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Serious [Discussion]Femdom.is.

There's no way you think aspects of relations like work and emigration and visa and doctors appointment and businesses and seeking out loans and attending seminars and visiting stadiums depend more heavily on what people perceive you as and less heavily on your character

This isn't even an attraction or incel question. Like deadass do you believe what people perceive you as e.g. weak, ugly, unhygienic

Public services and jobs want law-abiding minions. If you act like a crashout even as Chad, you'll bar yourself from these things

Even if you are unhygienic, you can keep yourself clean and cleanliness will be attributed to your character. This is how it works
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Yeah if this guy had better character everything would work out in life :lul:

There's no way you think aspects of relations like work and emigration and visa and doctors appointment and businesses and seeking out loans and attending seminars and visiting stadiums depend more heavily on what people perceive you as and less heavily on your character
Keep coping
Yes, we're all aware of the advantages that height and looks confer. Height and looks are force multipliers in your life. You still the necessary competencies and traits.
Height and face matter more than you think

If you believe that the only things that matter when you're looking for a friend are height and looks, then top fucking KEK and JFL @ that absolute foidbrain moment.
No, friends don't exist. But you should have good relations with everyone.

I just wouldn't want to be the presence of people that height mogg me because it reminds my genetic inferiority and just adds to my trauma

first you said femdom is GAY, then when you couldnt defend that standpoint, you switched your stance to it being "effeminate", which is a far more vague term. this is called moving goalposts
I didn't say it's homosexual, you fucking retard. I called you a femdom faggot. I didn't say you like to literally suck dick and take in the bum. Unless you do, then I'll call you homo.

This is what I said:
Femdom straddles the line and flirts with homosexuality. It's extremely effeminate behavior for a man. One moment you want her to call you a slave, the next you want her to peg you with the biggest dildo she can find.

Femdom to faggot pipeline is real.
The fact that you got butthurt and assumed the position that femdom = homosexuality says all you need to know. The mere suggestion triggered you to high hell.
Height and looks are force multipliers in your life.
Yeah and if you have 0 face and 0 height, multiply with 0 and you get 0 life as well
@anandkonda keep making threads about tamil femdom saar
life is a lot easier when you stop focusing on what's masculine/feminine and go with what you enjoy mang
I didn't say it's homosexual, you fucking retard. I called you a femdom faggot. I didn't say you like to literally suck dick and take in the bum. Unless you do, then I'll call you homo.

This is what I said:

The fact that you got butthurt and assumed the position that femdom = homosexuality says all you need to know. The mere suggestion triggered you to high hell.
literally not even an argument
No, but it will make you live like one.
When you let other people's perceptions define your reality, then you live by their rules.

You talk about being "so insanely mentally strong" (JFL), yet you want to claim that other people's perceptions affect how you live your life.

What a fucking joke. :feelsclown:

This is totally false.
What even is "reality"? It's what you see, smell, taste, feel with your senses. And if people see you as trash, and treat you like trash, your "reality" is the one of trash. Fact.
Your reality and experience is 100% based on how others see you, not on what you actually are.
Life teaches us this. Life taught me this.
I've been a loyal, honorable, masculine man all my life, still are, but it doesn't get me anything as long as people think otherwise.
Meeks is a criminal scum, but he lifes like a saint because people don't see him as a criminal, they see him as a masculine topmodel.
He lives like a masculine topmodel, that's his reality, that's his life and it is because of the perception of others, not because of what's true.
It's crazy how we are arguing about such obvious things.
There are people sitting in jail while being not guilty. Do you think anyone cares? Ask them what their life is like, ask them how their reality is like. They will tell you, I'm living like a criminal because that is what is perceived, it doesn't matter just one bit that I'm not.
You said it yourself, Meeks is a criminal scum. The fact that he's been propped up and basically been handed a high class life doesn't make him a saint. The whores who fawn over him see him as an angel and treat him as such. That doesn't change the reality of what he is.

The truly innocent man will proclaim his innocence because that's what he is. Sure, some guilty people will falsely proclaim innocence and feign it to garner sympathy or save their skin from the death penalty or whatever. Doesn't change the facts.

All of this aside, reality is immutable. You can call that cope or say it doesn't matter, but to believe that perception is reality is voluntary delusion.
Yeah and if you have 0 face and 0 height, multiply with 0 and you get 0 life as well
Bruv. You didn't get it. It means that you have those traits, you'll get more of whatever you have. Being short and having a shit face doesn't mean you earn nothing, it means you earn less. JFL
There's no way you think aspects of relations like work and emigration and visa and doctors appointment and businesses and seeking out loans and attending seminars and visiting stadiums depend more heavily on what people perceive you as and less heavily on your character

This isn't even an attraction or incel question. Like deadass do you believe what people perceive you as e.g. weak, ugly, unhygienic

Public services and jobs want law-abiding minions. If you act like a crashout even as Chad, you'll bar yourself from these things

Even if you are unhygienic, you can keep yourself clean and cleanliness will be attributed to your character. This is how it works
They're NEETs, hugging their cum-encrusted anime pillows, fantasizing about dommy mommies with mommy milkers, and then they want to tell us about how the fucking world works.

I can't with these fucking retards anymore bro.

