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[NSFW] My first time with an escort

  • Thread starter OutcompetedByRoomba
  • Start date
putting in months of prep like OP is so unromantic I want to nut within 10 seconds because it's a girl who I love and who loves me, I can worry about lasting longer later, we can cuddle for hours even if my dick won't last that ASAP because Im' so overwhelmed by love

need to impregnate her ASAP, I'm sure as she gets fat from my fetus I will get less attracted and last longer in bed as I prepare her vagina to deliver our baby
On the other hand, what I had was real.
good for you, but I ain't gonna read all that
Not really though
Mate, please, stfu. I barely could stomach your thread about simping over some braindead e-foid and I don't care to hear your thoughts on the realness of my experience. I would judge my mostly professional interaction with a payed whore to have more real feelings in it than your entire online relationship, primarily because it wasn't based and build around a multitude of lies, and because we actually shared the same room when we talked, touched, fucked and cuddled skin-to-skin.
"Noooooooo you have to go to 3000 sessions of therapy without pussy before you can feel good and be worthy of the mighty pussy"
Hmmmmmmmm I wonder why you were calm after sex

Congrats and great job, fuck a variety so you don't get too attached, but feel free to revisit too, maximise your pleasure

Thank you, and I shall try my best.

Someone ought to do some research on the psychological benefits of payed sex for lonely, depressed men, as a step towards maybe getting the state to embrace it as a more effective, less costly alternative to estblished therapy. Talking for 100 hours doesn't hold a candle to losing your virginity, and if the foids were trained to be understanding, kind and enthusiastic in their performance it would minimize the risks (e.g. getting humiliated, feeling like a complete loser because you underperformed in some way, couldn't get hard, etc.).
Mate, please, stfu. I barely could stomach your thread about simping over some braindead e-foid and I don't care to hear your thoughts on the realness of my experience. I would judge my mostly professional interaction with a payed whore to have more real feelings in it than your entire online relationship, primarily because it wasn't based and build around a multitude of lies, and because we actually shared the same room when we talked, touched, fucked and cuddled skin-to-skin.

You just admitted you realized she was faking sounds of pleasure to please you.

You also talked about generic unspecial normy shit like the mechanics of sex.

you'd get more genuine cuddling out of a doggo than her, may as well cuddle a corpse
You just admitted you realized she was faking sounds of pleasure to please you.

You also talked about generic unspecial normy shit like the mechanics of sex.

you'd get more genuine cuddling out of a doggo than her, may as well cuddle a corpse
Why not have both?
You just admitted you realized she was faking sounds of pleasure to please you.

You also talked about generic unspecial normy shit like the mechanics of sex.

you'd get more genuine cuddling out of a doggo than her, may as well cuddle a corpse
putting in months of prep like OP is so unromantic I want to nut within 10 seconds because it's a girl who I love and who loves me, I can worry about lasting longer later, we can cuddle for hours even if my dick won't last that ASAP because Im' so overwhelmed by love

need to impregnate her ASAP, I'm sure as she gets fat from my fetus I will get less attracted and last longer in bed as I prepare her vagina to deliver our baby
"Mechanics of sex" you mean like you did in your post detailing your romantic fantasy? Almost as if the details of the sex you have with another person are simply core to how you feel about them, be that as part of a real or payed relationship.

It also was my first time, and I described how it went because those details are exactly what I was wondering about when I read similar stories by others in the past. Because knowing what went well or badly for someone else in exact detail will give you the best chance to succeed if you ever end up in the same situation, and if you fail, you will at least feel comforted by the knowledge that you are not the only one.

"Unspecial normie shit"? In comparison to some fantasy you can fine-tune in the safety of your own imagination nothing will seem special, as long as you discount the difference between a real kiss and an imagined one.

The fact that she tried to accomodate me with some performative acts at the start of the interaction isn't a point against my claims. There are real human emotions resulting from the interactions of shoper owners and their customers, between people who drive past each other in traffic, between disabled people and the payed professionals who take care of their needs.

Your dismissive attitude wouldn't bug me so much if I hadn't had to read you poorly justifying your desperate simping for some manipulative BPD e-whore. You are the one who would have gotten more genuine returns on his actions attempting to get a dog to love you. I achieved what I wanted, actually made progress and, by my own assessment of the evening, probably even outperformed her low expectations for me.

And I didn't need to simp or lie or grovel for a second in front of some foid. I payed a predetermined amount and got what I needed, provided by someone who treated me maybe not perfectly like I had wanted to, but still kindly, with some sympathy and understanding and warmth.
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"Mechanics of sex" you mean like you did in your post detailing your romantic fantasy? Almost as if the details of the sex you have with another person are simply core to how you feel about them, be that as part of a real or payed relationship.
I didn't make a public post detailing the romantic fantasies I had with Z those were private collaborations.
In the end, we are all prisoners of our mind. And we don't truly have an interpersonal language. One cannot properly convey his own limits and preferences to another. What is useless and derisible to one, is precious to another. The only thing uniting us here is our heterosexuality.
I didn't make a public post detailing the romantic fantasies I had with Z those were private collaborations.
I want to nut within 10 seconds because it's a girl who I love and who loves me
I can worry about lasting longer later,
we can cuddle for hours even if my dick won't last that ASAP because Im' so overwhelmed by love
need to impregnate her ASAP,
I'm sure as she gets fat from my fetus I will get less attracted and last longer in bed as I prepare her vagina to deliver our baby
Those almost sound like the details of a romantic fantasy tbh
I mean amazing effort typing out all of that but I don't have the attention span for that.
Great, you had sex and I haven't even kissed in my life

I'm afraid to have sex, it's so over. I thought I'll do it with someone I can trust.
Trust? You can only trust a professional, pay for quality and it'll be fine. Nobody's dick works the first time, you want that to happen when you fuck your oneitis? Humans are animals, stop fantasizing about a woman who will accept your weakness, I know I made that mistake and it just wasted my youth
I'm afraid to have sex, it's so over. I thought I'll do it with someone I can trust.
If you bothered to read my (admittedly quite long) report, you would find I had similar doubts and what I did to work around them. Namely, looking for the type of escort who would invest some additional effort to specialize in working with disabled people, which seemed to me like a good indicator of a somewhat kinder, more understanding character.

You think it was easy for me to get naked in front of a(n exceptionally attractive) woman for the first time as a >25 year old man? To have my first kiss under those circumstances? I was so nervous, I was shaking uncontrollably at times.

You think you will be able to fully trust some girl (if you ever meet one willing to accept you) who isn't an escort, any more than you would a professional? Why? Prostitutes at least have a financial incentive to be understanding and not offend you.

