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Serious [Discussion]Femdom.is.

If you are short, you aren't and can't be a man at all. Just a boy that never was able to grow up :blackpill:
Exactly, and nothing will ever change that. You can do whatever you want, jump trough any hoops you want, anything that you think is "masculine" .... no matter what you do, you won't ever be seen as masculine man by anyone but your delusional self.
Can you tell a midget that?
They can be, yes. Saint bagelcel is a good example. He's a turbo manlet, but I don't think anyone can rightfully call him feminine.

I think an inherent part of masculinity is the capability of attracting women. If you lack it, you're not masculine.
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This guy could be working on an oil rig or as a firefighter, do all the things you define as "masculine", but people won't EVER look at him and say "yeah, that's a masculine guy".
You probably won't.

Tell us, what do you consider to be masculinity? What are the characteristics of masculinity?

You need to base your definition of what's a masculine man on real world evidence and the oppinion of the general public, not on your personal, idealized vision of things (which is seemingly derived from MOVIE HEROES - TOP FUCKING KEK).
This is the last time I'm going to explain this to you retards. I used those pictures as examples to get the point across that femdom is submissive and submissiveness is inherently feminine. I could have easily used pictures of construction workers and firefighters and then you faggots wouldn't keep bringing this up.
They can be, yes. Saint bagelcel is a good example. He's a turbo manlet, but I don't think anyone can rightfully call him feminine.
Fuck off. No fucking women on this planet perceives him as a man. :feelskek: You literally don't register as a human in the minds of whores if you are short, let alone as a man
Fuck off. No fucking women on this planet perceives him as a man. :feelskek: You literally don't register as a human in the minds of whores if you are short, let alone as a man
Just because nobody sees you as a masculine man, doesn't mean you should prove them right and act feminine.
Tell us, what do you consider to be masculinity? What are the characteristics of masculinity?
Probably the same characteristics you would describe + being able to attract women.

I mean, I hold myself accountable, too. I want to be the most masculine version of myself and don't allow myself weakness, but I wouldn't blame any longterm incel who gave up on this idea, because I know it doesn't reap any rewards. I try to be as masculine as possible, but it really gives me nothing, people don't see me as masculine because I don't have the looks and I don't have the women in my arm, so what even is the point?
doesn't mean you should prove them right and act feminine.
What feminine behaviour? According to tradcucks like OP wanting a mate taller than you is feminine apparently :feelskek:
I personally am not into any of that shit, but only because I'm so insanely mentally strong.
Not worshipping women is a daily fight for me.
Because after 33 years of not getting ANY attention from ANY woman AT ALL, they're in my perception basically the same as God:
- both don't talk to me at all
- I can't be sure if any of them even exists, because they don't give me any attention at all (in my life, women could be holograms at this point)
- they both are something you worship in hard times, you pray to God when things get rough and you fap to women when your sexual needs take over
I would of course only do this for MY girl, MY loyal girlfriend, but since I seem to be unable to EVER get a gf, no matter what I do, it's only a very small step to say ... nah, fuck it, I will statisfy my healthy masculine urge to care for a woman EVEN THOUGH she's not my girlfriend, just to statisfy my own basic human need as a man. This is what the whole concept of onlyfans roots on. Men want to "care" for women, but women don't allow them anymore ("I'm a strong independent womaaahn, I don't need no man :O"), except through money while not offering anything in return anymore. It's devilish and cruel, it should be legally banned, but that's how the system is, sadly.
Giga IQ takes
This feminine behavior
You don't see all the trauma that led me into this :feelscry:

And nothing innately feminine about this
I was bullied by foids when I was a kid as well, but I ended up becoming a radical misogynist instead.
By which race of foids?
It's not normal for a heterosexual man to desire about:feelsseriously:.
I mean typical heterosexual man isn't short, didn't get bullied and with mental illnesses. Nothing about the act itself is homosexuality when it just involves a man and a woman
It's not normal for a heterosexual man to desire about:feelsseriously:.
It's not normal for a heterosexual man to go decades without a sexual partner either, so what's the point here?
I mean typical heterosexual man isn't short, didn't get bullied and with mental illnesses. Nothing about the act itself is homosexuality when it just involves a man and a woman
There are plenty of straight men that are short and were bullied when they were young, but don't end up wanting to get humiliated by a foid and have get pissed on. Also you're acting like you were severely bullied to the brink of suicide, when foids just played with your hair. Your femdom fetish is entirely on you.
It's not normal for a heterosexual man to go decades without a sexual partner either, so what's the point here?
The point is that having unhealthy desires like wanting to get pissed on by a foid will eventually lead you to having literal homosexual thoughts, if you don't take control of your insanity. That's why femdom cucks need to be shamed now so that they can stray away from that path.
90% of it is Height
Probably the same characteristics you would describe + being able to attract women.
Very shallow-minded responses. It's incredibly ironic (though not surprising) that you both view masculinity in the same way as foids and normies do: completely surface-level and superficial. Btw, you didn't describe anything of substance, @nice_try, so I'm going to take what you said as practically a non-answer and the same response as @anandkonda.

