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[NSFW] My first time with an escort

  • Thread starter OutcompetedByRoomba
  • Start date
1. Never kiss a prostitute, you probably know where their mouth was a half hour ago, that’s right, wrapped around someone else’s schlong, this is a professional goo goblet after all.
This is an S-tier thread. I normally avoid such threads as the last time I tried reading this kind of thread, I felt extreme sadness, seething anger and hatred and had to stop, but reading this I am finding myself glad that you enjoyed this experience and are better off for it.
Thanks again for putting all of the effort that you did into writing this and to the level of detail that you did. I think especially the beginning where you go through the searching process is going to be very helpful for those of us who are looking to someday escortcel. I am leaning more towards it now after reading your post. Also, I am inspired to work on my thread about simulating intimacy.
And I am looking forward to reading that one.

Spoilering this next part since it has some details of your experience:
I thought it was interesting that the cuddling part felt more relaxed, I wonder if that's because the sex happened already or what. Although I hear you mentioned that this was kind of just the way things had to work out this time. Do you think it'd be different if the cuddling happened first?
At first, I was shaking when i was touching her naked skin out of sheer insecurity and nervousness, so I think it could only have gone like this, sex and then getting to know each other afterwards. At least this first time I was unable to handle it any differendly.

I suspect that doing anything without a condom is gonna feel better, but I didn't expect that things would feel "not special" to that degree. Maybe having it wrapped up really does make that big of a difference :worryfeels:
Was also suprised by how little I felt. After trying again, I will know how much of that was panic taking over my mind.
The kissing part definitely sounded scary, to have your face that close to a foid's, I can see why the eye contact was too much.
It was. Hard to feel anything but your own insufficiency trying to make out for the first time with an escort. You simply can't do well enough, and you know it :feelsUnreal:
After all these years of virginity and several years of wizardry, I have gotten to a point where I believe I've stopped caring about my virginity, at least to the extent I'm conscious about it. I guess I just wonder if I'd have the same positive boost to my mental health and self-esteem afterwards. A good amount of people I spend time with are in couples or are sex-havers, so I might feel ashamed I had to pay for sex, especially with it being illegal here and quite stigmatized still. Maybe I've just gotten so good at fucking onaholes in a "realistic way" (quotes because I don't fucking know what's realistic lol) that it's enough to satiate me. I think I can also see myself getting angry afterwards at the state of soyciety and the fact that the only way I was able to have sex was to transfer resources to a foid who is now using those to better her own life, while I more or less would continue to rot. I saw you may have felt some of this during the searching phase.
I think you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try. I know how fucking intimidating it can be at our age. And if possible, I would be happy to give you a helping hand where I can.

This is not a sewers-tier thread, man. You'll get postmaxxed and shit in there.
True. But it would put these threads clearly into the "not all that desired on here" category. And despite just making one of them, I know they cause many on here huge distress. My hope would be that by putting them into the metaphorical garbage bin, they become less of a burden for those people. Not sure if that would work or why, it's just an intuition.

And thank you for the things you said. I felt motivated and got some inspiration reading previous escort threads, and I would be happy if someone felt the same way about mine and maybe got the courage to give it a try for himself because of it. This life of ours is bad enough, we should grab at any straw in reach, do anything we can to cope, without any shame or hesitation. Is my stance on it. For some escorts won't work, for some the pseudo-rape idea I made at the end of the thread also won't be possible, because they are simply too nice by nature and can't get off on forcing themselves on a girl. But for many of us one of the two will potentially end up being the best cope available, and those people should be using it as much as possible.[/spoiler]
1. Never kiss a prostitute, you probably know where their mouth was a half hour ago
Talking to me in the kitchen, sipping the vine I bought for the "date" :owo:
If you think your the only one she blew that day, you are probably wrong.
Since she only does it with condom, she technically never touched my dick with her lips. Although she did with my balls. Pretty sure she also doesn't do rimming. She was a bit higher class.

I was never big on disgust, and the idea of "dick particles" means nothing to me. She seemed really clean, and I needed to find out what kissing is like, what being kissed is like, wanted to get some practice to get a bit more comfortable.

