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Blackpill Men Who Get "Scammed" By Women Are Really Just Men Who Are Dishonest With Themselves (YOU NEED TO ADMIT TO YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE A PREDATOR!)

Every once in a while I see a thread by some incel (or guy on reddit) who talks about getting "scammed" by an escort or a fake escort service, or some story about some guy who had money taken from him in a "scam" involving a woman in some fashion, and I can't feel sorry for these guys at all, because I know for a fact based on how they spoke about the scenario they are hypocrite moralfags, that's the only way you could get caught up in these scenarios.

There are many scenarios like this:
Escorts: Never shows up after you paid online.

Prostitutes: "Holds out" and doesn't perform or refuses to do acts you already negotiated after accepting payment (testing to see if you'll take what you paid for by force or "chicken out" and let her have the money).

Gold Diggers: Marries you for as long as necessary and then divorces you for your wealth.

Mail Order Brides/3RD World Marriages: Marries you for as long as possible and leaves when she gets her green card or government assistance (or takes the longer gold digger route).

Etc, etc, etc.

All of these things only happen, because the male "victims" in these scenarios REFUSED TO BE HONEST WITH THEMSELVES.




That escort you paid for online and she didn't show up. You know full well no woman wants to fuck your ugly ass lol, that's why you are paying, so why are you pretending that this isn't basically a "hostile negotiation".

No woman wants your dick near them but for some reason you thought you could just pay for it online like ordering something from Amazon, risk free, without any woman trying to just take your money and run?

If someone was paying you $300 to do something that disgusts you to your core and is illegal, and you know full well they could never retaliate if you just took the money, wouldn't you consider just taking the money and not doing it too?

The reason why you don't think about it this way (OBJECTIVELY), is because you are the type of man who lies to themselves, you are a moralfag who wants to think of themself as a "good person", rather than admit that you are basically taking advantage of the fact that the women in these professions come from fucked up pasts and are usually lacking in resources, and you are trying to exploit that to your benefit.

If you had just been honest with yourself that YOU ARE A PREDATOR, PREYING ON THIS WEAKNESS, then you would have acted within those parameters, and never paid for it online, because then your prey could escape you.

The only reason you delude yourself into thinking that online payments for something like this is "safe" is because you want to normalize it to yourself and make it feel like more of a "business", so you don't have to admit to yourself the true nature of this arrangement.


Why are you surprised when a prostitute tries to withhold sex or not go as far as promised and just take your money?

A woman in this situation is literally only fucking you because she has no choice. Going into it you know full well most of these women come from abusive homes, have been sexually assaulted since childhood, many have been raped as a child or teen (and are still raped to this day), many are working for a pimp out of fear, etc.

They spend their time with a rough crowd and are hardened by their lives, and you think not one of them is going to make you demand the pussy or lose your money? :feelskek: (I am fully prepared to slap a bitch in such a scenario lol, not hard enough to leave a mark though).

Talk about being deluded lol (a lot of you guys, really are skilled at lying to yourself).

If anything I kind of like when shit like this happens to a man, because it reminds him of his place in that interaction, a lot of you guys want to cope and ignore reality, and act like you are some kind of "saint" average joe while paying for sex.

When whores do this, they are putting you on the spot and REMINDING YOU HYPOCRITES WHO YOU REALLY ARE :feelskek:.

So you can either accept that you are a predator and demand/take what you paid for, or keep coping, keep lying to yourself, and get robbed like a pathetic cuck so you can cling to your ego.

The choice is yours, but I won't feel sorry for you.

You paid for something, you have to demand it. If you feel guilty doing so or feel "like a rapist" doing so, then maybe you should have felt too bad about the situation to pay for it to begin with (common sense). Of course you'd never think of this because you'd first have to admit to yourself what you are doing to even consider it.

I doubt anyone on this forum falls into this category, more likely than not its going to be some blue piller scrolling past this thread, but here goes.

You knew full well she was out of your league, you have fucking eyes, but you wanted what you wanted, and that's not the bad part, the bad (more like stupid) part was you doing what I just talked about in the last two scenarios (lying to yourself about YOUR INTENT TO EXPLOIT).

If you are in your 40's and up, and not significantly attractive, then you know full well your raggedy old ass is not even remotely attractive to even a 5/10 in her 20's lol, much more the 6+/10 in her 20's that you are "dating" and "becoming engaged" to, but you keep waking up everyday to tell yourself that lie (self delusion is a man's greatest weakness).

You keep lying to yourself about your role as a PREDATOR in this scenario, trying to exploit the lack of resources a woman has to fuck her.

Please understand what I'm saying, I'm not saying its "wrong", I'm a nihilist, I don't believe right or wrong exists, they are made up human concepts, I'm saying its MALICIOUS.

You know full well what you are doing, but because you lie to yourself and tell yourself this is "mutual", you don't "feel like a bad guy", so you never see her exploitation coming, and you are ironically surprised that she takes whatever money she can get out of you and leaves.

Its really funny when you think about it:

In other words:

This is pretty much an exclusive WHITE MALE PROBLEM (especially when it comes to South East Asia (SEA), Russian brides, etc).

We've all heard these stories over and over, guy gets married to some attractive Russian woman way out of his league (or SEA asian woman) and thinks that he can bring her back to his home country, thinks that he got a "steal of a deal" (because he knew full well a woman like that would never want him outside of her circumstances).

This is what really angers me about these scenarios that I've brought up.



How the fuck can you both acknowledge that you are dating a woman out of your league due to her being in harsh/unfavorable conditions AND at the same time not acknowledge what you are doing as exploitation and something "predatory".

It takes a high level of dishonesty and self delusion to pull this shit off, but I digress.

The funniest part is these men always sound SO SURPRISED :feelskek: when these women leave them or start "acting up" after arriving and settling in the western countries they wanted you to take them to to begin with.

I'll say again, what I said in the gold digger section:


You being "scammed" was nothing but the result of you refusing to admit to yourself your part in "the game", because you refused to admit a "game" was being played at all, so you got played instead lol.

Had you been objective, been completely aware of your intent and your exploitation of women, you would have made more calculated choices that benefited you:
1. You go live where she lives and take your resources with you, maybe get a job that pays US that you can do online, etc, that way she remains dependent on you and you have all of the leverage.

2. Try to immerse yourself with the parts of her culture that she enjoys (a minor sacrifice on your part) and distance yourself from western culture as much as possible, so that she does not come under the influence of western feminism and hypergamy.


But instead the average guy who marries a mail order bride or marries a woman in a 3rd world country (who he knows full well is far out of his league and only with him due to lack of resources and opportunity), tells himself that "its real love" (lathers on the self delusion) and moves back to his home country with her, only to be surprised when they're broken up a few months or even weeks later

View attachment 413616

Can a relationship like the above image last?:





You aren't paying for food here, at the end of the day you are paying for sex when we get down to the core of these "arrangements", you are demanding that someone who is disgusted by you, allow you to stick your dick down their throat and more lol (and you are aware of that disgust, you just block out these thoughts).

Of course there are going to be women trying to escape such a disgusting fate, and instead just steal your money JFL.

The fact that you don't consider this, is proof that you are lying to yourself about how undesirable you are, and lying to yourself about your part in the arrangement.

The problem with you guys is that you lie to yourself, you aren't honest with yourself about your "part in that deal" so you don't think things through AS YOU SHOULD FOR A MAN IN YOUR POSITION.



Since you refuse to accept that, and you want to see yourself as a "likable", "kind" or "moral" person that is just struggling with the "unfairness of the dating world", YOU GET SCAMMED.

So sorry, but you have no one to blame but yourself for getting scammed in these scenarios, you got scammed because you are an egotistical self deceiving piece of shit, who wants to have it both ways and play both sides, who wants to think of themself as the "nice guy" while taking advantage of the fact that a woman had a terrible upbringing and is low on cash, so you can stick your cock down her throat (my what a "nice guy" you are taking advantage of the fact that this woman has to fuck men that disgust her for money :feelskek:).

I hope anyone reading realizes that:

I'm all for doing what I just described, in fact I plan on doing it, exploit away lol. This world is not a fair world so trying to play by the rules is nothing but a self imposed handicap. However don't fall under the delusion of thinking of yourself as "a good person", and then complain about the inevitable end result of you being exploited due to this delusion.

You are the one that created the blind spot (weakness) by lying to yourself.

You can't want blissful ignorance whilst taking advantage of someones shortcomings to your benefit (and not expect them to see you as an "easy mark"). You may not be aware of your exploitation of them, but THEY ARE and they will make you pay for it in the end if you aren't planning ahead and structuring your life so they can't.


I only just realized this just now while writing this up.

It doesn't have anything to do with intimacy or "wanting to feel loved", it has to do with GUILT and EGO, the girlfriend experience exists so that men who pay for sex can delude themselves into thinking that the experience is "mutual" and you are "both enjoying yourselves a bit", and this "purchase" can only be enjoyed by someone who is dishonest, because nobody who is honest with themselves (and self aware) could ever fall under such a delusion, knowing full well she wouldn't even be talking to you unless you paid her to begin with.

I just know there are a lot of guys fuming right now (lol) who say all kinda shit like - "We both had fun, we went out for drinks first", "you're wrong, she was laughing, we both had a good time and that made the sex better", etc.

You really think that someone who is used to faking orgasms and sexual pleasure can't fake a smile and a few laughs?, can't fake being entertained?, she's probably thinking about her boyfriend while she has sex with you, stop coping, you literally paid extra for a lie.

