we are. The last day of the month.
I had 2 approaches to do to complete my target of 50.
Would this be the grand finale I'd earned? Would I find the girl of my dreams who would agree to a date with me and go on to form a long-lasting fulfilling relationship?
The two approaches went as follows:
1. Girl walking out of the mall.
"You don't work in the mall, do you?"
"No, sorry." *kept walking quickly*
2. Girl at train station
Girl #50. Honestly, I'd really be pushing it to say I found her attractive. She was 5/10 at best and a bit chubby. But she was a girl. And she wasn't absolutely repulsive. So that meant she was getting approached if it meant not having to trawl the streets at night again on the off chance of finding a Stacy who would inevitably reject me anyway.
"Do you work in the mall?"
"I wasn't sure if I recognized you...your name's not Danielle?"
"No, not Danielle..." *started walking away*
"I thought you looked quite nice." *kept walking away*
So there we are. 50 approaches in one month. 1 out of 50 girls agreed to a date and exchanged contact details with a view to arranging it. Surprisingly, she didn't cancel her Facebook friend request. Surprisingly, she responded to my first message. Unsurprisingly, that was the last I heard from her.
I have had a warning from security at my local mall for doing this. If I go back and approach there, I'll probably be threatened with being barred.
My all time stats are now:
125 approaches
122 girls approached
0 dates
You might think I'm at a real low point right now. Sure, the rejections started taking their toll towards the end of the month. My self-esteem took a battering. But right now, I feel happy. Why, you ask?
Because tomorrow I don't have to approach.
Honestly, I've never felt so happy at the prospect of not approaching girls. I know that tomorrow, for the first time in a month, I won't be rejected (verbally or otherwise) as I won't have to approach tomorrow - or the day after - or the day after...and the thought of that right now is so good.
I used to pass by places where I saw a girl I found very attractive but didn't approach, and it reminded me of not approaching. I would feel annoyed at myself. Now, I know that's utterly futile, because if I had approached, it would almost certainly have resulted in a rejection - and most likely a quick, unmemorable one at that.
I'm glad I did this run, though. It just goes to show - all you have to do is be yourself™ and put yourself out there™ - and you too can get repeatedly rejected every day for a whole month!