There are two black pills at play here: that people judge your character based off of your looks (lookism + halo effect), and that masculinity is a whole lot more than your looks.

A man's looks are the visible portion of the iceberg of masculinity. His character and his virtues make up the essence of his masculinity. You wouldn't call a man who's highly neurotic and unable to keep control of his emotions in the face of challenges and adversity, for example, a masculine man. No, you would likely associate his behavior and that particular characteristic to female behavior, and you'd be correct.

It's not an accident that honor, for example, is a classically masculine characteristic, and that it's completely alien to women (see: French women sleeping with German Nazi soldiers). A man of strong character has honor. He keeps his word, he's dutiful to his family and comrades, and he means what he says and says what he means. Truth is the soul of honor.

On the other hand, entirely antithetical to that is deceit, which is a classically feminine characteristic. We all know that women have evolved to be better liars, because they're the physically weaker of the sexes and needed to manipulate the men to offer them protection and provision, because they simply couldn't force them. In the timeless words of Arthur Schopenhaur:

"For as lions are provided with claws and teeth, and elephants and boars with tusks, bulls with horns, and cuttlefish with its clouds of inky fluid, so nature has equipped woman, for her defence and protection, with the arts of dissimulation; and all the power which nature has conferred upon a man in the shape of physical strength and reason, has been bestowed upon women in this form."

And so, it's very fitting that men with effeminate sexual pathologies, namely this deviancy of femdom, would exhibit the feminine in their evaluation of the masculine.
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The point is that having unhealthy desires like wanting to get pissed on by a foid will eventually lead you to having literal homosexual thoughts, if you don't take control of your insanity. That's why femdom cucks need to be shamed now so that they can stray away from that path.
Have you even got any evidence of that?
There are plenty of straight men that are short and were bullied when they were young, but don't end up wanting to get humiliated by a foid and have get pissed on.
Yeah they rope instead
Also you're acting like you were severely bullied to the brink of suicide, when foids just played with your hair.
She did way more than that. She "played" with my hair same way someone would play with their dog. She literally treated me like a pet.
Your femdom fetish is entirely on you.
Bro I can't cope with the fact that a fucking Abo foid humiliated me and I did nothing about it. Idk why I let that slide, if some foid acted that way now she'd be die. I can't cope with the fact that a foid I was attracted to made me her cuck.

I can't cope. I was a cuck
The point is that having unhealthy desires like wanting to get pissed on by a foid will eventually lead you to having literal homosexual thoughts, if you don't take control of your insanity. That's why femdom cucks need to be shamed now so that they can stray away from that path.
Maybe into more paraphilias like this. Not at all necessarily homosexual ones

Again nothing about the act in itself is gay
Very shallow-minded responses. It's incredibly ironic (though not surprising) that you both view masculinity in the same way as foids and normies do: completely surface-level and superficial. Btw, you didn't describe anything of substance, @nice_try, so I'm going to take what you said as practically a non-answer and the same response as @anandkonda.

There are two black pills at play here: that people judge your character based off of your looks (lookism + halo effect), and that masculinity is a whole lot more than your looks.

A man's looks are the visible portion of the iceberg of masculinity. His character and his virtues make up the essence of his masculinity. You wouldn't call a man who's highly neurotic and unable to keep control of his emotions in the face of challenges and adversity, for example, a masculine man. No, you would likely associate his behavior and that particular characteristic to female behavior, and you'd be correct.

It's not an accident that honor, for example, is a classically masculine characteristic, and that it's completely alien to women (see: French women sleeping with German Nazi soldiers). A man of strong character has honor. He keeps his word, he's dutiful to his family and comrades, and he means what he says and says what he means. Truth is the soul of honor.

On the other hand, entirely antithetical to that is deceit, which is a classically feminine characteristic. We all know that women have evolved to be better liars, because they're the physically weaker of the sexes and needed to manipulate the men to offer them protection and provision, because they simply couldn't force them. In the timeless words of Arthur Schopenhaur:

"For as lions are provided with claws and teeth, and elephants and boars with tusks, bulls with horns, and cuttlefish with its clouds of inky fluid, so nature has equipped woman, for her defence and protection, with the arts of dissimulation; and all the power which nature has conferred upon a man in the shape of physical strength and reason, has been bestowed upon women in this form."

