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"Gymcelling" is a meme invented by normies to rob incels of their time and money

not_here_4_points said:
The funniest part is how copinggymcel is pretending he isn't constantly pushing the gymcel meme when his own fucking name references it.

Also good temporary riddance to the fucking clown framecel222.
Yes, framecel222 is an extremely angry and irrational man. He needs to spend less time injecting steroids and more time educating himself on simple matters.

fukmylyf said:
so much cope ITT. 

Gymcels are absolutely delusional.
OrangeFez2311 said:
Yes, framecel222 is an extremely angry and irrational man. He needs to spend less time injecting steroids and more time educating himself on simple matters.

As I said earlier, he has never in his life touched steroids.
CopingGymcel said:
As I said earlier, he has never in his life touched steroids.
I doubt it. If it's not steroids, it's other "performance enhancing" stuff that has absolutely fried his mind.
OrangeFez2311 said:
I doubt it. If it's not steroids, it's other "performance enhancing" stuff that has absolutely fried his mind.

He has never done any drugs. He hasn't even touched steroids.

I'm his online bro. We talk a lot in DMs, so I know he hasn't done those things.

He has only recently started getting serious about the gym

Now, if you want to talk about drugs and steroids, I've done them, so you can ask me or make fun of me if you want.

I've taken steroids, DNP, ephedrine and Clenbuterol.

I've done MDMA, shrooms and weed.
CopingGymcel said:
How am I pushing the gymcel agenda when my name starts with "coping"? 

If anything I am pushing the agenda of low body fat, which if you haven't been paying attention, I've been making a lot of threads about the importance of. I've yet to make one thread claiming that incels should gymcel to get huge muscles, I've only stated that it's a smart thing to do when you're losing weight, which @Itsover agrees with.

There's actually good evidence that lean faces look better.

FACE is supreme. Nothing beats face.

Lifting some light weights to preserve muscle while you lose fat is one thing, mainly because it'll speed fat loss up.

But that's not what people mean when they talk about gymcelling. When people discuss gymcelling they mean lifting heavy weights, usually roiding up, getting a 6 pack etc. All that stuff is fucking useless to attract women as evidenced by the guys on this forum who do that shit and still don't get laid.
itsOVER said:
Lifting some light weights to preserve muscle while you lose fat is one thing, mainly because it'll speed fat loss up.

But that's not what people mean when they talk about gymcelling. When people discuss gymcelling they mean lifting heavy weights, usually roiding up, getting a 6 pack etc. All that stuff is fucking useless to attract women as evidenced by the guys on this forum who do that shit and still don't get laid.

Well, what you're doing is what I advocate. I actually don't advocate gymcelling. If you don't like going to the gym, there is no need to spend hours of the week to build a physique. It's only really a "must" when you're trying to get lean and avoid a skinny fat physique in the progress, as you are doing.

Now, if you're like me and you love going to the gym and look forward to it every time (except maybe when you're about to train legs, bleh), then I don't see why you wouldn't at least try to make it work towards getting laid, even if it isn't your main objective or you think it will. Does that make sense?
CopingGymcel said:
How am I pushing the gymcel agenda when my name starts with "coping"? 

If anything I am pushing the agenda of low body fat, which if you haven't been paying attention, I've been making a lot of threads about the importance of. I've yet to make one thread claiming that incels should gymcel to get huge muscles, I've only stated that it's a smart thing to do when you're losing weight, which @Itsover agrees with.

There's actually good evidence that lean faces look better.

FACE is supreme. Nothing beats face.

You've been arguing petty semantics and rewriting history for pages now, textbook sign of a loser in an argument. Just admit you were btfo'd and move on.
not_here_4_points said:
You've been arguing petty semantics and rewriting history for pages now, textbook sign of a loser in an argument. Just admit you were btfo'd and move on.

I don't see how anyone won any argument tbh. 

Nobody proved anything and I was never making a claim.

Now, if Framecel is making an argument that gymcelling 100% works towards getting laid, then that's a stupid argument without sufficient evidence. There is a difference between thinking that something MAY work and claiming it 100% does, which I never did. You can go back and read all my posts if you're autistic enough, if you don't believe me.
Unless you are overweight women aren't rejecting us because of our physique it's because of or height,face or both
CopingGymcel said:
He has never done any drugs. He hasn't even touched steroids.

