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Discussion Why are you guys so pro-male anti-female rather than just misanthropic?

Cope! All incels would've been better off in 1950 when men were succeeding. Inceldom directly coincides with feminism which is just females advancing their interests and getting more control over society at the expense of males.
Incels have always existed, now they're more prevalent. What you say it's true, many incels here wouldn't be incels in the 50s, but not all of us. Outcasts have always existed and those are the ones I'm talking about. They killed themselves and of course nobody remembers them.
Being anti-male while all women are pro-female is why we can't win
They should've thought about that before treating like absolute garbage.
Cope! All incels would've been better off in 1950 when men were succeeding. Inceldom directly coincides with feminism which is just females advancing their interests and getting more control over society at the expense of males.

Being anti-male while all women are pro-female is why we can't win
If that's the reason why we can't win, then we will never win. According to the data, women show 4x higher amounts of in-group bias than men do. It's in our biology to compete with one another for females, just look at how our primate cousins behave.

Few societies if any have actually championed men over women. The societies that women complain about for being too "restrictive" only implemented those rules for the protection of women. Women will never be sent out to die in war, or forced to do gruesome labor, as long as the society hasn't collapsed, women will remain protected. It's in our genes. I think that's why there are so many autists on this site. It's just not normal to analyze your own animalistic behavior to this degree. Most normie men haven't even made 20% of these realizations about human nature.
Not having an ingroup preference is a cucked philosophy.
Women are always female supremacists. Women worship female nature. Women always favor their own. Feminists hate male nature.
On the other hand, a large percent of men are treacherous enablers of females, or are egalitarians Either pro-female or neutral.

As early adopters of the blackpill, if we're to build some sort of movement that leads to any change or awareness among males that a gynocentric dystopia isn't the direction for society to head in, we need to push a movement of male ingroup-preference, because there is NONE of it in society. Allowing women to treat men as a eugenic slave class (and yes this applies to all men) and choosing not to hate them is like being a black slave and saying "other niggas sold us too, how can we hate our white enslavers?". We're all in this struggle together.

Ultimately, we are men. Women support their own. Us choosing to "hate equally" is the most cucked shit ever and is contributing to the current crab bucket attitude that we'll never get ourselves out of.
Men need to unlearn a lifetime of retard arguments and relearn basic politics. Made harder by the fact that most men don't care much for other men, but very much care for women and their opinions.
Not having an ingroup preference is a cucked philosophy.
Women are always female supremacists. Women worship female nature. Women always favor their own. Feminists hate male nature.
On the other hand, a large percent of men are treacherous enablers of females, or are egalitarians Either pro-female or neutral.

As early adopters of the blackpill, if we're to build some sort of movement that leads to any change or awareness among males that a gynocentric dystopia isn't the direction for society to head in, we need to push a movement of male ingroup-preference, because there is NONE of it in society. Allowing women to treat men as a eugenic slave class (and yes this applies to all men) and choosing not to hate them is like being a black slave and saying "other niggas sold us too, how can we hate our white enslavers?". We're all in this struggle together.

Ultimately, we are men. Women support their own. Us choosing to "hate equally" is the most cucked shit ever and is contributing to the current crab bucket attitude that we'll never get ourselves out of.
If not having an in-group preference is cucked then I guess men are biologically cucked. I clarified that I have disdain for modern gynocentric society by the way. My post was meant to be more philosophical than anything, that the raw essense of male humans is just as worthy of hatred as the raw essense of female humans. Two sides of the same nasty coin.
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If that's the reason why we can't win, then we will never win. According to the data, women show 4x higher amounts of in-group bias than men do. It's in our biology to compete with one another for females, just look at how our primate cousins behave.

Few societies if any have actually championed men over women. The societies that women complain about for being too "restrictive" only implemented those rules for the protection of women. Women will never be sent out to die in war, or forced to do gruesome labor, as long as the society hasn't collapsed, women will remain protected. It's in our genes. I think that's why there are so many autists on this site. It's just not normal to analyze your own animalistic behavior to this degree. Most normie men haven't even made 20% of these realizations about human nature.
Human behavior is highly flexible. Next generation of men is already proving to be fed up with society as is. "We will never win" is irresponsibly stupid and lazy to say. Women not being send into wars is at least in part down to them being biologically less capable of warfare. You would lose the war and your country would lose the ability to replenish it's population, all in one move. The fact that people in the past didn't commit national suicide in the name of equity doesn't really mean these societies were as anti-male as our current one. They also weren't perfectly pro-male in the way we might now understand it, but questions like that are always about degrees, not absolutes.

