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Do you hate pedos?

Does 40 year olds fucking 14 year old JBs bother you?

  • Yes, they’re sick fucks

    Votes: 111 43.7%
  • No

    Votes: 143 56.3%

  • Total voters
You're very ignorant about the definition of pedophilia.
Once he realises most of his male ancestors were paedophiles according to him, his brain will be completely combusted.
13-14 years old is still a child.
Muh, innocent "children" :soy::soy: How the fuck can you be a child anymore if you are granted the ability to reproduce?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QMm_NdR3Cc&ab_channel=TedKunchok

Some of the comments on this video:




Bro is going to go back in time to call these evil paedophiles out for 'taking advantage' of these innocent women, despite these women still staying with these men when they supposedly 'mentally mature' enough when they reach their menopause according to 'science' :soy:and often dying while still married to them after creating large families with these same men.

Oh no! My poor innocent kweens are getting impregnated at 9 by white sexpats! Must go to brazil to defend them and get shot by mutts in favelas in their flip flops. I am such a hero! :soy:

I would seriously attack and hurt a pedophile.

They are scum.

Lowest of the low.

They are mentally sick but still deserve the worst treatment possible due to the harm they do.

13-14 years old is still a child.

Its a pretty controversial debate I admit.

However certain age groups should be with certain age groups.

That’s all
big tough guy here trying to be what he thinks is a hero
Once he realises most of his male ancestors were paedophiles according to him, his brain will be completely combusted.
100 years ago it was considered normal for a grown man to marry very young children it is just how it was. The age of consent in the U.S used to be 8 years old. So yeah they would be completely shattered once they find out their great grandfathers married and reproduced with children as young as 10.
100 years ago it was considered normal for a grown man to marry very young children it is just how it was. The age of consent in the U.S used to be 8 years old. So yeah they would be completely shattered once they find out their great grandfathers married and reproduced with children as young as 10.
A child cannot reproduce and procreate with another child. That is not how biology works. If you think a female child is still a child when she starts menstruating and producing eggs, and vice versa with us men producing sperm, then we're children all our lives according to that logic. The age of consent was 10 or 12 until the late 1880s in every state apart from Delaware which had it to 7, but this did not translate into women being married off necessarily at that age, and if they were, the man was not sexually attracted to her until she was developed enough for childbirth. Marriage then was prioritised on pair bonding and the man educating the woman of her future duties, basically serving as a second father figure until her coming of age.
However certain age groups should be with certain age groups.

That’s all
Have you ever tried to track the origin of such rule in your mind? I advise this exercise.

The idea that it's ok for post-pubescent people below a certain arbitrary age to have sex with people around the same age but not for an older person to do so with them didn't come from the bible, from the quran, from the bhagavad gita, from the bushido code, from a scientific experiment or from some ancient tradition passed down from our ancestors. It has one root: feminism.

I recommend you this fairly short read:

From what I recall reading about Larson I wouldn't call him a pedophile. I think he was parthenophilic for sure (as any healthy red-blooded male would be) but not overwhelmingly so (he did have adult wives who he obviously fucked a bit)

The issue with Larson is I think he had a lot of marital conflict with his first wife, and he probably lashed out by saying outrageous trollish things - which she probably ran with, misremrembered or twisted during their divorce proceedings.
I agree that many of the things Larson used to say were probably just edgy trolling, based on his behavior once he actually got access to a 12 yo girl, also towards his daughter while he still had access to her (as far as I know, he never did anything to her in a sexual way).

As for his ban here though, although his former marriages were cited, I remember Serge specifically mentioning all the talking about taboo subjects (particularly pedophilia) as the reason for it.
I agree that many of the things Larson used to say were probably just edgy trolling, based on his behavior once he actually got access to a 12 yo girl, also towards his daughter while he still had access to her (as far as I know, he never did anything to her in a sexual way).

As for his ban here though, although his former marriages were cited, I remember Serge specifically mentioning all the talking about taboo subjects (particularly pedophilia) as the reason for it.
I thought his ban was because they found out he had an ex wife
I thought his ban was because they found out he had an ex wife
It'd be tough to find the exact post now in the gigantic ban discussion thread, but I remember it fairly well: Serge linked to a post in which Nathan discussed some specific sexual practice he would perform with his crazy BPD wife back in the day, and then wrote a paragraph about him saying tons of unacceptable things and whatnot. To be fair, it was both reasons.
AoC laws in many countries (especially in the west) are lower than the age of marriage laws. Why else would they raise the AoC if not to destroy the structure that we had where a woman was married off as soon as she reached maturity (usually as soon as when she was considered able to create a child)?