Having had sex for the first time, I learned that every aspect of the act is a bit more difficult to coordinate than I would have thought after watching porn my entire life. From the kissing to the touching, from the slow build-up of erotic tension to pounding into a girl in missonary, it's all something that you will likely struggle with when you try it for the first time. So, by not hiring an escort you maximize the chances that, should you find a girl willing to fuck you, you will disappoint her and possibly ruin your best shot at a long-term relationship.

For men like us having sex inevitably includes the risk of aquiring one more painful memory to relive over and over while lying in bed at night. But not taking that risk is itself not a risk-free decision. Avoiding potential harm will leave you without any chance to improve your place in life or make meaningful progress, your only gurantee will be regret and despair at all the chances you never took, all the things you never tried.

So yes, congratulation to me for taking such a risk and having it work out. Well done. I should have done so long ago, and I wish someone in my life would have cared enough to push me in this direction.

If I had a son who couldn't get a girl, I would not just sit by and leave him to his own devices. I would know how to tactfully engage him on these topics, how to make him feel like he could share even the most shameful and humiliating aspects of his life/body/mind, that he could trust me to be on his side w/e he told me. And while I wouldn't force him, I would encourage him repeatedly to hire an escort, much early than I have.

My first time didn't go exactly as I had wanted it to and yet I have zero regrets about it. I can try again, and again, and I feel confident I will have more enjoyable experiences which will help rebuild my damaged pride and self-confidence. And give me something to look forward to in life. Like I am looking forward to right now to fucking a girl in the ass for the first time.

If you were a bit more open with why you are so afraid, maybe one could help you out or at least give some personal opinion on the matter, but if all you are gonna do is just say "I won't have sex, I can't have sex, I'm too scared" then what is there to do?
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that's a lot of work you put in but i wouldn't call it an elaborate fantasy
I copied two quotes and added 4 line breaks. Write something with real informational content or I won't bother engaging any longer.
If you bothered to read my (admittedly quite long) report, you would find I had similar doubts and what I did to work around them. Namely, looking for the type of escort who would invest some additional effort to specialize in working with disabled people, which seemed to me like a good indicator of a somewhat kinder, more understanding character.

You think it was easy for me to get naked in front of a(n exceptionally attractive) woman for the first time as a >25 year old man? To have my first kiss under those circumstances? I was so nervous, I was shaking uncontrollably at times.

You think you will be able to fully trust some girl (if you ever meet one willing to accept you) who isn't an escort, any more than you would a professional? Why? Prostitutes at least have a financial incentive to be understanding and not offend you.

Having had sex for the first time, I learned that every aspect of the act is a bit more difficult to coordinate than I would have thought after watching porn my entire life. From the kissing to the touching, from the slow build-up of erotic tension to pounding into a girl in missonary, it's all something that you will likely struggle with when you try it for the first time. So, by not hiring an escort you maximize the chances that, should you find a girl willing to fuck you, you will disappoint her and possibly ruin your best shot at a long-term relationship.

For men like us having sex inevitably includes the risk of aquiring one more painful memory to relive over and over while lying in bed at night. But not taking that risk is itself not a risk-free decision. Avoiding potential harm will leave you without any chance to improve your place in life or make meaningful progress, your only gurantee will be regret and despair at all the chances you never took, all the things you never tried.

So yes, congratulation to me for taking such a risk and having it work out. Well done. I should have done so long ago, and I wish someone in my life would have cared enough to push me in this direction.

If I had a son who couldn't get a girl, I would not just sit by and leave him to his own devices. I would know how to tactfully engage him on these topics, how to make him feel like he could share even the most shameful and humiliating aspects of his life/body/mind, that he could trust me to be on his side w/e he told me. And while I wouldn't force him, I would encourage him repeatedly to hire an escort, much early than I have.

My first time didn't go exactly as I had wanted it to and yet I have zero regrets about it. I can try again, and again, and I feel confident I will have more enjoyable experiences which will help rebuild my damaged pride and self-confidence. And give me something to look forward to in life. Like I am looking forward to right now to fucking a girl in the ass for the first time.

If you were a bit more open with why you are so afraid, maybe one could help you out or at least give some personal opinion on the matter, but if all you are gonna do is just say "I won't have sex, I can't have sex, I'm too scared" then what is there to do?
All I know is that if I experienced teenage love and got my first experience, it wouldn't be so fucking hard. I even started masturbating at 18, because I always thought that cumming hurts. It's a no way situation for me, unless I get raped somehow by a fat foid in the future. Chances are really low, but who knows:feelskek:
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All I know is that if I experienced teenage love and got my first experience, it wouldn't be so fucking hard. I even started masturbating at 18, because I always thought that cumming hurts. It's a no way situation for me, unless I get raped somehow by a fat foid in the future. Chances are really low, but who knows:feelskek:
It makes me sad to hear you say it like that. I don't know the details of your situation, but if you have the money to spare, you might find payed sex to be a great improvement to your quality of life, even if you first have to endure a set of humiliating and highly emotionally distressing moments. I let my fear and doubts hold me back for at least a decade longer than I should have, and now I regret waiting so long.

How risky I would judge hiring a hooker to be for you would depend on a) if it's legal where you live or not and b) how much money you have. If you can hire a legal escort who is at least somewhat high class, and bring yourself to be open with who you are, what you need and what you struggle with before meeting her, I think you have a reasonably high chance to make your life much better at minimal risk.
You think it was easy for me to get naked in front of a(n exceptionally attractive) woman for the first time as a >25 year old man? To have my first kiss under those circumstances? I was so nervous, I was shaking uncontrollably at times.
I'm really curious as to how I myself would react. After all, I have recently watched Brenton Tarrant's PoV footage, and again I wondered whether I could overcome any possible anxiety. I have never talked to a peer-age female in my entire life for longer than 5 sec.

Back in 2019, I had an adventure where a seemingly-hot, dressed in black substitute teacher refused to elaborate that she was a substitute teacher, shouting at me - I ran away on the verge of tears. But I was 22 at the time, unbelievably so. Now I seem incomparably calmer.

Although music in communal settings will still make me shake, so eh.

I would 100% try it before suicide, of course, but unfortunately, I have no idea whether it's possible for me to enter Germany. I guess, I should wait until ChatGPT-6.9 cums and responds to my inquiry.
I'm really curious as to how I myself would react. After all, I have recently watched Brenton Tarrant's PoV footage, and again I wondered whether I could overcome any possible anxiety. I have never talked to a peer-age female in my entire life for longer than 5 sec.

Back in 2019, I had an adventure where a seemingly-hot, dressed in black substitute teacher refused to elaborate that she was a substitute teacher, shouting at me - I ran away on the verge of tears. But I was 22 at the time, unbelievably so. Now I seem incomparably calmer.

Although music in communal settings will still make me shake, so eh.

