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HALO EFFECT - Victimized employees are seen as bullies despite exemplary performance, actual bullies get a pass



Genetically shackled to hell
Jul 15, 2019
There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.

tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.

"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"

:feelsStudy: @Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.

Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.

The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.

Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.

They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that
not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.

:feelsUnreal: Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy

The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.

People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?

The study and the media article that covers it


@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?

Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality
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There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.

tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.

"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"

:feelsStudy: @Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.

Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.

The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.

Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.

They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that
not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.

:feelsUnreal: Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy

The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.

People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?

The study and the media article that covers it


@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?

Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality
No different than in school. People will try to rationalize a weak male that gets bullied but doesn't adequately "stand up" to the bullying as deserving of the bullying or accuse the bullied male of putting on a show for sympathy.
No different than in school. People will try to rationalize a weak male that gets bullied but doesn't adequately "stand up" to the bullying as deserving of the bullying or accuse the bullied male of putting on a show for sympathy.
Yeah one of the biggest bluepill told to kids and teens is that people "grow up" and that life after school is different. Jfl people are the exact same after high school, the only thing that changes is the setting.

And yeah feminists and sjw always bitch about "victim blaming" yet they never apply this to bullying
@cvh1991 Forgot to tag you
psychopaths succeed in today's world.
Only thing I would change is that they always succeeded, not just in modern times. People on top hierarchy of the tribe always bullied others bellow into serving them, this just carries on into modern times(less violence now but still the same principle).
Only thing I would change is that they always succeeded, not just in modern times. People on top hierarchy of the tribe always bullied others bellow into serving them, this just carries on into modern times(less violence now but still the same principle).
True. Though nowadays people love to pretend that we live in more fair and meritocratic times, at least socially because they absolutely can't deny economic inequalities.
@SergeantIncel another banger
@SergeantIncel another banger
Pin section is pretty crowded tbh. Plus @Edmund_Kemper has been on fire ever since he came back
Thanks for awaring Serge tho :feelsautistic:
There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.

tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.

"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"

:feelsStudy: @Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.

Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.

The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.

Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.

They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that
not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.

:feelsUnreal: Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy

The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.

People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?

The study and the media article that covers it


@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?

Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality
All of my jobs match this perfectly, I've known this was how it is.

Me and other non NT ugly dudes got treated like shit and blamed for everything while the rest of the Normies soaked up praise despite constantly fucking up or just flat out not doing anything.

It's very mentally damaging to be young and believe in being blamed for everything or that you're worse than others, when in reality, it's usually the other way around. I know at every job I busted my ass and did all the shit jobs nobody else wanted to do, and was still treated like shit and condescended to while the pretty boy Normies who didn't do shit all day long got promotions and praise.
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Only thing I would change is that they always succeeded, not just in modern times. People on top hierarchy of the tribe always bullied others bellow into serving them, this just carries on into modern times(less violence now but still the same principle).
Cope. In time periods that weren't so socially alienated, psychopaths often got lynched by solidaristic townfolk, and were denounced for their tyrannical behaviors rather than enabled in them.

This happened as recently as 1981 in small town, White America:

Note that nobody in the town snitched on those who killed the veritable psychopath Rex McElroy, despite there being dozens of witnesses! They were united in action and supported his public, extrajudicial execution. His house was later burned to the ground after his degenerate family was forced to flee.

This fully explains why vigilante justice has been stigmatized along with "racism" under muh kkk propaganda, btw. Such things are unthinkable now.
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All of my jobs match this perfectly, I've known this was how it is.

Me and other non NT ugly dudes got treated like shit and blamed for everything while the rest of the Normies soaked up praise despite constantly fucking up or just flat out not doing anything.

