14 fucking with older guys does not fuck her up, it is pretty regular in my country and most of them on their teens are used to constant sexual intercourse, a lot of them even know how to avoid pregnancy. A 4 year old i agree, is gross to have sexual fantasies about a 4 year old let alone try sex, a 4 year old is a kid, but 14 IS NOT A KID, those that equate teenage foids to literal kindergarten infants should go back to reddit and stay there are r/pedologic and other insanely hypocritical subreddits, since every single one of these men that say they are not attracted to teen females are liars, self-righteous hypocrites. Even at 13 they are whores (i know by real life a lot of them that were giving blowjobs here to thugs and posting on their whatsapp group, i knew because i stole one of their phone numbers when i was younger and at class).
Fortunately, i do not live in the US, but here there are still hypocritical men.
About REAL pedos, nothing changes about inceldom by attacking them or not, but does not affect either if they get punished, as long as the right terms are used and the men "caught" are real pedos. Overall it is a non-issue.