Ultimately, just due to differences in interests and trait distributions the majority of the top X% most powerful, wealthiest, most intelligent and most ambitious people will always be men. With a starting position like that, there is no reason why we can't win as a collective. If we manage to develop a class consciousness as a sex, I would argue it's the other way around. We couldn't lose if we were somewhat united.

Obviously, getting men to overcome their innate pro-female tendencies is a challenge, but not an impossible one.
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Ehh depends on certain types of men

i hate simps agecucks whiteknights normies richfags niggers (except for my niggacels they good ong)
Black incels get too much hate, they often have a unique perspective on things because the black community is so different from white suburbia. I feel like dealing with black women as a sub5 would suicide inducing, they give some of the most brutal rejections i've ever seen.
If that's the reason why we can't win, then we will never win. According to the data, women show 4x higher amounts of in-group bias than men do. It's in our biology to compete with one another for females, just look at how our primate cousins behave.

Few societies if any have actually championed men over women. The societies that women complain about for being too "restrictive" only implemented those rules for the protection of women. Women will never be sent out to die in war, or forced to do gruesome labor, as long as the society hasn't collapsed, women will remain protected. It's in our genes. I think that's why there are so many autists on this site. It's just not normal to analyze your own animalistic behavior to this degree. Most normie men haven't even made 20% of these realizations about human nature.

The trad societies that protected women still enforced fair obligations on them though. Men had to provide resources, however women had to give up their agency and also provide in more soft forms of labor and obviously maternity.
Men did the larger chunk of work and got power in return for it. It was TRUE equality.

What do we have in modern society though? We've got women having equal to more power over society due to feminism, women refusing to even get betabuxxed by half the male population (and increasing), while men are still doing the majority of real labor. This gets worse every year.

The odds have never been stacked this hard against men at any point in history really. In addition to this, gender polarization and relations have never resembled this ever. Ancient tribes never had this much animosity between genders.

In politics when the pendelum shifts one way, it always strikes back. Women are starting to express their open hatred for men and this is causing an equal opposite reaction in many young men. As hypergamy intensifies there may very well be a breaking point for men, where they realize that even their mass simping is futile. Couple that with the internet uniting different groups in very strange political ways, there's fertile ground for a pro-male movement to arise in the coming decades. We do not know how it will go because this has never happened before.

f we manage to develop a class consciousness as a sex, I would argue it's the other way around. We couldn't lose if we were somewhat united.
Mythical levels of basedness
Human behavior is highly flexible. Next generation of men is already proving to be fed up with society as is. "We will never win" is irresponsibly stupid and lazy to say. Women not being send into wars is at least in part down to them being biologically less capable of warfare. You would lose the war and your country would lose the ability to replenish it's population, all in one move. The fact that people in the past and today didn't commit national suicide in the name of equity doesn't really mean these societies were similarly anti-male as our current one is. They also weren't perfectly pro-male in the way we might now understand it, but questions like that are always about degrees, not absolutes.

Ultimately, just due to differences in interests and trait distributions the majority of the top X% most powerful, wealthiest, most intelligent and most ambitious people will always be men. With a starting position like that, there is no reason why we can't win as a collective. If we manage to develop a class consciousness as a sex, I would argue it's the other way around. We couldn't lose if we were somewhat united.

Obviously, getting men to overcome there innate pro-female tendencies is a challenge, but not an impossible one.
Your right I shouldn't have been so black and white. What would a pro-male society look like though? Would you have government mandated wives? Would the women be forced to work, or would they look after children? How could all of the males live better lives than the females while still embodying the provider role? I just think it would be hard to flip the script and say that men are now the valued and protected class, whilst women are now worthless. It would feel like a giant game of pretend IMO.
Mythical levels of basedness
Heard the idea first from Emil Kirkegaard. Think he put it like this: "We men gave women their power. There is no reason why would couldn't take it away again, if we wanted to."

Obviously, like every public figure, he does not want to be associated with incels as a group (and who can blame them really, it's financial and social suicide). If you read between the lines though, many of the smarter, more educated men you find online show some level of sympathy with male collective interests and lots of frustration with women and their influence on politics. They might not say it out loud, but they can't help but let it slip out from time to time, even on the left.
The trad societies that protected women still enforced fair obligations on them though. Men had to provide resources, however women had to give up their agency and also provide in more soft forms of labor and obviously maternity.
Men did the larger chunk of work and got power in return for it. It was TRUE equality.