Also, look at the effects of high AoC in South Korea, lowest birth-rates in recorded history. It's all to provide a playground for young foids to sexually experiment themselves with dogs, dildos, thugmaxxed drug dealers, anything but incels. Of course, we'd probably all still be incels even if the AoC laws were abolished, but that's not my point.

My point is that AoC laws punish men for being sexually attracted to young women on the basis of their age difference (and it also involves looks, money and status), and punishes these sort of men a hundred thousand times more than actual paedophiles. It literally achieves nothing, apart from a medium in which older men are punished for no reason. Do you see any statutory rape cases where the mugshot is a chad? No.. It's all average looking men who are enticed by a young foid lying about her age. These young foids get the same ego boost that female rape victims mostly get, which is a feeling of realisation that they are so desirable that a man will force themselves onto them or go to jail over them. It's just boosting female attention and treating like them princesses for some non-existent trauma and even more so when they're validated just for existing.

To solve inceldom or reduce it to a substantial level, enforced monogamy should be a thing, one for all. But the thing is, you still have the age of consent, in which many sexually developed females will just be sitting there, and that's why marriage (in an ideal society) should be pushed for these females as soon as they reach their menarches and become of reproducible value. If the age of consent laws were there, these females would not be able to be married off until later, and probably fall into what their hormones tell them to do, which is infact, self destructive because female sexual selection is flawed and useless. Do you really think that these young foids having sexual intercourse with whatever men gives them the tingles should be free to do so, instead of being put to use to create families? You really shouldn't be supporting the AoC as an incel.
Da Vinci IQ. It feels very relieving to see that there are other people who perfectly understand that issue despite the massive feminist indoctrination we all undergo nowadays.
Da Vinci IQ. It feels very relieving to see that there are other people who perfectly understand that issue despite all the massive feminist indoctrination we all undergo nowadays.
It's all because of you that I've achieved this sort of wisdom and attained this enlightenment. You're my inspiration, bro.
It's all because of you that I've achieved this sort of wisdom and attained this enlightenment. You're my inspiration, bro.
Now that's probably the most motivating thing I've ever read in this forum. I took a lot of heat for spreading the truth about that subject and I honestly believe the only reason I wasn't banned during the heyday of agecuckoldry here is because I was already a fairly big, well-established user back then.

But if it served the purpose of getting one person out of the feminist agecucked indoctrination, and to such advanced and eloquent levels as you demonstrated, to boot, it was all worth it.

Dragon Ball Z GIF by Toei Animation
Fuck the pedos, fuck the incestuous, fuck the bigamists, fuck the LGBT, and fuck all forms of sexual perversion.
A pedophile is an adult that is sexually attracted to a minor. What’s your definition?
Someone that’s attracted to 6 year olds but that is different from finding 16 year olds attractive since teenagers aren’t kids.
Someone that’s attracted to 6 year olds but that is different from finding 16 year olds attractive since teenagers aren’t kids.
Any large age difference in a relationship is weird.
Well if the adult didn’t know the person was 16, then they didn’t know. But if they did, and kept going, then they’re a pedophile. Anyone under the age of 18 is a kid.
Any large age difference in a relationship is weird.
Well if the adult didn’t know the person was 16, then they didn’t know. But if they did, and kept going, then they’re a pedophile. Anyone under the age of 18 is a kid.
The age of consent was 10 or 12 until the late 1880s in every state apart from Delaware which had it to 7
in Canada it went from 12>14 in 1890 and 14>16 in 2008 but there's so-called anti-exploitation laws which make 18 the only safe bet, like 17 could technically be illegal if your relationship "started on the internet" for example

this did not translate into women being married off necessarily at that age, and if they were, the man was not sexually attracted to her until she was developed enough for childbirth
A switch doesn't magically flip, even if there might be scent factories produced while ovulating that amplify attraction I'm pretty sure it gradually increases as they approach the initial stage of womanhood, that being the budding of thelarche.

I agree that many of the things Larson used to say were probably just edgy trolling, based on his behavior once he actually got access to a 12 yo girl, also towards his daughter while he still had access to her (as far as I know, he never did anything to her in a sexual way).
I think he just got off on the idea of his wife THINKING that he wanted to fuck his daughter because it brought her despair and he wanted her to suffer because she went FtM mid-marriage and began denying him sex and taking test or whatever it was.

