The west draws the line poorly in two apparent ways.
1) Double standard where older men banging young women is viewed with contempt but older women with young men, frankly nobody cares and in far more cases charges won’t be filed since, say, a young male student fucking his teacher will be seen by that student and his friends as a positive fortunate encounter.
At the very least we should get some consistency one way or the other though my view is that broadly speaking this isn’t a big deal so long as nobody was forced into anything and the younger party is like ~14. Which brings me to the second point:
2) Age of Consent is stupidly high in some countries and again only really applies if it’s an older man with a younger woman.
Once your 14 you’re basically good to go seems to me. And being attracted to a 14 year doesn’t make anyone a pedo either, this is a misconception that is repeated all the time but it simply isn’t true.
People grow basically like this:
1) baby
2) toddler
3) child
4) preteen / puberty starts
5) teen
6) puberty ends
7) young adult
8) adult
9) middle aged
10) old
11) decrepit
12) dead
More or less.
If you’re attracted to children that haven’t even begun puberty then sure that’s pedo. But for a lot of women by the time they’re 14 they’ve basically finished puberty and are young women. Historically people were getting married when they were like 13 ffs. Modern society has just pushed things later and later and the social norms have changed.
There’s some argument to be made the a large portion of men are hebephiles though but thats different to pedophilia despite what woke Redditors and women will insist. Most men are smart enough not to ever admit this in the current social climate. For example on surveys you see men basically say whatever the lowest age for post puberty women they’re “allowed” to socially without consequences.
Guy at my last job showed me some pictures of his gf once and he had one where she was 14 before she moved here. Let me tell you she looked way way better when she was 14 than she did in the current pictures. And she had fully developed sex characteristics at 14 (breasts, baby birthing hips, etc).
The other thing is as a man it’s far far more desirable to get a woman when they’re young because:
1) lower body count, only window where you can get a virgin that still has a chance of pair bonding with you
2) they still have optimism and aren’t ruined from cynicism after being pumped and dumped by Chad roulette.
3) less likely their brains have been rotted from their skull by feminist propaganda. Seriously there was a girl I used to crush on who lost her mind after going to college. Many such cases.
Goes without saying women get enraged by this topic because they hate the idea that they age out of their prime and have to compete with younger women so they use shaming tactics or even force of law to make men do what they want. But when those same women are 14 or 15 banging 25 year old Chad I guarantee you they don’t give a fuck and just enjoy the ride. Then later they act like they were used and abused