And so, it's very fitting that men with effeminate sexual pathologies, namely this deviancy of femdom, would exhibit the feminine in their evaluation of the masculine.
A 6'9 man can act anyway he wants and would still be perceived as being masculine to foids
You didn't read a thing I said. JFL
I read it. But the point is height and frame determine if you are perceived masculine or not more than anything else
it is true that a disproportionate amount of people in this forum are into femdom tbh
Would imagine the opposite would be the case given the circumstances
No, it makes sense.

Incels have never been in a dominant position over a foid before, so naturally they drift towards the opposite.

it sounds cucked but ur brain just gets used to being the "beta"

being called ugly over and over again and never receiving any praise from foids your whole life makes it harder to imagine being the dominant gender.
I read it. But the point is height and frame determine if you are perceived masculine or not more than anything else
I'm not talking about how masculine you're perceived. I'm talking about how masculine you are and what that means.

I'd much rather have some 5'3" Nepalese Ghurka who's sending part of his paychecks to support his village in my corner than some Henry Cavill-looking metrosexual motherfucker who has a habit of lying, betrayal, who treats people like utilities, and who cares more about his appearance and the public image of his character than his actual character.

Men of weak character e.g., femdom fags, would likely prefer to have the latter as a "friend" than the former. I put friend in quotes, because let's face it, that guy will just use you for whatever benefit you bring to him and will dispose of you like a used tissue once you're no longer useful.
No, it makes sense.

Incels have never been in a dominant position over a foid before, so naturally they drift towards the opposite.

it sounds cucked but ur brain just gets used to being the "beta"

being called ugly over and over again and never receiving any praise from foids your whole life makes it harder to imagine being the dominant gender.
This sounds like a massive cope.
Incels have never been in a dominant position over a foid before, so naturally they drift towards the opposite.
What makes it "natural"? If this pattern of behaviour was "natural" every nigger would act like Rabbi Schneerson.
sounds cucked but ur brain just gets used to being the "beta"
It does, but it does not give you a cuck femdom fetish where people spit on you. So many people here talk about revenge, is that not the opposite of submissiveness and being docile?

Likelier, we have a higher chance of being addicted to pornography, and the slippery slope leads people down to femdom, not unlike what a lot of incels have with interracial. It then affects their worldview.
Because after 33 years of not getting ANY attention from ANY woman AT ALL, they're in my perception basically the same as God:
- both don't talk to me at all
- I can't be sure if any of them even exists, because they don't give me any attention at all (in my life, women could be holograms at this point)
- they both are something you worship in hard times, you pray to God when things get rough and you fap to women when your sexual needs take over

Women are basically Gods in my crippled and traumatized life, they share the exact same characteristics.
I have to work very very very very hard to not simp for and worship women, as they're literally my deepest desire, an unfulfilled basic human need and they feel just as distant as God to me.
what GIF
Screenshot 2024 11 09 190325
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This sounds like a massive cope.

What makes it "natural"? If this pattern of behaviour was "natural" every nigger would act like Rabbi Schneerson.

Likelier, we have a higher chance of being addicted to pornography, and the slippery slope leads people down to femdom, not unlike what a lot of incels have with interracial. It then affects their worldview.
Maybe "natural" was just poor wording on my part but what I'm trying to say is that I'm not surprised that there seems to be a higher rate of femdom fetishes among incels than say among chads or even normies for that matter.

Using chad as an example, he grows up being practically worshipped by foids while incels are technically worshipping foids every time they watch porn. Chad's sexual experiences consist of dominating other foids that are bowing down for him, while incels only sexual experiences are watching porn through a screen and jerking off to it.

So many people here talk about revenge, is that not the opposite of submissiveness and being docile?
if you look closely at the forum, in between all of the sperging out and revenge posts, a lot of posts are written with a defeatist attitude. a lot of posts are "I give up" or "I wish I wasn't ugly" or "how being sub 5 ruined my life" type posts.
I'm not talking about how masculine you're perceived. I'm talking about how masculine you are and what that means
It doesn't matter what you are, only what you look like you are
Men of weak character e.g., femdom fags, would likely prefer to have the latter as a "friend" than the former
Bruh aren't you a a manlet too? :feelskek: Yeah I would rather have a friend that is 6'2 rather than someone who is 5'2. Surely that can be interpreted because I like femdom.