I'd like to think neither I or anyone here would get that cruel/sadistic but I'm not going to stand on a pedestol when I've never experience anything like that. Imagine being married to a cute pixie virgin and suddenly she's all "i'm your husband now, you can't fuck my pussy, I don't have a pussy, I'm stitching it shut, bend over and let me strapon you in the ass".

The logical thing would be to divorce but when your heart breaks you don't necessarily act rationally.

It's sad this and I'm sure a myriad of other factors led to her suicide or we could ask her. I can't fully trust either of their narrative about the truth of their marriage. Even if both were being entirely honest based on their own beliefs, neither would likely be a complete picture given how subjective everything was.

As for his ban here though, although his former marriages were cited, I remember Serge specifically mentioning all the talking about taboo subjects (particularly pedophilia) as the reason for it.
Yeah that's cucked it should be fine to discuss stuff like that as long as it's not a honeypot fed-bait LARP like "yeeeeeah I'm gonna fuck my wife's newborn baby!!! AWWWRIGHT" because as hilarious as that kind of shitposting is, it doesn't foster enough good communications to make it worth tolerating all the false flags IT would make out of it.

It'd be tough to find the exact post now in the gigantic ban discussion thread, but I remember it fairly well: Serge linked to a post in which Nathan discussed some specific sexual practice he would perform with his crazy BPD wife back in the day, and then wrote a paragraph about him saying tons of unacceptable things and whatnot. To be fair, it was both reasons.
Who could say how much of that was true vs just a RP of a sexually frustrated betabuxer?

Fuck the pedos, fuck the incestuous, fuck the bigamists, fuck the LGBT, and fuck all forms of sexual perversion.
RFK needs to get throat surgery or something his voice sounds very ragged.

A pedophile is an adult that is sexually attracted to a minor. What’s your definition?
17yo women are minors and I refuse to condemn finding them out hot.

The proper definition of pedophilia is a fixation on prepubescent boys, you're a cuck if you use it in a broader scope than that.
Any large age difference in a relationship is weird.
oh no! "weird"
Well if the adult didn’t know the person was 16, then they didn’t know. But if they did, and kept going, then they’re a pedophile.
paraphilias are about who someone is attracted to, not whether they choose to make an informed choice to fuck them

Anyone under the age of 18 is a kid.
honestly mods should just ban you
Any large age difference in a relationship is weird.
Well if the adult didn’t know the person was 16, then they didn’t know. But if they did, and kept going, then they’re a pedophile. Anyone under the age of 18 is a kid.
The absolute state
Anyone under the age of 18 is a kid.
I honestly really think it's strange that in the US there seems to be only two states: "kid" and "adult".

Here, in central europe, we have four states: Child (until 14 - not liable for any crimes, no sex allowed), Juvenile (until 18 - limited liability for crimes, sex allowed with restrictions), Young adult (until 21 - reduced punishment for some crimes), Adult (21+ - full punishment).

It's a really better concept because it is more consistent: In the US, even childs can be prosecuted for crimes (showing that they have agency), but cannot consent to e.g. sex. Here, people are either responsible for crimes and can consent to sex or not, but it's consistent.
I would seriously attack and hurt a pedophile.

They are scum.

Lowest of the low.

They are mentally sick but still deserve the worst treatment possible due to the harm they do.

13-14 years old is still a child.

Its a pretty controversial debate I admit.

However certain age groups should be with certain age groups.

That’s all



JoinedJul 30, 2023Posts120
I honestly really think it's strange that in the US there seems to be only two states: "kid" and "adult".
Whats even weirder is anyone who questions this dichotomy is automatically branded as a creep and rape apologist. And its completely arbitrary because people will base this off age difference even if both are "adults". America has this weird sexual puritanism when it comes to heterosexuality while also being the most degenerate country in the west for everything else. All these words like "maturity" and "consent" are just meaningless axioms that are used to give feminists moral and legal power over men. There is no logical or moral basis to any of it. Its just a means of maintaining the social hierarchy and allowing women to have complete power in choosing who gets to have sex.

I'm not exaggerating when I say this: age of consent is one of the worst tyrannies to ever threaten America and our way of life.
in Canada it went from 12>14 in 1890 and 14>16 in 2008 but there's so-called anti-exploitation laws which make 18 the only safe bet, like 17 could technically be illegal if your relationship "started on the internet" for example

A switch doesn't magically flip, even if there might be scent factories produced while ovulating that amplify attraction I'm pretty sure it gradually increases as they approach the initial stage of womanhood, that being the budding of thelarche.

