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Venting Has anyone here ever felt attractive at one point of their lives?



Dec 18, 2018
Has anyone ever felt good about their apperance at some point of their life? Infancy? I cant fucking remember one time, i dont think even as a kid but bcs i woukd just focus on my xbox and to play with my cousins. When adolscense kicked in its like hell broke loose for my self steem man :(
The day that I lowered my weight and realize that I have a wide square jaw under my fat was a massive lifefuel for me. But then I realize I still have a high BF and doesnt have top tier eye area so.
Yes, until I hit puberty I was a cute kid.
I felt good when I was skinny af. It felt like an achievement to not be fat like 70% of modern men.
Now I'm part of the 70% due to extensive LDAR. :feelsrope: At least I can cover it up through clothes.
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The day that I lowered my weight and realize that I have a wide square jaw under my fat was a massive lifefuel for me. But then I realize I still have a high BF and doesnt have
Yes, until I hit puberty I was a cute kid.
I was an ok looking kid, honestly theres rarely an "ugly" kid but damn puberty fucked me up
No since i never got any "you're beautiful" comments or compliments or anything like that.

You are always uglier than you think.
Not once, sadly.
When I wear a hat and lifts.
Attractive? No, I wouldn't say that, but I used to feel like I had potential, if I applied myself.
When i started to grow my hair.
Than i realized that it was a placebo effect.
Still better though.
A few months ago, when I had very long hair, I looked average and was relatively happy with myself, but since there are short I look ugly. Especially because my big nose is more noticeable since then. I am currently growing my hair and will make a nice hairstyle with long hair.
I cringe when i think back to the time i used to delude myself that i was gl. I used to think i was male model tier. Then i found out what recessed chin, maxilla, orbitals is
I cringe when i think back to the time i used to delude myself that i was gl. I used to think i was male model tier. Then i found out what recessed chin, maxilla, orbitals is
May i see a pic? I am curious bcs thats not the first time i hear that
Has anyone ever felt good about their apperance at some point of their life? Infancy? I cant fucking remember one time, i dont think even as a kid but bcs i woukd just focus on my xbox and to play with my cousins. When adolscense kicked in its like hell broke loose for my self steem man :(
I had a delusion about it for a few hour interval back when I was 13.
A few months ago, when I had very long hair, I looked average and was relatively happy with myself, but since there are short I look ugly. Especially because my big nose is more noticeable since then. I am currently growing my hair and will make a nice hairstyle with long hair.
Groovy. I am growing long hair too.
Meh, thought I looked average in some pictures before but there has never been a time when I thought I was good looking even when I lost alot of weight I was just skinny fat and my sub-par facial features were more evident so that was was just sui-fuel despite supposedly being what you're supposed to do to boost SMV.
Yeah, so I was actually pretty delusional when I was younger. I acted badass/tough and thought I looked cool/hot.
Went through lots of embarassment due to my choices, I do not regret it however because it taught me a lot..
Back when I was 12, the school nurse told me I had beautiful veins. I felt attractive that day.
A few times before I was blackpilled
NEVER. Hopefully if i diet down i can feel pretty again teehee
Actually atm because I clothesmaxxed (wore nerd clothes before etc.) and got a more fitting haircut and so on but still no chance
Only when i was little and still believed my parents telling me i was hamdsome
sometimes. Other times I want to blow my head off with KSG
When I got ripped during summer break.

Once I got back to school I realized how little it matters.
Haven't really felt attractive, but I do have times when I look at myself in the mirror and feel satisfied at where I am. Yeah I'm sure I don't look anything close to handsome, but at times I do feel like I like what I see, if that makes sense.
not that i can recall
Not for an hour, a minute, or even a second.
I didn't know what's wrong with me till 2016 so for most of my life I thought I looked average
I'm a solid 3/10
before I did PUA and cold approaching.
i was a very good looking kid, but my nutrition and sleep were not on point, and also i mouth breathed heavilya nd had extraction on my tooth for no reason cause dentist fucks wanted insurance money. if i didn't grow wrong, i'd be a chad-lite. that's the blackpill. if you were a cute or good looking kid chances ae you could have been chad had you grown right. extraction orthodontics is cancer.
Bait thread tbh
when do roids but i havent get sex
i was a very good looking kid, but my nutrition and sleep were not on point, and also i mouth breathed heavilya nd had extraction on my tooth for no reason cause dentist fucks wanted insurance money. if i didn't grow wrong, i'd be a chad-lite. that's the blackpill. if you were a cute or good looking kid chances ae you could have been chad had you grown right. extraction orthodontics is cancer.
Wait so the mouthbreathing effects are actually true?? Does it affect always or only when u are growing ??

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