I'm his online bro. We talk a lot in DMs, so I know he hasn't done those things.

He has only recently started getting serious about the gym

Now, if you want to talk about drugs and steroids, I've done them, so you can ask me or make fun of me if you want.

I've taken steroids, DNP, ephedrine and Clenbuterol.  

I've done MDMA, shrooms and weed.
You are a degenerate. Anybody who takes drugs is a failed normie and deserves to die. We must cleanse this world of degeneracy.
NeverSubmit said:
Unless you are overweight women aren't rejecting us because of our physique it's because of or height,face or both

I do think they CAN reject you for your physique, but your body would have to either be really disgusting or if you had a frame like Zyros, that is going to turn some women off, but that shit is out of your control even with gymcelling.

OrangeFez2311 said:
You are a degenerate. Anybody who takes drugs is a failed normie and deserves to die. We must cleanse this world of degeneracy.

Lol, ok bro. You're allowed to hold those beliefs.
CopingGymcel said:
Well, what you're doing is what I advocate. I actually don't advocate gymcelling. If you don't like going to the gym, there is no need to spend hours of the week to build a physique. It's only really a "must" when you're trying to get lean and avoid a skinny fat physique in the progress, as you are doing.

Now, if you're like me and you love going to the gym and look forward to it every time (except maybe when you're about to train legs, bleh), then I don't see why you wouldn't at least try to make it work towards getting laid, even if it  isn't your main objective or you think it will. Does that make sense?

Tbh I don't care about having a skinny fat physique I just want my fat loss to take 3 months not 6. 

If you enjoy it then fine. I think everyone has agreed if you derive pleasure from it then whatever. What we're saying is is that it's a cope like any other. The problem comes when gymcels try and say their cope will get them more pussy, and that those who don't gymcel are volcel and lazy. Fact is there's no evidence gymcel cope gets you more pussy than the playing video games cope.
itsOVER said:
Tbh I don't care about having a skinny fat physique I just want my fat loss to take 3 months not 6. 

If you enjoy it then fine. I think everyone has agreed if you derive pleasure from it then whatever. What we're saying is is that it's a cope like any other. The problem comes when gymcels try and say their cope will get them more pussy, and that those who don't gymcel are volcel and lazy. Fact is there's no evidence gymcel cope gets you more pussy than the playing video games cope.

I agree that it's a cope if you're gymcelling purely for girls and think it's going to get you laid. I don't think it's a cope if you think that there is a slight possibility that girls will be a byproduct of attaining a great body.
CopingGymcel said:
I agree that it's a cope if you're gymcelling purely for girls and think it's going to get you laid.

What's the point then?
Kointo said:
What's the point then?

I don't know? I haven't made any point that dictates otherwise. Maybe Framecel did? I sure didn't.
CopingGymcel said:
Kointo said:
What's the point then?
I don't know? I haven't made any point that dictates otherwise. Maybe Framecel did? I sure didn't.

I was asking why you do it if you think it's cope when people do it for females.
CopingGymcel said:
I agree that it's a cope if you're gymcelling purely for girls and think it's going to get you laid. I don't think it's a cope if you think that there is a slight possibility that girls will be a byproduct of attaining a great body.

I'd say the majority of those in the gym, deep down, are doing it because they think it'll make them more attractive. That's the problem. If some incel genuinely enjoys repeatedly lifting a piece of metal...well I'd say it's a pretty wierd thing to enjoy but whatever gets him through the day I suppose.

Problem is most of these guys then turn round and declare body is important to women and that people who choose not to lift are volcels.
Kointo said:
I was asking why you do it if you think it's cope when people do it for females.

Because I personally believe that a body alone is not very likely by itself to attract a female. 

I do believe that a female has to find your face somewhat attractive first, so if a female doesn't find you attractive before you gymcel, then she probably won't after, unless it involves some sort of weight loss (getting shredded and discovering you have OK to decent bones).

