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Serious [Discussion]Femdom.is.

Very shallow-minded responses. It's incredibly ironic (though not surprising) that you both view masculinity in the same way as foids and normies do: completely surface-level and superficial. Btw, you didn't describe anything of substance, @nice_try, so I'm going to take what you said as practically a non-answer and the same response as @anandkonda.

There are two black pills at play here: that people judge your character based off of your looks (lookism + halo effect), and that masculinity is a whole lot more than your looks.

A man's looks are the visible portion of the iceberg of masculinity. His character and his virtues make up the essence of his masculinity. You wouldn't call a man who's highly neurotic and unable to keep control of his emotions in the face of challenges and adversity, for example, a masculine man. No, you would likely associate his behavior and that particular characteristic to female behavior, and you'd be correct.

It's not an accident that honor, for example, is a classically masculine characteristic, and that it's completely alien to women (see: French women sleeping with German Nazi soldiers). A man of strong character has honor. He keeps his word, he's dutiful to his family and comrades, and he means what he says and says what he means. Truth is the soul of honor.

On the other hand, entirely antithetical to that is deceit, which is a classically feminine characteristic. We all know that women have evolved to be better liars, because they're the physically weaker of the sexes and needed to manipulate the men to offer them protection and provision, because they simply couldn't force them. In the timeless words of Arthur Schopenhaur:

"For as lions are provided with claws and teeth, and elephants and boars with tusks, bulls with horns, and cuttlefish with its clouds of inky fluid, so nature has equipped woman, for her defence and protection, with the arts of dissimulation; and all the power which nature has conferred upon a man in the shape of physical strength and reason, has been bestowed upon women in this form."

And so, it's very fitting that men with effeminate sexual pathologies, namely this deviancy of femdom, would exhibit the feminine in their evaluation of the masculine.
I agree with this.

But also at the same time. There is no proven way to beat femdom kink right now in 2025 or any kink for that matter.

Maybe stoppage of watching porn can minimize its cravings but it will always be there ready to fire up at any sexual given situation.

if there was a permanent cure for it i would have done it the moment i started liking feet for example.

Because it always starts with something light like feet then it progresses to other super degeneracy bs that makes you feel dead inside.

@anandkonda you have to accept at least that deep down you dont enjoy having this kink but you tolerate it because its also a cope.
Pathetic, yes, I'll give you that. But no way you can say that he's feminine. Shit just doesn't compute.
Who cares man. Id rather be a 6'+ feminine pretty boy guy than masculine him.
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Who cares man. Id rather be a 6'+ feminine pretty boy guy than masculine him.
I don't know, mango. Maybe it's just a massive cope and I'll accept that it would be, but I don't think I could cross that bridge.
No, but it will make you live like one.

This is totally false.
What even is "reality"? It's what you see, smell, taste, feel with your senses. And if people see you as trash, and treat you like trash, your "reality" is the one of trash. Fact.
Your reality and experience is 100% based on how others see you, not on what you actually are.
Life teaches us this. Life taught me this.
I've been a loyal, honorable, masculine man all my life, still are, but it doesn't get me anything as long as people think otherwise.
Meeks is a criminal scum, but he lifes like a saint because people don't see him as a criminal, they see him as a masculine topmodel.
He lives like a masculine topmodel, that's his reality, that's his life and it is because of the perception of others, not because of what's true.
It's crazy how we are arguing about such obvious things.
There are people sitting in jail while being not guilty. Do you think anyone cares? Ask them what their life is like, ask them how their reality is like. They will tell you, I'm living like a criminal because that is what is perceived, it doesn't matter just one bit that I'm not.
@based_meme this is a very strong point too that is correct. You have to agree if people tell you, you are unmanly your whole life. You cant just keep acting as if you are manly also your whole life. It becomes exhausting and mentally draining.

I think what settles this debate is there are two different kind of reactions by the people who suffer from a severe trauma.

Lets say you have absolute shit parents growing up.

Thats a parental trauma for life. If you become a parent yourself you're either gona be a saint to your kids because of you went through or a total devil even worse than what your parents were because of also what you went through.