Not doing something stops being an option as you grow older, you can just keep hesitating until you're dead, but that isn't all that great an option. I selected someone I was pretty confident was clean, I wouldn't go down on or kiss some random girl I picked up off the street.
Read every single word.
The Rock Clapping GIF

Thots on escortmaxxing in Nevada/North America? I'd probably try it there in the future (I'm planning to escortmaxx).
I guess one thing I should mention is that, while my bitterness towards my own sexuality went down a lot, my hatred for the unfairness and hypocrisy of the times we live in hasn't changed in any way. Don't think that anger will ever go away because of me getting some pussy, payed or free. At least that wasn't a suprise.
Read every single word.
The Rock Clapping GIF

Thots on escortmaxxing in Nevada/North America? I'd probably try it there in the future (I'm planning to escortmaxx).
I have no experience, sounds like you want someone who knows how to avoid getting caught in a sting operation or getting scammed, which I didn't really have to worry about. Nevada is legalized, but as far as I know in Canada it's illegal to buy, legal to sell.

You can always take a holyday in Europe and pick out some girls over here ahead of time.
I have no experience, sounds like you want someone who knows how to avoid getting caught in a sting operation or getting scammed, which I didn't really have to worry about. Nevada is legalized, but as far as I know in Canada it's illegal to buy, legal to sell.

You can always take a holyday in Europe and pick out some girls over here ahead of time.
Yeah, I'd probably just go to Nevada. Don't want to be charged with any crimes (in Canada, it is legal to sell sex but illegal to buy it).
Read every single word.
The Rock Clapping GIF

Thots on escortmaxxing in Nevada/North America? I'd probably try it there in the future (I'm planning to escortmaxx).
From what I've heard (which may have even been from @Corvus), escortmaxxing in NV is extremely expensive.

Also, due to the criminal nature of it in the other 49 states, I wouldn't be surprised if it's tied up in criminal enterprises and would put you at risk of robbery or blackmail :feelsbadman:

The least risky thing I can think of is to find a stripper in Vegas or something that you could fuck in a sticky private booth somewhere.
When you stuck your dick in her pussy for the first time what was it like? I know you said the condom took away some feeling but was it as pleasurable as you imagined?
I would say it was very enjoyable, but too light in terms of stimulation. Think a real pussy without condom must feel amazing. With condom, I would give it a 5-6/10. Hoping anal will be more satisfying, even with condom.

To give a few more details, it was really wet and warm, the texture of the flesh was soft and pleasent to touch. Better than the sex toys I have tried, and good in a differend way than my hand, but not nearly as intense.

Overall, it felt worse than i expected, but at the same time still amazing. Weird to describe. Masturbation only is about the sexual satisfaction, but sex was intense because of it being with another person, because of all the little things around the actual act of pulling out and pushing back in. The feeling of her skin, her butt cheeks, her breasts. Her body heat, her touch. It was worse in the purely sexual way than I had thought, but the other parts were much better than I imagined, even with payed sex.
:yes: Great post man, thanks for sharing.

I 100% agree fucking a hooker can be a very positive step for an incel. Of course it's not love or acceptance or ascension. But nobody in their right mind is claiming that it is.

Knowing that you're not a virgin is something. Knowing what a woman's body feels like is something. Knowing that you can physically do it (and not prematurely blow your load all over the front of her dress while she's still taking her knickers off) is something.

Knowing that if the bluepill ever magically comes thru for me and I meet someone who wants me to ascend, I will have some basic competencies around having sex, is something.

I "carefully prepared" for mine by scrolling until I found an advert for one that didn't scare me as much as the others. And I spent the week leading up to it cooming every day, so that my peen would be a bit worn out and numbed, and my balls would be as drained as possible, to minimize what I perceived as the risk of cooming prematurely.

Like you I was just completely honest about myself and my situation, I figured it was ridiculous to pretend otherwise as a professional fucker would just know immediately.

Like you, I remember that feeling of :feelsgah: "HOLY FUCK I'VE ACTUALLY GOT MY PENIS INSIDE A NAKED BEAUTIFUL WOMAN'S VAGINA" being rapidly overtaken by "wow, there's actually no danger of me finishing off in the next ten seconds, I could keep this up for ages!"

I remember being physically exhausted afterwards, people who fuck all the time must have great cardio fitness!

