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Cold approach journal of a 28-year-old virgin

Let's be honest - you have to be pretty undesirable to only get contact details from 1 out of 47 girls you approach.
For a member on Incels.me the reactions you are getting are awesome. Compare your experiences to @uninstall's!

Having said that I do agree - you must be ugly if you are getting rejected so much. But who said this was about getting a date?
eLet's be honest - you have to be pretty undesirable to only get contact details from 1 out of 47 girls you approach..
I don't think it's really that bad, considering you don't seem to look for prompts of interest from their side.. You might also want to work on you look but really I admire you. Keep on the good work!
This guy is a voice/fakecel
Over the past couple of years, I've dabbled in cold approach in the pursuit of at least some kind of romantic/sexual activity in my life. So far, my attempts have proved fruitless. As the title says, I'm still a virgin at 28 and have never been in a romantic relationship. I read a little about cold approach and started putting it into practice a couple of years ago, but in that time I've only done 67 approaches (and only 65 girls, having managed to approach two of them twice!) - a pretty poor return, so now I'm looking to rack up the approaches and document my progress or lack thereof.

I've seen guys on here saying they've done over 1,000 approaches with little or no success, and I can see myself going the same way. In all honesty, I know that realistically the chance of me ever getting a girlfriend is extremely slim, but at least if I can rack up a large volume of approaches I can say I tried. If I can't get one girl out of 1,000, I think it's time to pack it in.

If anyone has suggestions of particularly challenging scenarios in which to approach girls that aren't likely to get me beaten up or arrested, feel free to suggest them and I might try them. If nothing else we can get a laugh out of the awkwardness that's likely to ensue.
Why try? Its VERY pointless, and a WASTE of your precious time on the planet..
Managed the grand total of 1 approach today - a 40-year-old blonde, 6/10. Not as hot as the girls I usually approach, but that's not a fair comparison as they're pretty much always in their 20s. Still looked decent for her age and seemed friendly enough but not really interested. No potential there anyway as the experience gap between me and someone a few years younger would be big enough nevermind someone 12 years older.

68 approaches, 0 dates, 0 lays, 0 GFs.
The DEFINITION of insanity is doing the SAME thing OVER and OVER again and expecting a DIFFERENT result!! Why are you wasting your life this way? Find a FULFILLING hobby, something you can actually ENJOY DOING and having fun!! What you are doing now is pointless, useless, and DEFINITELY not fun! God help ya...
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Horrendous night.

Didn't do any approaches in or around the mall before work. As a result, I had to resort to roaming the streets at night where prospects are extremely hard to find and the context is far from ideal.

Did my approach at the train station. Girl was the only one there when I approached her. Went indirect by offering her my train ticket which hadn't been checked. Chatted briefly but when she told me she was 18 I just said, "I thought you looked quite nice but I'm probably a bit old for you, so I'll leave you - have a good night". She was fine about it but the context wasn't right.

Headed back home and I was just around the corner from mine when I discovered...I didn't have my key.

While roaming the streets, I bent down to pick up a coin at one point and my card fell out of my pocket. I knew at this point my key must have fallen out but I hadn't noticed.

I had to retrace my steps all the way back where I found my key, then walk all the way back home.

If I'd approached in the mall this morning, I would have been back an hour earlier and none of this would have happened.

Honestly, this is a real low point for me. As I was walking the streets at 11pm, looking for a girl to approach, I couldn't help but think - what the fuck am I doing with my life?!

I'm doing 2 approaches tomorrow, then taking at the very least a week off. I need to stop wasting my time and energy on this shit.
Tbh mate your no gonna have much success with cold approaches. Only chads are realistically gonna be able to pull that off. I find house parties as best place to approach girls (limited success) that an get some female pals. The pals of your female friends should be for you aim for. Easier talking to girls on the peripheral of your social group, than stranger's in the street.
Why are you WASTING your life doing this? GO do something youll TRULY ENJOY with your limited time... Tomorrow is NOT GUARANTEED! Go skydiving, eat a great cheeseburger, collect something fun! ANYTHING but wasting your time on soulless women who arent worthy to even shine your shoes!!!
Go get cash in any way and plastic surgeries. Zygomatic implants, wraparound implants, eyelid surgeries. these girls will aproach you instead.
Horrendous night.

Didn't do any approaches in or around the mall before work. As a result, I had to resort to roaming the streets at night where prospects are extremely hard to find and the context is far from ideal.

Did my approach at the train station. Girl was the only one there when I approached her. Went indirect by offering her my train ticket which hadn't been checked. Chatted briefly but when she told me she was 18 I just said, "I thought you looked quite nice but I'm probably a bit old for you, so I'll leave you - have a good night". She was fine about it but the context wasn't right.