I do believe that in some RARE CASES a body alone can attract a female, but it would be quite rare and require an amazing physique. 

What I do believe is that if girls already find you somewhat attractive, a nice body can be the difference between you getting laid or not. I am not saying that's the case or not, that's just what I believe. I won't make an argument for it, as I don't know if that is true or not. 

What we have to realize is that there are different "stages" of how attractive a female finds a man. They have a looks threshold and you could be at the very bottom of it. If you're just within that looks threshold, you'll have to try a lot harder and may have to have other qualities that makes up for her not finding you to be Chad level of looks, and that could in theory be a nice body.

There, that's my position. I think body matters, but nowhere near the same amount as face.
OrangeFez2311 said:
Gymelling is a meme invented by normies to rob incels of their time and money.

Gymcelling doesn't work. We all know that. You need good genes to succeed at gymcelling, and if you have such genes you'll never need to gymcel anyway because women will be naturally attracted you and you'd have been getting validation for as long as you were getting pubes. 

Who runs and operates gyms? Normies.
Who often has disposable time and money? Incels.

Normies are lying to you by telling you the gym works so they can steal your time and money. They will use your money to buy alcohol and drugs and continue to fuel degeneracy. They want to steal your time so you're too tired or busy to mount a coherent intellectual resistance with other incels against this scam.

Gyms are scam. Gymcelling is a scam. Don't do it. Don't play their game.

EDIT: lmao at all of the gymcels telling me I'm wrong but not realising their gymcelling has failed to attract a single girl which actually proves my point

it works stop being a lazy fuck.
the only beenfit of gymcelling is being able to fight and defend yourself against aggressive normies.
Medellincel said:
the only beenfit of gymcelling is being able to fight and defend yourself against aggressive normies.

That and other guys are going to give you more respect and want to be your friend, all of which are important when trying to meet women. 

You have to have friends to go out with if you want to meet women at the bar and gymcelling could make that easier. Not saying a good body alone will get you friends, but we all know that guys admire other guy's physiques, way more than women do.
Going to a bar with a bunch of incels who gymcope doesn't sound like an effective way of getting laid to me.
Ikinder said:
it works stop being a lazy fuck.
Shut the fuck up you inbred spastic, we've already established 100% of incels who gymcel have failed to ascend, proving that gymcelling doesn't work. Furthermore, if you could get over your sub-70 IQ for half a second read this thread, you'll realise I spent a lot of time at the gym in the past.
How lazy do people have to be to not gymcel? It takes like...what, 30-45 minutes a day? What are you gonna do, lose some spare shitposting time on incels.is? I will never understand you people. Don't you want to look better?

Ikinder said:

it works stop being a lazy fuck.
whogivesafucc said:
How lazy do people have to be to not gymcel? It takes like...what, 30-45 minutes a day? What are you gonna do, lose some spare shitposting time on incels.is? I will never understand you people. Don't you want to look better?
Read above, you utter moron.
I know why you, @VLÖ and @itsOVER are incel, because you are crack-baby socially isolated faggots who hate the sign of masculinity and you probably hate the two you were arguing with because they remind you of your bullies. physically stronger and more attractive (yes good body makes you more attractive, but face > height > whatever else I'm not bluepilled) I won't waste my time arguing about the null hypothesis shit you made up (the term is real but isn't applicable to this situation, not to mention that the looks theory is a null hypo in of itself with only anecdotal claims, saying that it isn't your fault you're incel is a good thing because it is a cope) but clearly it's either gymcel slightly won because of how autistic OP is with him calling it a null hypothesis, or dead even where gymcel is a new debate and people have not seen long-term effects. Only the truly deformed, like one poster here has a god-like body but his face doesn't make it, and you are insulting your fellow truecel by saying that someone that is probably under average looks wouldn't do well in the gym. Don't even respond faggot I won't read
OrangeFez2311 said:
whogivesafucc said:
How lazy do people have to be to not gymcel? It takes like...what, 30-45 minutes a day? What are you gonna do, lose some spare shitposting time on incels.is? I will never understand you people. Don't you want to look better?
Read above, you utter moron.

I don't give a fuck about your theories lmao. Body is a bonus, no matter what.