Same thing i think with inceldom you either become a misogynist women beater, or a total femdom cuck who sees himself as inferior to the female sex (eventho it is clearly not, its way better being a man than a woman anytime of a day if we talk biologically wise).
I don't know, mango. Maybe it's just a massive cope and I'll accept that it would be, but I don't think I could cross that bridge.
what are you saying? Dont tell me you would trade lives with bagelcel for example over being idk a 6ft flamboyant guy who is still straight btw but just feminine in his demeanor.

Thats a massive lie and it actually means you dont think looks matter that much which is abit bluepilled

Im 5'4 and i literally cant look myself in the mirror sometimes cant imagine being 5ft like "masculine" bagel, his life is one big joke.

Not to mention he also got easily manhandled inside that shop by an out of shape fat dude.

Id take being a flamboyant 6footer any day mango.
@based_meme this is a very strong point too that is correct. You have to agree if people tell you, you are unmanly your whole life. You cant just keep acting as if you are manly also your whole life. It becomes exhausting and mentally draining.
I'm not advocating for denialism in the face of reality. The point I was making is that people's perceptions can easily be false and flat-out wrong, because they could have misguided notions of what is and isn't whatever the thing in question. People have warped ideas about even the most basic of shit. You already have people denying reality right at this moment when their NPC programming short circuits their brain hearing questions like, "are trans women real women."

Another example off of the top of my head is the idea of what is and isn't fit and strong. The fitness industry and social media has warped everyone's perceptions to be tilted in favor of thinking that the ultra-cut, steroid-assisted look is the gold standard of looking fit. They also see these juice heads benching close to 200 kgs and think that's the standard when in reality even just three plates on the bar is very far right on the bell curve. In their eyes, if you can't bench that much, you're weak, which is very far from the truth when you look at the basic stats of average fitness and strength.

The idea (and ideal) of masculinity is similarly twisted. Today's brain rotted zoomers think having a Bugatti and emulating Andrew Tate is the ideal of masculinity (JFL).
what are you saying? Dont tell me you would trade lives with bagelcel for example over being idk a 6ft flamboyant guy who is still straight btw but just feminine in his demeanor.

Thats a massive lie and it actually means you dont think looks matter that much which is abit bluepilled

Im 5'4 and i literally cant look myself in the mirror sometimes cant imagine being 5ft like "masculine" bagel, his life is one big joke.

Not to mention he also got easily manhandled inside that shop by an out of shape fat dude.

Id take being a flamboyant 6footer any day mango.
No, I beg to differ. Choosing to keep your masculinity over looks doesn't mean you don't think looks matter. That doesn't even logically entail. They obviously matter where it counts - sex and relationships. Masculinity matters in other (arguably more important) ways that are better for your survival as an individual.

The choice means that you value your own character and strength over your appearance, not that appearance is not more important (or more valuable to others). It's simply a personal value distinction between real/authentic and superficial. Remember that I've defined and characterized masculinity as a set of attributes and characteristics that go way beyond your superficial looks. All you're doing is assigning more weight and importance to the part that others put more stock into (women valuing looks), as opposed to the part that I think matters more for more things.

Think carefully about the following choice: 1) You're a good-looking, but effeminate, pretty boy who gets plenty of female attention from the outset (may or may result in primal attraction leading to sex), but you get zero respect and trust from all of the men you encounter, as they all think you're incompetent, untrustworthy, and wouldn't back you or trust having their back - you'd basically have no tribe. 2) You're the opposite with respect and status amongst peers, but women find you repulsive and don't want anything to do with you.

The choice boils down to something very simple and fundamental. I won't mention it right away, but you might already guess the core of what I'm getting at.
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Think carefully about the following choice: 1) You're a good-looking, but effeminate, pretty boy who gets plenty of female attention from the outset (may or may result in primal attraction leading to sex), but you get zero respect and trust from all of the men you encounter, as they all think you're incompetent, untrustworthy, and wouldn't back you or trust having their back - you'd basically have no tribe. 2) You're the opposite with respect and status amongst peers, but women find you repulsive and don't want anything to do with you.
Id still choose the first option.