Let me make this simple for you, If you are going to be a guy who leverages his resources (money, nationality, etc) to exploit women for sex (and yes, that is what you are doing as a man who pays an escort, or a prostitute, or a mail order bride, or a gold digger, etc).






Learn to enjoy it, because you aren't doing yourself any favors with your current strategy of self deception.

A predator that doesn't admit that its a predator, won't think or act as a predator, which just makes it an incompetent predator that always makes mistakes, in other words, somebody else's prey. If you won't accept what you are, then that's the fate you have decided for yourself, a life of being played for a fool and exploited by others (especially women).

So long as you are playing fucking mental gymnastics with yourself trying to "feel like a good person", while trying to exploit women for sex, you are only just handicapping yourself because you are just half assing your "role". You'll keep making mistakes, you'll keep getting scammed, and these problems won't end with just women and sex, you'll have the same kind of problems in other aspects of your life, because you are stepping into the ring completely unaware of your surroundings and how seriously you should be taking the situation.
God tier post read half going to eat quasedillas and read the rest
Most people work in jobs they don't like because they didn't have enough conscientiousness/IQ/psychopathy/connections/luck/looks to get the jobs they really wanted. Also because they are traumatized by their pasts as well (which breaks motivation, confidence, etc). And such desirable jobs have a limited number of people who can do them anyway.

Prostitutes are not a special class of broken people getting exploited

I'm sorry, but if you are actually comparing being born stupid so you have to work at Mc Donalds, to being born a woman to a porn father than sexually assaults you, leading you to a life of prostitution, there's no argument to be had, these situations are worlds apart

Someone who is born stupid or ugly isn't "broken", trying to act like anything you mentioned in within the same realm of your typical prostitutes life is just plain ridiculous, and ironically its just showing how dishonest you are with yourself

If you were born into such a household and your father had sexually asaulted you for years, I doubt you would be making ridiculous comparisons to not being born with a "high IQ" or psychopathy, nor would you be saying ridiculous phrases like "not a special class of broken people"

I think your bias against women is just blinding you from the obvious, it reminds me of that retarded thread some guy on this forum made about childbirth not being painful and women are lying, its like for some of your guys your hatred for women over rules your logic

You are literally here acting like "working a job you don't like" is comparable to "being fucked in the ass by a guy that makes you want to puke"

JFL come on, you can't be that deluded
I'm a low-IQ dumbass cuck. :soy:
That's all you really had to say, nigga. "Exploitation," is it, when paying a prostitute? Bullshit. No, foids exploit vulnerable, lonely men all the time, that's how it really goes. You are defending whores. You are a simp. I'm not an evil monster because I was born with shit genetics that foids have universally decided I should suffer the fate of sheer loneliness for, and trying to do something (legal, of course) to change that. Perhaps some day I will pay a foid (where legal) to fuck her; that's a transaction, she gets money, I get my dick wet. If anything, I'm the one being exploited for having to pay for something other men get for free.

Where it's illegal/illicit is a different scenario altogether, that I don't, and won't, engage in, so I fail to see how I'm still a monster, considering I have no part to play in that. It's as ridiculous a concept as blaming me for slavery because I'm white; I never owned a slave (nor a slave ship, (((hint, hint, nudge, nudge)))), my ancestors never owned slaves nor were they ever in America when slavery was legal. I have zero connection to it. The solution where prostitution is illegal is to make it legal, and then the "exploitation" by men who are not me ceases to exist. And that isn't on me, nor any other incel, that's the responsibility of the lawmakers, and entirely on their hands. My hands are clean.

it's a fair transaction, i wouldn't feel like a predator tbh.
"Exploiting women," "predator" :soy:

no, you're not exploiting her, because you paid the price SHE demanded for the service. if you paid the price and she didnt appeared, she scammed you and theres no mental gymnastics that will convince me otherwise

because you didnt forced her anything. you are not forcing her to do something for you, these circumstances out of her control (poor family and living with gangs and shit) have nothing to do with you.

if you think that you are taking advantage of the prostitute you'd have to agree that a boss of some company should not get money for the product of the labor of his workers, he'd be exploiting the workers because he didn't created the product himself even tho he paid for the workers to produce the product.
a reasonable logic. but if you go down that route you should continue this logical thought to its end. why are these women in the situation that they are in? for example why are there in germany so many eastern women who get 'exploited' as sex workers? some guy or woman walked up to them and told them all sorts of flowery fantasies about how they could become models in germany. that they would be living the life! basically told them they could have it all without having to lift a finger if only they came with them to the west.

so they enter the vehicle, are transported here, their passports conveniently get lost (oops) and now they are trapped in a country whose language they don't even speak without papers. whose fault is that? don't these women only have themselves to blame for ending up in that situation? they abandoned the boring men and life at home and thought they could make fast money and live luxurious lives that they do not deserve. they just wanted everything handed to them on a silver table. if we are already honest with ourselves then let's be honest here too, it's because THESE WOMEN ARE PREDATORS.

also many 'high-class' escorts here are not in a bad financial spot whatsoever. they are mostly students so someone with a higher education and they get paid ~1k € an hour. that is the average joe's monthly income in AN HOUR.

in the end the only winner of any human interaction is the bigger or smarter of two predators because every human that wants something from another is just a predator in that kind of world view unless you can seriously argue that your situation is how you want it to be and you are not forced to earn money through any sort of work. i can argue that i am being exploited by a predatory employer whose job i am forced to work at even though i don't want to be there. and it's a reasonable argument. imo you still aren't being entirely honest with yourself otherwise you would either accept that every human interaction takes place between predators or look at these transactions neutrally as mere business.
Didn't read everything yet but I think the predators are the women who are profiting off our suffering
I don't feel sorry for those whores. Nothing is worse than inceldom, and they see no problems voting for more cuckesd laws and using our taxes to enslave us, so fuck those whores. Most of them have plenty of choices to not sell their used pussies, but they want the fast and easy money to buy expensive nonsense.
Wait but isn’t prostitution a service.

she gives u something and u give her money. Isn’t that what’s agreed upon?

u try to make it seem like a blackpill but there is no blackpill.

You pay for the service.

Based. Good to see some actual black pilled people in this thread, ffs. "BlackPillPres", yeah right. You're not black pilled at all. You know what they say, if you have to call yourself something, you're probably not. BlackPillPres isn't black pilled at all; this was the most atrocious, soy-fueled post I've ever seen on this forum.

If a foid offers pussy for a price, and you pay that price, that's not exploitation (at least, not exploitation of the foid), it's a service rendered. End of story.

Cope harder, and quit defending holes. It's disgusting, and disgraceful.
That's all you really had to say, nigga. "Exploitation," is it, when paying a prostitute? Bullshit. No, foids exploit vulnerable, lonely men all the time, that's how it really goes. You are defending whores. You are a simp. I'm not an evil monster because I was born with shit genetics that foids have universally decided I should suffer the fate of sheer loneliness for, and trying to do something (legal, of course) to change that. Perhaps some day I will pay a foid (where legal) to fuck her; that's a transaction, she gets money, I get my dick wet. If anything, I'm the one being exploited for having to pay for something other men get for free.

Where it's illegal/illicit is a different scenario altogether, that I don't, and won't, engage in, so I fail to see how I'm still a monster, considering I have no part to play in that. It's as ridiculous a concept as blaming me for slavery because I'm white; I never owned a slave (nor a slave ship, (((hint, hint, nudge, nudge)))), my ancestors never owned slaves nor were they ever in America when slavery was legal. I have zero connection to it. The solution where prostitution is illegal is to make it legal, and then the "exploitation" by men who are not me ceases to exist. And that isn't on me, nor any other incel, that's the responsibility of the lawmakers, and entirely on their hands. My hands are clean.

Based. Good to see some actual black pilled people in this thread, ffs. "BlackPillPres", yeah right. You're not black pilled at all. You know what they say, if you have to call yourself something, you're probably not. BlackPillPres isn't black pilled at all; this was the most atrocious, soy-fueled post I've ever seen on this forum.

If a foid offers pussy for a price, and you pay that price, that's not exploitation (at least, not exploitation of the foid), it's a service rendered. End of story.

Cope harder, and quit defending holes. It's disgusting, and disgraceful.
I agree with you. @BlkPillPres u need to stop shaming us incels. Women exploit men all the fucking time but u wanna blame it on us. Women lead men on, get them set up all the fucking time.
Does something being a service mean its not exploitation?

Are workers never exploited because they are being payed to "carry out a service"?

I don't get your point here

The reason why workers unions are a thing, is because people who carry out services can be exploited by the owners of the service, and the "customers" can also be complicit in that exploitation

Also I'll say it again, in case you missed it, some women were forced into prostitution, so I don't see how saying "its a service" has anything to do with it being exploitation, they aren't mutually exclusive.
It’s not my fault women were forced into prostitution that’s why u go to an escort or something. Hey if ur gonna make this thread at least recommend sex dolls or fleshlights. What do u think about sex dolls and fleshlights? Make thread please
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I'm sorry, but if you are actually comparing being born stupid so you have to work at Mc Donalds, to being born a woman to a porn father than sexually assaults you, leading you to a life of prostitution, there's no argument to be had, these situations are worlds apart
Although I admit is a common background for prostitutes, not all prostitutes come from holseholds where their fathers had sex with them while they were children. Also, although this is obviously bad, there are worse things than that. Negligence for instance causes more psychological scars than sexual abuse (unless it's absolutely brutal sexual abuse, which enters the realm of torture). Being brutally beaten up also has worse consequences.