What do we have in modern society though? We've got women having equal to more power over society due to feminism, women refusing to even get betabuxxed by half the male population (and increasing), while men are still doing the majority of real labor. This gets worse every year.

The odds have never been stacked this hard against men at any point in history really. In addition to this, gender polarization and relations have never resembled this ever. Ancient tribes never had this much animosity between genders.

In politics when the pendelum shifts one way, it always strikes back. Women are starting to express their open hatred for men and this is causing an equal opposite reaction in many young men. As hypergamy intensifies there may very well be a breaking point for men, where they realize that even their mass simping is futile. Couple that with the internet uniting different groups in very strange political ways, there's fertile ground for a pro-male movement to arise in the coming decades. We do not know how it will go because this has never happened before.
I guess it depends on what your definition of fair is. In my opinion, if a man spends their entire life doing hard physical labor, meanwhile his wife stays home and takes care of children, retiring at the age of 45 when her kids are grown up. The second person lived an easier life.

No matter how many "rights" the man has over her, she got to coast through life while having zero notable skills. I think the roles that men and women naturally embody are inherently unfair to men. At the drop of a hat you must die for women as a man, because sperm is less valuable than eggs. It seems like even the most ideal scenarios still show men as expendable and women as the prize. Any scenario where you view the lives of men as more valuable than women will inevitably lead to a population collapse.
Your right I shouldn't have been so black and white. What would a pro-male society look like though? Would you have government mandated wives? Would the women be forced to work, or would they look after children? How could all of the males live better lives than the females while still embodying the provider role? I just think it would be hard to flip the script and say that men are now the valued and protected class, whilst women are now worthless. It would feel like a giant game of pretend IMO.
Thanks for acknowledging your mistake. It seems like a simple thing, but I have found it to be a rare good, irl as well as online.

I have no good answers to your questions. Some ideas, but no solutions. Smarter men than me, and society as a whole, will have to figure that out through trial and error. But that can only happen once the first steps are taken. Once men develop something of a class consciousness and start pushing back against feminism and the other excesses of female nature.

I don't think we will get our revenge, so to speak. Not that I really would care to. It wouldn't feel satisfying, because the women (and men) responsible would be long dead and will have gotten away with it anyways. Even if men start dominating women during the next few generations and even if we were as unfair and cruel to them as they were to us when they had the power and the opportunity, it won't mean much to the people who fucked me and the men of my generation. Getting society to acknowledge how it has failed us and condemning the more recent waves of feminists is probably as good as it's ever gonna get.
If we go by that logic we can go by "we're all humans" but no. People separate each other based on religion, race, class, or whatever. They decided we're not part of their "tribe" a long time ago. Even if "men" succeed, it doesn't mean a thing because we're not part of it.
Humans aren't really competing with anything. Men and women are innately separated, and always have been. Of course we're a part of it. You're a part of the persecution of men in modern day society, aren't you? That's why you're here. So why wouldn't you be a part of changes which benefit men, such as laws, policies etc?

It's actually genuinely surprising and hopeful how most young men seem to be turning radically against feminism.
I guess it depends on what your definition of fair is. In my opinion, if a man spends their entire life doing hard physical labor, meanwhile his wife stays home and takes care of children, retiring at the age of 45 when her kids are grown up. The second person lived an easier life.

No matter how many "rights" the man has over her, she got to coast through life while having zero notable skills. I think the roles that men and women naturally embody are inherently unfair to men. At the drop of a hat you must die for women as a man, because sperm is less valuable than eggs. It seems like even the most ideal scenarios still show men as expendable and women as the prize. Any scenario where you view the lives of men as more valuable than women will inevitably lead to a population collapse.
Some amount of unfairness will always remain. But that is fine. People, especially men, are resilient enough to find happiness despite that. As long as they aren't deprived of some basic need, like love, affection, intimacy and sex.

As technology progresses, even the most basic truths about human nature will start to turn into half-truths or outdated ideas of the past. Again, how exactly that will play out is hard to predict. As you can read from my signature, I would be betting on ASI/AGI being the deciding factor.