@gymletethnicel read this shit for some KEK fuel, buddy boyo.
Stop the bullshit man.
I was using an extreme example to prove a point. But you get what I mean. If you are short and curry, it's literally over
I was using an extreme example to prove a point. But you get what I mean. If you are short and curry, it's literally over
Yeah, it's literally over....in dating, marriage and sex. You still have to go out and work for a living. Even a beggar will get some money. JFL
You still have to go out and work for a living.
You will always earn money less than what tall and white men will earn at the very same qualifications
You talk about being "so insanely mentally strong" (JFL), yet you want to claim that other people's perceptions affect how you live your life.

What a fucking joke. :feelsclown:

I can't with these fucking retards anymore bro.
I wish I knew how to articulate this in a more witty or subtle fashion but you're incredibly based.
You will always earn money less than what tall and white men will earn at the very same qualifications
Not always, but generally, yes, keeping all other variables constant.
I wish I knew how to articulate this in a more witty or subtle fashion but you're incredibly based.
Thanks; it never is easy. It takes immense patience and stubbornness. Most would just forget and go on with their day. That would certainly be the rational thing to do, but I just can't help myself. It's like a slow motion train wreck that you can't look away from.

This is perhaps the only digital space where you can have literal zoomers with brainrot and math PhDs post one after the other. We have borderline geniuses and highly creative types among us, alongside those who are certifiably retarded. It's fucking amazing and terrifying all at the same time.

I'm starting to appreciate the ignore function.
Not always, but generally, yes, keeping all other variables constant.
Even you earned all that money, it's a waste. Genetic wealth >> Monetary wealth.
Even you earned all that money, it's a waste. Genetic wealth >> Monetary wealth.
Since you can't buy genetics (yet) and genes can get you some things money can't buy, I have to agree. Money has a lot more utility, though.
This forum has a serious femdom problem.

@zerozerozero believes that femdom is not effeminate.

All of you, take a look at these men.





OK. Now tell me with a serious face that you can honestly picture any of them in the following compromising positions willingly.




(Imagine the last two pictures are in private, if you want to give the argument that they're public figures and wouldn't do this publicly.)

If you say yes, then you're completely full of shit and coping stronger than the gravitational force of Sagittarius A*.

For more detailed reasons why I think it's effeminate (and also degenerate), see this thread and specifically the replies to @Mortis about muscular women. The rationale directly applies to femdom as well.

On a related note, one Goddamn third of the forum would willingly take it up the ass from getting pegged by their dream girl, if it meant they would have their dream girl.
Femdom is degeneracy
Since you can't buy genetics (yet) and genes can get you some things money can't buy, I have to agree. Money has a lot more utility, though.
Taller, better looking, non-Asian/Curry race person always moggs you. This is your character people judge you on
We werent made to remotely dominate, weak, short, mentally ill incels need tall, strong foids not only to save their genes, but that will care for them and pamper them, weak, dependent retard male + weak dependent foidlet never ends well
pussy = not gay

simple a-s
According to tradcucks like OP it's gay to want to marry and have children with taller and stronger women than you :lul:
It is, if you like tall and muscular women you aren't very straight
It is, if you like tall and muscular women you aren't very straight
Keep coping.

Wanting to have better progeny = Gay according dumbasses :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Keep coping.

Wanting to have better progeny = Gay according dumbasses :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
What are you talking about nigga, you are just justifying your fetish with that shitty progeny excuse.
It's over for this forum, fucking degenerates
Good luck creating weak children breeding with 4'0 weak submissive filipina to prove tradcuck notions of masculinity

What are you talking about nigga, you are just justifying your fetish with that shitty progeny excuse.
Height is very inheritable, if you are a midget like me and don't have a tall mother it's over for your son.
What are you talking about nigga, you are just justifying your fetish with that shitty progeny excuse.
Members who aren't mysoginist are gay weaboo degenerates
Good luck creating weak children breeding with 4'0 weak submissive filipina to prove tradcuck notions of masculinity


Height is very inheritable, if you are a midget like me and don't have a tall mother it's over for your son.
Good luck taking your strap on
Good luck creating weak children breeding with 4'0 weak submissive filipina to prove tradcuck notions of masculinity


Height is very inheritable, if you are a midget like me and don't have a tall mother it's over for your son.

Faggot projection right here
Nice cope, you just have degenerate fetishes
Good luck creating weak children breeding with 4'0 weak submissive filipina to prove tradcuck notions of masculinity


Height is very inheritable, if you are a midget like me and don't have a tall mother it's over for your son.
Nice way to justify your degeneration
Literally never said anything close to this, just make shit up theory :feelskek:

Nothing wrong in being attracted to tall women
Tall women are trannies
Good luck creating weak children breeding with 4'0 weak submissive filipina to prove tradcuck notions of masculinity
And also good luck having all of your emotional needs and nurturing unmet because your weak, submissive noodlefoid is barely even functional or mature enough to do it.

Height is very inheritable, if you are a midget like me and don't have a tall mother it's over for your son.
Literally never said anything close to this, just make shit up theory :feelskek:

Nothing wrong in being attracted to tall women
Wanting a foid taller than you is very gay
Literally never said anything close to this, just make shit up theory :feelskek:

Nothing wrong in being attracted to tall women
Breaking news being attracted to women is gay now

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