It's very mentally damaging to be young and believe in being blamed for everything or that you're worse than others, when in reality, it's usually the other way around. I know at every job I busted my ass and did all the shit jobs nobody else wanted to do, and was still treated like shit and condescended to while the pretty boy Normies who didn't do shit all day long got promotions and praise.
I've read so many similar stories over the years on imageboards and forums. Low status men would objectively perform really well and do a lot of work yet any small mistake would be blown out of proportion. Sometimes they don't even have to find a mistake you made, your "attitude" is enough to warrant hostility and threats.

Meanwhile the popular people at the office can do major fuck ups and at most they'll get a slap on the wrist.
There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.

tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.

"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"

:feelsStudy: @Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.

Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.

The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.

Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.

They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that
not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.

:feelsUnreal: Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy

The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.

People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?

The study and the media article that covers it


@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?

Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality
This happened exactly like this where I work just LOL — thanks for the tag.

But yeah, there was this one guy who was the biggest dickhead on planet earth, but in he was also very good at his job and the department head and him were buddies.

I shit you not, three different people requested to transfer off his team (two people reported him to HR lol — that made my department furious with them for “going over their heads”) and all of them are the ones that got later got let go lmao.

Eventually I got put on a big project with this guy and requested a transfer as well — this created a living hell for me in the end because the department head really likes this guy so here’s how they perceive it:

They just don’t believe you and think you’re stirring up trouble for no reason because “they haven’t seen the type of behavior themselves” and they like the other person not you.

To some extent this “can” maybe be reasonable in specific cases — for example there are a lot of women out there in the work place will claim complain even if the person didn’t do anything wrong to them and that’s sort of the main issue I think — supervisors don’t know who to believe and will always pick their favorites in the end.

Meanwhile if you ever report a “favorite” then you’re the ones gonna get burned not them.
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View: https://youtu.be/LYMf9FmZwPw


There's lots of YouTube on the subject...
Cope. In time periods that weren't so socially alienated, psychopaths often got lynched by solidaristic townfolk, and were denounced for their tyrannical behaviors rather than enabled in them.

This happened as recently as 1981 in small town, White America:

Note that nobody in the town snitched on those who killed the veritable psychopath Rex McElroy, despite there being dozens of witnesses! They were united in action and supported his public, extrajudicial execution. His house was later burned to the ground after his degenerate family was forced to flee.

This fully explains why vigilante justice has been stigmatized along with "racism" under muh kkk propaganda, btw. Such things are unthinkable now.
That movie reminds me of the book, "serpent and the rainbow." A book about Haitian voodoo and how to make zombies for slave labor AS A VILLAGE PUNISHMENT!
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There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.

tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.

"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"

:feelsStudy: @Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.

Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.

The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.

Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.

They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that
not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.

:feelsUnreal: Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy

The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.

People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?

The study and the media article that covers it


@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?

Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality


In this life first impressions are everythinf, I'd link the studies but I'm on mobile right now. Basically, your brain is lazy and tries to find the shortest routes for assesing people, and something the brain can assess in 16 miliseconds like the face is perfect-- because of this laziness it rarely ever alters it's initial perception of the thing.

It's wo fucking brutal, man. These people take ONE look at you and fucking assume your entire life story jfl. But it's not like they're wrong when they see me and think 'KHHV' though
I've read so many similar stories over the years on imageboards and forums. Low status men would objectively perform really well and do a lot of work yet any small mistake would be blown out of proportion. Sometimes they don't even have to find a mistake you made, your "attitude" is enough to warrant hostility and threats.

Meanwhile the popular people at the office can do major fuck ups and at most they'll get a slap on the wrist.
It was legit a mind blowing reveal to me. At first while bluepilled I really thought I was shit and doing worse than everyone else. Then when I saw the workers management and everyone else liked and praised, and how badly they fucked up on several occasions (to such extents even I had never done), and THEN how people just brushed off those major like it was nothing, made my blood boil. Because until that point they would degrade me for every single tiny mistake I did, and just treating me like shit in general for everything.

Since then I've noticed more and more truths and blackpills and everything makes so much more sense. Now I'm a full misanthrope and normie hater.

