Rotting at the speed of light
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This is one of the biggest reasons why I quit my job and became a NEETcel.
This is one of the biggest reasons why I quit my job and became a NEETcel.
r/inceltear in a nutshell
I've even seen female Redditors, by definition some of the very soyest and most bluepilled beings on this planet, pretty much fully admit that it's only how you look and are perceived that matters instead of what you actually do, in a couple of threads where they talked about being warned to always avoid getting into fights with more attractive girls in school because they'll inevitably be described as the aggressors... but of course, when it comes to the blackpill and what we're saying, they'll all just immediately default to this very victim blaming of the victims and the less fortunate
Nailed itLegit shocked that I actually forgot about this study, one of the most blackpilling articles I've ever seen tbh. Obviously, this doesn't apply just to workplaces, but to absolutely all social interactions and environments.
I've even seen female Redditors, by definition some of the very soyest and most bluepilled beings on this planet, pretty much fully admit that it's only how you look and are perceived that matters instead of what you actually do, in a couple of threads where they talked about being warned to always avoid getting into fights with more attractive girls in school because they'll inevitably be described as the aggressors... but of course, when it comes to the blackpill and what we're saying, they'll all just immediately default to this very victim blaming of the victims and the less fortunate.
You’re 110% absolutely right. What you just described is basically exactly what happened to me. These fucking managers are parasites. I wish to all fuck I could break into management but there are relatively few jobs and I’d have to go back to college since competition is so fierce. Well that and women and minorities are given priority in tech companies (that and the nepos) now it would seem so you’re fucked from square one unless you tick the right boxes. Over before it began.Brootal wage slave pill. Office politics is hell. I was always respected at my last job, but then a new asshole supervisor got hired and started bullying me and other employees.
He must have lied to the boss, because after just two weeks of him working there, I was fired for some irrelevant shit that I’ve allegedly done.
He himself didn’t do anything, just sat on his ass and watched youtube videos in the office. Never did anything meaningful or important.
Disgusting cuck, I hope he has a car crash where he gets crippled and has chronic pain and ptsd for the rest of his shit life.
Yep, and parents always say that the "nerd" will always win in the end since chad only has nothing but his status and looks. That is not the case, they most likely will lead normal lives like nothing happened.Yeah one of the biggest bluepill told to kids and teens is that people "grow up" and that life after school is different. Jfl people are the exact same after high school, the only thing that changes is the setting.
And yeah feminists and sjw always bitch about "victim blaming" yet they never apply this to bullying
Holy shit. Chad's bullying is "banter" while victim's existence is "bullying"There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.
tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.
"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"
@Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.
Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.
The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.
Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.
They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.
Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy
The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.
People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?
The study and the media article that covers it
(PDF) Linking Perceptions of Role Stress and Incivility to Workplace Aggression: The Moderating Role of Personality
PDF | Although research on workplace aggression has long recognized job stressors as antecedents, little is known about the process through which... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net
Good grief: Victimized employees don't get a break
As if being picked on wasn't bad enough, victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior. Adding insult to injury, victims may even be seen by supervisors as worse employees, despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the...www.eurekalert.org
@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?
Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality
Bullying is just subconscious eugenicsI remember a group discussion I had with one of the retard educators at my boarding school. How to stop bullying was mentioned, and everyone just agreed that the victims need to stop "acting so weird". I challenged their retardation by noting that psychological torture is very unlikely to improve anyone's behavior, but they just kept repeating "but they DESERVE it, they act so weird".
That was one of the experiences that made me withdraw from soyciety.
View attachment 402968
That’s exactly what I would do except the US makes it really hard in a lot of places to get on welfare if you’re an able bodied man with a history of employment unless you are severely crippled or something. If I could basically get a small amount and not have to suffer the agony of horrible jobs that pay pennies anyway I’d do it in a heartbeat.i hate being bullied and to always be the « villain no matter what the situation is » just because i look like an ugly retard fuck this shit JFLim better off staying at home NEET maxing on welfare
with things like affirmative action and women in the workplace made it less than its ever been. In the past there likely would of been less of this shit yes lookism still existed but with monogamy and a lack of toilets in a workplace for males to try and impress you'd of been left alone more.True. Though nowadays people love to pretend that we live in more fair and meritocratic times, at least socially because they absolutely can't deny economic inequalities.
You need to come to canada brocelThat’s exactly what I would do except the US makes it really hard in a lot of places to get on welfare if you’re an able bodied man with a history of employment unless you are severely crippled or something. If I could basically get a small amount and not have to suffer the agony of horrible jobs that pay pennies anyway I’d do it in a heartbeat.