Alot of effiminate men lead normal lives with friends and family that support them.

i know what you're trying to say but in 2025 in our society right now id gladly choose the first option.
No, I beg to differ. Choosing to keep your masculinity over looks doesn't mean you don't think looks matter. That doesn't even logically entail. They obviously matter where it counts - sex and relationships. Masculinity matters in other (arguably more important) ways that are better for your survival as an individual.

The choice means that you value your own character and strength over your appearance, not that appearance is not more important (or more valuable to others). It's simply a personal value distinction between real/authentic and superficial. Remember that I've defined and characterized masculinity as a set of attributes and characteristics that go way beyond your superficial looks. All you're doing is assigning more weight and importance to the part that others put more stock into (women valuing looks), as opposed to the part that I think matters more for more things.

Think carefully about the following choice: 1) You're a good-looking, but effeminate, pretty boy who gets plenty of female attention from the outset (may or may result in primal attraction leading to sex), but you get zero respect and trust from all of the men you encounter, as they all think you're incompetent, untrustworthy, and wouldn't back you or trust having their back - you'd basically have no tribe. 2) You're the opposite with respect and status amongst peers, but women find you repulsive and don't want anything to do with you.

The choice boils down to something very simple and fundamental. I won't mention it right away, but you might already guess the core of what I'm getting at.

View: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAD6Mt2ooOk/

I dont think u can get any more manlier than being a multimillionaire boxing champion, yet look.

Completely invisible.

You're probably tall, you will never understand.

That's a brutal fucking video, but that's about attraction, not the concept of masculinity. A man's looks are a component of his manliness (his height, musculature and stature), but it's not all of it.

All that video shows it that holes don't give a fuck about boxing or whatever a man does, and only care about his height and looks.

I dont think u can get any more manlier than being a multimillionaire boxing champion, yet look.
Bro what? That's just signals status and resources. That has nothing to do with masculinity. You have multi-millionaire status-maxxed tech soyboys. They don't have a masculine fiber of muscle in their entire body. And the other side, you have plenty of low and middle income people (even not including traditionally masculine professions like firefighting and soldiering) who anyone would say is more masculine some random entertainment celebrity.

Completely invisible.

You're probably tall, you will never understand.
I'm telling you, as a 5'5" manlet, that I think masculinity is way more than height and have already argued for why.
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That's a brutal fucking video, but that's about attraction, not the concept of masculinity. A man's looks are a component of his manliness (his height, musculature and stature), but it's not all of it.

All that video shows it that holes don't give a fuck about boxing or whatever a man does, and only care about his height and looks.

Bro what? That's just signals status and resources. That has nothing to do with masculinity. You have multi-millionaire status-maxxed tech soyboys. They don't have a masculine fiber of muscle in their entire body. And the other side, you have plenty of low and middle income people (even not including traditionally masculine professions like firefighting and soldiering) who anyone would say is more masculine some random entertainment celebrity.

I'm telling you, as a 5'5" manlet, that I think masculinity is way more than height and have already argued for why.
I understand what you mean.

But still id rather not look masculine if that means i am appealing to women and society attractive standards in general.

Whats the point of being manly and handy man to yourself when ur alone and lonely your whole life.

"but hey at least i got honor and virtue as a manly man!"

Nobody cares man, you're still alone and unworthy of anything fun and intimate in the eyes of everyone.
OK. Now tell me with a serious face that you can honestly picture any of them in the following compromising positions willingly.
No because they would not be acting out such fantasies in a public place, or let anyone other than their wives know about their sexual preferences.
I understand what you mean.

But still id rather not look masculine if that means i am appealing to women and society attractive standards in general.

Whats the point of being manly and handy man to yourself when ur alone and lonely your whole life.

"but hey at least i got honor and virtue as a manly man!"