Someone who is born stupid or ugly isn't "broken", trying to act like anything you mentioned in within the same realm of your typical prostitutes life is just plain ridiculous, and ironically its just showing how dishonest you are with yourself
Most people are broken to some degree. Most people come from dysfunctional households nowadays. Most people went to public schools and were exposed to all the shit that goes on there, etc.

If you were born into such a household and your father had sexually asaulted you for years, I doubt you would be making ridiculous comparisons to not being born with a "high IQ" or psychopathy, nor would you be saying ridiculous phrases like "not a special class of broken people"
My father sexually assaulting me would be far more serious than a girl going through the same situation. I'm a heterosexual guy. This is a feminist false equivalency. Being raped as a straight men is FAR worse. Women commonly have rape fetishes and are meant to be fucked.

You are literally here acting like "working a job you don't like" is comparable to "being fucked in the ass by a guy that makes you want to puke"
Pragmatically speaking, there are worse jobs than being a prostitute. Most prostitutes are hypersexual and have low disgust tolerance (both of which are common BPD traits that that class often possesses; hypersexuality is also commonly traced back to child sexual abuse). There are some particularly sad cases, like old foids selling themselves without any STD safety for a stone of crack and stuff like that, but most prostitutes make good money for the amount of hours they have to work and I assure you that they wouldn't prefer working in sewer maintenance or something instead of it.

Yeah, prostitutes are sad, I agree, but it's far from being the worse thing in the world, especially for a hypersexual BPD foid (typical foid that works as a prostitute). Imagine working in metallurgy in China as a semi-slave and with little to no safety, this is far worse than being a prostitute.
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That's all you really had to say, nigga. "Exploitation," is it, when paying a prostitute? Bullshit. No, foids exploit vulnerable, lonely men all the time, that's how it really goes. You are defending whores. You are a simp. I'm not an evil monster because I was born with shit genetics that foids have universally decided I should suffer the fate of sheer loneliness for, and trying to do something (legal, of course) to change that. Perhaps some day I will pay a foid (where legal) to fuck her; that's a transaction, she gets money, I get my dick wet. If anything, I'm the one being exploited for having to pay for something other men get for free.

Where it's illegal/illicit is a different scenario altogether, that I don't, and won't, engage in, so I fail to see how I'm still a monster, considering I have no part to play in that. It's as ridiculous a concept as blaming me for slavery because I'm white; I never owned a slave (nor a slave ship, (((hint, hint, nudge, nudge)))), my ancestors never owned slaves nor were they ever in America when slavery was legal. I have zero connection to it. The solution where prostitution is illegal is to make it legal, and then the "exploitation" by men who are not me ceases to exist. And that isn't on me, nor any other incel, that's the responsibility of the lawmakers, and entirely on their hands. My hands are clean.

Based. Good to see some actual black pilled people in this thread, ffs. "BlackPillPres", yeah right. You're not black pilled at all. You know what they say, if you have to call yourself something, you're probably not. BlackPillPres isn't black pilled at all; this was the most atrocious, soy-fueled post I've ever seen on this forum.

If a foid offers pussy for a price, and you pay that price, that's not exploitation (at least, not exploitation of the foid), it's a service rendered. End of story.

Cope harder, and quit defending holes. It's disgusting, and disgraceful.
I talked to the nigger and he said that u shouldn't get surgery to improve your looks what the fuck is wrong with this guy. He always making blackpills to hurt Incels and not actual normies. He keeps putting the blame on us. Shame on you @BlkPillPres
Does something being a service mean its not exploitation?

Are workers never exploited because they are being payed to "carry out a service"?

I don't get your point here

The reason why workers unions are a thing, is because people who carry out services can be exploited by the owners of the service, and the "customers" can also be complicit in that exploitation

Also I'll say it again, in case you missed it, some women were forced into prostitution, so I don't see how saying "its a service" has anything to do with it being exploitation, they aren't mutually exclusive.
How the fuck is she getting exploited if shes asking for the money. How can a customer be complict in a explotiation if women are the one who control the fucking market. Women are the ones who set the prices. Stop trying to be "blackpilled" when you're not. You just wanna make us rope
That's all you really had to say, nigga. "Exploitation," is it, when paying a prostitute? Bullshit. No, foids exploit vulnerable, lonely men all the time, that's how it really goes. You are defending whores. You are a simp. I'm not an evil monster because I was born with shit genetics that foids have universally decided I should suffer the fate of sheer loneliness for, and trying to do something (legal, of course) to change that. Perhaps some day I will pay a foid (where legal) to fuck her; that's a transaction, she gets money, I get my dick wet. If anything, I'm the one being exploited for having to pay for something other men get for free.

Where it's illegal/illicit is a different scenario altogether, that I don't, and won't, engage in, so I fail to see how I'm still a monster, considering I have no part to play in that. It's as ridiculous a concept as blaming me for slavery because I'm white; I never owned a slave (nor a slave ship, (((hint, hint, nudge, nudge)))), my ancestors never owned slaves nor were they ever in America when slavery was legal. I have zero connection to it. The solution where prostitution is illegal is to make it legal, and then the "exploitation" by men who are not me ceases to exist. And that isn't on me, nor any other incel, that's the responsibility of the lawmakers, and entirely on their hands. My hands are clean.

Based. Good to see some actual black pilled people in this thread, ffs. "BlackPillPres", yeah right. You're not black pilled at all. You know what they say, if you have to call yourself something, you're probably not. BlackPillPres isn't black pilled at all; this was the most atrocious, soy-fueled post I've ever seen on this forum.

If a foid offers pussy for a price, and you pay that price, that's not exploitation (at least, not exploitation of the foid), it's a service rendered. End of story.

Cope harder, and quit defending holes. It's disgusting, and disgraceful.
Damn, I know OP is a grade A soycuck, but did you really have to destroy him like that? :feelskek:
How the fuck is she getting exploited if shes asking for the money
I'm starting to wonder if you can even read english, many whores work for a pimp, by force, they are basically owned by gangs. She isn't asking for money on her behalf

How can a customer be complict in a explotiation if women are the one who control the fucking market
Women control the ESCORT market, they do not control the PROSTITUTION market, that is controlled mostly by criminals and criminal organizations, there's a reason why I made a distinction between ESCORTS and PROSTITUTES in my thread (which I'm sure you didn't bother reading properly)

Women are the ones who set the prices
You sound like a basement dweller that doesn't leave your house, the first whore I fucked was in a brothel and a guy collected the money outside the door to the room we went in, women aren't setting the prices on the streets at all JFL

How about you go out and actually experience this shit instead of just saying nonsense, you sound like you don't live in reality, you sound retarded asking "How the fuck is she getting exploited if she's asking for money", as if you've never heard about pimps before, you must live a really sheltered life

He always making blackpills to hurt Incels and not actual normies.
There's no such thing as a black pill to "hurt" X group, the black pill is reality, if it hurts you then that's a good thing, it means its hitting close to home and you don't like it, you have some self reflecting to do

I agree with you. @BlkPillPres u need to stop shaming us incels
Like most idiots, you clearly didn't read the thread, there was no shaming in the thread, in fact my point was that if you felt shame its because you are lying to yourself about your true nature and trying to be a moralfag

so I fail to see how I'm still a monster, considering I have no part to play in that. It's as ridiculous a concept as blaming me for slavery because I'm white

1. Nobody called you a monster, seems like you are getting a little defensive and proving my point, you are in denial about your role as a male

2. My dude, please learn how to make a proper analogy, that slavery analogy is the most trash analogy I've ever seen, it isn't even remotely representative of anything I said
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I'm starting to wonder if you can even read english, many whores work for a pimp, by force, they are basically owned by gangs. She isn't asking for money on her behalf

Women control the ESCORT market, they do not control the PROSTITUTION market, that is controlled mostly by criminals and criminal organizations, there's a reason why I made a distinction between ESCORTS and PROSTITUTES in my thread (which I'm sure you didn't bother reading properly)

You sound like a basement dweller that doesn't leave your house, the first whore I fucked was in a brothel and a guy collected the money outside the door to the room we went in, women aren't setting the prices on the streets at all JFL

How about you go out and actually experience this shit instead of just saying nonsense, you sound like you don't live in reality, you sound retarded asking "How the fuck is she getting exploited if she's asking for money", as if you've never heard about pimps before, you must live a really sheltered life

There's no such thing as a black pill to "hurt" X group, the black pill is reality, if it hurts you then that's a good thing, it means its hitting close to home and you don't like it, you have some self reflecting to do

Like most idiots, you clearly didn't read the thread, there was no shaming in the thread, in fact my point was that if you felt shame its because you are lying to yourself about your true nature and trying to be a moralfag

1. Nobody called you a monster, seems like you are getting a little defensive and proving my point, you are in denial about your role as a male

2. My dude, please learn how to make a proper analogy, that slavery analogy is the most trash analogy I've ever seen, it isn't even remotely representative of anything I said
I just wanna hug a female man.. and cuddle
great post op but I don't have the attention span to read that
BluePillPrs level post.