Headed back home and I was just around the corner from mine when I discovered...I didn't have my key.

While roaming the streets, I bent down to pick up a coin at one point and my card fell out of my pocket. I knew at this point my key must have fallen out but I hadn't noticed.

I had to retrace my steps all the way back where I found my key, then walk all the way back home.

If I'd approached in the mall this morning, I would have been back an hour earlier and none of this would have happened.

Honestly, this is a real low point for me. As I was walking the streets at 11pm, looking for a girl to approach, I couldn't help but think - what the fuck am I doing with my life?!

I'm doing 2 approaches tomorrow, then taking at the very least a week off. I need to stop wasting my time and energy on this shit.

Why would you offer your TICKET to THIS POS?

FFS? What is this cuck shit? You are way too nice to those holes.

I've had shit days too. They are all shit in fact. At least you found your key.

Don't beat yourself too much.

Approaching at late hours suck.
i dont do it ONLY Because i know 2 things:
1. i will get only rejections.
2. i dont want to give validation to this whores.
Why do this to yourself? Just go to SEA already.
i dont do it ONLY Because i know 2 things:
1. i will get only rejections.
2. i dont want to give validation to this whores.


but once the initial phase has passed, you can just think of it as a small investment because the approaches don't take as much psyching and time

it will also do wodners for your inhibition and social anxiety

but the initial phase is very nasty
i dont do it ONLY Because i know 2 things:
1. i will get only rejections.
2. i dont want to give validation to this whores.
Approaching is a great exercise to lower inhib,but other than that,it's worthless
Finally...here we are. The last day of the month.

I had 2 approaches to do to complete my target of 50.

Would this be the grand finale I'd earned? Would I find the girl of my dreams who would agree to a date with me and go on to form a long-lasting fulfilling relationship?


The two approaches went as follows:

1. Girl walking out of the mall.
"You don't work in the mall, do you?"
"No, sorry." *kept walking quickly*

2. Girl at train station
Girl #50. Honestly, I'd really be pushing it to say I found her attractive. She was 5/10 at best and a bit chubby. But she was a girl. And she wasn't absolutely repulsive. So that meant she was getting approached if it meant not having to trawl the streets at night again on the off chance of finding a Stacy who would inevitably reject me anyway.
"Do you work in the mall?"
"I wasn't sure if I recognized you...your name's not Danielle?"
"No, not Danielle..." *started walking away*
"I thought you looked quite nice." *kept walking away*

So there we are. 50 approaches in one month. 1 out of 50 girls agreed to a date and exchanged contact details with a view to arranging it. Surprisingly, she didn't cancel her Facebook friend request. Surprisingly, she responded to my first message. Unsurprisingly, that was the last I heard from her.

I have had a warning from security at my local mall for doing this. If I go back and approach there, I'll probably be threatened with being barred.

My all time stats are now:
125 approaches
122 girls approached
0 dates

You might think I'm at a real low point right now. Sure, the rejections started taking their toll towards the end of the month. My self-esteem took a battering. But right now, I feel happy. Why, you ask?

Because tomorrow I don't have to approach.

Honestly, I've never felt so happy at the prospect of not approaching girls. I know that tomorrow, for the first time in a month, I won't be rejected (verbally or otherwise) as I won't have to approach tomorrow - or the day after - or the day after...and the thought of that right now is so good.

I used to pass by places where I saw a girl I found very attractive but didn't approach, and it reminded me of not approaching. I would feel annoyed at myself. Now, I know that's utterly futile, because if I had approached, it would almost certainly have resulted in a rejection - and most likely a quick, unmemorable one at that.

I'm glad I did this run, though. It just goes to show - all you have to do is be yourself™ and put yourself out there™ - and you too can get repeatedly rejected every day for a whole month!
Finally...here we are. The last day of the month.

I had 2 approaches to do to complete my target of 50.

Would this be the grand finale I'd earned? Would I find the girl of my dreams who would agree to a date with me and go on to form a long-lasting fulfilling relationship?


The two approaches went as follows:

1. Girl walking out of the mall.
"You don't work in the mall, do you?"
"No, sorry." *kept walking quickly*

2. Girl at train station
Girl #50. Honestly, I'd really be pushing it to say I found her attractive. She was 5/10 at best and a bit chubby. But she was a girl. And she wasn't absolutely repulsive. So that meant she was getting approached if it meant not having to trawl the streets at night again on the off chance of finding a Stacy who would inevitably reject me anyway.
"Do you work in the mall?"
"I wasn't sure if I recognized you...your name's not Danielle?"
"No, not Danielle..." *started walking away*
"I thought you looked quite nice." *kept walking away*

So there we are. 50 approaches in one month. 1 out of 50 girls agreed to a date and exchanged contact details with a view to arranging it. Surprisingly, she didn't cancel her Facebook friend request. Surprisingly, she responded to my first message. Unsurprisingly, that was the last I heard from her.