I would 100% try it before suicide, of course, but unfortunately, I have no idea whether it's possible for me to enter Germany. I guess, I should wait until ChatGPT-6.9 cums and responds to my inquiry.

In some of the surrounding countries like Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland very attractive women offer payed cuddling services. If I were in your position, I would hire someone like that first, tell them about my problems and condition, about what I was hoping to get out of the thing and so on, what my fears were and that she please should treat me with lots of care and empathy, and then book an hour or two of cuddling once or twice. That way you slowly get used to female presence, touch and lying side by side. This would give you an idea how difficult payed sex would be for you, if you are ready for it now or need some more time / some kind of additional help, like medication or just more socialisation with women.

Who knows, since payed cuddling shouldn't be illegal anywhere you might find that kind of service in every country, although I don't know how many women are offering it. Over here there were only a few, and they were both old and highly unattractive. Maybe you have more luck.

You could also see some mental health professional and tell them about your exact issues / situation and that you were thinking about hiring a prostitute / escort. Someone like that, if hes willing to help, might have some idea on how to approach the whole thing, maybe some type of therapy specialy tailor-made for people who struggle with direct contact with other people / the opposite sex.

AFAIK your country is in negotiations to join the EU right now, so if those succeed you should be able to enter Germany and all other EU countries without many problems.
Where do you find escorts bro?
Someone like that, if hes willing to help, might have some idea on how to approach the whole thing, maybe some type of therapy specialy tailor-made for people who struggle with direct contact with other people / the opposite sex.
I have no idea what this therapy even means - seems like a weird American fetish? Like chemical castration, dick cutting and child drugging?

I dunno, I'd expect the Ukraine to collapse in a year or two, or maybe getting kidnapped finally. I don't want to burden this thread with my issues, but honestly, I'm too out of touch to understand anything at all in this world - be it the IRL nonsense of my maniacal countrymen, or the online spaces such as this.

After all, whores require money, and I have no clue where to get it. My mom goes to Italy once a year for hospice care, doing enemas or some shit.

In the end, I belong to that incredibly narrow cohort which would get upset by your experience not due to sex specifically but everything else surrounding it.
Where do you find escorts bro?
I looked through like 30 websites online, started by googling things like "German escorts" "best german escort sites reddit" and so on, than went through all of them until I found some I liked.
I have no idea what this therapy even means - seems like a weird American fetish? Like chemical castration, dick cutting and child drugging?
You are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. While I generally make fun of social scientists and their entire ilk every chance I can, they aren't actually all completely incompetent or malicious. If you give them the chance, some of them might have something to offer that could help you.

I have no idea how exactly such a therapy looks like or if it exists, that's why I advised you to ask a professional about it, but I imagine it would involve something like talking through your issues, trying to reduce your aversion to physical contact by slowly exposing you to more and more of it, shit like that, maybe some meds.

As an example from personal experience, during "Ergo-Therapie", I would train a bunch of things, like keeping eye contact and shaking someone's hand and small talk. I would be told to make eye contact every so often while we talked, and, if I forgot, the woman would remind me.

After all, whores require money, and I have no clue where to get it. My mom goes to Italy once a year for hospice care, doing enemas or some shit.
I would hope she would help you go looking for a job or education. Sooner or later you will need some money to cope or just to survive. Probably. Unless your family is wealthier than I thought.

In the end, I belong to that incredibly narrow cohort which would get upset by your experience not due to sex specifically but everything else surrounding it.
I wouldn't hold it against you. I can relate to feelings of envy, bitterness and wanting to bash in the face of someone for having something I can't have.

That doesn't have to stop you from trying to improve your own lot in life, to w/e extent that is possible. Which you will only know after giving it a serious attempt.
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not reading this because I'm not a cuck and also don't support putting women on an even higher pedestal
not reading this because I'm not a cuck and also don't support putting women on an even higher pedestal
well, if you won't read it I guess you won't find out what I think about that
well, if you won't read it I guess you won't find out what I think about that
hab gelogen, hab's gelesen aber würde trotzdem niemals einer Hure geld geben oder jemanden unterstützen der dies tut
[Trigger Warning] This is going to be a detailed report on my first time having sex with an escort. It went suprisingly well, all things considered, which means I will be sharing the suprisingly positive aspects of the experience. Which is pretty close to me bragging about how well my first time went. If any of this sounds like it would put a strain on your mental health, leave this thread NOW. Also, _ L O N G _ wall of text incoming.

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Some of you might remember that, before getting banned for a bit, I made a nofap thread in the sewers during November last year in preperation for my first time hiring an escort. Well, it took a bit longer than I had planned, but early this year I finally got over my fears and inhibitions and lost my virginity to a prostitute. I won't share my exact age (even though I think I might have already done so once in the past), but I will say I was getting close to becoming a wizard.

Germany, where I'm at, is one of the enlightened places where there is nothing illegal about this, as long as you use a condom, so there was no risk of getting into conflict with law enforcement for me.

I spend multiple months preparing myself by
-looking up tutorials on kissing, licking, sex, etc.,
-trying out differend products like Romanian wipes, which have a light local anasthetic to numb your dick and make you last longer, condoms made specifically to fit dicks of a certain circumfrence instead of standart-sized ones, sex dolls and also Viagra.

It was quite interesting, I enjoy doing this kind of prep work where I get to autistically sort and evaluate lots of information and make lists and plan out things step by step. That being said, pretty much all the info I had consumed left my brain when I was actually in bed with the girl and I used barely any of the stuff I ordered / tried beforehand during that evening. So it was a bit of a waste of time, arguably.

Personally, I wouldn't totally agree with that though, I believe investing so much time and thought into the whole thing helped me feel more comfortable and less overwhelmed when it actually happened, but, looking back, it certainly wasn't necessary.

The other thing I spend lots of time on was finding the right girl, and that payed off way more.

What I was looking for:
-someone sensitive and caring, who feels open and warm and emotionally involved in the interaction
-who would be able and willing to take the lead and guide me through my first time
-and able to sympathize / relate to my situation on some level, at least a tiny bit
-which might require some amount of experience, so someone a bit older (>25yrs)
-and a slightly higher IQ
-if possible, someone with some experience with autists
-reasonably attractive to me, which is a fairly low bar to clear
-if possible, someone who enjoys her job a bit, some extroverted or horny natural whore
-incall, meaning we can meet at her place (safes cost for hotel, since my appartment wasn't acceptable to me)

What I wanted to avoid:
-inexperienced hobby whores
-young, hyper-attractive foids who could in no way relate to my situation and wouldn't care to try
-generally, no one too attractive, because that would just intimidate me and maximize the pressure on me (and get me to coom quicker)
-no girl who openly displays her hunger for money over all else
-absurdly high prices

Finding someone who ticks most of those boxes was quite the struggle and took ~2 months in total.

