The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
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- Jul 10, 2018
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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av2vDjlpDHc
So normies aspire to be like this fag and have 'intentionally designed' spaces that are worthy of curation. They are sociopathically clean, have exotic furniture, difficult to upkeep, and are forms of status domination. Normies are the kind of people to want to dominate each other by having tall ceilings, KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE YOU PEON. This faggot already has a 7/10 couch, but he wants to monkeybranch to a 9/10 couch, people celebrate this ambition, yet we are the incels for judging human attractiveness the same way. IT BOTHERS ME HOW MUCH THOUGHT THESE NORMIES PUT INTO OBJECTS THEY PUT INTO A HOME JUST TO MAKE IT LOOK NICE TO IMPRESS OTHER PEOPLE. IM JUST NOT EVEN ON THEIR PLACE OF EXISTENCE.
For an incel, this is why we are 100% not gay: we put things in a fucking pile or keep them in boxes like a caveman and we are proud of it. Our homes are optimized for ACTUAL masturbation, not consumerist masturbation. We want our homes to say nothing about us, because we don't want the police to know anything in the same way we know nothing about Thomas Crooks. In fact we want our living spaces to drive normies away so we can be alone. Windows are NEVER OPEN. We need windows closed at all times so we can masturbate and be constantly naked. Nothing is going up on a wall in an incel's place, unless it's a hentai poster or something pornographic or evil. Things are in piles because it's efficient and transient, and best of all, our piles are only something WE understand. We have our own system that makes perfect sense for our masturbatory lifestyles.
The prototypical incel apartment is like Allen's in the movie Happiness (1998):
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSNkamFMf_Y
I really like how he puts things in piles and has a row of baseball caps, and the apartment is dim with low ceilings, and you can tell it reeks of cum and alcohol. Kathryn Manheim here is clearly trapped and terrified in this incel space of masturbatory comfort,
(31:19) bro even has a trophy cum wall, very relatable. I like how he has a map of a specific geographic region that shows he's autistically into history.
Even better IRL example is decline:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD8rSMyf_L8
He is surrounded wall to wall with waifus, and he has a big fan to help him from overheating while masturbating
Even when people told him to take down the posters, you can't take the incel away from the space an incel occupies:
If you put an truecel in any room, that room is now an incel's room. That is the POWER of ugliness. Everything about that color of that wall, and that curtain is even more incel than with the waifus. It just looks CREEPY
This is decline's apartment with a decently attractive white girl, she already changes the entire context of the space, she's just a quirky girl at her grandma's house.
You put that decently attractive white girl with his waifu version of his apartment, she's somehow even more egirl attractive, she's just out there hustlin for more OF subscribers:
This is a nice apartment:
This is a nice apartment with Saint Wilkes McDermid:
The apartment is now lower value just because he stepped foot in it
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