Incels are not predators: they have prey eyes, not hunter eyes.
I talked to the nigger and he said that u shouldn't get surgery to improve your looks what the fuck is wrong with this guy. He always making blackpills to hurt Incels and not actual normies. He keeps putting the blame on us.
Yeah, he sounds like an outsider.
Damn, I know OP is a grade A soycuck, but did you really have to destroy him like that? :feelskek:
Of course! :feelshaha:
1. Nobody called you a monster, seems like you are getting a little defensive and proving my point, you are in denial about your role as a male

2. My dude, please learn how to make a proper analogy, that slavery analogy is the most trash analogy I've ever seen, it isn't even remotely representative of anything I said
1. And I quote: "REFUSED TO ACCEPT THAT THEY ARE A PREDATOR, EXPLOITING WOMEN TO THEIR BENEFIT." "THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE DOING, AND YOU KNOW IT." "you are a moralfag who wants to think of themself as a 'good person'" "If you had just been honest with yourself that YOU ARE A PREDATOR, PREYING ON THIS WEAKNESS," and that's all I care to pull for now. All from your mouth. If that isn't an equivalent to calling us monsters, I'll eat a hat. Don't play semantics with me, I don't care if you didn't use the word itself, it's synonymous with what you've called us.

2. That analogy is proper, you accuse us of something we've played no devious part in, same as the slavery accusations. You judge us based on the actions of others, saying we're the ones exploiting foids, saying we're responsible, when that's simply not true. You're off your rocker.
Great post and very insightful, though I wish you picked a different color than dark purple because i could barely read anything with that one (unless I highlighted it with my mouse).
And I quote: "REFUSED TO ACCEPT THAT THEY ARE A PREDATOR, EXPLOITING WOMEN TO THEIR BENEFIT." "THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE DOING, AND YOU KNOW IT." "you are a moralfag who wants to think of themself as a 'good person'" "If you had just been honest with yourself that YOU ARE A PREDATOR, PREYING ON THIS WEAKNESS," and that's all I care to pull for now. All from your mouth. If that isn't an equivalent to calling us monsters, I'll eat a hat. Don't play semantics with me, I don't care if you didn't use the word itself, it's synonymous with what you've called us.
Ironically you are proving the quote right that you are a moralfag, because you can only view things within a lense of morality, that's exactly why you went out of your way to replace a neutral and descriptive term like "predator" with an emotionally charged term filled with moral connotations like "monster"

There's no reason for you to say what is the "equivalent" you idiot, you could have just went with THE WORD I USED ALREADY (Predator)

But your moralfag nature just wouldn't let you do that

You are a predator, whether you accept it or not

That analogy is proper, you accuse us of something we've played no devious part in
Retard read the thread title, of course you played no part in it (unless you paid for sex), do you think this thread is directed towards random incels?

You judge us based on the actions of others, saying we're the ones exploiting foids
You are clearly an emotional moralfag, you get defense and take offense before taking the time to properly read and understand, this thread is directed towards the very individuals that committed those actions, learn to read

Unless you committed the acts I described in the thread, the thread has nothing to do with you
Paying Money for Intimacy is cucked to even begin with
Paying Money for Intimacy is cucked to even begin with
Not paying for "intimacy", paying to fuck, and at the end of the day, pretty much all men are paying "fees" to have access to women's holes, especially husbands. I don't know what magical land some of you guys live in where the average man hasn't already been paying since the beginning of time lol.

Have you never worked as a cashier?

Even when Chad comes up to the counter with his girlfriend, you can see that annoyed look on his face when he pays for all of her feminine hygiene products, makeup, and other useless shit she bought because it "looked cute"

All men have to pay at the end of the day (once you are in a relationship)
Not paying for "intimacy", paying to fuck, and at the end of the day, pretty much all men are paying "fees" to have access to women's holes, especially husbands. I don't know what magical land some of you guys live in where the average man hasn't already been paying since the beginning of time lol.

Have you never worked as a cashier?

Even when Chad comes up to the counter with his girlfriend, you can see that annoyed look on his face when he pays for all of her feminine hygiene products, makeup, and other useless shit she bought because it "looked cute"

All men have to pay at the end of the day (once you are in a relationship)

true that , nah im to antisocial to be a cashier fuck . but yea once chad has a relationshit even he gets to pay some sorts..
Millions of men cannon live an ascetic life. Some have strong sexual urges. Paying for sex is still better than masturbation. Masturbation is humilating.
But, of course, we are egoistical beings in a fucked up world and some of us will pay for sex.
im to antisocial to be a cashier fuck
You guys need to stop with these ridiculous excuses, the quirks I had before I went into the working world is shit you guys probably didn't even deal with, they were really annoying when I think back now.

I talked to no one and kept to myself, was too afraid to even talk to people

I was always for some reason self aware of my hands and what I was doing with them, always thinking people were staring at them thinking I'm "doing weird gestures" even though I knew full well my hands are perfectly still (so my hands would always be in my pockets, even while walking)

I struggled to keep eye contact (still a problem, but its getting easier)

I didn't really get social cues at all, or when I could make a certain kind of joke, etc

Etc, etc, etc

My personality as it is now was formed by my experiences from the places I worked (I am not exaggerating). Working helped me to becoming more assertive and direct, I got my first promotion and raise (a few months after) by demanding these things and going directly to the manager

Were (incels) all antisocial, BECAUSE WE WEREN'T FORCED TO SOCIALIZE, everyone is capable to some degree, and the only reason you aren't right now, is because you haven't placed yourself in situations in which you'd have to be

So I suggest getting a job and get used to being around people, starting conversations, etc, because you are going to need it in the adult world (I'm assuming you are in your late teens like 18 or 20's). Its not something you should avoid and just say "I'm antisocial"

I am very glad I worked all the different jobs I did, I'd be an incompetent mess if I didn't, and meeting the people I met only made my belief in the black pill absolute, not only that, there are some great people out there who can help you discover how to make money, I found many people who traded forex, stocks, etc, talked to them, learned how to start, etc

You aren't going to get anywhere in life if you aren't talking to people who have the knowledge you don't

Millions of men cannon live an ascetic life. Some have strong sexual urges. Paying for sex is still better than masturbation. Masturbation is humilating.
But, of course, we are egoistical beings in a fucked up world and some of us will pay for sex.
I don't even think of masturbation within the context of "humiliating", I just want to pay for sex because its way more enjoyable and satisfying than masturbation

I don't really think about things within the context of ego anymore tbh, it seems pointless to me, I've abandoned pride as I don't see myself as someone who should be proud of anything, nor do I see pride as something that is beneficial, in the long run it will only blind you from objective truths

To me it just makes sense that doing the thing that you are masturbating too will obviously be more enjoyable than just jerking off to it

Masturbating to porn is like standing outside of a restaurant near the kitchen and smelling the food while eating cheese sandwich :feelskek:, trying to get some of the flavor in your mouth as you force down your sandwich, when what you really want to do is go inside and order something to eat
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You guys need to stop with these ridiculous excuses, the quirks I had before I went into the working world is shit you guys probably didn't even deal with, they were really annoying when I think back now.

I talked to no one and kept to myself, was too afraid to even talk to people

I was always for some reason self aware of my hands and what I was doing with them, always thinking people were staring at them thinking I'm "doing weird gestures" even though I knew full well my hands are perfectly still (so my hands would always be in my pockets, even while walking)

I struggled to keep eye contact (still a problem, but its getting easier)

I didn't really get social cues at all, or when I could make a certain kind of joke, etc

Etc, etc, etc

My personality as it is now was formed by my experiences from the places I worked (I am not exaggerating). Working helped me to becoming more assertive and direct, I got my first promotion and raise (a few months after) by demanding these things and going directly to the manager

Were (incels) all antisocial, BECAUSE WE WEREN'T FORCED TO SOCIALIZE, everyone is capable to some degree, and the only reason you aren't right now, is because you haven't placed yourself in situations in which you'd have to be

So I suggest getting a job and get used to being around people, starting conversations, etc, because you are going to need it in the adult world (I'm assuming you are in your late teens like 18 or 20's). Its not something you should avoid and just say "I'm antisocial"

I am very glad I worked all the different jobs I did, I'd be an incompetent mess if I didn't, and meeting the people I met only made my belief in the black pill absolute, not only that, there are some great people out there who can help you discover how to make money, I found many people who traded forex, stocks, etc, talked to them, learned how to start, etc

You aren't going to get anywhere in life if you aren't talking to people who have the knowledge you don't

I don't even think of masturbation within the context of "humiliating", I just want to pay for sex because its way more enjoyable and satisfying than masturbation

I don't really think about things within the context of ego anymore tbh, it seems pointless to me, I've abandoned pride as I don't see myself as someone who should be proud of anything, nor do I see pride as something that is beneficial, in the long run it will only blind you from objective truths

To me it just makes sense that doing the thing that you are masturbating too will obviously be more enjoyable than just jerking off to it

Masturbating to porn is like standing outside of a restaurant near the kitchen and smelling the food while eating cheese sandwich :feelskek:, trying to get some of the flavor in your mouth as you force down your sandwich, when what you really want to do is go inside and order something to eat

thanks for the reminder i guess , and well im 26 1/4 in to become 27
thanks for the reminder i guess , and well im 26 1/4 in to become 27

The best thing to do is to try and find people with similar interests in the places you work, and if you know of places like that outside of where you work, go there, because people that like the things we do are usually cut from the same cloth. A lot of guys I know who are into trading aren't that high up in the looks scale if you know what I mean lol