I wanted to take my time and not feel stressed out, so I was planning to pay for 2 hours. That way I could try out a bunch of things and we could work things out if I was having problems (like not getting an erection or cooming too quickly or who knows what).

High class escorts can cost upwards of 1k for 2 hours, while some foreign psychology student who knows only a dozend words in German can be hired for 150-250 (same lenth of time).

But I wanted neither of those. Well, I would have been happy with some of the high class escorts, but they were simply too expensive for me. I was willing to invest a bit more into this first meeting, but was aiming for 300-400 euros. In the end, with all costs included, it would run more towards 700+, with the girl herself demanding ~500.

Another issue was finding someone who seemed nice. Friendly. Kind. Sympathetic.

Most of the independent girls were flaunting their sex appeal aggressively, together with their desire for cash. The nicer, more sophisticate escorts seemed to all be working at agencies and demand absurdly high prices. Imagine earning 1k+ for 2 or 3 hours of work because you were born in the right sex. Even after the agency takes its cut, these girls still can earn enough to afford a comfortable middle class lifestyle working only a few hours on the weekends, after failing every class and never investing any effort into something other than their own body. I regularly had to take some breaks from my online search because I was simply overwhelmed with anger and helpless rage at the unfairness of it all.

I have mentioned some older woman I have a friendly relationship with in the past (married with a child, so not a chance for ascension, she's also way out of my league). I talked to her about my plans and she recommended two things: First, to pay someone for an hour of cuddling, so I could get comfortable with a woman touching my skin and lying face to face with me. And second, something we have in Germany called "sexual Begleitung". It's basically a title for escorts who took some courses and learned how to take care of differend types of disabled people. Think it makes obvious sense why someone like that might be the type of caring, kind and understanding girl i was looking for.

Payed cuddling was a nice idea, but I found only like 10 people offering this service in reach of my location (3-4 hour drives were acceptable to me). The prices were also too high, almost as high as low tier escorts, many of the people offering were men, and the women were both extremly old (most I would guess were 45-60yrs old) and very unattractive. I have low standarts, I would accept someone with slight overweight, down syndrome and second degree burn marks on half her body, but these women were still 0% attractive to me. Actual 1/10 - 2/10s were the only ones doing this kind of work where I lived. I found some better looking women offering this type of service in neighbouring countries, but Germany seems to be behind on soft prostitution. In the end, I decided against it.

The other idea, to look for someone doing "sexual Begleitung", worked out much better. Again, very few people doing it, many of them men or extremly old. But I did find 3 candidates who had acceptable prices, looked not terrible, offered normal escort services ("sexual Begleitung" often does not include sex, but rather revolves around e.g. helping someone disabled to find ways to masturbate by himself or giving him a hand job or similar) and who seemed like they would treat me kindly and with care.

So, I wrote each of them an email, asking if they were free and about how things would go in detail should I decide to hire them. I told them openly about being a virgin, about my autism, about wanting someone who could give me a helping hand and so on.

One girl just talked about her prices and what she would do for how much in the response, so she was out.

My favorite, an extremly friendly older lady who had great reviews on multiple sites for escort clients, had saddly aged past what I found acceptable (she was now over 60). And she had gained a bunch of weight since her photo was taken. She still seemed very nice, and I considered going with her anyways, but there simply was no sexual attraction, and that would have set the whole thing up for failure. She seemed like a genuinely good person (from the stories told on review forums she would, for example, take an additional 1,5 hours with someone who was struggling with his nerves and only charge him for the one hour he had hired her for) and I would have loved to have my first time with her, but I was half a decade or so too late.

Which meant I had not found my escort of choice by process of elimination. She was friendly from what I could tell, and attractive, around my age, with some eastern european features.
She looks like a mix of these two girls:
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The email exchange took another few weeks, because she was taking a break when I contacted her and I took my time looking for a good place for this all to take place. I wanted something as private and isolated as possible, because I struggle heavily with privacy and hearing people all around me would have made this much less enjoyable for me. I ended up renting an AirBnB, which meant I got to be completly alone with her. A bit more expensive than a hotel room would have been, but since I was already paying 600+ for the evening, it made sense to me to invest another 50 for something so important (to me).

We made an appointment. Afterwards I would keep looking up kissing tutorials and the like for another few weeks, buy some snacks and alcohol and plan the evening in my head. Also got a professional mani-/ pedicure, the first one in my life. Luckily, had a regular teeth cleaning scheduled for a few weeks before the meeting. Got rid of any undesirable hair with depilation creme. And increasingly started to switch between panic and apathy as the date grew closer and closer.

When it was time, I drove to the appartment a few hours early, turned on the heating, prepared the food and drinks, showered 2 times, brushed my teeths many times more. I was extremly panicked while I waited for her to arrive. The older woman who helped me plan the whole thing gave me the tip to eat something small, like a sandwich, to keep my stomach from building up acid, so I wouldn't have acid reflux during my time with the escort. Also had bought one of those breath sprays.

Ended up throwing in a Viagra pill 30 minutes before the escort arrived. I was worried both about not getting hard and cooming too fast and not getting ready again, wasting the two hours on only a few minutes of sex.

She texted me when she got there and I welcomed her at the door. In person she was much more attractive than on her pictures, to the extent I did feel a bit intimidated. My mind was blank, completely wiped clean, and my heart was beating at what felt like 500 bpm. I didn't have great control over my voice or body, I would say things a bit louder than intended, be a bit more forceful in my actions than I wanted to, but I didn't fuck anything up completly. We said hello, I poured in something to drink for us and we sat down beside each other.

As always, I struggled to make small talk. I talked about my dog, about the weather, but even though I had prepared a few topics ahead of time, nothing came to mind. I was simply too nervous. In the end we talked a bit more about how the evening was going to go, about her job as an escort, about my autism, about my inexperience, what I wanted / needed from her.

I didn't want to spend 2 hours talking, so after less than half an hour I told her I wanted to progress to the next stage of the evening. She was fine with that, and we moved upstairs into the bedroom.

Ok, we're getting to the interesting part. I put the previous shit in spoilers, because what comes now is what really matters most in the end.

First of all, the entire thing was completly different than what I had expected. In almost every way possible.

We started undressing after sitting down on the bed. I left only my underwear on for a bit, because I was still hesitating, but ended up taking it off before asking her to let me undress her. Bad idea, I don't even know how you call the type of dress she was wearing, it was one without a zipper in the back, but it sure wasn't easy to get off. I did manage, with a little bit of help from her and small doses of violence. Glad I didn't rip anything. Would have been a terrible start to the evening.

She wore no bra and after I got her dress off of her, her (pretty huge) tits were hanging freely in front of me. I took of her pants and then she was sitting in front of me with only a thong on. I made some stupid comment about how she looked much better than on her pictures, looked at her and asked her if I could start touching her. Obviously I could, but I was in a state of complete panick at this point.