It's just cope after cope after cope after cope with you dudes here lmao

You're literally doing damage to other incels by telling them to be lazy and not to put any effort into looksmaxing, when they should be spending EVERY SINGLE MINUTE doing whatever they possibly can to improve themselves and their appearance, if they want to have any hopes of ascension and possible escape.
whogivesafucc said:
I don't give a fuck about your theories lmao. Body is a bonus, no matter what.

It's just cope after cope after cope after cope with you dudes here lmao

You're literally doing damage to other incels by telling them to be lazy and not to put any effort into looksmaxing, when they should be spending EVERY SINGLE MINUTE doing whatever they possibly can to improve themselves and their appearance, if they want to have any hopes of ascension and possible escape.
Okay, but

How many times has gymcelling caused incels to ascend? How many girls has gymcelling gotten you?
heroinfather said:
I know why you, @VLÖ and @itsOVER are incel, because you are crack-baby socially isolated faggots who hate the sign of masculinity and you probably hate the two you were arguing with because they remind you of your bullies. physically stronger and more attractive (yes good  body makes you more attractive, but face > height > whatever else I'm not bluepilled) I won't waste my time arguing about the null hypothesis shit you made up (the term is real but isn't applicable to this situation, not to mention that the looks theory is a null hypo in of itself with only anecdotal claims, saying that it isn't your fault you're incel is a good thing because it is a cope) but clearly it's either gymcel slightly won because of how autistic OP is with him calling it a null hypothesis, or dead even where gymcel is a new debate and people have not seen long-term effects. Only the truly deformed, like one poster here has a god-like body but his face doesn't make it, and you are insulting your fellow truecel by saying that someone that is probably under average looks wouldn't do well in the gym. Don't even respond faggot I won't read

Your entire autistic rambling can be destroyed with one sentence :

Average dudes who never even set foot into a gym still get laid.

whogivesafucc said:
I don't give a fuck about your theories lmao. Body is a bonus, no matter what.

It's just cope after cope after cope after cope with you dudes here lmao

You're literally doing damage to other incels by telling them to be lazy and not to put any effort into looksmaxing, when they should be spending EVERY SINGLE MINUTE doing whatever they possibly can to improve themselves and their appearance, if they want to have any hopes of ascension and possible escape.

Dude, there's separate fucking sites for looksmaxing, go stroke your dick there. Nobodys telling anyone to be lazy, you all feel personally offended because we're sick of fuckers like you shoving your lifestyle down our throats.

Where in this site does it say "Self-help forum for incels"? This isn't the site to talk about lifting or improving yourself, fuck off.
Some guys don't belong on this site. I have nothing against them personally. But it would be better if they just left, they're disrupting the community. I'm pretty sure there are forums out there dedicated to the body-building enthusiasts.

Working out doesn't work for everybody especially if you weren't blessed with a certain genetics predisposition towards muscle-gaining. On the other hand if you want to give it a go, go ahead and try. But don't come here bragging about it when you still look scrawny ass fuck and do not even have a team of bitches who'll come over to your place and fuck you raw at any time.

VLÖ said:
Your entire autistic rambling can be destroyed with one sentence :

Average dudes who never even set foot into a gym still get laid.

Dude, there's separate fucking sites for looksmaxing, go stroke your dick there. Nobodys telling anyone to be lazy, you all feel personally offended because we're sick of fuckers like you shoving your lifestyle down our throats.

Where in this site does it say "Self-help forum for incels"? This isn't the site to talk about lifting or improving yourself, fuck off.