Attractive men aren't as concerned with "getting rich" as us unattractive men (for obvious reasons)

You want to be as comfortable as possible when it comes to interacting with people so you can atleast fake being normal, I'd say I'm about 75% there in being able to pull off a normie persona, the eye contact thing is the hardest part for me though, it just always feels so weird lol
the eye contact thing is the hardest part for me though, it just always feels so weird lol
Fuck yes, im much more comfortable when i wear sunglasses tho it helps a lot. Sucks that its not socially acceptable to wear sunglasses indoors. It usually gets negative attention but its from my experience.
I was always for some reason self aware of my hands and what I was doing with them, always thinking people were staring at them thinking I'm "doing weird gestures" even though I knew full well my hands are perfectly still (so my hands would always be in my pockets, even while walking)
Do you mean stuff like stimming your hands? I dont think people notice those tbh, i used to "play with little pieces of cloth/paper" all the time when i had school and i dont think anyone noticed it. I doubt people notice those small details when they are talking.
Im kinda paranoid about people noticing my abnormal body, thats my first concern so i guess it was(the hand thing) your primary concern while talking. Its kinda interesting how we develop these different insecurities tbh. If you have a normal body, you start to find other shit to be insecure about. Im not there yet. :feelsmage:
Every once in a while I see a thread by some incel (or guy on reddit) who talks about getting "scammed" by an escort or a fake escort service, or some story about some guy who had money taken from him in a "scam" involving a woman in some fashion, and I can't feel sorry for these guys at all, because I know for a fact based on how they spoke about the scenario they are hypocrite moralfags, that's the only way you could get caught up in these scenarios.

There are many scenarios like this:
Escorts: Never shows up after you paid online.

Prostitutes: "Holds out" and doesn't perform or refuses to do acts you already negotiated after accepting payment (testing to see if you'll take what you paid for by force or "chicken out" and let her have the money).

Gold Diggers: Marries you for as long as necessary and then divorces you for your wealth.

Mail Order Brides/3RD World Marriages: Marries you for as long as possible and leaves when she gets her green card or government assistance (or takes the longer gold digger route).

Etc, etc, etc.

All of these things only happen, because the male "victims" in these scenarios REFUSED TO BE HONEST WITH THEMSELVES.




That escort you paid for online and she didn't show up. You know full well no woman wants to fuck your ugly ass lol, that's why you are paying, so why are you pretending that this isn't basically a "hostile negotiation".

No woman wants your dick near them but for some reason you thought you could just pay for it online like ordering something from Amazon, risk free, without any woman trying to just take your money and run?

If someone was paying you $300 to do something that disgusts you to your core and is illegal, and you know full well they could never retaliate if you just took the money, wouldn't you consider just taking the money and not doing it too?

The reason why you don't think about it this way (OBJECTIVELY), is because you are the type of man who lies to themselves, you are a moralfag who wants to think of themself as a "good person", rather than admit that you are basically taking advantage of the fact that the women in these professions come from fucked up pasts and are usually lacking in resources, and you are trying to exploit that to your benefit.

If you had just been honest with yourself that YOU ARE A PREDATOR, PREYING ON THIS WEAKNESS, then you would have acted within those parameters, and never paid for it online, because then your prey could escape you.

The only reason you delude yourself into thinking that online payments for something like this is "safe" is because you want to normalize it to yourself and make it feel like more of a "business", so you don't have to admit to yourself the true nature of this arrangement.


Why are you surprised when a prostitute tries to withhold sex or not go as far as promised and just take your money?

A woman in this situation is literally only fucking you because she has no choice. Going into it you know full well most of these women come from abusive homes, have been sexually assaulted since childhood, many have been raped as a child or teen (and are still raped to this day), many are working for a pimp out of fear, etc.

They spend their time with a rough crowd and are hardened by their lives, and you think not one of them is going to make you demand the pussy or lose your money? :feelskek: (I am fully prepared to slap a bitch in such a scenario lol, not hard enough to leave a mark though).

Talk about being deluded lol (a lot of you guys, really are skilled at lying to yourself).

If anything I kind of like when shit like this happens to a man, because it reminds him of his place in that interaction, a lot of you guys want to cope and ignore reality, and act like you are some kind of "saint" average joe while paying for sex.

When whores do this, they are putting you on the spot and REMINDING YOU HYPOCRITES WHO YOU REALLY ARE :feelskek:.

So you can either accept that you are a predator and demand/take what you paid for, or keep coping, keep lying to yourself, and get robbed like a pathetic cuck so you can cling to your ego.

The choice is yours, but I won't feel sorry for you.

You paid for something, you have to demand it. If you feel guilty doing so or feel "like a rapist" doing so, then maybe you should have felt too bad about the situation to pay for it to begin with (common sense). Of course you'd never think of this because you'd first have to admit to yourself what you are doing to even consider it.

I doubt anyone on this forum falls into this category, more likely than not its going to be some blue piller scrolling past this thread, but here goes.

You knew full well she was out of your league, you have fucking eyes, but you wanted what you wanted, and that's not the bad part, the bad (more like stupid) part was you doing what I just talked about in the last two scenarios (lying to yourself about YOUR INTENT TO EXPLOIT).

If you are in your 40's and up, and not significantly attractive, then you know full well your raggedy old ass is not even remotely attractive to even a 5/10 in her 20's lol, much more the 6+/10 in her 20's that you are "dating" and "becoming engaged" to, but you keep waking up everyday to tell yourself that lie (self delusion is a man's greatest weakness).

You keep lying to yourself about your role as a PREDATOR in this scenario, trying to exploit the lack of resources a woman has to fuck her.

Please understand what I'm saying, I'm not saying its "wrong", I'm a nihilist, I don't believe right or wrong exists, they are made up human concepts, I'm saying its MALICIOUS.

You know full well what you are doing, but because you lie to yourself and tell yourself this is "mutual", you don't "feel like a bad guy", so you never see her exploitation coming, and you are ironically surprised that she takes whatever money she can get out of you and leaves.

Its really funny when you think about it:

In other words:

This is pretty much an exclusive WHITE MALE PROBLEM (especially when it comes to South East Asia (SEA), Russian brides, etc).

We've all heard these stories over and over, guy gets married to some attractive Russian woman way out of his league (or SEA asian woman) and thinks that he can bring her back to his home country, thinks that he got a "steal of a deal" (because he knew full well a woman like that would never want him outside of her circumstances).

This is what really angers me about these scenarios that I've brought up.



How the fuck can you both acknowledge that you are dating a woman out of your league due to her being in harsh/unfavorable conditions AND at the same time not acknowledge what you are doing as exploitation and something "predatory".

It takes a high level of dishonesty and self delusion to pull this shit off, but I digress.

The funniest part is these men always sound SO SURPRISED :feelskek: when these women leave them or start "acting up" after arriving and settling in the western countries they wanted you to take them to to begin with.

I'll say again, what I said in the gold digger section:


You being "scammed" was nothing but the result of you refusing to admit to yourself your part in "the game", because you refused to admit a "game" was being played at all, so you got played instead lol.

Had you been objective, been completely aware of your intent and your exploitation of women, you would have made more calculated choices that benefited you:
1. You go live where she lives and take your resources with you, maybe get a job that pays US that you can do online, etc, that way she remains dependent on you and you have all of the leverage.

2. Try to immerse yourself with the parts of her culture that she enjoys (a minor sacrifice on your part) and distance yourself from western culture as much as possible, so that she does not come under the influence of western feminism and hypergamy.


But instead the average guy who marries a mail order bride or marries a woman in a 3rd world country (who he knows full well is far out of his league and only with him due to lack of resources and opportunity), tells himself that "its real love" (lathers on the self delusion) and moves back to his home country with her, only to be surprised when they're broken up a few months or even weeks later

View attachment 413616

Can a relationship like the above image last?:





You aren't paying for food here, at the end of the day you are paying for sex when we get down to the core of these "arrangements", you are demanding that someone who is disgusted by you, allow you to stick your dick down their throat and more lol (and you are aware of that disgust, you just block out these thoughts).

Of course there are going to be women trying to escape such a disgusting fate, and instead just steal your money JFL.

The fact that you don't consider this, is proof that you are lying to yourself about how undesirable you are, and lying to yourself about your part in the arrangement.

The problem with you guys is that you lie to yourself, you aren't honest with yourself about your "part in that deal" so you don't think things through AS YOU SHOULD FOR A MAN IN YOUR POSITION.



Since you refuse to accept that, and you want to see yourself as a "likable", "kind" or "moral" person that is just struggling with the "unfairness of the dating world", YOU GET SCAMMED.

So sorry, but you have no one to blame but yourself for getting scammed in these scenarios, you got scammed because you are an egotistical self deceiving piece of shit, who wants to have it both ways and play both sides, who wants to think of themself as the "nice guy" while taking advantage of the fact that a woman had a terrible upbringing and is low on cash, so you can stick your cock down her throat (my what a "nice guy" you are taking advantage of the fact that this woman has to fuck men that disgust her for money :feelskek:).

I hope anyone reading realizes that:

I'm all for doing what I just described, in fact I plan on doing it, exploit away lol. This world is not a fair world so trying to play by the rules is nothing but a self imposed handicap. However don't fall under the delusion of thinking of yourself as "a good person", and then complain about the inevitable end result of you being exploited due to this delusion.

You are the one that created the blind spot (weakness) by lying to yourself.