Mine was super sweet and like an overly-enthusiastic personal trainer, she basically kept coaching me on what to do the whole way through. Insisted I had to finish inside her in missionary because a first time should be special like that. And just kinda wrapped me up in her legs and arms after I came, it was a moment I'll never forget.

I did some soul searching later on and realized I had to quit escortcelling because I was going to develop oneitis for her, or whoever else I went to, and that would be a destructive thing not a constructive thing.

But on the whole, I am very glad I did it, and very thankful to the girl for making it the positive thing that it was for me.
Because sharing your success with the ingroup feels good. I felt envy and bitterness reading other people's tales before, that's why I added the disclaimer. But I also felt happy, at least a little bit, to see other incels manage to enjoy themselves with a girl, even if it was as part of a payed relationship. If you can feel zero happyness for me having improved my life in a way I deem meaningful, that kind of means there is no positive connection between us, and I have no reason to care for how it makes you feel. Under such circumstances, me giving you an extensive warning is much more courteous than I would have to be.
So people here who ascend should be allowed to stay right?
ngl i can see why incel spaces are fucking dead

"i'm gonna brag about having sex on this incel forum and if you don't like it that means i don't care what you think"

nothing like some dude paying half his paycheck to fuck a hooker talking to me like i'm scum over the internet. i'd love to bash your skull in, put my hammer curls to good use.
So people here who ascend should be allowed to stay right?

Paid sex is allowed, because the user base has voted to allow it, you would know this if you had even the most basic knowledge of the rules.
ngl i can see why incel spaces are fucking dead

"i'm gonna brag about having sex on this incel forum and if you don't like it that means i don't care what you think"

nothing like some dude paying half his paycheck to fuck a hooker talking to me like i'm scum over the internet. i'd love to bash your skull in, put my hammer curls to good use.

So you chose to click on a thread that is literally titled:

[NSFW] My first time with an escort

And ASTONISHINGLY the thread actually turned out to contain op's tale of losing his virginity with an escort.... and that made you so mad you want to bash OP with a hammer...

If only there was some way this could have been avoided eh?

Potato level retard
So you chose to click on a thread that is literally titled:

[NSFW] My first time with an escort

And ASTONISHINGLY the thread actually turned out to contain op's tale of losing his virginity with an escort.... and that made you so mad you want to bash OP with a hammer...

If only there was some way this could have been avoided eh?

Potato level retard
you type like a redditor and say shit like a redditor. embarrassing
ngl i can see why incel spaces are fucking dead

"i'm gonna brag about having sex on this incel forum and if you don't like it that means i don't care what you think"

nothing like some dude paying half his paycheck to fuck a hooker talking to me like i'm scum over the internet. i'd love to bash your skull in, put my hammer curls to good use.
Incel spaces are "dead" because most people can't stand staying around in metaphorical ocean of misery and sadness and hostility forever. And because we get banned from all the big social media sites. And because MSM has convinced the majority of people that associating with us is social suicide.

Saying it once more, I can relate to envy or bitterness, but if all you have is cheap social aggression, if you won't even attempt to feel any sense of comradery with another man in need, you are no differend than a random normie or redditor to me. Seems to me many people on here might want a bit differend of a space to talk about a more diverse set of topics, but get bullied by some fairly outspoken and aggressive types into keeping their mouth shut.

:yes: Great post man, thanks for sharing.

I 100% agree fucking a hooker can be a very positive step for an incel. Of course it's not love or acceptance or ascension. But nobody in their right mind is claiming that it is.

Knowing that you're not a virgin is something. Knowing what a woman's body feels like is something. Knowing that you can physically do it (and not prematurely blow your load all over the front of her dress while she's still taking her knickers off) is something.

Knowing that if the bluepill ever magically comes thru for me and I meet someone who wants me to ascend, I will have some basic competencies around having sex, is something.

I "carefully prepared" for mine by scrolling until I found an advert for one that didn't scare me as much as the others. And I spent the week leading up to it cooming every day, so that my peen would be a bit worn out and numbed, and my balls would be as drained as possible, to minimize what I perceived as the risk of cooming prematurely.

Like you I was just completely honest about myself and my situation, I figured it was ridiculous to pretend otherwise as a professional fucker would just know immediately.

Like you, I remember that feeling of :feelsgah: "HOLY FUCK I'VE ACTUALLY GOT MY PENIS INSIDE A NAKED BEAUTIFUL WOMAN'S VAGINA" being rapidly overtaken by "wow, there's actually no danger of me finishing off in the next ten seconds, I could keep this up for ages!"