But we could well have gene editing turn more and more people (and some day everyone) into smart, beautiful and kind angels. Suddenly, in a world like that, even a shitty social system like we have today might work fine, because everyone would be reasonably attractive, at least in the physical sense. And if eugenics makes people kind and smart, the system might naturally be overhauled to be more fair and balanced, without needing any big revolution or political campaign.

ASI, if it doesn't kill or torture us or create some nightmare dystopia, might give us a post-scarcity society. Life-like simulations and/or better-than-life sex-bots might follow soon after.

The future is ripe with potential solutions to our problems, political and technological. It's not gonna be easy, and we might also not make it, but at least the possibility for a good ending is still very much alive. Even if that is hard to see from where we are right now.
But we could well have gene editing turn more and more people (and some day everyone) into smart, beautiful and kind angels. Suddenly, in a world like that, even a shitty social system like we have today might work fine, because everyone would be reasonably attractive, at least in the physical sense. And if eugenics makes people kind and smart, the system might naturally be overhauled to be more fair and balanced, without needing any big revolution or political campaign.

ASI, if it doesn't kill or torture us or create some nightmare dystopia, might give us a post-scarcity society. Life-like simulations and/or better-than-life sex-bots might follow soon after.

The future is ripe with potential solutions to our problems, political and technological. It's not gonna be easy, and we might also not make it, but at least the possibility for a good ending is still very much alive. Even if that is hard to see from where we are right now.
it would really be great living in a post scarcity society. Hopefully the tech CEOs prioritize humanity over their own profits while developing the AI.

In my eyes the best societal model is a healthy hierarchy. Hierarchies are unavoidable to us, but at least we can try to close the gap of inequality. The USA in the baby-boomer era was a perfect example of a healthy hierarchy. Even sub5 males could make an honest living, get a wife, a decent house, and kids. The rich lived lavish lives but at least the contrast wasn't as grand as it is now, where the poor look for scraps as the elite fly around in private jets and build 100 million dollar estates.
It's one thing to hate the illogical and gynocentric narrative that plagues our modern society, or the behavior of modern women as a collective. That's not what I'm talking about.

I notice that the posters here seem to have an innate preference for male nature over female nature, and it seems that hating women is one of the core tenants here. I'm just wondering why you guys don't hate men just as much if not more? Men are the bootlickers and foot-soldiers of women. The only reason why women have a say in anything is because of the army of pathetic men that do their bidding. Women would be nothing without the hordes of desperate men who enable them, selling out their own brothers for a crumb of pussy. If you experienced bullying in school, it was likely other males bullying you for an increase in social status. The contempt I hold for men's pathetic nature is equal to the contempt I hold for women's manipulative nature. Nobody is worse than a bootlicker in my eyes.

I'm just a misanthrope, I don't really see how hating women more than men is productive in any way. Women don't like incels because incel's genetics don't make the cut, end of story. It's not like she's actively choosing to not date you out of spite, she is biologically repulsed by you due to your genes. It's no different from what happens in the animal kingdom. Imagine going to a zoo and genuinely hating the gorilla for the way that it selects mates.

This post is not meant to be hostile or anything I just want to hear your guys' perspective on the matter, all I'm saying is that the innate behaviors of the common male irritate me just as much as the common female.
You're right
it would really be great living in a post scarcity society. Hopefully the tech CEOs prioritize humanity over their own profits while developing the AI.

In my eyes the best societal model is a healthy hierarchy. Hierarchies are unavoidable to us, but at least we can try to close the gap of inequality. The USA in the baby-boomer era was a perfect example of a healthy hierarchy. Even sub5 males could make an honest living, get a wife, a decent house, and kids. The rich lived lavish lives but at least the contrast wasn't as grand as it is now, where the poor look for scraps as the elite fly around in private jets and build 100 million dollar estates.
Would mostly agree with all of that. 0% chance tech CEOs do what's best for everyone out of the goodness of their own heart, but maybe enough people can pressure them to take the risks of AI seriously to avoid the worst-case scenarios.
Men and women are innately separated, and always have been. Of course we're a part of it. You're a part of the persecution of men in modern day society, aren't you? That's why you're here. So why wouldn't you be a part of changes which benefit men, such as laws, policies etc?
That's the thing, I know those laws will never be blunt enough to benefit me, not even in the 50s those laws were enough for someone like me. Those laws will benefit men who aren't me.

I get your point, and it makes a lot of sense, I just can't bring to myself to support those who did me dirty, I feel like a cuck.