When the bible refered to the "walking dead", they don't mean zombies, they mean braindead NPC Normies with no inner monologue oblivious to all of this.
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Yeah one of the biggest bluepill told to kids and teens is that people "grow up" and that life after school is different. Jfl people are the exact same after high school, the only thing that changes is the setting.

And yeah feminists and sjw always bitch about "victim blaming" yet they never apply this to bullying
High IQ. If someone says “you should have just stood up for yourself”, say to them “then in the case of a girl being raped, it’s her fault for not standing up for herself”.
this hits so hard as an office worker for more than half my life and seeing office politics in play. various managers and bosses and leads and it all ends up the same: the charming guy/pretty girl get everything handed to them or work tossed aside so they can have an extra day off or lunch while people like me gotta come in and do extra hours to pick up the office slack while still getting the same pay and they get all the promotions and awards

this happened to me two years ago that i ended up just not going into work for days at a time cuz i couldn't deal with management: had an evaluation and they compared my work productivity to the other employees. there was a graph. a literal graph with numbers showing that on an average day of work i am doing 3 times that of my other coworkers. but instead of rewarding me they looked at the outlier days where i had hardly any productivity (sick or depressed tbh) and told me i needed to fix that and gave me a negative review. then they 'rewarded' me with being a Trainer to some new people because we needed more people on a project and I was the person that had worked on the project the longest. That alone frustrated me but what really irked me was a few weeks later.
The "Chad" of the office is one of the reasons why sometimes we get backlog because he talks on the phone all day. He was bragging that he got a monetary reward. THAT is when I just gave up. I thought people are supposed to make more money the longer/harder they work but instead it's all political ass kissing and good looks. The world fucking pisses me off.
So many dios in today’s workforce good grief
this hits so hard as an office worker for more than half my life and seeing office politics in play. various managers and bosses and leads and it all ends up the same: the charming guy/pretty girl get everything handed to them or work tossed aside so they can have an extra day off or lunch while people like me gotta come in and do extra hours to pick up the office slack while still getting the same pay and they get all the promotions and awards

this happened to me two years ago that i ended up just not going into work for days at a time cuz i couldn't deal with management: had an evaluation and they compared my work productivity to the other employees. there was a graph. a literal graph with numbers showing that on an average day of work i am doing 3 times that of my other coworkers. but instead of rewarding me they looked at the outlier days where i had hardly any productivity (sick or depressed tbh) and told me i needed to fix that and gave me a negative review. then they 'rewarded' me with being a Trainer to some new people because we needed more people on a project and I was the person that had worked on the project the longest. That alone frustrated me but what really irked me was a few weeks later.
The "Chad" of the office is one of the reasons why sometimes we get backlog because he talks on the phone all day. He was bragging that he got a monetary reward. THAT is when I just gave up. I thought people are supposed to make more money the longer/harder they work but instead it's all political ass kissing and good looks. The world fucking pisses me off.
Brutal. I don’t want to work at all
But yeah, there was this one guy who was the biggest dickhead on planet earth, but in he was also very good at his job and the department head and him were buddies.
Well at least in this case he was good at his job.

But yeah anyone who he bothered was seen as creating problems jfl, classic. In their minds he was probably a sort of personality detector "if you don't get along with him, something must be wrong with you :^) better let you go bro"


In this life first impressions are everythinf, I'd link the studies but I'm on mobile right now. Basically, your brain is lazy and tries to find the shortest routes for assesing people, and something the brain can assess in 16 miliseconds like the face is perfect-- because of this laziness it rarely ever alters it's initial perception of the thing.