You can't want blissful ignorance whilst taking advantage of someones shortcomings to your benefit (and not expect them to see you as an "easy mark"). You may not be aware of your exploitation of them, but THEY ARE and they will make you pay for it in the end if you aren't planning ahead and structuring your life so they can't.


I only just realized this just now while writing this up.

It doesn't have anything to do with intimacy or "wanting to feel loved", it has to do with GUILT and EGO, the girlfriend experience exists so that men who pay for sex can delude themselves into thinking that the experience is "mutual" and you are "both enjoying yourselves a bit", and this "purchase" can only be enjoyed by someone who is dishonest, because nobody who is honest with themselves (and self aware) could ever fall under such a delusion, knowing full well she wouldn't even be talking to you unless you paid her to begin with.

I just know there are a lot of guys fuming right now (lol) who say all kinda shit like - "We both had fun, we went out for drinks first", "you're wrong, she was laughing, we both had a good time and that made the sex better", etc.

You really think that someone who is used to faking orgasms and sexual pleasure can't fake a smile and a few laughs?, can't fake being entertained?, she's probably thinking about her boyfriend while she has sex with you, stop coping, you literally paid extra for a lie.

Let me make this simple for you, If you are going to be a guy who leverages his resources (money, nationality, etc) to exploit women for sex (and yes, that is what you are doing as a man who pays an escort, or a prostitute, or a mail order bride, or a gold digger, etc).






Learn to enjoy it, because you aren't doing yourself any favors with your current strategy of self deception.

A predator that doesn't admit that its a predator, won't think or act as a predator, which just makes it an incompetent predator that always makes mistakes, in other words, somebody else's prey. If you won't accept what you are, then that's the fate you have decided for yourself, a life of being played for a fool and exploited by others (especially women).

So long as you are playing fucking mental gymnastics with yourself trying to "feel like a good person", while trying to exploit women for sex, you are only just handicapping yourself because you are just half assing your "role". You'll keep making mistakes, you'll keep getting scammed, and these problems won't end with just women and sex, you'll have the same kind of problems in other aspects of your life, because you are stepping into the ring completely unaware of your surroundings and how seriously you should be taking the situation.
This post is so good
Fuck yes, im much more comfortable when i wear sunglasses tho it helps a lot. Sucks that its not socially acceptable to wear sunglasses indoors. It usually gets negative attention but its from my experience.

Do you mean stuff like stimming your hands? I dont think people notice those tbh, i used to "play with little pieces of cloth/paper" all the time when i had school and i dont think anyone noticed it. I doubt people notice those small details when they are talking.
Im kinda paranoid about people noticing my abnormal body, thats my first concern so i guess it was(the hand thing) your primary concern while talking. Its kinda interesting how we develop these different insecurities tbh. If you have a normal body, you start to find other shit to be insecure about. Im not there yet. :feelsmage:

The good thing though is all that shit goes away the more time you spend among people, the more time you spend among female co-workers the less "talking to women" becomes a problem. I literally have no problem talking to women now, initiating conversations, making them laugh, etc, but at the end of the day, they aren't going to fuck me lol

But these social skills are still useful for other aspects of your life, for example, I plan on hookercelling/escortcelling

If you are nervous around women, how the fuck are you going to be able to ask one to fuck you for money, and be able to negotiate a better price for yourself, etc
But these social skills are still useful for other aspects of your life, for example, I plan on hookercelling/escortcelling
Aside from that, its just a better feeling to give a "nothing out of ordinary" vibe to the person you are talking to. It completely clears your mind because you know that they are not gonna ask weird shit etc.
When they focus on something else about you (might be the topic you are talking about or something else) you get to feel peaceful.
For example once i was sitting on a bench and some old guy started to litter, i felt angry and felt no "anxiety" about starting a verbal fight. Told him to fucking stop in a rude way.
My motivation was the fact that me being able to run faster than the guy. He was 50+ years old. That planted the idea of a verbal fight to my head. Also i had absolutely no anxiety and gave no shit about "being awkward" because i knew my anger was going to fill most of his attention span. This might be a "being aware that you are a predator" situation.
Which is very very rare for me.
you are nervous around women, how the fuck are you going to be able to ask one to fuck you for money, and be
yeah thats something i never thought about tbh. I didn't even realized that you can actually get to fuck the escort for lower price like that. I should work on that tbh.
yeah thats something i never thought about tbh. I didn't even realized that you can actually get to fuck the escort for lower price like that. I should work on that tbh.

A lot of times you are actually being overcharged, if you look young they will think you don't know the usual price, so they will upsell you, this is why I think its important to talk to regulars if you can that venture to the whores you do to get a general idea of the prices, especially if you are traveling

I know I have a lot of research to do before I can go to SEA and do what I want to do
Were (incels) all antisocial, BECAUSE WE WEREN'T FORCED TO SOCIALIZE, everyone is capable to some degree, and the only reason you aren't right now, is because you haven't placed yourself in situations in which you'd have to be
No it's more that even if you try to be social you'll just get briefly humored and then brushed off. You can't socialize if no one is seriously willing to socialize with you.
No it's more that even if you try to be social you'll just get briefly humored and then brushed off. You can't socialize if no one is seriously willing to socialize with you.
I'm not talking about your "highschool" days though, this is why I say "forced"

By forced I mean going out and trying to socialize again in your adult life

Unless you are exceptionally ugly (like you look like you have facial defects) socializing in the adult world is not a problem, people aren't trying as much to "look cool" and "be the popular one" at a place of work, they are more focused on getting paid and getting a promotion

Its very easy to make friends and socialize in a work place, you just take a few weeks to settle in and guage who may or may not have similar interests
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Masturbating to porn is like standing outside of a restaurant near the kitchen and smelling the food while eating cheese sandwich :feelskek:, trying to get some of the flavor in your mouth as you force down your sandwich, when what you really want to do is go inside and order something to eat
Masturbating to porn is pathetic.
Masturbating to porn is pathetic.
Existing as a biological creature period is a pathetic existence, we just make light of how disgusting other aspects of our existence are and tend to focus on the sex aspect

Take waste removal for example, one of the most undignified acts is defecation (taking a shit), its the one thing I think that reminds you of how "imperfect" a being you are, its a daily reminder of how "incomplete" you really are, how far away you are from "perfection"

Its degrading, sickening, etc, and you have no choice but to do it

A perfect being, a being that could be truly dignified, would not produce any waste at all, because its body would make full use of anything it comsumes. Maybe one day through genetic engineering humans will become more "God like"
Just act like Chad while being 0/10 theory.
Just act like Chad while being 0/10 theory.
JFl, that's exactly what they are doing, they've all deluded themselves into to operating as if looks doesn't matter or they are attractive, and may of these guys would ironically call themselves "red pilled" or "black pilled". They don't actually believe in the things they say they do, they just like the "accolades" that comes with the label so they ascribe it to themselves.

If you don't learn your place somebody is going to teach you lol
JFl, that's exactly what they are doing, they've all deluded themselves into to operating as if looks doesn't matter or they are attractive, and may of these guys would ironically call themselves "red pilled" or "black pilled". They don't actually believe in the things they say they do, they just like the "accolades" that comes with the label so they ascribe it to themselves.

If you don't learn your place somebody is going to teach you lol
I'm not talking about your "highschool" days though, this is why I say "forced"

By forced I mean going out and trying to socialize again in your adult life

Unless you are exceptionally ugly (like you look like you have facial defects) socializing in the adult world is not a problem, people aren't trying as much to "look cool" and "be the popular one" at a place of work, they are more focused on getting paid and getting a promotion

Its very easy to make friends and socialize in a work place, you just take a few weeks to settle in and guage who may or may not have similar interests
It may appear that way at first but there's a reason people here say that highschool never ends. Social interaction as an adult eventually reveals itself as just as petty, exclusive and status/popularity seeking. Not referring to small talk where you greet others when you see them and laugh along with their jokes and stories, which anyone can do.

Referring more to how whether you do this or not as a low SMV male it makes no difference. Networking and other benefits from socializing more don't come to low SMV males because the most interaction and help others are willing to have with you is small talk. You see this all the time in how people here say they seemed to be getting along so well with others but it never translated to solid career and social prospects being unlocked. They were literally just a person to make small talk to, nothing else.
You see this all the time in how people here say they seemed to be getting along so well with others but it never translated to solid career and social prospects being unlocked. They were literally just a person to make small talk to, nothing else.

That only matters if you are looking for a handout, I only socialized TO LEARN HOW TO SOCIALIZE, and to gain tips and knowledge, which I have went on to use to start building wealth, you seem to be seeing this as a "I can make "connections" that I can use later to call in favors or get a job". Of course the ivy league Chad isn't going to ask you to join the company he's starting, but he is going to talk to you about things of mutual interest, trading, stocks, etc (you know, the same small talk you seem to think isn't even remotely important), from there you can ask him for information on where to start, what to learn, etc

You should be trying to gain knowledge, not create a collection of "safety nets" for you to fall back on

Small talk is more than enough, and either way I'm a loner, I'd much rather get knowledge on where to start and do it myself than get a handout job because me and some guy "are cool"
That only matters if you are looking for a handout, I only socialized TO LEARN HOW TO SOCIALIZE, and to gain tips and knowledge, which I have went on to use to start building wealth, you seem to be seeing this as a "I can make "connections" that I can use later to call in favors or get a job". Of course the ivy league Chad isn't going to ask you to join the company he's starting, but he is going to talk to you about things of mutual interest, trading, stocks, etc (you know, the same small talk you seem to think isn't even remotely important), from there you can ask him for information on where to start, what to learn, etc

You should be trying to gain knowledge, not create a collection of "safety nets" for you to fall back on

Small talk is more than enough, and either way I'm a loner, I'd much rather get knowledge on where to start and do it myself than get a handout job because me and some guy "are cool"
Even when talking about things of mutual interest they aren't going to divulge that much information to you even if they have made small talk with you before about things related to work. They only reserve that for people they see as socially at the same status as them. Which as a lot of people here know is mainly oriented around looks.