Maybe in the fantasy world
True to a certain extent. You can't thrive alone, even if you don't like your peers that much.
How about we study medicine and look for a way to remove hypergamy from women and remove female worship from men?
I only like other poor defeated men and I only like those who are smart but were defeated by circumstances out of their control. I hate everyone else and could put knives into their hearts or blow their heads open with guns and feel nothing.
So what else would it be if not genetics or environment
If only this matter then "might makes right." This makes foids evil for being weaker and disrespecting man.
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If only this matter then "might makes right." This makes foids evil for being weaker and disrespecting man.
Orrrr it would mean that there's no such thing as moral values, as well as no objectively correct way of doing things, making "good" and "evil" meaningless terms.

You could argue that they are inferior specimens compared to men due to being physically weaker and smaller, but moral judgements on a deep "spiritual" level could only make sense if you think humans are in a class of their own and have free will, which I do not.
my list of most hated populations:
1. attractive white foids
2. simps and white knights
3. attractive foids of other races
4. troons and faggots
5. ugly foids and landwhales
6. everyone else
True to a certain extent. You can't thrive alone, even if you don't like your peers that much.
Not what i meant. Male brotherhood is a meme and doesnt exist, at least if you are sub HTN
I notice that the posters here seem to have an innate preference for male nature over female nature, and it seems that hating women is one of the core tenants here.
It's not. There are users here who are misogynist, but there isn't a misogyny requirement for the forum. The fact is that certain black pilled truths, plus your life experiences, can lead you to becoming becoming one.

Another thing to keep in mind is that "misogynist" is the "anti-Semite" of a gynocentric culture and society. You can't be critical of women in any way, shape or form without having the label thrown at you like a weapon. It's used to shut down legitimate criticisms.

I'm just wondering why you guys don't hate men just as much if not more? Men are the bootlickers and foot-soldiers of women. The only reason why women have a say in anything is because of the army of pathetic men that do their bidding. Women would be nothing without the hordes of desperate men who enable them, selling out their own brothers for a crumb of pussy. If you experienced bullying in school, it was likely other males bullying you for an increase in social status. The contempt I hold for men's pathetic nature is equal to the contempt I hold for women's manipulative nature. Nobody is worse than a bootlicker in my eyes.
Joined: Sep 9, 2024


There's plenty of hate for both sexes. Stay around long enough and you'll see the contempt there is for simps, cucks and other weak men here.

I'm just a misanthrope, I don't really see how hating women more than men is productive in any way. Women don't like incels because incel's genetics don't make the cut, end of story. It's not like she's actively choosing to not date you out of spite, she is biologically repulsed by you due to your genes. It's no different from what happens in the animal kingdom. Imagine going to a zoo and genuinely hating the gorilla for the way that it selects mates.

This post is not meant to be hostile or anything I just want to hear your guys' perspective on the matter, all I'm saying is that the innate behaviors of the common male irritate me just as much as the common female.
It's productive in the same way that venting is productive. The fact is there are some larps here who constantly troll and make cartoonishly hilarious larp posts to feed into the impression that everyone here is froth-at-the-mouth misogynist.

There is some justified hatred that is usually centered around personal experiences. However, most of these posts are overshadowed by the stream of edgy posts made by said larps and trolls.
It's one thing to hate the illogical and gynocentric narrative that plagues our modern society, or the behavior of modern women as a collective. That's not what I'm talking about.

I notice that the posters here seem to have an innate preference for male nature over female nature, and it seems that hating women is one of the core tenants here. I'm just wondering why you guys don't hate men just as much if not more? Men are the bootlickers and foot-soldiers of women. The only reason why women have a say in anything is because of the army of pathetic men that do their bidding. Women would be nothing without the hordes of desperate men who enable them, selling out their own brothers for a crumb of pussy. If you experienced bullying in school, it was likely other males bullying you for an increase in social status. The contempt I hold for men's pathetic nature is equal to the contempt I hold for women's manipulative nature. Nobody is worse than a bootlicker in my eyes.

I'm just a misanthrope, I don't really see how hating women more than men is productive in any way. Women don't like incels because incel's genetics don't make the cut, end of story. It's not like she's actively choosing to not date you out of spite, she is biologically repulsed by you due to your genes. It's no different from what happens in the animal kingdom. Imagine going to a zoo and genuinely hating the gorilla for the way that it selects mates.