It's wo fucking brutal, man. These people take ONE look at you and fucking assume your entire life story jfl. But it's not like they're wrong when they see me and think 'KHHV' though
Yep same reason we associate good looks with good morals, good skills etc

It was legit a mind blowing reveal to me. At first while bluepilled I really thought I was shit and doing worse than everyone else. Then when I saw the workers management and everyone else liked and praised, and how badly they fucked up on several occasions (to such extents even I had never done), and THEN how people just brushed off those major like it was nothing, made my blood boil. Because until that point they would degrade me for every single tiny mistake I did, and just treating me like shit in general for everything.

Since then I've noticed more and more truths and blackpills and everything makes so much more sense. Now I'm a full misanthrope and normie hater.

When the bible refered to the "walking dead", they don't mean zombies, they mean braindead NPC Normies with no inner monologue oblivious to all of this.
It was all gaslighting. These people drive ugly low status men crazy. They make them believe that everything they do is wrong, that they have an endless amount of work to do to be on the same level as some lazy normie who does nothing but act impulsively

When you finally start to analyze things objectively and try to quantify certain things you realize it was all bullshit. In fact a lot of the time you end up finding out that you were behaving better or working harder than the people who got all the praise.

It's sad that some people will never realize that they were subject to gaslighting all their life

this happened to me two years ago that i ended up just not going into work for days at a time cuz i couldn't deal with management: had an evaluation and they compared my work productivity to the other employees. there was a graph. a literal graph with numbers showing that on an average day of work i am doing 3 times that of my other coworkers. but instead of rewarding me they looked at the outlier days where i had hardly any productivity (sick or depressed tbh) and told me i needed to fix that and gave me a negative review. then they 'rewarded' me with being a Trainer to some new people because we needed more people on a project and I was the person that had worked on the project the longest. That alone frustrated me but what really irked me was a few weeks later.
The "Chad" of the office is one of the reasons why sometimes we get backlog because he talks on the phone all day. He was bragging that he got a monetary reward. THAT is when I just gave up. I thought people are supposed to make more money the longer/harder they work but instead it's all political ass kissing and good looks. The world fucking pisses me off.
Absolutely brutal. This is well known: if you perform way better than everyone else the employer will take that for granted and punish you or threaten you the moment you let go a little bit.

I remember FA Monday (big piece of shit fakecel but he had a few valuable insights) once told a story on youtube where he explained that he did far more work than anyone else in his department. Then one day he was tired and sort of put his hands on his face or something for a few mins, just stopped briefly. His boss immediately called him in the office and lectured him about wasting company time jfl.

Most employers and managers are completely ungrateful for the hard work of sub8 males. Looks and status are everything in life. Things like hard work are mostly a pipe dream and a scam
Well at least in this case he was good at his job.

But yeah anyone who he bothered was seen as creating problems jfl, classic. In their minds he was probably a sort of personality detector "if you don't get along with him, something must be wrong with you :^) better let you go bro"

Yep same reason we associate good looks with good morals, good skills etc

It was all gaslighting. These people drive ugly low status men crazy. They make them believe that everything they do is wrong, that they have an endless amount of work to do to be on the same level as some lazy normie who does nothing but act impulsively

When you finally start to analyze things objectively and try to quantify certain things you realize it was all bullshit. In fact a lot of the time you end up finding out that you were behaving better or working harder than the people who got all the praise.

It's sad that some people will never realize that they were subject to gaslighting all their life

Absolutely brutal. This is well known: if you perform way better than everyone else the employer will take that for granted and punish you or threaten you the moment you let go a little bit.

I remember FA Monday (big piece of shit fakecel but he had a few valuable insights) once told a story on youtube where he explained that he did far more work than anyone else in his department. Then one day he was tired and sort of put his hands on his face or something for a few mins, just stopped briefly. His boss immediately called him in the office and lectured him about wasting company time jfl.

Most employers and managers are completely ungrateful for the hard work of sub8 males. Looks and status are everything in life. Things like hard work are mostly a pipe dream and a scam
That's why I stopped trying to play along with Normies and instead made them hate me by not being a doormatt. They expect ugly low status men to roll over, and they get intensely angry if you stand up for yourself and call out their bullshit, or refuse to go along with it.