I try to avoid being in the presence of tall people completely. It reminds me how inferior I am genetically and makes me want to kms :feelsrope:
That comment in this fucking thread of all threads.




"I am personally am not into any of that shit, but only because I'm so insanely mentally strong."

Going straight to the archive. :lul:
Blackpill = Women are Gods!
This forum has a serious femdom problem.

@zerozerozero believes that femdom is not effeminate.

All of you, take a look at these men.





OK. Now tell me with a serious face that you can honestly picture any of them in the following compromising positions willingly.




(Imagine the last two pictures are in private, if you want to give the argument that they're public figures and wouldn't do this publicly.)

If you say yes, then you're completely full of shit and coping stronger than the gravitational force of Sagittarius A*.

For more detailed reasons why I think it's effeminate (and also degenerate), see this thread and specifically the replies to @Mortis about muscular women. The rationale directly applies to femdom as well.

On a related note, one Goddamn third of the forum would willingly take it up the ass from getting pegged by their dream girl, if it meant they would have their dream girl.
Thats some new age faggotry that I never understood to degrade your self esteem like that.
It doesn't matter what you are, only what you look like you are
For women and superficial society, sure. For literally everything else, no chance.

Bruh aren't you a a manlet too? :feelskek: Yeah I would rather have a friend that is 6'2 rather than someone who is 5'2. Surely that can be interpreted because I like femdom.

I try to avoid being in the presence of tall people completely. It reminds me how inferior I am genetically and makes me want to kms :feelsrope:
Yes, I'm a manlet. But here's the thing: I don't care about the stats of my friends, because I'm not a woman. JFL

The things I care about in my friends are things like trustworthiness, honor, dependability etc., not whether or not they're 6'. You sound like you'd be very insecure around other men who'd mog you in any area in the slightest.
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View attachment 1339933

"I am personally am not into any of that shit, but only because I'm so insanely mentally strong."

Going straight to the archive. :lul:
Blackpill = Women are Gods!
I have no idea how, "I'm so insanely mentally strong," "not worshipping women is a daily fight for me", and "women are basically gods" all made it in the same fucking post.

The Absolute State.
For women and superficial society, sure. For literally everything else, no chance.
What's other aspects are even left in this "literally everything"? :feelskek:
Yes, I'm a manlet. But here's the thing: I don't care about the stats of my friends, because I'm not a woman. JFL
You should. Because life is a race and a compitition. Your friends and fellow men are the ones you are competing with for women or any other resource tbh
The things I care about in my friends are things like trustworthiness, honor, dependability etc., not whether or not they're 6'.
Like you said friend don't exist. It's best to have good relations with everyone even people you dislike, because you might need their help in future
You sound like you'd be very insecure around other men who'd mog in any area in the slightest.
No, only height/frame and to a very lesser extent face. Because those are the things that matter
I don't know where this comes from. It is extremely simple (assuming you are male):
If you are gay, you want to have sex with men
If you are heterosexual, you want to have sex with women
If you are bisexual, you want to have sex with both men and women
If you are asexual, you want to have sex with neither men nor women.

There is no "gate" to anything just because you are submissive. That's your personality and it's hard to change and does make you less liked by women, but not gay. Also, masturbation could be seen as a "gate" to faggotry as well as it's something a man could provide as well.
Yes, more men want to dominate than being dominated, and with women it's the other way around. But that doesn't mean that being into femdom is gay. I once heard that many men who are socially dominant and boss around others in work life are into femdom because ... idk, maybe they want something different?

The only exception which might be a "gate" in some reason is pegging. Because when you are pegged you don't see the woman and she does something which "naturally" could be provided better by a man. But stuff like mommydom or some BDSM with rough sex is IMHO not gay in any way because it explicitly needs the fact that the other person is a woman. I also have not heard that e.g. people seeking out femdom sex workers later seek out male sex workers (or just unpaid gay sex).
i said something similar and of course he had no response, so he moves the goal posts and now says its "effeminate", a vague term he can twist to mean whatever he wants
I'm not talking about how masculine you're perceived. I'm talking about how masculine you are and what that means.

You are as masculine as you are perceived by others.
Do you not understand this?

Saying "I am so masculine" while everybody else on earth sees you as not a masculine guy is delusional.
Very shallow-minded responses. It's incredibly ironic (though not surprising) that you both view masculinity in the same way as foids and normies do: completely surface-level and superficial.
It doesn't matter what you or we see as masculinity, the only thing that matters is how society sees it.
Can't you understand this?
What's other aspects are even left in this "literally everything"? :feelskek:

You should. Because life is a race and a compitition. Your friends and fellow men are the ones you are competing with for women or any other resource tbh
If you're asking that, you have a very immature view of the world, probably from a lack of life experience. "Literally everything" else is the rest of life and your interactions with the world. Work, business and every other kind of relation depends heavily on your actual character, not what people perceive you as.