This post is not meant to be hostile or anything I just want to hear your guys' perspective on the matter, all I'm saying is that the innate behaviors of the common male irritate me just as much as the common female.
They always have hated me so I hate them back
Orrrr it would mean that there's no such thing as moral values, as well as no objectively correct way of doing things, making "good" and "evil" meaningless terms.
Just ignore what I said and repeat what you previously posted theory.
Why are you guys so pro-male anti-female rather than just misanthropic?

Anyone who addresses the room as "you guys" is obviously an infiltrator who knows s/he doesn't belong here.

@PLA1092 @TheProphetMuscle thoughts?
It's not. There are users here who are misogynist, but there isn't a misogyny requirement for the forum. The fact is that certain black pilled truths, plus your life experiences, can lead you to becoming becoming one.

Another thing to keep in mind is that "misogynist" is the "anti-Semite" of a gynocentric culture and society. You can't be critical of women in any way, shape or form without having the label thrown at you like a weapon. It's used to shut down legitimate criticisms.

Joined: Sep 9, 2024


There's plenty of hate for both sexes. Stay around long enough and you'll see the contempt there is for simps, cucks and other weak men here.

It's productive in the same way that venting is productive. The fact is there are some larps here who constantly troll and make cartoonishly hilarious larp posts to feed into the impression that everyone here is froth-at-the-mouth misogynist.

There is some justified hatred that is usually centered around personal experiences. However, most of these posts are overshadowed by the stream of edgy posts made by said larps and trolls.
The overly edgy posts are what made me make this thread in the first place. Hyper-edgy cringe posts about mutilating women makes everyone here seem so childish. Like we're just lashing out because we can't get pussy, and we have no actual good points to make. The truth on these forums would be harder to deny if these edgy retards didn't make it so easy for normies to dunk on incels.

I've seen some very intelligent and insightful threads on this forum, especially in the must-read section.
I don't identify with any forum, I come here because there is great knowledge about human nature here. I am a social outcast but maybe I don't meet the threshold. If you wanna ban me then go ahead, but I thought I was making decent contributions. I think you could sort of compare my situation to 'Thinking Ape' from youtube. If you would ban him from the forum, then ban me as well.
Just ignore what I said and repeat what you previously posted theory.
I acknowledged what you said. I was just showing you my perspective. You claim good and evil exist, I don't believe in good or evil. I can't refer to an animalistic behavior as evil because I don't believe in evil. If we can't get past that then we will never agree. We should just agree to disagree
I don't identify with any forum, I come here because there is great knowledge about human nature here. I am a social outcast but maybe I don't meet the threshold. If you wanna ban me then go ahead, but I thought I was making decent contributions. I think you could sort of compare my situation to 'Thinking Ape' from youtube. If you would ban him from the forum, then ban me as well.
Are you telling us that you're not incel?
Anyone who addresses the room as "you guys" is obviously an infiltrator who knows s/he doesn't belong here.

@PLA1092 @TheProphetMuscle thoughts?
Yeah, I saw that too, but decided against pointing it out. I gave the user the benefit of the doubt, because "you guys" could have been referring strictly to the misogynist subsection of users.
you haven't yet completed your evolution of hate. all hate funnels to the blackpill.
Are you telling us that you're not incel?
I used to not be incel but now i'm not sure due to hairloss. I'm not a virgin but it was a long while ago. I could maybe secure myself a whale. I genuinely did not know that this forum had KHHV requirements, ban me if you must. I'll still have high respect for this forum regardless:feelsYall:
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Honestly agree. I even think in most cases men are the ones more to blame for incel shaming. Foids at worst gossip behind our backs
Simps and soys are more of a problem than women themselves.

Without all those cucks putting foids on a pedestal, women wouldn't have all the privileges they have in modern society.
Simps and soys are more of a problem than women themselves.

Without all those cucks putting foids on a pedestal, women wouldn't have all the privileges they have in modern society.
Exactly. They would have zero power without the men who support them. I hate male simps so much, the true bootlickers of our society. These are the same types of men who worship chads as well.
Honestly agree. I even think in most cases men are the ones more to blame for incel shaming. Foids at worst gossip behind our backs
I think men shit on incels and don’t hear them out due to biological impulse.

they know that incels make a lot of sense, but their brain just won’t allow them to associate with or respect men who are not successful with women.