Of course, you really can't win. Before it was gaslighting telling you you're a bad person or have negative qualities and after, the exact same thing but now they're gaslighting you about how terrible you are for having some self worth. So I say, it's better to have every normie hate you openly (which they do anyway) than be a cuck they tolerate and passively insult you instead.
That's why I stopped trying to play along with Normies and instead made them hate me by not being a doormatt. They expect ugly low status men to roll over, and they get intensely angry if you stand up for yourself and call out their bullshit, or refuse to go along with it.

Of course, you really can't win. Before it was gaslighting telling you you're a bad person or have negative qualities and after, the exact same thing but now they're gaslighting you about how terrible you are for having some self worth. So I say, it's better to have every normie hate you openly (which they do anyway) than be a cuck they tolerate and passively insult you instead.
The only """winning move""" is not to play and hermitmaxx. But you need money for that too :feelsbadman:
The only """winning move""" is not to play and hermitmaxx. But you need money for that too :feelsbadman:
Not even ideal for some people, because even if you hate people you need sex and some socialization to not get the negative health effects
I remember a group discussion I had with one of the retard educators at my boarding school. How to stop bullying was mentioned, and everyone just agreed that the victims need to stop "acting so weird". I challenged their retardation by noting that psychological torture is very unlikely to improve anyone's behavior, but they just kept repeating "but they DESERVE it, they act so weird".

That was one of the experiences that made me withdraw from soyciety.

I remember a group discussion I had with one of the retard educators at my boarding school. How to stop bullying was mentioned, and everyone just agreed that the victims need to stop "acting so weird". I challenged their retardation by noting that psychological torture is very unlikely to improve anyone's behavior, but they just kept repeating "but they DESERVE it, they act so weird".

That was one of the experiences that made me withdraw from soyciety.

View attachment 402968
It's exactly how they think. The person doing the bullying is 100% in the right, that person is the one with the "good social skills". To them your suffering is somehow a proof that you are evil. They don't have any empathy for you. Everything bad that happens to you is deserved. In fact you deserve even worse.

@mylifeistrash worded it nicely. Here it's about women but you can generalize it to normies when it comes to bullying
@your personality

This is exactly what women think. They think men can literally change their face, height, and hairline by having a better attitude and by "just being a better person".

You see, women are too stupid to understand the concepts of genetics and your facial bones + height being completely out of your control.
Women are so used to getting things with such little effort that they don't understand that men can't get the same shit women get without even having to try.

What's funny is you will go to your grave lonely, suffering, feeling cheated and women will think you deserved all of your pain because you were a "bad person".
Makes me even less motivated to go to work
It's exactly how they think. The person doing the bullying is 100% in the right, that person is the one with the "good social skills". To them your suffering is somehow a proof that you are evil. They don't have any empathy for you. Everything bad that happens to you is deserved. In fact you deserve even worse.

@mylifeistrash worded it nicely. Here it's about women but you can generalize it to normies when it comes to bullying
@your personality
tbh I can think of no other explanation for people's eagerness to blame male that have bad luck or appear to suffer a lot.
tbh I can think of no other explanation for people's eagerness to blame male that have bad luck or appear to suffer a lot.
It's like they have confirmation bias. They believe bad things happen to bad people so any suffering you endure only reinforces their point of view