First suprise of many: Tits are not that great. Touching hers was highly erotic, and they did feel nice, but if I found a toy with similar feeling in some store, I probably wouldn't buy and only play with it for 30 seconds or so before getting bored. What made it feel good was mostly the awareness that I was touching a girls breasts, that she was letting me, her bodily warmth, the knowledge that it wasn't gonna stop there.

While exploring her body a bit with my eyes and hands I noticed she wasn't completly hair free down there or under her arms. Usually this would turn me off, but she only had a very small amount of soft, light hairs, and they felt nice to touch. Not scruffy like male hairs.

Then I told her I wanted to start kissing. She got even closer and brought her face next to mine. This was probably the most intense and difficult part of the whole evening. Being face to face with her. Would remain that way till after the sex had finished. Being between her legs or breasts was much easier than putting my forehead on hers.

Anyways, I had my first kiss and got 2 more suprises. First, kissing is also not that great. It was fun, a lot more difficult to coordinate than I would have thought, but not as erotic or intense as it looked from the outside. Obviously, it would be somewhat differend with a real lover in the context of a real relationship, but still, the physical act was not that special or amazing.

I had to close my eyes, because looking her in the eyes during this was too much, and focused on moving my lips. All I still remembered from all the tutorials I had watched was to put her lower lips between mine, so I did that. We kissed for a few minutes, during which I started to simply mimic w/e she was doing. If she brought in some tongue, so did I, if she got a bit more forceful, I tried to do the same. It went well, I think. I wasn't drooling too much, we hadn't headbutted, it was a bit awkward at times but doable. And fun. Even though I just said it wasn't as special as I had expected it to be, it was still very enjoable. Especially when she was being the more active one, taking my lips between hers and knibbling a bit on them or sucking lightly.

Another suprise: I tasted nothing. This would remain true even when I was licking her between her legs or under her arms, there was barely any taste or smell for the whole evening. Now I suspect that it either was one of the Viagra's side effects or that I was so fucking nervous it disabled my senses. At the time, I was simply suprised how clean(ly) she was.

So, after a few minutes I decided to move on, and told her I wanted to explore her body a bit. She got in position, and I let my hands run down her sides, fonddled her boobs a bit, grabbed her ass cheeks and went over her legs, before placing myself between her legs.

I had sometimes felt some disgust at the vaginas I had seen in porn, but hers was nice. Hers only had a very slight aromatic smell I would struggle to describe without opening an erotic novel, although that might just be what got past my state of absolute internal panic. Using two fingers I spread her lips apart and started giving her a little lick or suckle on her clit. Another advantage of hiring someone slightly higher class was that I felt enough trust in her being clean and taking care of herself that I was comfortable putting my tongue inside her cunt.

In my fantasy I had been a bit slower in exploring her body, taking a bit more time, but I was barely holding it together and my mouth was completly dry. I struggled to get my fingers wet so I could feel around inside her pussy.

Her urethra was clearly visibly, her clit was rather small and cute (and easy to lose / miss), but I needed her help to get my fingers into her. Once in, it felt great. Warm and slightly wet and mushy.

Kept trying a few things for a bit in the hopes of getting her at least a little turned on, think I also asked her for a bit of guidance, but she was fairly passive. Not distant or motionless, she did touch me a bit here and there, made some small moans (I had asked her ahead of time to not put on a big show or play pretend for me, I would fucking hate that, but hearing her make some lustful noises was nice, even if they were obviously fake) and helped me out when I was struggling. But she wasn't really as active as I had hoped, didn't take me at the hand and lead me along. "Touch here, like this, yeah, keep going like that". Something along those lines was what I had hoped (and asked) for.

Anyways, I was still shaking internally( and externally as well sometimes, when our bodies were pressing against each other), and I was just happy with her being nice, remaining in a good mood, letting me try what I wanted without making me actively feel like a scrub.

Then it was time to stick my dick in for the first time.

I asked her to put the condom on, which was another bad idea because she didn't pull back the foreskin. Then I got back into position, she lifted her butt a bit and helped me find the right angle / her entrance, and then I pushed in.

I was always a big coomer, and my biggest worry had been to bust my first nut after a minute or two. Once I had my dick inside her I got maybe the biggest suprise of the evening: It wasn't that stimulating.

It felt nice, warm, although not that wet because of the condom, and soft and pleasent, but it wasn't highly stimulating. I started pulling in and out, struggling to find a rythm, trying to finger her clit at the same time but abandoning that idea instantly because it was too much at once. Also trying out differend poses, putting my hands on her hips, on the bed, leaning in to lie on her body. She was again a bit too passive for my taste, I would have loved her to take the lead right then and there.

She also told me it was painful for her to be penetrated fully before she got close to orgasming herself. Which made me wonder why she had choosen this profession, but also feel good about my dick size. Slightly suspicious if that wasn't the intent. So I was holding myself back, not going as rough as I might have wanted to try.

Now I making some slightly exaggerated noises, saying shit like "god that feels good", mostly because I felt like it was expected of me as a virgin feeling pussy around my cock for the first time. Don't get me wrong, it felt good, but I wasn't in any danger of orgasming any time soon.

From now on, everytime I felt like the mood was getting a bit awkward I would ask her to switch positions. Next, I had her ride me, which was nice, better than missonary, primarly because I could just lie back and enjoy her tits bouncing and have her do all the work.

I asked her if women can control the muscles inside their vagina and she contracted them around my dick in response. That felt really good, and I might have coomed if she kept it up for a few minutes. Anyways, after taking her doggy style for a bit I had her blow me, and to my suprise, oral sex feels great even with a condom on. Actually getting hyped thinking about how it must be without.

Only because I was still mentally in survival mode did I forget to ask her to deepthroat me or let me take control for a bit. Usually two of my favorite things in porn.

I told her to suck as hard as she could, to see if I could feel it through the condom and yes, I indeed could.

Still not cooming though.

Another suprise was the lack of eroticism during much of this. I was touching her breasts, fondling them with my hands, kissing her, fucking her and it all felt very distant and neutral.

Think in addition to me panicking and being overwhelmed by the situation, the main problem was that we were both still strangers and that gave the whole thing the atmosphere of a business meeting. I also hadn't been able to create the right mood (and neither had she), instead simply telling her that it was time to kiss and then lick and then fuck. It wasn't a good flow, and it was all a bit forced. Although with how nervous and out of my comfort zone I was, I couldn't have done any better.

Anyways, after a bit more fucking, her riding me again but the other way around, I was starting to worry. I had planned to coom as many times as possible, but I still wasn't getting any closer. I only knew this kind of feeling from long masturbation sessions, where I sometimes couldn't finish any longer after coming 4-8 times in a row. That's what it felt like.

