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Blackpill Why Blackpilling Normies Always Fails and how most Incels are not Blackpilled

Read the whole thing. Very high iq post. I used to also deny the blackpill like 2 years ago because of my biases but once I put my biases aside and looked at things objectively I finally understood.
Read the whole thing. Very high iq post. I used to also deny the blackpill like 2 years ago because of my biases but once I put my biases aside and looked at things objectively I finally understood.
super interesting!
ok so I have autism and I always try to understand people -> what made you change and how did you change your outlook?
Did you just do it or was there a process?
Or was there an external event that convinced you? :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:
super interesting!
ok, so I have autism and I always try to understand people -> what made you change, and how did you change your outlook?
Did you just do it, or was there a process?
Or was there an external event that convinced you? :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:
It was a process. It was at the rise of the manosphere (like when Andrew Tate got popular and stuff)

I kinda started looking into red pill stuff to see how dumb it was (I was bluepilled dumbass lol), and in the red pill, I started seeing some truth.

This made me curious, which led me down the manosphere rabbit hole.

I was then redpilled for about a year, and then I discovered the black pill.

At first, I thought it was ridiculous and filled with copers, but then slowly, but surely I was black pilled.

It took a good bit for me to be fully blackpilled, but with time, it did happen.

I was always treated badly because of my face and race (that rhymed I should rapmaxx) I was and still am abt a 4/10 in the face and my race (half black and half white but I look a lot more black than white)

this is probably the reason why I ever had enough sense to eventually look at things objectively and realize the truth.

As to why I changed my outlook it kind of just happened.

I didn't necessarily plan on changing it.

(Sorry if my response is bad I suck at explaining this lol)
It was a process. It was at the rise of the manosphere (like when Andrew Tate got popular and stuff)

I kinda started looking into red pill stuff to see how dumb it was (I was bluepilled dumbass lol), and in the red pill, I started seeing some truth.

This made me curious, which led me down the manosphere rabbit hole.

I was then redpilled for about a year, and then I discovered the black pill.

At first, I thought it was ridiculous and filled with copers, but then slowly, but surely I was black pilled.

It took a good bit for me to be fully blackpilled, but with time, it did happen.

I was always treated badly because of my face and race (that rhymed I should rapmaxx) I was and still am abt a 4/10 in the face and my race (half black and half white but I look a lot more black than white)

this is probably the reason why I ever had enough sense to eventually look at things objectively and realize the truth.

As to why I changed my outlook it kind of just happened.

I didn't necessarily plan on changing it.
AHA! :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:
Thank you for your reply! :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:
Yeah same here. It was not my decision, circumstance forced me to look into stuff.
My life was shit and I wanted to rope, so I looked for solutions.
Like you, I went into redpill first, tried to jestermaxx for years (giga cringe looking back).
Later I became blackpilled, which was a huge relief.

(Sorry if my response is bad I suck at explaining this lol)
no its good I appreciate it a lot :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
AHA! :feelswhere::feelswhere::feelswhere:
Thank you for your reply! :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:
Yeah same here. It was not my decision, circumstance forced me to look into stuff.
My life was shit and I wanted to rope, so I looked for solutions.
Like you, I went into redpill first, tried to jestermaxx for years (giga cringe looking back).
Later I became blackpilled, which was a huge relief.

no its good I appreciate it a lot :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
Alr glad it was readable lol. I used to jestermaxx too (wasn't for long but it was still cringe lol) I am pretty thankful I found the blackpill because my ass would probably be in prison rn for trying those cringey ass pickup lines and techniques that redpilleds talk about lmaoo. Ima follow you cuz you seem cool :feelsautistic:
First off great post. You really put a lot of time into it which means you are either a very high functioning autist or a glowie. But I do have some comments/remarks:
a) The smart ones:
b) The dummies:
You, rightfully so, point out that normie researchers make value judgements, but you aren't consistent, in the sense that you claim (but do not prove) that there are two types of incels: "brainiacs"(the good ones) and "retards"(the bad ones). Obviously you are smart enough to realize that intelect can't be measured by opinions on a specific subject, therefore your dichotomy (in my opinion a false one) is a cleverly veiled value judgement.

On the topic of value judgements you present a hierarchy of morality. Are we to take it for granted? I personally don't as I do not believe in morality (not even in might makes right, it's all fake and gay). This isn't an invitation to prove that morality exists, you can't. No one can.

Again, wonderful post, really high effort. No offence, these are just my two cents on the topic.
I don’t know how bluepillers can possibly stay that way given what takes place everyday in front of them — at work, on social media, university classrooms when they open their mouths, I mean fuck, my own mother and sister made for the most blackpilling signs in my life

The thing is when you look at the recent numbers an absolutely insane amount of young men are becoming like us even if they don’t share our views (yet).
They basically made people shock someone to death with a little push of authority.
And most normies went along with it, for the reasons I mentioned (lower morality - a priest for example did not go along with it, go figure).

Removing the concept of God was a very bad idea, it's the reason we have shit like moral relativism.