Somehow they don't believe that the world is fair when you talk about m'lady or the 1% tho
It's like they have confirmation bias. They believe bad things happen to bad people so any suffering you endure only reinforces their point of view
It borders on superstition tbh
Somehow they don't believe that the world is fair when you talk about m'lady or the 1% tho
Yeah it's never enough for them in those situations.
it's better to have every normie hate you openly (which they do anyway) than be a cuck they tolerate and passively insult you instead.
Interesting, but are you sure? this makes work days (which are many btw) more harder and anxiety air with your coworkers (who you face them every day)
Interesting, but are you sure? this makes work days (which are many btw) more harder and anxiety air with your coworkers (who you face them every day)
Yes I'm sure. Fuck them
Yeah one of the biggest bluepill told to kids and teens is that people "grow up" and that life after school is different. Jfl people are the exact same after high school, the only thing that changes is the setting.
No different than in school. People will try to rationalize a weak male that gets bullied but doesn't adequately "stand up" to the bullying as deserving of the bullying or accuse the bullied male of putting on a show for sympathy.
Are we agreeing with feminists? :feelscomfy: (kiddin')

He wasn't seen as a good kid but most people, only by his (rather big) circle of acquaintances/friends. The argument was about how relaxed their preemptive measures were, and some things they said like "He's probably having a hard time at home", "He probably feels miserable" and similar stuff we happen to know is freshly melted permafrost mammoth shit since they usually (and he did) have more social and sexual success. I practically got it out of my mind: I stopped working there not long after the episode.
jfl they afforded him a whole lot of empathy

I think that case was different than those presented in the article and the studies. Maybe the kind of psychopaths/bullies you can find in the workplace are functional ones, the ones that not only aren't too antisocial (like that kid), but are actually charismatic in general. Just guessing.
Yeah the ones who are too antisocial become thugs/criminals or just leech off of welfare/other people
There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.

tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.

"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"

:feelsStudy: @Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.

Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.

The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.

Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.

They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that
not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.

:feelsUnreal: Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy

The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.

People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?

The study and the media article that covers it


@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?

Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality
this is nothing new. sometimes, workplaces can be even bigger ERfuel than a high school or uni

bullies tend to join forces and pretend like the ugly guy is doing a bad job, be very loud and repetitive about it, and eventually, the boss develops a perception that the ugly guy is a bad employee and starts "noticing" every little thing he does wrong, such as being 1 minute late, and getting worked up about it. that's how retarded soyciety is
jfl they afforded him a whole lot of empathy

Yeah the ones who are too antisocial become thugs/criminals or just leech off of welfare/other people
tbh, i used to try hard at work and got bullied anyway, so next time, instead, i focused only on my boss' perception of me, aka did a bad job but worked hard at giving a good impression. that worked great for a while, but then i had a bad streak due to getting sick, and they turned on me and started bullying me anyway. so now i basically just do the bare minimum while my boss seethes, record meetings with my boss that show he complains about dumb shit, and wait to get fired to collect welfare + lawsuit and then do the same again at another company. i will lie in my resume to avoid bad references

its a darktriadmaxxxed world out there boyos, and if you don't darktriadmaxxx they will brutally abuse you
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Only thing I would change is that they always succeeded, not just in modern times. People on top hierarchy of the tribe always bullied others bellow into serving them, this just carries on into modern times(less violence now but still the same principle).
True. Though nowadays people love to pretend that we live in more fair and meritocratic times, at least socially because they absolutely can't deny economic inequalities.
friendly reminder that early man impregnated 17 different bitches for each one man, the conditions of sexual selection that we evolved under. this is the way biology arranged for humans to act as long as we exist.

Cope. In time periods that weren't so socially alienated, psychopaths often got lynched by solidaristic townfolk, and were denounced for their tyrannical behaviors rather than enabled in them.

This happened as recently as 1981 in small town, White America:

Note that nobody in the town snitched on those who killed the veritable psychopath Rex McElroy, despite there being dozens of witnesses! They were united in action and supported his public, extrajudicial execution. His house was later burned to the ground after his degenerate family was forced to flee.