Like you said friend don't exist.
No, I did not say that. Where the fuck are you getting that from?

No, only height/frame and to a very lesser extent face. Because those are the things that matter
Those things matter for some things, not all things. Get this titkok mentality out of your head.

i said something similar and of course he had no response, so he moves the goal posts and now says its "effeminate", a vague term he can twist to mean whatever he wants
Stop the bullshit. You did no such thing and there was no goal post that was moved.

Cut this passive-aggressive bullshit and post exactly what you're talking about and what you mean.

You are as masculine as you are perceived by others.
Do you not understand this?

Saying "I am so masculine" while everybody else on earth sees you as not a masculine guy is delusional.
This is so unbelievably dumb.

You can be a thing without being perceived as that thing. If you're telling the truth but others don't believe you, that doesn't make you a liar because others perceive you as such.

Fucking hell. Retards.is strikes again.
It doesn't matter what you or we see as masculinity, the only thing that matters is how society sees it.
Can't you understand this?

If others think you're a rapist and serial killer, does that make you one? People believe false things and have false impressions of others all of the time, every minute of every hour of every day. Perception is not reality.
Can't you understand this?
Work, business and every other kind of relation depends heavily on your actual character, not what people perceive you as.
Keep coping. Taller and better looking men are literally paid more and have more success in every aspect of society

No, I did not say that. Where the fuck are you getting that from?
Here. This is all humans, both men and women. Ugly and pretty ones
that guy will just use you for whatever benefit you bring to him and will dispose of you like a used tissue once you're no longer useful.

Those things matter for some things, not all things. Get this titkok mentality out of your head.
Tiktok mentality :soy::soy: Staight out of IT :feelskek:
i said something similar and of course he had no response, so he moves the goal posts and now says its "effeminate", a vague term he can twist to mean whatever he wants
And more importantly, not being "masculine" enough is often the reason men are incels. There even is a paper which showed that low T which obviously effects masculinity is a strong predictor of being an Incel.
If others think you're a rapist and serial killer, does that make you one? People believe false things and have false impressions of others all of the time, every minute of every hour of every day. Perception is not reality.
The loopholes they go through to justify this mess says it all. I'll make a post later on this shit potentially engraining into .is culture permanently. And remember that those votes and these answers are from those who a) saw your polls and threads, and b) chose to participate.
Stop the bullshit. You did no such thing and there was no goal post that was moved.

Cut this passive-aggressive bullshit and post exactly what you're talking about and what you mean.

first you said femdom is GAY, then when you couldnt defend that standpoint, you switched your stance to it being "effeminate", which is a far more vague term. this is called moving goalposts
Keep coping. Taller and better looking men are literally paid more and have more success in every aspect of society

Yes, we're all aware of the advantages that height and looks confer. Height and looks are force multipliers in your life. You still the necessary competencies and traits.

Here. This is all humans, both men and women. Ugly and pretty ones

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c

Tiktok mentality :soy::soy: Staight out of IT :feelskek:
No, you're legit suffering from zoomer brainrot, if you think that.

Look at the obvious example we just talked about. If you believe that the only things that matter when you're looking for a friend are height and looks, then top fucking KEK and JFL @ that absolute foidbrain moment.
If others think you're a rapist and serial killer, does that make you one?
No, but it will make you live like one.

Perception is not reality.
This is totally false.
What even is "reality"? It's what you see, smell, taste, feel with your senses. And if people see you as trash, and treat you like trash, your "reality" is the one of trash. Fact.
Your reality and experience is 100% based on how others see you, not on what you actually are.
Life teaches us this. Life taught me this.
I've been a loyal, honorable, masculine man all my life, still are, but it doesn't get me anything as long as people think otherwise.
Meeks is a criminal scum, but he lifes like a saint because people don't see him as a criminal, they see him as a masculine topmodel.
He lives like a masculine topmodel, that's his reality, that's his life and it is because of the perception of others, not because of what's true.
It's crazy how we are arguing about such obvious things.
There are people sitting in jail while being not guilty. Do you think anyone cares? Ask them what their life is like, ask them how their reality is like. They will tell you, I'm living like a criminal because that is what is perceived, it doesn't matter just one bit that I'm not.

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