Normies are not moral, I've seen several examples of this on tiktok.
You know what? I would accept this situation. If the woman was pure, loyal, took care of the house and had my children, as well as smilled at me sometimes, I wouldn't demand her to love me like women "love" Chad. Some men cannot have the genuine lust Chad inspires, and thats okay. As long as the woman does her duty to her man.
My father never have this “Chad love” treatment, I never in all my life saw my mother kiss my father or did something that show affection, respect yes, affection no. I think if you are not beautiful you just need to accept that woman never lust over you, and keep relationship with woman absolutely transactional. I still want that feeling of genuine attraction, but I feel like I starting to lose any feelings toward women, I mean for me it is hard to think about them as a human beings after everything that I know now, and all statistic and science knowledge that I possess. I can only objectify or pretend to care when have conversations with them. Genuine human interaction is lost. Even today one woman start to flirt with me all of a sudden I am in hospital she is too, but I cannot care about her and I feel fear of missing out and fear if I ever start to have conversations with her what to do next?

Okey let’s assume I 30 years old virgin somehow go through all “tests” not fail than what ? We have sex? Than what?
Relationship? And I need at all this time pretend that I care or have feelings but what if I start care then I am fucked. It is “lose”, “lose” situation.
I think most of us just mentally ill, or because of our looks, we missed part of socialization that leads to development of required “feelings”.
I always follow your research, not just yours, but the community as a whole. I can say that this is a good thing to read, despite certain disagreements on my part with certain topics - it's like you said yourself: Your worldview shapes the way you interpret reality.
high iq quality post
My father never have this “Chad love” treatment, I never in all my life saw my mother kiss my father or did something that show affection, respect yes, affection no.
Are you from a non western country?
If yes, then it's normal for the husband and wife to not kiss or show overly affection towards each other infront of the kids.

But if you've not even seen some slight type of dearly talking/behavior between them, your point might be correct. But yeah, remember my first point.
cause NTs are scared of losing their social value if they side with the outcasts
look at this highiq post @Puppeter

mogS your little smooth mountainturkbrain hard
This was interesting as fuck to read
Read the whole post even all 4 pages of these threads. Thank you for giving me this experience!
It was a process. It was at the rise of the manosphere (like when Andrew Tate got popular and stuff)

I kinda started looking into red pill stuff to see how dumb it was (I was bluepilled dumbass lol), and in the red pill, I started seeing some truth.

This made me curious, which led me down the manosphere rabbit hole.

I was then redpilled for about a year, and then I discovered the black pill.

At first, I thought it was ridiculous and filled with copers, but then slowly, but surely I was black pilled.

It took a good bit for me to be fully blackpilled, but with time, it did happen.

I was always treated badly because of my face and race (that rhymed I should rapmaxx) I was and still am abt a 4/10 in the face and my race (half black and half white but I look a lot more black than white)

this is probably the reason why I ever had enough sense to eventually look at things objectively and realize the truth.

As to why I changed my outlook it kind of just happened.

I didn't necessarily plan on changing it.

(Sorry if my response is bad I suck at explaining this lol)
Similar thing happened to me except that i always knew looks mattered i just didn't have a word for it
Read every word.

We definitely do need to stop the infighting.

And yes normies entire belief system is based on personal benefit. It's quite sick. I've only seen a few aspie guys in my life as the minority who don't really function this way.

citizen kane applause GIF
That is the problem tho, as long as a group with straight males who dont get laid exist, it will have some infighting inside it, or even betrayals, because you cant expect loyalty from a guy whose basic needs havent met. Its no different than a military where soldiers arent fed.

Only way for some male group to stop having infighting like roosters in order to impress females, is to have them their own girls in their homes, and that is only possible with total removal of female rights, like Taliban.

We should strive for a society where women are property, but unlike Afghanistan it should have ongoing industrialization and steady economic growth.

This is easily the best thread on this site. I go back to it regularly because it’s just so painfully accurate. Normies literally cannot comprehend the idea of caring about something that doesn’t benefit them. It’s why I stopped arguing with normies, their brains just default to ad-hominem when they see a point they don’t like, it’s like they’re programmed to do so.
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Life and experience with women is what a lot of people need to be blackpilled.

This is why I say the average Chad is probably more blackpilled than the average "incel" because they're actually living through blackpill realities every day, albeit on the privileged side.

Often you only see people get blackpilled when they have a experience that renders the benefit of blackpill reality to be at least as great as the "benefit" of simply denying it.

Normies who get into serious accidents and become deformed, normies get Norwood-pilled and go from Chad to the creepy janitor in a few years, etc.

Shit, a lot people here probably wouldn't be blackpill if not for hard experience and negative reinforcement/learned helplessness.

I think most incels secretly have some hope deep down that they'll meet a foid that's not like the rest of them and will love us for who we are, or at least we will find some way to fuck them. This is because incels don't know women, because we don't have experience with them. Chad has seen dozens of foids with boyfriends jump on his cock and kiss their betabuxers with Chad's cum still on their tongues. Imagine ever trusting a foid and trying to be monogamous after that.
I always hated people who choose emotions over reality. Mirin the effort tho.
This is a great post.

Also, Na'ama Katz mentioned here is another great blackpill lesson that I experienced similarly with a few others. She spent thousands of hours talking to guys on here... And her takeaway was that. They'll just grow out of it and betabux. She never understood blackpill in the slightest and how lookism renders many men invisible nothings.

Its a lesson to never force blackpill on others. They have to comprehend on their own.

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