I told her I wanted to try a handjob, thinking that maybe without a condom and with direct skin contact it would feel differend. She got to it, and it did feel good, again, but still not good enough. So, I asked her to give it her all, and she increased the speed and intensity. We would switch positions form time to time, Me sitting on her tummy, fondeling her breasts, or lying on my back and so on. Sometimes I would take over so she could give her arm a little rest. But I was still not cooming. At one point I took her hand between mine and we both jerked me off together. Still not enough.

I had planned to cooming inside her pussy at first, but that was no longer looking very likely, so I asked if she was fine with me coming on her body and she was, as long as it wasn't on her face. She had a bunch of restrictions like that, no anal, no oral without condom, nothing too rough, but I had not expected to need any of that to get off, so I hadn't cared too much.

When jerking myself off while sitting on her, two things happened. One, I kind of slapped her in the face. I was jerking with all my might and positioning myself above her face, so there was simply not too much space. But the other thing was her getting to work on my nuts with her mouth.

And despite that never being all the interesting to me in porn, it felt great irl. Feeling her warm breath, her spit, her tongue on my balls was nice in itself, but what was even better was how personal and intimate it felt. Everything before was me, the desperate virgin, trying to not make a fool out of myself during my first time while she, the unphased professional just took it all without complaint. It felt like, despite getting what I wanted whenever I asked, I was never the slightest bit dominant in out interactions. And we were never interacting much on a personal level. Not really.

But it's hard to remain complete strangers when a girl has your nutsack in her mouth. I was telling her to keep doing it, getting her to lay on her back while I sat on her face, with my cock facing towards her tits. It was a bit more of a degrading position, more dominant, and I felt like I actually wanted it for the first time, instead of just going through every sex position I could think of to keep things moving along.

It was also really intensely sexual, there was no staying reserved and distant while we were doing it like that.

I started to relax a bit, and finally coomed on her chest while she was still sucking on my nuts.

It felt good, not the best orgasm I ever had but good, and I was simply happy I had actually finshed. We lay beside each other for a moment, laughed a bit, then she took a short toilet break to clean herself up. Looking at the clock, it had taken me 60 minutes to orgasm once.

When she got back, we cuddled, and I finally could relax in her presence. We talked a bit more openly, and I felt like we kind of got to know each other for real for the first time. Think this was supposed to happen before the sex, but I was too stressed out, and so it had to happen in this order.

Cuddling was suprisingly nice. Just having her press herself against me, or letting me lean into her, having direct skin-to-skin, it was great. She layed her head on my chest and ran her hands over my body. I locked her leg between mine and put my arms behind my head, just letting the moment sink in.

Another big suprise: I had actually gone through with it, hired a whore and gotten into bed with her, finished the whole thing from kissing to fucking to cooming.

There was no way I was gonna manage to finish once more, so we mostly talked, practised some kissing and licked, cuddled under the sheets and I explored her body once more, this time without my body shaking the entire time.

Played with her nipples, put my fingers inside her and experimented a bit. Tried to see how rough I could be before she felt unfomfortable (very rough), how deep I could go and how it felt deep inside (nice, I think she also had gotten more wet since we started, although she didn't orgasm). Tried to find out if she knew where her G-spot was and if it felt differend than the surrounding tissue, but no luck.

Tried specific movements and asked her what felt good or not so good. Applying some pressure with my tongue on her clit was good, putting my tongue as deep into her as possible not so much. She gave me some more kissing and licking tips, I tried some more things with her and I also asked her to rate my performance.

Now, she is an escort, and despite me telling her to please be honest (without being hurtful), she still has a clear incentive to be overly nice. If I feel good with her, I'm more likely to hire her again. So, I would put very little trust in her ratings. That being said, she told me that my kissing and licking was about a 6/10, she skipped over the sex, so that was probably a lot lower, and that she wouldn't have guessed it was my first time if she didn't know. Despite not believing her, it still felt nice to hear.

Another thing I realized was how differend it felt when she touched me vs when I touched her. Getting touched, having her be active, was much nicer than just having her let me grope her. The active element added to the intimacy. I was the one desperate and in need while she was in control, despite me paying her and her doing what I wanted. Her giving some affection (however fake) without being asked was highly enjoyable, and I wish she had done so a bit more.

It got a bit awkward again afterwards when we left the bed and she got ready to leave. I was mentally exhausted and could only muster up some generic phrases like "thanks for the great evening" and so on. But w/e, the deed was done.

And it was good. Great even, despite the sex with condom being a disappointment. But just feeling her skin, being there with her, overcoming my decade old fears and doubts, that still changed a lot for me. I stopped making my own body part of my sexual fantasies after the first few years of puberty, because it would always remind me of what I was and my own situation. Now I could once again imagine myself having sex without it scratching at some psychological scar.

I no longer felt any doubt or guilt when cooming too quickly, and I generally had much better orgasms while imaging the things I was going to do with future escorts than I had been having before. Cooming had become fun and joyful once again.

I also feel more relaxed, less insecure and less bitter. To the extent that people who have regular contact with me have noticed, without me needing to tell them.

So, all in all, it was a great success. And a clear improvement to my quality of life. Would recommend.

I'm now thinking about trying more affordable options, and looking where I can find the best service for the lowest price. This first time I invested a lot, but I couldn't afford this even once per month.

I also noticed how much easier the interaction between me and the escort was after the sex. In the long run, I suspect I will find a girl I really enjoy being around (and fucking) and mostly stick with her. Think if I were to hire the same escort once more, we would have much better of a time together, and I would be much more comfortable.

But for now, I want to try anal, deepthroat, maybe oral without condom, not sure about that one. And a bunch of other things. Also want to practise creating a bit more of a erotic atmosphere, for both our sakes. First ideas I had were showering together (or bathing) or giving each other massages at the start.

Also want to feel what it's like to have a girl orgasm on my cock. Bought some female sex toys for that purpose. Next time, after I coom for the first time, I want to tell the girl to play with herself using either her toys or mine and bring herself close to orgasm, and then fuck the shit out of her in hopes of having her come for me at least once. Think that would also take a lot of pressure off my shoulders for all future interactions / escorts. The knowlege that I can actually make a girl peak.

These types of stories are pretty painful for some of us to read, and I know that from first-hand experience. So I hope everyone who feels like that dodged this one.

But, and I also share this other perspective, it's also a great motivator and a bit of an how-to guide. Maybe my quite positive experience motivates some of you to give it a try yourself. If you can do that. Otherwise I would advise careermaxing hard and fast and then leaving w/e country you are trapped in to live in one that allows you to buy pussy like this on the regular without risking legal reprecussions.

(Random escorts I saved because they looked really hot):
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Think this is pretty much the only thing you can do as an incel without hope of ascending that will at least have a chance at getting you to feel happy with your life.