Also a lot of what they talk about in small talk with you isn't any different than something you can easily look up online for instructions on. So that's where the impression of small talk not being important comes from. It's not for lack of trying. Many people here have probably made small talk in the past but nothing has come of it and as soon as it was convenient the people they made small talk with would act like they didn't even know them.
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Even when talking about things of mutual interest they aren't going to divulge that much information to you even if they have made small talk with you before about things related to work
I'm sorry dude, that's just bullshit, if someone see's that you are enthusiastic about something, and they don't think you are "a dick", they will give you the information, and that's coming from experience

Do you joke around with them, are you "playful" with them, or are you a drab most of the time and then you come talking to them asking about stuff

You see this is why I singled out socializing FOR THE SAKE OF LEARNING HOW TO SOCIALIZE

I have only just started to make money in trading, and all of the knowledge and random chance things I stumbled across are a result of me BEING ASSERTIVE and asking for help

I literally went up to a random guy who worked on a higher floor than me and asked if he did any forex trading, told him I was looking for some info about it, now I had to do something for someone on that floor, and it just so happened he was connected to that project, so after I got the job done I went to just talk about it because he "seemed like the type", and this guy outclasses me in everything, dresses better, handsome, towers over me with his height, and he was normal about the entire situation

He didn't know anything about trading, but he had a friend who did (guy who successfully trades for a living), around the time though that friend had lost a friend (they died), and the guy asked me to wait before he contacted him for that reason, I said no problem, I waited two whole weeks before I went back to him and asked him to connect me with the guy

I then contacted the guy a week after, and he basically gave me the whole fucking rundown for his strategy (no joke), which I'm not even using yet, because I found out my own strategy which I am using to grow my small account (from info I learned myself and from other people I asked for information from)

Are you getting it yet?

Is it sinking in?

Most of you guys don't fucking try, you are afraid to "put yourself out there", when a lot of you speak, I can tell you are going based off of memes and fucking stories, not real life experience, because the average work place is not like high school, people are talking about deaths in their families, about their newborns and how to keep them safe during this pandemic, about making more money or starting a business, etc, yes they are talking about partying on the weekends, their sex lives, etc, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE "THAT GUY", establish your "role" and your "niche" by your conversations and people will know what you are interested in

In my place of work, I'm basically known as "the money guy" lol, any conversation that comes up about making money I jump in, and people start laughing (including myself) because they know I heard them from far across the room, that's how much its on my mind, when people see your own interests you spur on theirs, someone even started trading because of me

I'm sorry, you guys don't live in real life, the shit you are saying is why people believe in the "basement dweller" meme

I know for a fact not one woman at work would fuck me (based on their expressions when they see me), and I also know for a fact that if I sincerely asked any of these women for financial advice or advice on trading, advice from a friend that they know is a successful trader, etc, THEY WOULD GIVE ME THE INFORMATION

I am so non-threatening to them (with respect to romantic prospects) that they don't feel "weird" or worried about anything whilst talking to me, because they know I'm not "targeting them". That's because I established my role/niche based on past conversations

They only reserve that for people they see as socially at the same status as them. Which as a lot of people here know is mainly oriented around looks.
JFL dude, everybody at work as laughing and joking together about all the bills they have to pay and how they have to eat cheaply, what are you even talking about, do you work in a "law firm" or something?. The average worker IS OF THE SAME "STATUS" (were all wage slaves lol)

Also a lot of what they talk about in small talk with you isn't any different than something you can easily look up online for instructions on.
JFL please refer to the story above, had I not made "small talk", some random guy I only met recently, wouldn't have connected me with a guy even more random (his friend I never met) who gave me a strategy to trade

You literally have nothing to lose by asking a question, I don't get your point?

If they don't give you an answer you don't get an answer........ so what

But think about all the answers you could have gotten, that you never got, because you refused to take a chance and try to have a simple conversation

Many people here have probably made small talk in the past but nothing has come of it and as soon as it was convenient the people they made small talk with would act like they didn't even know them.
I'm sorry, I call bullshit, you are just saying shit, and I can tell by all this "many people" nonsense that you have no real life experience IN A WORK PLACE

There hasn't been not a single work place I've went to, where people HAVE THE TIME TO ACT LIKE THIS (these people have bills, and stress, and children, and mortgage, etc), you guys are projecting your high school trauma onto real life, and using that as an excuse to not try anymore, its complete nonsense

You are going based off of memes

You literally just filed a report with someone or worked on a project with them, they aren't going to awkwardly pretend like they don't know you when you sit a few steps away from eachother, sorry, that's not real life

It literally doesn't even make sense, there are no "mean girl cliques" in a department, you are all employed in the same department, everybody forms their own small groups, but its literally impossible for her to say she doesn't know you when she sees you everyday and works with you everyday

People aren't that petty and people in the working world (adults) don't have time for that shit, they really don't, they couldn't be bothered

But maybe you are working in an office filled with 17 and 18 year olds, if so, i apologize, but that's the only way I could see anything you said being reality, older people (especially those with children) don't have time to waste on the shit you just said
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I'm sorry dude, that's just bullshit, if someone see's that you are enthusiastic about something, and they don't think you are "a dick", they will give you the information, and that's coming from experience

Do you joke around with them, are you "playful" with them, or are you a drab most of the time and then you come talking to them asking about stuff

You see this is why I singled out socializing FOR THE SAKE OF LEARNING HOW TO SOCIALIZE

I have only just started to make money in trading, and all of the knowledge and random chance things I stumbled across are a result of me BEING ASSERTIVE and asking for help

I literally went up to a random guy who worked on a higher floor than me and asked if he did any forex trading, told him I was looking for some info about it, now I had to do something for someone on that floor, and it just so happened he was connected to that project, so after I got the job done I went to just talk about it because he "seemed like the type", and this guy outclasses me in everything, dresses better, handsome, towers over me with his height, and he was normal about the entire situation

He didn't know anything about trading, but he had a friend who did, around the time though that friend had lost a friend (they died), and the guy asked me to wait before he contacted him for that reason, I said no problem, I waited two whole weeks before I went back to him and asked him to connect me with the guy

I then contacted the guy a week after, and he basically gave me the whole fucking rundown for his strategy (no joke), which I'm not even using yet, because I found out my own strategy which I am using to grow my small account (from info I learned myself and from other people I asked for information from)

Are you getting it yet?

Is it sinking in?

Most of you guys don't fucking try, you are afraid to "put yourself out there", when a lot of you speak, I can tell you are going based off of memes and fucking stories, not real life experience, because the average work place is not like high school, people are talking about deaths in their families, about their newborns and how to keep them safe during this pandemic, about making more money or starting a business, etc, yes they are talking about partying on the weekends, their sex lives, etc, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE "THAT GUY", establish your "role" and your "niche" by your conversations and people will know what you are interested in
I said in the previous post it isn't for lack of trying. Many guys here have probably put themselves out there (I have too) and gotten results that seem encouraging at first but then it's obvious you are just someone viewed as making casual conversation to now and then. Otherwise it's basically a blank slate every time you talk to someone. That's under the definition of being socially unwanted.

Even when establishing your role as the person to come to for a particular topic many here can recount how they only get asked information when others are asking for favors. If they ask for information it's not reciprocal and they get mainly vague details and generic advice.
In my place of work, I'm basically known as "the money guy" lol, any conversation that comes up about making money I jump in, and people start laughing (including myself) because they know I heard them from far across the room, that's how much its on my mind, when people see your own interests you spur on theirs, someone even started trading because of me

I'm sorry, you guys don't live in real life, the shit you are saying is why people believe in the "basement dweller" meme

I know for a fact not one woman at work would fuck me (based on their expressions when they see me), and I also know for a fact that if I sincerely asked any of these women for financial advice or advice on trading, advice from a friend that they know is a successful trader, etc, THEY WOULD GIVE ME THE INFORMATION

I am so non-threatening to them (with respect to romantic prospects) that they don't feel "weird" or worried about anything whilst talking to me, because they know I'm not "targeting them". That's because I established my role/niche based on past conversations

JFL dude, everybody at work as laughing and joking together about all the bills they have to pay and how they have to eat cheaply, what are you even talking about, do you work in a "law firm" or something?. The average worker IS OF THE SAME "STATUS" (were all wage slaves lol)

JFL please refer to the story above, had I not made "small talk", some random guy I only met recently, wouldn't have connected me with a guy even more random (his friend I never met) who gave me a strategy to trade

You literally have nothing to lose by asking a question, I don't get your point?

If they don't give you an answer you don't get an answer........ so what
Again not for lack of trying but can you see that when people keep trying different approaches to being social and it doesn't yield anything (even a helpful answer, not even talking about jobs or social opportunities) that they would be less inclined to try again in the future? It's like when you try many different approaches to asking out women or trying to make friends and none of them are ever that successful besides giving you the assurance that at least you tried (which is of little comfort let's be real). After a while you are less inclined to make the effort again or put in as much effort.

