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Blackpill Europecels are completely fucked. They have too much competition.

I'd be heading to Japan. Not too many weebs got the perseverance to learn Japanese and there's no way a dumb as rock Chad could even begin to pronounce "Arigato gozaimasu" so I'll be fine.
Cope. Chad wouldn't have to say a word and a gook would be all over his dick faster than some cultured incel. JFL @ your gook coping. I hope you're trolling.
Cope. Chad wouldn't have to say a word and a gook would be all over his dick faster than some cultured incel. JFL @ your gook coping. I hope you're trolling.


The average "nip" girl would be scared of the animal you call "Chad" that western roasties will allow themselves to be a punching bag for.
Look subhuman, I don't give a fuck what some French and britcucks did hundreds of years ago. Also most of Europe did nothing. Muslim fuckers have tried to invade Europe countless times. JFL at saying Muslims are victims of invasions. Hahaha. They are the invaders.

Foreign subhuman invaders need to be slaughtered.

Calling an incel subhuman. JFL!

I bet you're a teenaged right wing normie. No incel here calls another incel 'subhuman'.

It is kind of funny that right wing cunts like you believe that we'll all just line up to be "slaughtered". As if we don't own weapons. And last time I checked those muslims have a far stronger community bond than most white Europeans. This isn't the 17th century anymore.

>muh invaders
You invaded North America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.
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There's so much competition even within native races too. Here in Spain you'll see pale chads, blonde chads, aryan chads, latino chads, prettyboy chads, all kinds of chad you can imagine. The average height here is between 5'10 and 6'

Now imagine the amount of competition in the netherlands or germany, 6'1-6'4 perfect aryan chads everywhere. It's over for eurocels
The crusades were a response to Islamic aggressions yet in popular culture it's portrayed that the Knights Templar were nasty racist pos & the Islamists were poor victims.

Whites will go the way of the native American or Australian aborigines.

Hungary & Poland mentality is the last saviour of EU, Germany is fucking the whole of EU harder now than the two wars before it.


I'll agree with you about Hungary but Poland? Polish "men" are cucks of the highest order.
nah dont worry,we will slaughter every one of the subhumans invaders during WW3

India, China, and Pakistan have nukes, pal.

Most ethnics in America own guns. Look at every anti-gun movement in America and Canada - it's always white liberals, rarely ethnics. We know your true nature so we're all armed. You can't even stop yourself from getting cucked, and yet you dream of "slaughter". JFL!
The streets of Europe will be running brown with shit.

I'm looking forward to that day!
No, they don't. No one has any right to anything from a given state unless the state in question acknowledges the given right, essentially through the contract between citizen and government. An African from Ghana isn't, and shouldn't be considered a citizen of Norway.

And who made you in charge of Norway? :feelskek: The absolute delusional state of alt-rightcels...
Hungary & Poland mentality is the last saviour of EU
Well, it's a problem for just a part of Europe. Meanwhile on the other side of Oder river:

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HOLYCOPE, polish whores fuck blacks, ethnics, arabs and hispanics at daily basic, go to photo section of any club in major polish city and you will find hundreds of photos of race traitor roasties. I live in Wroclaw and in past 5-7 years i noticed a shitload more sextourists (mostly black, hispanic and indians) near clubs or student hostels.

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Conservative Poland is just a facade, while in reality polish women fuck minorities all the fucking time. JFL. POOland = cuckland
Look subhuman, I don't give a fuck what some French and britcucks did hundreds of years ago. Also most of Europe did nothing. Muslim fuckers have tried to invade Europe countless times. JFL at saying Muslims are victims of invasions. Hahaha. They are the invaders.

Foreign subhuman invaders need to be slaughtered.

>muh Europe did nothing
Eastern Europe didn't do much. But all of Western Europe must be BROWNED.COM

By the way, France + Britain + Denmark + Netherlands + Belgium + Germany + Austria is, population-wise and wealth-wise, most of Europe.

HOLYCOPE, polish whores fuck blacks, ethnics, arabs and hispanics at daily basic, go to photo section of any club in major polish city and you will find hundreds of photos of race traitor roasties

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Conservative Poland is just a facade, while in reality polish women fuck minorities all the fucking time. JFL. POOland = cuckland
Lifefuel for ethnics
where will whites go?

Don't worry, Alabama will always be there :lul:
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>muh Europe did nothing
Eastern Europe didn't do much. But all of Western Europe must be BROWNED.COM

By the way, France + Britain + Denmark + Netherlands + Belgium + Germany + Austria is, population-wise and wealth-wise, most of Europe.

I'm not from one of those European countries but Europe doesn't need anything other than a cleansing of all foreign parasites.
Calling an incel subhuman. JFL!

I bet you're a teenaged right wing normie. No incel here calls another incel 'subhuman'.

It is kind of funny that right wing cunts like you believe that we'll all just line up to be "slaughtered". As if we don't own weapons. And last time I checked those muslims have a far stronger community bond than most white Europeans. This isn't the 17th century anymore.

>muh invaders
You invaded North America, South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Not a teen. Not a normie. Don't care about any liberal "oppression" narratives. Hostile foreign trash needs to be eliminated. Subhuman is not just a term for people with bad looks.
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From my experience here, white foid + nonwhite man is EXTREMELY RARE. The influx of migrants doesn't affect sexual matters that much because it doesn't matter if you throw millions of men into a population if most of them are incel-tier anyway. Foids still flock to Aryan Chads and Chadlites.
So white women actually dont want ugly ethnics? :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
There is no greater pain than seeing a fucking nigger with a blonde haired woman. And I see it often. It hurts so bad.

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