I have had a warning from security at my local mall for doing this. If I go back and approach there, I'll probably be threatened with being barred.

My all time stats are now:
125 approaches
122 girls approached
0 dates

You might think I'm at a real low point right now. Sure, the rejections started taking their toll towards the end of the month. My self-esteem took a battering. But right now, I feel happy. Why, you ask?

Because tomorrow I don't have to approach.

Honestly, I've never felt so happy at the prospect of not approaching girls. I know that tomorrow, for the first time in a month, I won't be rejected (verbally or otherwise) as I won't have to approach tomorrow - or the day after - or the day after...and the thought of that right now is so good.

I used to pass by places where I saw a girl I found very attractive but didn't approach, and it reminded me of not approaching. I would feel annoyed at myself. Now, I know that's utterly futile, because if I had approached, it would almost certainly have resulted in a rejection - and most likely a quick, unmemorable one at that.

I'm glad I did this run, though. It just goes to show - all you have to do is be yourself™ and put yourself out there™ - and you too can get repeatedly rejected every day for a whole month!

Don't worry. It is all good.

I needed 372 approaches to get a date.


But trust me.

It almost doesn't hurt at this point.

When l was at your numbers the pain is real.

I also get what you mean about being happy that u WON'T be approaching.

Don't worry.

U are one of those who tried.

And that's all that matters.
Finally...here we are. The last day of the month.

I had 2 approaches to do to complete my target of 50.

Would this be the grand finale I'd earned? Would I find the girl of my dreams who would agree to a date with me and go on to form a long-lasting fulfilling relationship?


The two approaches went as follows:

1. Girl walking out of the mall.
"You don't work in the mall, do you?"
"No, sorry." *kept walking quickly*

2. Girl at train station
Girl #50. Honestly, I'd really be pushing it to say I found her attractive. She was 5/10 at best and a bit chubby. But she was a girl. And she wasn't absolutely repulsive. So that meant she was getting approached if it meant not having to trawl the streets at night again on the off chance of finding a Stacy who would inevitably reject me anyway.
"Do you work in the mall?"
"I wasn't sure if I recognized you...your name's not Danielle?"
"No, not Danielle..." *started walking away*
"I thought you looked quite nice." *kept walking away*

So there we are. 50 approaches in one month. 1 out of 50 girls agreed to a date and exchanged contact details with a view to arranging it. Surprisingly, she didn't cancel her Facebook friend request. Surprisingly, she responded to my first message. Unsurprisingly, that was the last I heard from her.

I have had a warning from security at my local mall for doing this. If I go back and approach there, I'll probably be threatened with being barred.

My all time stats are now:
125 approaches
122 girls approached
0 dates

You might think I'm at a real low point right now. Sure, the rejections started taking their toll towards the end of the month. My self-esteem took a battering. But right now, I feel happy. Why, you ask?

Because tomorrow I don't have to approach.

Honestly, I've never felt so happy at the prospect of not approaching girls. I know that tomorrow, for the first time in a month, I won't be rejected (verbally or otherwise) as I won't have to approach tomorrow - or the day after - or the day after...and the thought of that right now is so good.

I used to pass by places where I saw a girl I found very attractive but didn't approach, and it reminded me of not approaching. I would feel annoyed at myself. Now, I know that's utterly futile, because if I had approached, it would almost certainly have resulted in a rejection - and most likely a quick, unmemorable one at that.

I'm glad I did this run, though. It just goes to show - all you have to do is be yourself™ and put yourself out there™ - and you too can get repeatedly rejected every day for a whole month!

Its time for you to lower your standarts

go for 4s and 5s MAX

you are waisting your time goin for 7s 8s and 9s

maybe once in while for 6s but that will be hard to get
@Colin is this you, OP? JFL! :feelsrope::lul:

By the way, here's a tip for approaching at the mall: have a shopping bag in your hands. Mall security watch the CCTVs and single out men who are alone with nothing in their hands.
Horrendous night.

Didn't do any approaches in or around the mall before work. As a result, I had to resort to roaming the streets at night where prospects are extremely hard to find and the context is far from ideal.

Did my approach at the train station. Girl was the only one there when I approached her. Went indirect by offering her my train ticket which hadn't been checked. Chatted briefly but when she told me she was 18 I just said, "I thought you looked quite nice but I'm probably a bit old for you, so I'll leave you - have a good night". She was fine about it but the context wasn't right.