Also when you say the average worker is of the same status I don't just mean career wise but social wise. A chadlite and sub 8 male can work at the same company and be in the same company position but they will never completely see eye to eye. There will always be some things the chadlite will leave out when communicating with the sub 8 male because he doesn't see it as worth his time to explain to some person that brings no value to his life (owing to the sub 8 male's lack of looks - "expertise" in a specific area isn't enough to make up for this).
But think about all the answers you could have gotten, that you never got, because you refused to take a chance and try to have a simple conversation

I'm sorry, I call bullshit, you are just saying shit, and I can tell by all this "many people" nonsense that you have no real life experience IN A WORK PLACE

There hasn't been not a single work place I've went to, where people HAVE THE TIME TO ACT LIKE THIS (these people have bills, and stress, and children, and mortgage, etc), you guys are projecting your high school trauma onto real life, and using that as an excuse to not try anymore, its complete nonsense

You are going based off of memes

You literally just filed a report with someone or worked on a project with them, they aren't going to awkwardly pretend like they don't know you when you sit a few steps away from eachother, sorry, that's not real life

It literally doesn't even make sense, there are no "cliques" in a department, you are all employed in the same department, everybody forms their own small groups, but its literally impossible for her to say she doesn't know you when she sees you everyday and works with you everyday

People aren't that petty and people in the working world (adults) don't have time for that shit, they really don't, they couldn't be bothered

But maybe you are working in an office filled with 17 and 18 year olds, if so, i apologize, but that's the only way I could see anything you said being reality, older people (especially those with children) don't have time to waste on the shit you just said
Not like I gave up completely trying and avoid small talk together (although my previous post may have given that impression) but that even when trying to it never gives much past vague and generic advice and "I'd look that up online", "Maybe you could look that up", "I don't really know what to tell you sorry", "Maybe you could talk to this other person" (and then that other person gives the same closed off answers). From posts here it's known that this feedback isn't always sincere and the other person just doesn't feel like telling you much past generic platitudes and basic advice that you would have known regardless.

Yeah your experience working in an office with older people (especially those with children) might have a lot to do with your different experiences. But even then I'd expect that because a lot of the older people have chlidren and are in relationships and some notice that you aren't (which as posters here have said, they can tell this from your face and lack of good looks), they might withhold some things even job related because subconsciously they still don't see you the same as them or on their level even if you work in the same job as them. It's not going to be as obvious or petty as when younger people do it but the element of withholding things and making power plays behind your back is still going be there.
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I said in the previous post it isn't for lack of trying. Many guys here have probably put themselves out there (I have too) and gotten results that seem encouraging at first but then it's obvious you are just someone viewed as making casual conversation to now and then. Otherwise it's basically a blank slate every time you talk to someone. That's under the definition of being socially unwanted.

Even when establishing your role as the person to come to for a particular topic many here can recount how they only get asked information when others are asking for favors. If they ask for information it's not reciprocal and they get mainly vague details and generic advice.

Again not for lack of trying but can you see that when people keep trying different approaches to being social and it doesn't yield anything (even a helpful answer, not even talking about jobs or social opportunities) that they would be less inclined to try again in the future? It's like when you try many different approaches to asking out women or trying to make friends and none of them are ever that successful besides giving you the assurance that at least you tried (which is of little comfort let's be real). After a while you are less inclined to make the effort again or put in as much effort.

Also when you say the average worker is of the same status I don't just mean career wise but social wise. A chadlite and sub 8 male can work at the same company and be in the same company position but they will never completely see eye to eye. There will always be some things the chadlite will leave out when communicating with the sub 8 male because he doesn't see it as worth his time to explain to some person that brings no value to his life (owing to the sub 8 male's lack of looks - "expertise" in a specific area isn't enough to make up for this).

Not like I gave up completely trying and avoid small talk together (although my previous post may have given that impression) but that even when trying to it never gives much past vague and generic advice and "I'd look that up online", "Maybe you could look that up", "I don't really know what to tell you sorry", "Maybe you could talk to this other person" (and then that other person gives the same closed off answers). From posts here it's known that this feedback isn't always sincere and the other person just doesn't feel like telling you much past generic platitudes and basic advice that you would have known regardless.

Yeah your experience working in an office with older people (especially those with children) might have a lot to do with your different experiences. But even then I'd expect that because a lot of the older people have chlidren and are in relationships and some notice that you aren't (which as posters here have said, they can tell this from your face and lack of good looks), they might withhold some things even job related because subconsciously they still don't see you the same as them or on their level even if you work in the same job as them. It's not going to be as obvious or petty as when younger people do it but the element of withholding things and making power plays behind your back is still going be there.
JFL alright dude, just keep believing whatever you want, its your life anyways, soon I won't even be a part of this forum anymore and this will all be a distant memory, but all you are doing is holding yourself back with this mindset, and its only going to be you left with a life of regret asking yourself "what if" everyday for decades on end

BTW the guy who connected me to his friend that is a successful trader is in my age group, and so is his friend, and he was way better looking than me. He wasn't a Chad, he was a Tyrone.

So when I see shit like this:
There will always be some things the chadlite will leave out when communicating with the sub 8 male because he doesn't see it as worth his time to explain to some person that brings no value to his life (owing to the sub 8 male's lack of looks - "expertise" in a specific area isn't enough to make up for this).

I know you are just saying bullshit, because nobody is thinking like this

If anything he'd leave out information because "he doesn't KNOW you" and you aren't really "his friend", so he doesn't care enough to give you that info, but he isn't thinking "this sub 8 male is too low tier for me to give this info too"

This actually happened to me, contacted another guys friend who is a successful trader and he said he won't teach me his strategy because he isn't as close to me as his friend I knew at work (completely understandable), so I just asked for basic info

You guys literally sound like basement dweller retards when you say shit like this, you aren't living in real life :feelskek:
I'll fuck her in the ass until she pukes her intenstine out.

You wanted sexual freedom.

It. Is. Here. For. Everyone. To. Witness.
JFL alright dude, just keep believing whatever you want, its your life anyways, soon I won't even be a part of this forum anymore and this will all be a distant memory, but all you are doing is holding yourself back with this mindset, and its only going to be you left with a life of regret asking yourself "what if" everyday for decades on end

BTW the guy who connected me to his friend that is a successful trader is in my age group, and so is his friend, and he was way better looking than me. He wasn't a Chad, he was a Tyrone.

So when I see shit like this:

I know you are just saying bullshit, nobody is thinking like this, if anything he'd leave out information because "he doesn't KNOW you" and you aren't really "his friend", so he doesn't care enough to give you that info, but he isn't thinking "this sub 8 male is too low tier for me to give this info too"

You guys literally sound like basement dweller retards when you say shit like this, you aren't living in real life :feelskek:
In my previous posts I've said that even though I don't believe it as helpful as it sounds that I still make the effort and small talk even knowing it probably won't lead to anything most of the time.

Normies are obsessed with status and looks more than is acknowledged and can be so petty as to withhold extra information. What have people here said before? It doesn't matter how good your personality skills are or how you establish rapport and build common interests. It's all looks and social/sexual appeal. What makes you think that this suddenly stops because the workplace is designated as a "professional" environment? It only continues but in more subtle ways.

"This actually happened to me, contacted another guys friend who is a successful trader and he said he won't teach me his strategy because he isn't as close to me as his friend I knew at work (completely understandable), so I just asked for basic info"

But again the definition of "closeness" and knowing someone is something normies use as a goalpost. It's always that no matter what they don't really know you that well if they see you as socially lower than them. What could that stem from if despite best efforts at talking about common interests they still insist on being distant? So in your specific example it's because the person said they didn't know you. Does that mean it's going to be like that in every or most cases? I don't think you can say that. Then the reason in other cases can then fall down to basic things like looks and social status (which is not always synonymous with career status - there are many hardworking guys that chat with co workers that still don't have a lot of status).

Funny you say this sounds like the account of a basement dweller. Do you mean someone who doesn't go outside and is a permanent NEET? Or do you mean someone that has had some experience with this and closed themselves off more when things weren't working? Because if the latter the argument you are making sounds similar to the argument bluepillers make about how incels just don't try, are scared to fail when talking to girls and are assuming things are about looks when they don't get an adequate response.

If that's true when talking about social experiences (not just dating), why are there so many people on this site that say otherwise and have had similar such experiences? Particularly when not everyone here is a NEET?
@Lonelycel @Gymcelled @LittleBoy
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I don’t care about a whores tough upbringing. If I am paying for something I need that done or I take my money back. if she won’t give it back then I am out. Not gonna get arrested for smacking a whore, 300 dollars is chump change compare to my future and reputation
many escorts are actually from middle class. they just sell pussies for $$$ coz it's easy and fast money than working a part time job while in college. they're not from abusive or whatever background.
Some yes, many no

If you think a woman who ends up selling her body usually lives a normal life with a normal childhood, you are stupid

A woman with options would not fuck some ugly guy she doesn't even want to stand next to

Are there some women who see it as just a good way to make a quick buck and they can "put up" with the disgust, yeah sure, obviously

Lastly I said it was prostitutes who are really the abused ones, escorts are indeed usually from better backgrounds
you pay money and get a service in return
the price is agreed upon by both parties
how does that make men the "predator"?
lay off the pipe bro

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