I suppose ultimately you get what you pay for. If you're prepared to pay a thousand bucks you'll get better quality. I haven't paid more than a hundred.
1. Nope, that's the biggest lie ever sold to "Johns" which is why men waste money on "escorts" (date and sex afterwards) rather then skip all the Bs and fuck a "whore"
This is why I kind of hate using the term "escortcel" because it implies were paying actual escorts and I find the entire concept of "escorts" as cucked because you are paying to feed a whore more than your cock, I'd much rather just visit a brothel and get down to business, I don't need to slather myself in the illusion of "civility" so I can "stomach" paying for sex and that's what it seems like a lot of men need to do, its like mental masturbation, you need to convince yourself that you are "on a date" and you are "both" enjoying yourself so you can feel alright with paying her for sex, its ridiculous
I seriously think I'll stop referring to it as escortcelling, it will be confusing at first, but I think the term needs to die, the implications of it give anyone hearing it the idea that you are paying for the "girlfriend experience" which is a waste of money, I want the "owned bitch" experience
2. It depends on the culture of the country you are in
If you are in a western country, the women will be more picky and charge more because
If you are in a 3rd world country you can get the same quality for less because
This is why before I really start "escortcelling" I plan on moving to the phillipines or some other SEA country (maybe an EE country) because the women are disinfranchized and the cost of living is cheap
You are going to have to pay a lot for very little if you are "escortcelling" in a developed nation
Why would you want to stay after cooming ? I usually neevr last more 10 minutes anyways.
Are you paying 10 minutes worth of money? (your answer should answer your question)
If I pay for an hour, and I cum in 10 minutes, were doing foreplay for the next 30-35 minutes so I can cum a 2nd time within that hour lol