LOL those guys are angry because they have nothing to show for all that weight-lifting. They're failed normans who believe if they go that extra mile they will get what they desire (women). It's a life of hoping for that which still lies uncertain in a veiled future. If they had come here humbly and only talked about gymcelling when they had some legitimate results to show for it, I would be cool with it. Don't take to heart what those guys said to you. They have invested so much of their ego on this enterprise that it is actually painful for them to have it questioned so bluntly.
VLÖ said:
heroinfather said:
I know why you, @VLÖ and @itsOVER are incel, because you are crack-baby socially isolated faggots who hate the sign of masculinity and you probably hate the two you were arguing with because they remind you of your bullies. physically stronger and more attractive (yes good body makes you more attractive, but face > height > whatever else I'm not bluepilled) I won't waste my time arguing about the null hypothesis shit you made up (the term is real but isn't applicable to this situation, not to mention that the looks theory is a null hypo in of itself with only anecdotal claims, saying that it isn't your fault you're incel is a good thing because it is a cope) but clearly it's either gymcel slightly won because of how autistic OP is with him calling it a null hypothesis, or dead even where gymcel is a new debate and people have not seen long-term effects. Only the truly deformed, like one poster here has a god-like body but his face doesn't make it, and you are insulting your fellow truecel by saying that someone that is probably under average looks wouldn't do well in the gym. Don't even respond faggot I won't read
Your entire autistic rambling can be destroyed with one sentence :
Average dudes who never even set foot into a gym still get laid.

whogivesafucc said:
I don't give a fuck about your theories lmao. Body is a bonus, no matter what.
It's just cope after cope after cope after cope with you dudes here lmao
You're literally doing damage to other incels by telling them to be lazy and not to put any effort into looksmaxing, when they should be spending EVERY SINGLE MINUTE doing whatever they possibly can to improve themselves and their appearance, if they want to have any hopes of ascension and possible escape.
Dude, there's separate fucking sites for looksmaxing, go stroke your dick there. Nobodys telling anyone to be lazy, you all feel personally offended because we're sick of fuckers like you shoving your lifestyle down our throats.
Where in this site does it say "Self-help forum for incels"? This isn't the site to talk about lifting or improving yourself, fuck off.

>on a fucking PSL incel forum
>not allowed to talk about looksmaxing

nigga what.jpg

heroinfather said:
I know why you, @VLÖ and @itsOVER are incel, because you are crack-baby socially isolated faggots who hate the sign of masculinity and you probably hate the two you were arguing with because they remind you of your bullies. physically stronger and more attractive (yes good  body makes you more attractive, but face > height > whatever else I'm not bluepilled) I won't waste my time arguing about the null hypothesis shit you made up (the term is real but isn't applicable to this situation, not to mention that the looks theory is a null hypo in of itself with only anecdotal claims, saying that it isn't your fault you're incel is a good thing because it is a cope) but clearly it's either gymcel slightly won because of how autistic OP is with him calling it a null hypothesis, or dead even where gymcel is a new debate and people have not seen long-term effects. Only the truly deformed, like one poster here has a god-like body but his face doesn't make it, and you are insulting your fellow truecel by saying that someone that is probably under average looks wouldn't do well in the gym. Don't even respond faggot I won't read

So if gymcelling works, why are you still here?
whogivesafucc said:
>on a fucking PSL incel forum
>not allowed to talk about looksmaxing

nigga what.jpg


This isn't a PSL forum, nobody wants lookism shitposters here except other lookism shitposters. 

Whoever thought Incels should be in the same category as PSL sites should seriously look in the mirror.
VLÖ said:
This isn't a PSL forum, nobody wants lookism shitposters here except other lookism shitposters. 

Whoever thought Incels should be in the same category as PSL sites should seriously look in the mirror.

VLÖ said:
This isn't a PSL forum, nobody wants lookism shitposters here except other lookism shitposters. 

Whoever thought Incels should be in the same category as PSL sites should seriously look in the mirror.

You should at least give looksmaxing a go before going completely LDAR, especially surgery.

I've improved a lot from looksmaxing. Now, I'm still incel, so there's that, but people treat me much better than they used to and I still have a long way to go looksmaxing wise.
CopingGymcel said:
VLÖ said:
This isn't a PSL forum, nobody wants lookism shitposters here except other lookism shitposters.
Whoever thought Incels should be in the same category as PSL sites should seriously look in the mirror.
You should at least give looksmaxing a go before going completely LDAR, especially surgery.
I've improved a lot from looksmaxing. Now, I'm still incel, so there's that, but people treat me much better than they used to and I still have a long way to go looksmaxing wise.