It’s just ingrained in most men to find the male who is most successful with women and dickride him in hopes of getting a fraction of his social success. As well as ostracizing any man who is not successful with women, as to make their social circle as appealing to women as humanely possible.
How about we study medicine and look for a way to remove hypergamy from women and remove female worship from men?
That would be amazing. Maybe we can have little nano-bots that can suppress whichever specific part of your brain or hormones is causing you problems. Imagine just completely removing the need for social approval, or the need for intimacy. Sounds like a dream. Very far fetched though.
Yeah, I saw that too, but decided against pointing it out. I gave the user the benefit of the doubt, because "you guys" could have been referring strictly to the misogynist subsection of users.

:soy: "why are you guys so pro-male, anti-female?"

:dafuckfeels: Well I don't know, Thaddeus, maybe it's because we're incels?
The overly edgy posts are what made me make this thread in the first place. Hyper-edgy cringe posts about mutilating women makes everyone here seem so childish. Like we're just lashing out because we can't get pussy, and we have no actual good points to make. The truth on these forums would be harder to deny if these edgy retards didn't make it so easy for normies to dunk on incels.
Yeah. This is a good point that will sadly go nowhere, I'm afraid. I suspect what happens is that the traits which are selected for in the men on here (outside of looks, you could be an ugly male feminist simping on Reddit instead) are inevitably causing this behavior.

To end up here you almost have to be one of the following:
-Highly disagreeable. Highly combative people coming together on this site makes it impossible to just get along and to just be nice to each other to keep the peace
-Low IQ and/or autistic. Multiple reasons. If you are autistic and smart you might cope better. If you are high IQ in general you might make more money. Both might help you ascend or find your place somewhere else.
-Of some kind of extremist persuasion that will not let you find a home anywhere else. Being a Nazi openly online is hard. You get banned everywhere. So obviously you aggregate on sites that tolerate you and aren't totally dead. You have to.
-Not give a shit about how this looks. Most people who care about optics are filtered out instantly. Just openly admitting to others and yourself that you are an incel is too much for many. Joining a space like this is even worse optics.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. I also wish the users on here were concerned with PR. I really wish.

It would make it much easier in the near future for men to defend their collective interests if it wasn't so easy to associate us with things almost everyone everywhere unanimously hates. Nazis, open hatred for other races, anything related to rape, violence or similar threats towards women. I think I can understand the pain and frustration many of these things are simply vents for. But outsiders will not care to sympathize if you make it so easy to hate and dismiss you. Any and all cruelness and unfairness will seem totally acceptable to most normies if the victims of said unfairness just talk like people on here talk.

It's not fair. The same people will excuse actual murder and crime by talking about systemic forces and so on. But when you say something offensive, no excuse or explanation or just nuance is allowed. But that's the way normies are.
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Did you read the post?

You make a reasonable point.

But my jury is still very much out as to whether you're one of us, or an unusually competent psych student...
Orrrr it would mean that there's no such thing as moral values, as well as no objectively correct way of doing things, making "good" and "evil" meaningless terms.
Generally agree with you on e.g. there being no free will, but I wouldn't discard the human instincts behind "good" and "evil" so quickly.

Good and evil are just terms to describe what you assign high positive or negative value to. You can base that on the objectively good and bad things that we know of (ironically), which are pain and pleasure, meaning subjective human experience. Pain, suffering, misery are pretty much defined by being undesirable, they are the tools evolution ended up using when it wants to make us not do something. So yeah, while there is a little bit of wiggle room there (e.g. sadomasochistic tendencies), these things have limits. Crank the pain up high enough and no one wants to experience it any more. It's reaches a level where it is objectively bad. Most people don't want to experience any of it. Same with pleasure and happiness, just the other way around.

So, there we have the plus and minus poles of our value system. They might not be perfectly objective, but they are as objective as we could get them. Which is much better than not having any "good" and "evil" because you couldn't get them perfectly right. Values are social tools, and tools don't have to be perfect, just fit for purpose.

Although these terms are too narrow to encompass everything the feeling inside your heart when you watch your kid grow old to the taste of a good sandwich. So we might want to use "utility" instead.

That would be my middle way. "Good" and "evil" are present in every value system, even if the exact terms aren't always used. It's just about agreeing on what is valued positively and what is valued negatively and how much so. And since many people are not gifted with enough mental capabilities to think these things through, we can keep using these more natural, more emotionally loaded phrases like "good" and "evil" to build a bridge between the more and less intellectually gifted.

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