biased towards yourself?
The blackpill (human nature) is pretty universal
The blackpill (human nature) is pretty universal
That's what I'm saying. The nature of humans is the only objective metric we have. That's why all attempts to label someone as morally bad or good are stemmed from personal bias rather than reality. The reality is that good and evil don't exist.
The sisterhood is a real thing meanwhile the brotherhood is a meme. :feelshehe:
Pretty much. Holes are just taking advantage of what they're given, which is normal. If I were given privileges for nothing in return I'd take them too, you'd have to be very dumb to not take them :feelstastyman:
typical GrAY simp

state of foidworshippers.IS
And why good or evil don't exist? Your personal judgment?
The default state of being is humans simply being animals, if you claim that there is something more to it, it's on you to prove it, not me. We walk, eat, sleep, shit, get controlled by our hormones, reproduce, and die just like every other species. There is no data that points to us being different. Consciousness is the only argument yet 95% of your thoughts are subconscious, so any conscious decision you make has already been decided by your subconscious before you even make it.

The difference between a mass shooter and a guy who kills himself isn't the level of "evil" they have. It's simply a difference in genetics and environment which led them to different outcomes.
a necessity for the good of men everywhere that we play into this stereotypical image of the men’s rights
Why care about men at large?? they never cared about us. Women and the rest of the men who aren't incel are in cahoots. Chad is having the time of his life and apparently normalcattle don't care about only getting crumbs, otherwise they would support us but no, they dismiss everything we say.

If we want to play part of something or send a message, it has to be for us, the outcasts whom nobody cares about.
As long as it benefits women it's good for humanity :soy:
The default state of being is humans simply being animals, if you claim that there is something more to it, it's on you to prove it, not me. We walk, eat, sleep, shit, get controlled by our hormones, reproduce, and die just like every other species. There is no data that points to us being different. Consciousness is the only argument yet 95% of your thoughts are subconscious, so any conscious decision you make has already been decided by your subconscious before you even make it.
None of this answers my initial question as to why there is no good or evil. Also, the burden of proof is with you for saying such extraordinary claims.
The difference between a mass shooter and a guy who kills himself isn't the level of "evil" they have. It's simply a difference in genetics and environment which led them to different outcomes.
Do you see all humans as just meat puppets? For you, is hypergamy wrong, or is it just "foid genetics"?
Why care about men at large?? they never cared about us.
Because you are a man. And women function very collaboratively and have very strong in-group bias. Therefore, men will only succeed by doing similarly. As for Chad, I hate Chad, possibly more than women. All Chads should be dismembered.
Why care about men at large?? they never cared about us. Women and the rest of the men who aren't incel are in cahoots. Chad is having the time of his life and apparently normalcattle don't care about only getting crumbs, otherwise they would support us but no, they dismiss everything we say.

If we want to play part of something or send a message, it has to be for us, the outcasts whom nobody cares about.
Strength in numbers + the enemy of my enemy is my friend (well or if not “friend” at least political ally).
Ehh depends on certain types of men

i hate simps agecucks whiteknights normies richfags niggers (except for my niggacels they good ong)
None of this answers my initial question as to why there is no good or evil. Also, the burden of proof is with you for saying such extraordinary claims.

Do you see all humans as just meat puppets? For you, is hypergamy wrong, or is it just "foid genetics"?

It does answer your question. Unless you believe that wild animals are also capable of good and evil.

Yes humans are meat puppets just like polar bears or eagles are meat puppets, there is zero evidence to the contrary and no reason to assume we are different. If you would like to claim that we are special, you'll need some proof.

Also, everything I said about the subconscious mind is easily verifiable just look it up. As well as what I said about genetics and environment. The current debate is about how much is influenced by genetics and how much is influenced by environment. There's no special third thing that determines our actions like "good" or "evil". No credible person who's contributing to the field of evo-psych believes in a meta-physical good and evil that drives people.

So what else would it be if not genetics or environment, what has given you this idea that there is a third force involved that only applies to humans and no other species?
Because you are a man. And women function very collaboratively and have very strong in-group bias. Therefore, men will only succeed by doing similarly. As for Chad, I hate Chad, possibly more than women. All Chads should be dismembered.
If we go by that logic we can go by "we're all humans" but no. People separate each other based on religion, race, class, or whatever. They decided we're not part of their "tribe" a long time ago. Even if "men" succeed, it doesn't mean a thing because we're not part of it.

Strength in numbers + the enemy of my enemy is my friend (well or if not “friend” at least political ally).
Maybe I'm too out out of touch, but personally I don't even see them as political allies, but it's fine. Everyone's situation here is different.
Not having an ingroup preference is a cucked philosophy.
Women are always female supremacists. Women worship female nature. Women always favor their own. Feminists hate male nature.
On the other hand, a large percent of men are treacherous enablers of females, or are egalitarians Either pro-female or neutral.

As early adopters of the blackpill, if we're to build some sort of movement that leads to any change or awareness among males that a gynocentric dystopia isn't the direction for society to head in, we need to push a movement of male ingroup-preference, because there is NONE of it in society. Allowing women to treat men as a eugenic slave class (and yes this applies to all men) and choosing not to hate them is like being a black slave and saying "other niggas sold us too, how can we hate our white enslavers?". We're all in this struggle together.

Ultimately, we are men. Women support their own. Us choosing to "hate equally" is the most cucked shit ever and is contributing to the current crab bucket attitude that we'll never get ourselves out of.
They decided we're not part of their "tribe" a long time ago. Even if "men" succeed, it doesn't mean a thing because we're not part of it.
Cope! All incels would've been better off in 1950 when men were succeeding. Inceldom directly coincides with feminism which is just females advancing their interests and getting more control over society at the expense of males.

Being anti-male while all women are pro-female is why we can't win

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