Now, some people might not have any hope to have a halfway decend experience with a hooker, thinking themselves too ugly and the whores too cold. To which I want to give the following food for thought, based on how I percieved @Lucifer to treat the whole thing:

One of the issues with my first time was how awkward it all was. I got through it, and it was amazing despite not being actually all that sexually gratifying. No longer being a virgin, being naked with a girl, having a girl touch my dick, suck it, ride it, having her rest her head on my shoulders and fondle my skin, to finger her, lick her, smell her, taste her, kiss her, have her suck my nuts while I finish on her chest.

On here people often talk about how sex without intimacy is not worth anything, but I'm not sure if you can even have sex without some intimacy building up.

And even if it doesn't, even if the only thing that is happening is a girl who doesn't like you touching you for money, you can embrace that. Make her touch you, feel powerful, be dominant in the sexual realm for a second, demand what you want and have her give it to you. Revel in the fact that she doesn't want or like it, pressure her to do things you know she doesn't want to do.

If you think payed sex is nothing but an emotionless transaction, you can still use it to cope, just in a slightly different way. I wanted to feel cared for and be treated kindly, but if that wasn't for you or wasn't possible for you, you could use payed sex as a way to simulate power over women, almost like a rape-fantasy with the sharp edges removed.

Even without intimacy, doing something like that establishes a new foundation under your ruined ego and pride and self-confidence.

If you come at it from that angle, the idea that all whores feel nothing but disgust for their clients becomes a net positive, it adds to the experience. You wouldn't believe them that they liked or cared for you, but you will be able to believe in their disgust and reluctance to do what you tell them to.

"Even a ham actor can play the part of a bumbling buffoon if you push him onto the stage without a script."
Ive been 50/50 on weather I wanna live in utah or nevada. But this thread makes me wanna go to nevada to were hookers are legal
Ive been 50/50 on weather I wanna live in utah or nevada. But this thread makes me wanna go to nevada to were hookers are legal
Happy you liked the idea. Think hookers are also pretty expensive over there. Maybe you have enough money that you don't care, but if you aren't that wealthy, just coming over to Europe might be an alternative.
Happy you liked the idea. Think hookers are also pretty expensive over there. Maybe you have enough money that you don't care, but if you aren't that wealthy, just coming over to Europe might be an alternative.
Despite the price, its legal so I dont have to worry about it being drugged women being rapped since thats how most hookers work. Or illegall ones. So no evil shit. Also nevada is more red of a state then WA. So i dont have a assualt weapons ban in my way for getting new guns besides what I already have. I kinda wish incels would move to nevada. We could all gather up. Be ourselfs. Suffer less since theres hookers.
Congrats! It's good to not have a complex about buying sex. Men have been buying sex since the beginning of time. They trained monkey to trade coins for banana slices and the first thing they did with it was use it to buy sex from the females. Military men are the biggest customers, especially navy men.
First suprise of many: Tits are not that great. Touching hers was highly erotic, and they did feel nice, but if I found a toy with similar feeling in some store, I probably wouldn't buy and only play with it for 30 seconds or so before getting bored. What made it feel good was mostly the awareness that I was touching a girls breasts, that she was letting me, her bodily warmth, the knowledge that it wasn't gonna stop there.
Yeah. I like to play with them and mash them on my face. Lick the nipples, etc. But I can only spend a few minutes tops with them before moving on. Very, very overrated.
I was always a big coomer, and my biggest worry had been to bust my first nut after a minute or two. Once I had my dick inside her I got maybe the biggest suprise of the evening: It wasn't that stimulating.
It might be the condom. You're already spending hundreds on the hooker, don't cheap out on the condom. Get high-quality condoms. I recommend Sagami 004, they are very thin so you can feel as much as possible, but also very reliable.

To be fair, if you're used to deathgripping your cock, yes it is less stimulating. But it is stimulating in a gentle but much more erotic way. Also her body contributes a lot. Porn positions are kind of trash, they are tailored to look good on video. You've got to figure out what you like.
I read the entire thing, my biggest takeway is the lack of emotional intimacy, thats what I want the most probably more than success, there really is no substitute for it, I am probably going to die this way.
Despite the price, its legal so I dont have to worry about it being drugged women being rapped since thats how most hookers work. Or illegall ones. So no evil shit. Also nevada is more red of a state then WA. So i dont have a assualt weapons ban in my way for getting new guns besides what I already have. I kinda wish incels would move to nevada. We could all gather up. Be ourselfs. Suffer less since theres hookers.
I don't think your idea of the average hooker applies in most of europe. In fact, before feminism completly absorbing identity politics as it's core guiding principle, I remember skipping through some feminist book trying to disspell that exact myth. Obvious it's a real thing in some parts of the world, but, in developed countries, the vast majority of prostitutes simple whore themselves out because it's easy money you can earn without any qualification except for being female. And lots of easy money as well. When I looked, 100/hour was the lower bound for independend whores. Lower end girls form agencies in more popular tourist-filled cities were easily 3-4 times as expensive at least. And slightly higher class whores demanded even more.

Imagine earning that kind of money right after school because you have two x chromosomes. Work comfortable hours on the weekend and chill the rest of the time while living a middle-class life style. Whores in palces where prostitution is legal don't deserve sympathy, they deserve envy.

Nevada seems terrible because of the costs, many of us are barely functional and don't/can't hold a job, those who are working often don't make nearly enough money to afford to live there while also indulging in such expensive copes. Although from what I can see Nevada isn't even that expensive compared to other popular palces in the US. So who knows. Still won't hold a candle in terms of price-effectivness vs some of the european alternatives.

Do agree though, being amongst ourselves in some incel friendly country / state somewhere would potentially make many things more bareable. We are too few to affect any change, but if we were united in one location we could at least affect the towns we live in to some extent.
I read the entire thing, my biggest takeway is the lack of emotional intimacy, thats what I want the most probably more than success, there really is no substitute for it, I am probably going to die this way.
Towards the end that changed though. I didn't go into detail because it was already fairly long, but when I say we talked and laughed after the sex, I do mean to convey that we had a relaxed atmosphere, I opened up about my life a bit and asked her about hers, and between some more kissing and licking she rested her head on my chest and just stroked my body lightly. And I interlocked our legs and pressed her body close to mine.

Obviously, it's still not the real thing, but it felt great, and it did heal my heart a bit. I think this black and white thinking of "100% true intimacy or no intimacy at all" is dangerous. Even in a real relationship there will be pretense, lies, discomfort and so on. What I got was good enough to make a difference to my life overall, and, if you don't at least give it a chance, you won't know if it maybe would have done the same for you.
On which site did you look for escorts?
Towards the end that changed though. I didn't go into detail because it was already fairly long, but when I say we talked and laughed after the sex, I do mean to convey that we had a relaxed atmosphere, I opened up about my life a bit and asked her about hers, and between some more kissing and licking she rested her head on my chest and just stroked my body lightly. And I interlocked our legs and pressed her body close to mine.