I think he just got off on the idea of his wife THINKING that he wanted to fuck his daughter because it brought her despair and he wanted her to suffer because she went FtM mid-marriage and began denying him sex and taking test or whatever it was.

I'd like to think neither I or anyone here would get that cruel/sadistic but I'm not going to stand on a pedestol when I've never experience anything like that. Imagine being married to a cute pixie virgin and suddenly she's all "i'm your husband now, you can't fuck my pussy, I don't have a pussy, I'm stitching it shut, bend over and let me strapon you in the ass".

The logical thing would be to divorce but when your heart breaks you don't necessarily act rationally.

It's sad this and I'm sure a myriad of other factors led to her suicide or we could ask her. I can't fully trust either of their narrative about the truth of their marriage. Even if both were being entirely honest based on their own beliefs, neither would likely be a complete picture given how subjective everything was.

Yeah that's cucked it should be fine to discuss stuff like that as long as it's not a honeypot fed-bait LARP like "yeeeeeah I'm gonna fuck my wife's newborn baby!!! AWWWRIGHT" because as hilarious as that kind of shitposting is, it doesn't foster enough good communications to make it worth tolerating all the false flags IT would make out of it.

Who could say how much of that was true vs just a RP of a sexually frustrated betabuxer?

RFK needs to get throat surgery or something his voice sounds very ragged.

17yo women are minors and I refuse to condemn finding them out hot.

The proper definition of pedophilia is a fixation on prepubescent boys, you're a cuck if you use it in a broader scope than that.

oh no! "weird"

paraphilias are about who someone is attracted to, not whether they choose to make an informed choice to fuck them

honestly mods should just ban you
Ha. “honestly mods should just ban you.” Bro thinks hes Nick Eh 30 lmfao
Stop trying to silence me. I can say whatever tf I want. Banning me ain’t gonna do shit.
What I’m trying to say is you should never get in a relationship with a minor. Do you at least agree on that?
Anything below 13 is real pedophilia
Ekh. That's hebe territory already. It really cannot be a set age, as it really is dependent on how late or early each person matures and reaches into puberty.
I stand by the chart.
Chronorange 1
Well, the term “pedophile” gets thrown around a lot and it’s definition is ever expanding.

Now, some say that a 30 year old dating an 18 year old is a pedophile…..even though 18 is legally an adult.

But anyone below 16 is a child, in my opinion.

All I know, is that I would only have sex with females older than 18.
I just don’t want to go to prison.
Well, the term “pedophile” gets thrown around a lot and it’s definition is ever expanding.

Now, some say that a 30 year old dating an 18 year old is a pedophile…..even though 18 is legally an adult.

But anyone below 16 is a child, in my opinion.

All I know, is that I would only have sex with females older than 18.
I just don’t want to go to prison.
Age of consent is too high.
Age of consent is too high.
The problem of inceldom could be much quickly ameliorated for some under the basis of mutually desired relationships with adolescents without the fear of ostracism.
Yes, especially gay pedos. And im talking about real pedophiles who go after prepubescent children. but if you're going after fully developed 15, 16, and 17-year-old foids your not a pedo.
Of course, we'd probably all still be incels even if the AoC laws were abolished, but that's not my point.
Then why are you willing to die on this hill? Who the fuck cares what the AoC laws are? None of us are getting any pussy, let alone prime cunny. It's like a homeless person fighting to change zoning laws for new houses being built around his city. It makes no fucking sense. Your arguments are always centered around not having a chance to be her first and pair bonding for life. Nigger, a 13 year old hole is going to be viscerally repulsed by you the same way that a 23 year old hole will, as will her parents in the former's case if you're talking about marriage. The reason you're incel is predominantly because you're ugly, not because some cuck pre-boomer politicians raised the AoC laws.

All of you AoC faggots are completely irrational in your "activism," and it just comes off as thinly-veiled pedophilia masquerading as an honest incel plight, which it isn't (so why the fuck is this thread even here in ID?). You guys are the most vocal subset of incels in virtually every incel forum. That is, if you even are incels in the first place and aren't larping pedos who decide to wake from your lurking slumber to post whenever the subject comes up.