This fully explains why vigilante justice has been stigmatized along with "racism" under muh kkk propaganda, btw. Such things are unthinkable now.
true degenerates and people who are openly psychopathic in public will eventually get lynched in most countries in most times but casual bullies who are chad and who don't go overboard will reverse the situation and be so supported that whoever snitches on him or points out his bullshit will just be gaslit and ostracized. as i said above, early man impregnated 17 different bitches for each one. no way they weren't abusing the shit out of the many many men not chosen by ancient foids.

better to have every normie hate you openly (which they do anyway) than be a cuck they tolerate and passively insult you instead
high IQ goddamn. the only thing we can do

Interesting, but are you sure? this makes work days (which are many btw) more harder and anxiety air with your coworkers (who you face them every day)
reading this reminded me of charlie's illiteracy in its always sunny. being treated like a doormat has serious drawbacks and even though you won't get bitches wet when you stand up for yourself like you would if you weren't sub8, it's way better to have the anxiety and bullshit clear and in the open. just taking it won't do you any favors.
sso now i basically just do the bare minimum while my boss seethes, record meetings with my boss that show he complains about dumb shit, and wait to get fired to collect welfare + lawsuit and then do the same again at another company.
its a darktriadmaxxxed world out there boyos, and if you don't darktriadmaxxx they will brutally abuse you
i tip my hat to you brocel. but if you say you didn't work anywhere during the time you worked at the company then how will you explain the gap
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In times before law we could kill these problem types, can't win straight up? Wait until he's asleep.
Cope. In time periods that weren't so socially alienated, psychopaths often got lynched by solidaristic townfolk, and were denounced for their tyrannical behaviors rather than enabled in them.

This happened as recently as 1981 in small town, White America:

Note that nobody in the town snitched on those who killed the veritable psychopath Rex McElroy, despite there being dozens of witnesses! They were united in action and supported his public, extrajudicial execution. His house was later burned to the ground after his degenerate family was forced to flee.

This fully explains why vigilante justice has been stigmatized along with "racism" under muh kkk propaganda, btw. Such things are unthinkable now.
In times before law we could kill these problem types, can't win straight up? Wait until he's asleep.
There's a hypothesis that tries to explain the renaissance. I can't remember where I've heard it or what it's called but the assumption is that the high IQ and advancements of the Renaissance was caused by the large amount of capital punishments performed at the end of the Middle Ages.

The gist of it is that the most violent, brutal, dumb, impulsive psychos and criminals got executed so often that it had a positive impact on the next generations. Those became higher IQ, less impulsive, less selfish, more cooperative etc

And obviously based on this hypothesis we can infer that ending the capital punishment in the 1st world was a disastrous decision that'll come to haunt us (if it hasn't already). Society is only going to become more violent and impulsive
There's a hypothesis that tries to explain the renaissance. I can't remember where I've heard it or what it's called but the assumption is that the high IQ and advancements of the Renaissance was caused by the large amount of capital punishments performed at the end of the Middle Ages.

The gist of it is that the most violent, brutal, dumb, impulsive psychos and criminals got executed so often that it had a positive impact on the next generations. Those became higher IQ, less impulsive, less selfish, more cooperative etc

And obviously based on this hypothesis we can infer that ending the capital punishment in the 1st world was a disastrous decision that'll come to haunt us (if it hasn't already). Society is only going to become more violent and impulsive

View: https://voca.ro/1i8rH0CHuhNi

Yeah their ancestors fought wars and these idiots are ready to give everything to the invaders

Those people have absolutely no clue how violent the world can be. They actually believe that if they're loving and positive they'll only receive love and positivity back. Just accept everyone with open arms bro

They'd lose their mind if they went on a gore site
Yeah their ancestors fought wars and these idiots are ready to give everything to the invaders

Those people have absolutely no clue how violent the world can be. They actually believe that if they're loving and positive they'll only receive love and positivity back. Just accept everyone with open arms bro

They'd lose their mind if they went on a gore site
Sounds like the guy getting hoodsite ddos'd non stop for hosting dog death video.
Sounds like the guy getting hoodsite ddos'd non stop for hosting dog death video.
I really miss hoodsite :feelsbadman:

It was so grim that it was sort of educational almost
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