Obviously, it's still not the real thing, but it felt great, and it did heal my heart a bit. I think this black and white thinking of "100% true intimacy or no intimacy at all" is dangerous. Even in a real relationship there will be pretense, lies, discomfort and so on. What I got was good enough to make a difference to my life overall, and, if you don't at least give it a chance, you won't know if it maybe would have done the same for you.
Well thats good, I suppose if someone repeatedly visited an escort they liked then it could get more intimate but she would never truly be into you and its also just not good to be constantly paying, not just from a financial standpoint but also for the immersion and its not a real relationship, I would only get an escort before I rope or something.

By the way the fourth pic of the redhead is a fake I am 99% sure thats not an escort but just some insta thot I have whacked off to a couple times. For some reason her pics seem to get stolen alot, I would advise avoiding whatever escort thing you found it from because that one is definitely a scam.

Also I think you mentioned somewhere in the post that you shaved your body? How did you do it I have never shaved my body before and I have alot of hair in some places.
Well thats good, I suppose if someone repeatedly visited an escort they liked then it could get more intimate but she would never truly be into you and its also just not good to be constantly paying, not just from a financial standpoint but also for the immersion and its not a real relationship,
The one thing I'm not worried about is me failing to sustain the emotional distance to one of these girls, if there is one thing I am good at it's killing that kind of unreasonably optimistic hope inside me before it can blossom into a delusion.
I would only get an escort before I rope or something.
Many users on here seem to have that mindset. I can't understand why, but in the end it's your decision and you know yourself better than I ever could.
By the way the fourth pic of the redhead is a fake I am 99% sure thats not an escort but just some insta thot I have whacked off to a couple times. For some reason her pics seem to get stolen alot, I would advise avoiding whatever escort thing you found it from because that one is definitely a scam.
Thanks for telling me, though I just randomly selected a few pics from random countries to make a point, none of these were in Germany I think. But yeah, scams seem common, and filters even more so. So many pics are obviously edited, it's unreal. Handy filters remove the difficult part and it seems like they almost all use them by now.
Also I think you mentioned somewhere in the post that you shaved your body? How did you do it I have never shaved my body before and I have alot of hair in some places.
I usually just trim the hair down with an electric razor, but for the escort date I used epilation creme. Apply generously, wait for 10 minutes and then remove creme and hair. I needed to leave it on a bit longer, but be careful, you can get chemical burns if you leave it on too long. Afterwards, many hairs are still there but will simply break off if you apply some light pressure. I tested it out once a few weeks before to make sure I knew it would work, then used it again one day before the big night.
Many users on here seem to have that mindset. I can't understand why, but in the end it's your decision and you know yourself better than I ever could.
It would be alot of typing to explain why, but the obvious part about doing it before I die is that it's pointless to die a virgin. I should know what tits feel like or whatever else I want to do.
I usually just trim the hair down with an electric razor, but for the escort date I used epilation creme. Apply generously, wait for 10 minutes and then remove creme and hair. I needed to leave it on a bit longer, but be careful, you can get chemical burns if you leave it on too long. Afterwards, many hairs are still there but will simply break off if you apply some light pressure. I tested it out once a few weeks before to make sure I knew it would work, then used it again one day before the big night.
What do you mean by applying light pressure, with your hands or use some sort of shaving tool? Were you able to get everywhere with the creme? What about stuff like asshole and dick, I know its gay to talk about but I have never done it lol
It would be alot of typing to explain why, but the obvious part about doing it before I die is that it's pointless to die a virgin. I should know what tits feel like or whatever else I want to do.
Why you would do it at all seems obvious to me, why you would wait until the last moment is what I struggle with.
What do you mean by applying light pressure, with your hands or use some sort of shaving tool? Were you able to get everywhere with the creme? What about stuff like asshole and dick, I know its gay to talk about but I have never done it lol
They put a scrapping tool in every box of depilation creme, at least over here. Some hairs remained still, but I could simply take them out with my fingers. Think these hairs might have fallen out over time anyways, but I didn't want the escort to feel them or rip them out with her hand or even worse mouth, so I was pretty thorough.

I mostly did my genital area including the shaft with a little bit extra room but without touching my back side. Not sure if your asshole is actually a safe place to use depilation creme on, and certainly not a razor. I know you can do it and some people do shave back there, but there are real risks of pretty disgusting complications, so I would advice against it. If cremes are allowed for that area you would have to google.
why you would wait until the last moment is what I struggle with.
I think going on a long tangent about it is pointless since we are going to different opinions either way, I am also several years younger than you so I am in no danger of becoming a wizard just yet.
They put a scrapping tool in every box of depilation creme, at least over here. Some hairs remained still, but I could simply take them out with my fingers. Think these hairs might have fallen out over time anyways, but I didn't want the escort to feel them or rip them out with her hand or even worse mouth, so I was pretty thorough.

I mostly did my genital area including the shaft with a little bit extra room but without touching my back side. Not sure if your asshole is actually a safe place to use depilation creme on, and certainly not a razor. I know you can do it and some people do shave back there, but there are real risks of pretty disgusting complications, so I would advice against it. If cremes are allowed for that area you would have to google.
Thanks for the information its very useful as I actually knew nothing before haha. I don't know if I would shave my asshole as I am not interested in pegging or a prostate orgasm or whatever I am just not sure if its like since I am shaving everything that I may as well shave there, or if its disgusting to have hair there, its also just annoying to have hair there for hygiene purposes.

How simple was it to use the creme on yourself and remove all the hair? You can reach everywhere necesarry by yourself?
How simple was it to use the creme on yourself and remove all the hair? You can reach everywhere necesarry by yourself?
I simply followed the instruction on the package. The first time it didn't quite get all the hairs, so the second time I used more creme and left it on a minute or two longer. Reaching the necessary spots wasn't difficult, although while doing your balls it's pretty hard to avoid getting some cremes on the insides of your legs.
I simply followed the instruction on the package. The first time it didn't quite get all the hairs, so the second time I used more creme and left it on a minute or two longer. Reaching the necessary spots wasn't difficult, although while doing your balls it's pretty hard to avoid getting some cremes on the insides of your legs.
Oh ok and how long does it take to do overall? 15 minutes, half an hour?
Oh ok and how long does it take to do overall? 15 minutes, half an hour?
10 minutes to take effect, another 5 or so to apply and remove, your probably gonna make a mess the first time so another 10 for clean up, so about half an hour tops I would say
i have 4inch dick no escortcelling for me she would record it and post it online like those japanese

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