I remember being physically exhausted afterwards, people who fuck all the time must have great cardio fitness!

Mine was super sweet and like an overly-enthusiastic personal trainer, she basically kept coaching me on what to do the whole way through. Insisted I had to finish inside her in missionary because a first time should be special like that. And just kinda wrapped me up in her legs and arms after I came, it was a moment I'll never forget.

I did some soul searching later on and realized I had to quit escortcelling because I was going to develop oneitis for her, or whoever else I went to, and that would be a destructive thing not a constructive thing.

But on the whole, I am very glad I did it, and very thankful to the girl for making it the positive thing that it was for me.
Thanks for reading, and thank you for the kind words. Your girl sounds amazing, exactly what I had hoped to get T_T

Not that I'm complaining. Mine was still very nice. I can imagine remaining emotionally detached would be difficult with someone like that though. Glad you didn't end up spending all your money on this ultimately hollow cope, and hoping I will remain similarly disciplined.
Last edited:
hmmm so you must have big dik then. mogger.
Yeah, especially when she initiated some touch herself, that was great. Cuddling was probably almost as enjoyable as the sex, although I suspect that would change without the condom.
Mainly, I think the biggest thing we are missing are the romantic feelings.

I don't think sex with a prostitute will ever come close to sex with your girlfriend. Not the same thing at all.
hmmm so you must have big dik then. mogger.
She might also just say that to get people enamored with her without making the manipulation obvious. Or she has a very short vagina. I am very close to average for my country. Which is something I am quite thankful for, one of the places I didn't roll terribly in the gene lottery.
Mainly, I think the biggest thing we are missing are the romantic feelings.

I don't think sex with a prostitute will ever come close to sex with your girlfriend. Not the same thing at all.
True. I will try how far I can take this, both in terms of sexual enjoyment and also when it comes to finding a girl who can convincingly fake some emotional connection with / for me.

But in the end, I think I will get used to it and go back to longing for something more real.

Do think having practised kissing, licking and sex is a huge boon though, there is no way I would have done acceptably well, had I ever gotten the chance to ascend with a girl. Maybe if I get comfortable enough with escorts, I will be able to suprise some girl in the future positively, who felt sure I was gonna be a complete inexperienced scrub in bed.

Time is kind of running out for me, but right now I am feeling unreasonably optimistic :feelskek:
But in the end, I think I will get used to it and go back to longing for something more real.

Do think having practised kissing, licking and sex is a huge boon though, there is no way I would have done acceptably well, had I ever gotten the chance to ascend with a girl. Maybe if I get comfortable enough with escorts, I will be able to suprise some girl in the future positively, who felt sure I was gonna be a complete inexperienced scrub in bed.

Time is kind of running out for me, but right now I am feeling unreasonably optimistic :feelskek:
This is absolutely true and my plan as well :feelskek:
im from germany as well, could u maybe dm me the sites u used for research?
nothing like some dude paying half his paycheck to fuck a hooker talking to me like i'm scum over the internet. i'd love to fuck your ass, put my faggot abilities to good use.
He's a thousand times smarter than you, you have no chance so stop being a bitch
Good job brother, glad you had a positive experience. Lot's of hookers act aloof usually, you're lucky to have had a nice one.
There you go man! You got it done and over with. Good to hear it went well. Just know it will be a downward spiral from this point on and eventually you will only want to see whores who deepthroat you, or will let you cum in their pussies lol.
"She also told me it was painful for her to be penetrated fully before she got close to orgasming herself."

This is what happens when incels try escortcelling. You are not even allowed to put your entire dick inside of her disgusting aids vagina that you paid for. JFL
:lul: :lul:BRUTAL
Hope we live long enough to see some improvement. Think you were a bit younger, so you have a slightly better chance at that :feelskek:

:feelsYall: Thank you. Don't force yourself if you don't feel like it. I know how it feels to want to strangle the autor of these kinds of success stories after reading. Maybe some day you feel like it, or maybe you just avoid this shit completly.
Bin 29 Bruder , aber ja in der Draufgänger Phase " oder was hat man .
I'm doing this soon
Best of luck. Hope you find an enthusiastic girl who takes good care of you.