But there was lots of violence and wars during the RenaissanceThere's a hypothesis that tries to explain the renaissance. I can't remember where I've heard it or what it's called but the assumption is that the high IQ and advancements of the Renaissance was caused by the large amount of capital punishments performed at the end of the Middle Ages.
The gist of it is that the most violent, brutal, dumb, impulsive psychos and criminals got executed so often that it had a positive impact on the next generations. Those became higher IQ, less impulsive, less selfish, more cooperative etc
And obviously based on this hypothesis we can infer that ending the capital punishment in the 1st world was a disastrous decision that'll come to haunt us (if it hasn't already). Society is only going to become more violent and impulsive
Time to bullimaxxThere's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.
tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.
"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"
@Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.
Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.
The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.
Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.
They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.
Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy
The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.
People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?
The study and the media article that covers it
(PDF) Linking Perceptions of Role Stress and Incivility to Workplace Aggression: The Moderating Role of Personality
PDF | Although research on workplace aggression has long recognized job stressors as antecedents, little is known about the process through which... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net
Good grief: Victimized employees don't get a break
As if being picked on wasn't bad enough, victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior. Adding insult to injury, victims may even be seen by supervisors as worse employees, despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the...www.eurekalert.org
@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?
Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality
Accurate observation mate, good commentwith things like affirmative action and women in the workplace made it less than its ever been. In the past there likely would of been less of this shit yes lookism still existed but with monogamy and a lack of toilets in a workplace for males to try and impress you'd of been left alone more.
Fuck NT, foids & society
Natural selection. They are basically saying people with weak shitty genetics should not even have the privilege to be in the same space as them. Our genes are being weeded out.No different than in school. People will try to rationalize a weak male that gets bullied but doesn't adequately "stand up" to the bullying as deserving of the bullying or accuse the bullied male of putting on a show for sympathy.
This is true. I've said similar things before.In this life first impressions are everythinf, I'd link the studies but I'm on mobile right now. Basically, your brain is lazy and tries to find the shortest routes for assesing people, and something the brain can assess in 16 miliseconds like the face is perfect-- because of this laziness it rarely ever alters it's initial perception of the thing.
It's wo fucking brutal, man. These people take ONE look at you and fucking assume your entire life story jfl. But it's not like they're wrong when they see me and think 'KHHV' though
Dumbfuck normies thinking Chad has a good "Personality".There's an article that covers this paper, i'll copy paste some important parts.
tl;dr Victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior, and despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the other hand, may be given a pass if they are liked by their supervisor. There is a bias toward victim blaming.
"The results are eye-opening," Taylor says. "I think they are useful because, given all of these accounts in the media of bad behavior happening, people are often left wondering how can we blame victims, and why do we let these perpetrators off the hook, why do they go unpunished?"
@Atavistic Autist You were right when you said psychopaths succeed in today's world.
Taylor attributes the flawed decision making to cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, in which positive attributes mask negative traits, or the horns effect, in which one negative attribute casts a person in a completely negative light.
The researchers performed their work over the course of four studies. The first two studies showed through surveys of employees and supervisors that supervisors tend to view victims of bullying as being bullies themselves.
Studies three and four were experiments where participants evaluated employees based on descriptions of their work performance, as well as how they treated others and how they were treated.
They found that even when evaluators were clearly informed that a victim did not mistreat others, victims were still seen as bullies. In the fourth study, they found that not only are victims seen as bullies despite evidence to the contrary, but also that they receive lower job performance evaluations as a result of being victimized.
Your behavior doesn't fucking matter. Jfl at people using the just world fallacy these days, like we live in a social meritocracy
The researchers found support in all four studies that bullies were less likely to be seen as deviant when their supervisor considered them to be good performers.
People get away with treating others like absolute shit. Reminds me of when a kid is bullied at school, he's beaten and mocked all day, grows up scarred and insecure. People will tell him that HIS social skills were bad and the social skills of his bullies were GOOD. Psychopaths who torture you are seen as socially apt, if not outright gifted. What does this say about society?
The study and the media article that covers it
(PDF) Linking Perceptions of Role Stress and Incivility to Workplace Aggression: The Moderating Role of Personality
PDF | Although research on workplace aggression has long recognized job stressors as antecedents, little is known about the process through which... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net
Good grief: Victimized employees don't get a break
As if being picked on wasn't bad enough, victims of workplace mistreatment may also be seen as bullies themselves, even if they've never engaged in such behavior. Adding insult to injury, victims may even be seen by supervisors as worse employees, despite exemplary performance. Bullies, on the...www.eurekalert.org
@soymonkcel Didn't you argue with other colleagues about an awful bully who was seen as the good kid?
Tagging some users: @ionlycopenow @BummerDrummer @gymletethnicel @Edmund_Kemper @Lebensmüder @Quarantined @turbocuckcel_7000 @THE TRUE HONKLER @your personality