المانلة المعذّب
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- Nov 28, 2022
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I agree with this.Very shallow-minded responses. It's incredibly ironic (though not surprising) that you both view masculinity in the same way as foids and normies do: completely surface-level and superficial. Btw, you didn't describe anything of substance, @nice_try, so I'm going to take what you said as practically a non-answer and the same response as @anandkonda.
There are two black pills at play here: that people judge your character based off of your looks (lookism + halo effect), and that masculinity is a whole lot more than your looks.
A man's looks are the visible portion of the iceberg of masculinity. His character and his virtues make up the essence of his masculinity. You wouldn't call a man who's highly neurotic and unable to keep control of his emotions in the face of challenges and adversity, for example, a masculine man. No, you would likely associate his behavior and that particular characteristic to female behavior, and you'd be correct.
It's not an accident that honor, for example, is a classically masculine characteristic, and that it's completely alien to women (see: French women sleeping with German Nazi soldiers). A man of strong character has honor. He keeps his word, he's dutiful to his family and comrades, and he means what he says and says what he means. Truth is the soul of honor.
On the other hand, entirely antithetical to that is deceit, which is a classically feminine characteristic. We all know that women have evolved to be better liars, because they're the physically weaker of the sexes and needed to manipulate the men to offer them protection and provision, because they simply couldn't force them. In the timeless words of Arthur Schopenhaur:
"For as lions are provided with claws and teeth, and elephants and boars with tusks, bulls with horns, and cuttlefish with its clouds of inky fluid, so nature has equipped woman, for her defence and protection, with the arts of dissimulation; and all the power which nature has conferred upon a man in the shape of physical strength and reason, has been bestowed upon women in this form."
And so, it's very fitting that men with effeminate sexual pathologies, namely this deviancy of femdom, would exhibit the feminine in their evaluation of the masculine.
But also at the same time. There is no proven way to beat femdom kink right now in 2025 or any kink for that matter.
Maybe stoppage of watching porn can minimize its cravings but it will always be there ready to fire up at any sexual given situation.
if there was a permanent cure for it i would have done it the moment i started liking feet for example.
Because it always starts with something light like feet then it progresses to other super degeneracy bs that makes you feel dead inside.
@anandkonda you have to accept at least that deep down you dont enjoy having this kink but you tolerate it because its also a cope.