There you go man! You got it done and over with. Good to hear it went well. Just know it will be a downward spiral from this point on and eventually you will only want to see whores who deepthroat you, or will let you cum in their pussies lol.
Kind of already suspecting this :feelskek:
I am too risk-averse to go raw in her pussy, but oral without condom sounds too tempting to resist :feelsohh:
Good job brother, glad you had a positive experience. Lot's of hookers act aloof usually, you're lucky to have had a nice one.
:feelsYall: She did take quite a bit of money for it, hope I can find some foreign hobby whores who don't speak a word of German to get something similar for half the price. Or maybe I just need to get serious about moneymaxxing.
Best of luck. Hope you find an enthusiastic girl who takes good care of you.

Kind of already suspecting this :feelskek:
I am too risk-averse to go raw in her pussy, but oral without condom sounds too tempting to resist :feelsohh:
This is the rabbit hole. Let's see what you're interested in a year from now
Sounds interesting and tempting. However I know I will bottle it in the days leading up to the meet and not show up. It’s happened like twice.
P.S. Translated this to Russian and e-mailed it to my mom. I'm an honourary corpse, and I will never experience it.

But it's hard to remain complete strangers when a girl has your nutsack in her mouth.
Your account is almost as immortally glorious as the act of sex itself. What a sublime post. Deserves to be pinned (and you banned /just kidding/).

Getting touched, having her be active, was much nicer than just having her let me grope her.
All this sounds so mortally awkward to me, I'd rather drink sodium nitrite. (Not that I have a choice, /giggle.)

Of course, I would focus on two things myself:
1) cuddling;
2) being locked in stocks and whipped.

So I would not go for the "full package". Rather a few sessions, increasing in intensity. I would just mentally block everything if it were all at once - and I don't even watch normie pornography to know what to do.

I stopped making my own body part of my sexual fantasies after the first few years of puberty, because it would always remind me of what I was and my own situation. Now I could once again imagine myself having sex without it scratching at some psychological scar.
That's nice. I have phimosis, so my first ever fetish - cowgirl bondage - is physically impossible for me.

I also feel more relaxed, less insecure and less bitter. To the extent that people who have regular contact with me have noticed, without me needing to tell them.
Just fake it EleGiggle Sex is not the end all be all EleGiggle

These types of stories are pretty painful for some of us to read, and I know that from first-hand experience. So I hope everyone who feels like that dodged this one.
High-quality content like this is absolutely brilliant, although it does offer me pain in every respect - both from the cringe and the envy.
...While this hasn't necessarily increased my suicidality, t has half-prompted me to hate everything in existence, especially my future (or lack thereof). Unless AGI 2025.
P.S. Translated this to Russian and e-mailed it to my mom. I'm an honourary corpse, and I will never experience it.
Kek, hope she likes it :X
Your account is almost as immortally glorious as the act of sex itself. What a sublime post. Deserves to be pinned (and you banned /just kidding/).
All this sounds so mortally awkward to me, I'd rather drink sodium nitrite. (Not that I have a choice, /giggle.)
It was awkward. But also highly engaging. And the awkwardness went away over time, mostly after the cooming / during the cuddling.
Of course, I would focus on two things myself:
1) cuddling;
2) being locked in stocks and whipped.
Funny enough, the escort I chose also works sometimes at an S&M club.
So I would not go for the "full package". Rather a few sessions, increasing in intensity. I would just mentally block everything if it were all at once - and I don't even watch normie pornography to know what to do.
If you have the money I think that is actually a good option. Cuddle for a bit, get to know each other, give the girl the chance to find out how she wants to behave around you and yourself some time to get used to her touch. But I was lacking the necessary funds to afford those additional hours.
cowgirl bondage
I have no idea what that even is :feelskek:
High-quality content like this is absolutely brilliant, although it does offer me pain in every respect - both from the cringe and the envy.
Hope you find a way to overcome the hurdles and get some for yourself. Despite all the risks and difficulties, I think giving it a try is pretty much always worth it.
Hope, it was worth it. I'll read it later.
"She also told me it was painful for her to be penetrated fully before she got close to orgasming herself."

This is what happens when incels try escortcelling. You are not even allowed to put your entire dick inside of her disgusting aids vagina that you paid for. JFL
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

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