Nobody cares man, you're still alone and unworthy of anything fun and intimate in the eyes of everyone.
OK, that's fine. You're free to make that trade, of course, and I get why. It's just something I wouldn't do myself and have to draw a line in the sand in.
No because they would not be acting out such fantasies in a public place, or let anyone other than their wives know about their sexual preferences.
I explain this part literally just below those pictures.
Do you not think the prevalence of this kind of sexual deviancy is a problem in the manosphere? It's yet another symptom of weak men in society.
all of us here are weak subhumans though. we're not here to improve, we're here to cope
all of us here are weak subhumans though. we're not here to improve, we're here to cope
Speak for yourself, GrAY. I may be subhuman genetic trash in the eyes of modern Western females in the sex and dating market, but that doesn't make me weak. It just makes me sexually and romantically unsuccessful. JFL
I explain this part literally just below those pictures.
You were more so just denying it rather than explaining it. You can't really explain such a thing in the first place because the psychology behind it isn't understood (AFAIK it isn't, if you do know what the psychology behind it is then please do tell me)

Anyway, I do agree with you that femdom should not be endorsed, but you are also being overtly hostile. If you know of a cure for it, I would happily take it.
Speak for yourself, GrAY. I may be subhuman genetic trash in the eyes of modern Western females in the sex and dating market, but that doesn't make me weak. It just makes me sexually and romantically unsuccessful. JFL
depends on what you mean by ''weak''. I could easily physically 1v1 the average man. But I still get tormented by society, and there is nothing I can do about it.
You were more so just denying it rather than explaining it. You can't really explain such a thing in the first place because the psychology behind it isn't understood (AFAIK it isn't, if you do know what the psychology behind it is then please do tell me)
Yeah, you're right, it's not really an explanation for why they wouldn't or couldn't be into it at a deeper level. It's just saying that the retort of "they're in public, of course they wouldn't do this," isn't valid because you still probably couldn't realistically imagine them humiliating themselves like that in private.

The common explanation you hear that it's powerful men (or men in power, more specifically), like politicians and high level business people, who engage in this degeneracy, do so as an outlet to invert and expunge all of that dominant, controlling energy that they build-up and maintain in their professional lives.

I don't buy it, but that's the typical explanation. I'd wager that if you looked closely, those men would - on average - probably be physically weaker, have lower testosterone, and have other features that would be considered less traditionally masculine.

Anyway, I do agree with you that femdom should not be endorsed, but you are also being overtly hostile. If you know of a cure for it, I would happily take it.
Yes, I'm being intentionally hostile. It's cucked female worship of the highest order. (OK, maybe not the highest, but it's up there.)
Yeah, you're right, it's not really an explanation for they wouldn't or couldn't be into it at a deeper level. It's just saying that the retort of "they're in public, of course they wouldn't do this," isn't valid because you still probably couldn't realistically imagine them humiliating themselves like that.
I can.
The common explanation you hear that it's powerful men (or men in power, more specifically), like politicians and high level business people, who engage in this degeneracy, do so as an outlet to invert and expunge all of that dominant, controlling energy that they build-up and maintain in their professional lives.
That sounds like nonsense. I think it's linked to (childhood) trauma, but can't figure it out fully.
I don't buy it, but that's the typical explanation. I'd wager that if you looked closely, those men would - on average - probably be physically weaker, have lower testosterone, and have other features that would be considered less traditionally masculine.
This is purely anecdotal but in my experience that is not true.
Yes, I'm being intentionally hostile. It's cucked female worship of the highest order. (OK, maybe not the highest, but it's up there.)
It is, but it sounds to me like you're also hating on men who don't publicly worship women, but nevertheless can't control their desires.
It is, but it sounds to me like you're also hating on men who don't publicly worship women, but nevertheless can't control their desires.
The open hostility I reserve for those femdom cucks who proudly display and promote their deviancy, forgetting that such a thing is inherently shameful for a man.

It's basically this video, but for femdom.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjnrLt3VuSM

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I couldn’t stand to be dominated by a woman. The women who I’m attracted to are soft and feminine, not muscular women. I wouldn’t want a tall woman or muscular woman because that’s unnatural and I want my woman smaller than me so she can be dominated in bed.

I don’t agree that all femdom is borderline faggotry, but it is basically self humiliation aka masochism, so is inherently less masculine
The open hostility I reserve for those femdom cucks who proudly display and promote their deviancy, forgetting that such a thing is inherently shameful for a man.
Fair enough, I agree with you.

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