Of all of the things you should be rightly crying about at the top of your lungs as an incel, mainstream Western societal and moral views on the AoC should be close to the bottom of "things to give a fuck about as an incel." This is why many of you - to literally nobody's surprise - eventually turn out to be actual pedophiles.
Last edited:
Paedophilia is something you should never talk about or never mention at all, it's a scary as shit thing nowadays.
Even if there is a pedo somewhere, he should hide basically everything, not give him self up to his urges and stay quiet for the rest of his life.
The world will accept murderer but not paedophilia.
However, I believe that paedophilia must be treated as a mental illness. These individuals require serious assistance, and we cannot discard them like trash because they are living beings too. Some cases may be pardoned to a certain extent and help the person to rehabilitate. Normies and Karens need to remember that these individuals are not demons that have emerged from hell; they are human beings who may be possessed by demons, but who were also once children. In my view, this is a personal flaw that could be treated.



JoinedJul 30, 2023Posts120
Fuck you buddy.

Amount of posts and join date doesn’t mean shit.

I knew Elliot Rodger way before he went ER.

I was on puahate.com back in 2010.

Were you? Let me guess: Fuck no!

I read all his body bodybuilding.com forum posts and all his puahate.com posts including watching his YouTube videos way before the attack.

I met saint Elliot Rodger way before you did.

Okay fuck face?

You not more based than me or blackpilled.

I am a old wizard at 33 years of age.

Fuck off you cockroach
Fuck you buddy.

Amount of posts and join date doesn’t mean shit.

I knew Elliot Rodger way before he went ER.

I was on puahate.com back in 2010.

Were you? Let me guess: Fuck no!

I read all his body bodybuilding.com forum posts and all his puahate.com posts including watching his YouTube videos way before the attack.

I met saint Elliot Rodger way before you did.

Okay fuck face?

You not more based than me or blackpilled.

I am a old wizard at 33 years of age.

Fuck off you cockroach
why did you split the sentences instead of just putting it together? :feelshaha: :feelskek:
Yes, especially gay pedos. And im talking about real pedophiles who go after prepubescent children. but if you're going after fully developed 15, 16, and 17-year-old foids your not a pedo.
This right here. I'm attracted to some of them in these age ranges. I won't play advocate for nobody. And this is where I give my self a strict rule limit. If I'm going after 15s, 16s and 17s, I have to see them as if I'm looking at a short woman. They gotta have developed postures and feel like woman and they exist.
why did you split the sentences instead of just putting it together? :feelshaha: :feelskek:
Why do you change the topic to something else?

Fuck you too.

Nobody likes to read a whole paragraph put together with no spaces.

What I do makes it easier to read the whole thing.

So you can ready this too- fuck you too!

Why do you change the topic to something else?
Fuck you too.
Nobody likes to read a whole paragraph put together with no spaces.
What I do makes it easier to read the whole thing.
So you can ready this too- fuck you too!

Wow you put the paragraphs together.

Oh my god - you are so slick and edgy….

Fuck you buddy.

Amount of posts and join date doesn’t mean shit.

I knew Elliot Rodger way before he went ER.

I was on puahate.com back in 2010.

Were you? Let me guess: Fuck no!

I read all his body bodybuilding.com forum posts and all his puahate.com posts including watching his YouTube videos way before the attack.

I met saint Elliot Rodger way before you did.

Okay fuck face?

You not more based than me or blackpilled.

I am a old wizard at 33 years of age.

Fuck off you cockroach
@Uggo Mongo I think I found FullTimeJIDF's new alt.
What I’m trying to say is you should never get in a relationship with a minor. Do you at least agree on that?
No, I don't agree with that. You can have chaste relationships with minors while respecting the age of consent.
IDGAF if they call it 'grooming', imo you're just providing emotional validation so she doesn't slut it up with a pussychaser who will use and dispose of her.
All of you AoC faggots are completely irrational in your "activism," and it just comes off as thinly-veiled pedophilia masquerading as an honest incel plight, which it isn't (so why the fuck is this thread even here in ID?). You guys are the most vocal subset of incels in virtually every incel forum. That is, if you even are incels in the first place and aren't larping pedos who decide to wake from your lurking slumber to post whenever the subject comes up.
Yeah, I also don't understand it. Tbh I would never say it like you said it because it's an ad hominem argument, but I thought exactly the same thing as you ... if I could attract dozens of 14 year olds and only the law prevented me from having sex with them, I could very likely also attract at least one person who is 18+

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