Exactly, your quality of life improves
whogivesafucc said:
Exactly, your quality of life improves

Yup. When everyone treats you nicely, smiles at you and helps you out when needed, it's really nice. I almost fell flat on my ass in the bus yesterday, as I was carrying some groceries and talking on the phone and the retarded bus driver just slammed the breaks instead of slowly doing it. Some femoid who was sitting in the seat next to mine, grabbed my shoulder/arm and saved the fall.

If you're completely deformed, people won't even want to touch you.
CopingGymcel said:
Yup. When everyone treats you nicely, smiles at you and helps you out when needed, it's really nice. I almost fell flat on my ass in the bus yesterday, as I was carrying some groceries and talking on the phone and the retarded bus driver just slammed the breaks instead of slowly doing it. Some femoid who was sitting in the seat next to mine, grabbed my shoulder/arm and saved the fall.

If you're completely deformed, people won't even want to touch you.
To tell you truth, that female probably would have reflexively done that anyway because it's an opportunity of virtue signal to everybody on the bus about what a great person she is.
Gymcelling works. The massive status gain you get from it is the true benefit. Other men respect you more, and women desire men who are respected.
OrangeFez2311 said:
To tell you truth, that female probably would have reflexively done that anyway because it's an opportunity of virtue signal to everybody on the bus about what a great person she is.

lol. Nobody else were paying attention (barely anyone on the bus). I am not saying she did "because I'm good looking", I am saying that people go out of their way to not touch subhumans. The quality of life change from subhuman/below average to "ok looking" is quite huge, even if it won't get you laid.

I notice it with guys, too. When I was overweight, I tried talking to some people and they would just brush me off and ignore me with one liners. Now when I am quite lean with a lean face, people are much interested in what I have to say and respect me more. I don't even have to go out of my way to talk to people, they will talk to me.
Wot1994 said:
Gymcelling works. The massive status gain you get from it is the true benefit. Other men respect you more, and women desire men who are respected.
Apparently women don't desire respected men enough because these respected men are still incel in 100% of cases.
OrangeFez2311 said:
Apparently women don't desire respected men enough because these respected men are still incel in 100% of cases.

100% of guys who go to the gym are incels?
CopingGymcel said:
100% of guys who go to the gym are incels?
No, 100% of gymcellers are incel.
OrangeFez2311 said:
No, 100% of gymcellers are incel.

That's quite a stupid statement and can easily be proven wrong.

Lots of guys go to the gym every day and eat a gymcel diet. Most of them get laid, just like 95% of the male population gets laid. We're the 5%, we're not the norm, if you haven't noticed.
OrangeFez2311 said:
Apparently women don't desire respected men enough because these respected men are still incel in 100% of cases.

If you're fuck ugly nothing will save you. But guys who are majorly held back by status and being a frame/pencilneckcel will benefit greatly from gymcelling.

If you are 5'9" and above gymcelling helps immensely.
If you're not getting laid your quality of life sucks irrespective of how normies treat you.
Wot1994 said:
If you're fuck ugly nothing will save you. But guys who are majorly held back by status and being a frame/pencilneckcel will benefit greatly from gymcelling.

If you are 5'9" and above gymcelling helps immensely.

Even if you are butt ugly, guys will respect you more if you have a great body, so at least it will help you make male friends and not be disrespected by people. It's not all about getting laid, it's about overall life quality tbh.
Wot1994 said:
If you're fuck ugly nothing will save you. But guys who are majorly held back by status and being a frame/pencilneckcel will benefit greatly from gymcelling.

If you are 5'9" and above gymcelling helps immensely.
This is exactly what I'm saying. If you don't have the genes, gymcelling won't save you. If you do have the genes, you don't need to gymcel anyway because you already have desirable features.

You say that it helps but gymcelling has never had one confirmed ascension yet.
Wot1994 said:
If you're fuck ugly nothing will save you. But guys who are majorly held back by status and being a frame/pencilneckcel will benefit greatly from gymcelling.

If you are 5'9" and above gymcelling helps immensely.

Wrong boyo, tall guys find it hardest to gain muscle. They have to work harder for the same benefit and still will get as much pussy as the non gymcelled guy (I.e zero).

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