Why did you reject yourself? WHY??? She was of legal age you high-inhib cuck. :feelsree:
By the way, here's a tip for approaching at the mall: have a shopping bag in your hands. Mall security watch the CCTVs and single out men who are alone with nothing in their hands.

definitely a good idea to always look busy and not like you're just approaching
I don't have time and energy to spend on cold approching hundreds of girls like this. Seriously, if this is the only way to get a GF nowadays, this world is definitely fucked up.

I admire your abnegation though.
I love reading teenagers call a 28 year old virgin a fakecel.
Daytime, open social events > bars/clubs >>> streets in a normal day.

That's all I can say to help. If you have 1K approaches in good environments on your belt and never even kissed, you're 100% truecel.
Meanwhile, girls need to do exactly 0 "cold approaches" (they needn't even worry naming their tactics) to get what you are trying to pursue.

That's not their game. Getting sex for girls is as easy as breathing.

Their whole point is to get Chad to commit and they have to put "effort" in that (mainly just remaining virgin, not being a bitch and cooking/cleaning/obeying him) yet they still fail.

Go get cash in any way and plastic surgeries. Zygomatic implants, wraparound implants, eyelid surgeries. these girls will approach you instead.
Yes, go and be like one of those Bogdanoff brothers, you'll definitely have hundreds of approaches. What a high IQ post(no, it's not).
@Colin is this you, OP? JFL! :feelsrope::lul:

By the way, here's a tip for approaching at the mall: have a shopping bag in your hands. Mall security watch the CCTVs and single out men who are alone with nothing in their hands.

bro you got busted xDDDD
I fucking hate life.

"Just approach girls, dude. Don't be scared." Then security threatens you. And now whoever this is on Facebook is getting publicly shamed.


I fucking hate people. I want to carve a girl apart with a rusty fork. I want to find whoever wrote that facebook post, and punch her gut over and over until I finally penetrate her stomach with my fist.

As if it's not hard enough to approach random girls. As if we're not already in hell. ER.

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I fucking hate life.

"Just approach girls, dude. Don't be scared." Then security approaches. And now whoever this is on Facebook is getting publicly shamed.


I fucking hate people. I want to carve a girl apart with a rusty fork. I want to find whoever wrote that tweet, and punch her gut over and over until I finally penetrate her stomach with my fist.

As if it's not hard enough to approach random girls. As if we're not already in hell. ER.

ER needs to rise from his grave and punish all these sluts
I'm sweating just be reading this. Coldapproachcels should get some kind of a medal
Cold approaches don't work. We come across either creepy or intimidating. You need to look like chad to have any success with it.
@Colin is this you, OP? JFL! :feelsrope::lul:

By the way, here's a tip for approaching at the mall: have a shopping bag in your hands. Mall security watch the CCTVs and single out men who are alone with nothing in their hands.

This is the biggest reasson why cold approach is stupid
So you're 6'4, white and clearly not ugly enough since a girl (possibly more than one) thought you were hot enough to kiss you.

Why are you here again?
I think he needs a pua must be so introverted .. or a psychiatrist
What do you think of this?
This guy is proposing almost exactly what you did, approaching 100 girls in a month, but recommends practicing social interactions, leaving a good first impression and starting a deeper conversations on males and platonic interactions on females first (just ignore 0:40-0:51). Maybe this will increase your chances, or did you see this already and this is actually where you got the idea from?
Back at it again.

I enjoyed my week of no approaches. For the first couple of days in particular it felt great knowing that I wouldn't have to go out and get rejected. I knew I would have to start again at some point, though.

So, would my week off prove to be the secret I needed to succeed when I got started again?

Shock horror...no.

Firstly, my inhibition was notably higher when I was out approaching today. When I was doing it every day, my inhibition was as low as it's ever been. Now, I found myself out of the loop, and it took a while to get going - and when I did, I couldn't get into any sort of rhythm at all. All my approaches were spread out over several hours.

1. Blonde girl, 7/10.
Said "excuse me" and she kept walking at first. Thought she was going to ignore me but I started as if asking for directions and she stopped. When she stopped I said "I actually just thought you looked quite nice". She turned out to be surprisingly smiley and receptive but said she was on her break.

2. Brunette girl in mall.
"You don't work here, do you?"
"You're not from round here?"
"I thought you looked quite nice."
She did that uneasy smile and waved goodbye as she walked into a store.

3. Blonde girl, 7/10, with friends.
Went direct. She smiled and she and her friends laughed. Spoke with them for a minute or so but she said "I'm taken".

4. Brunette girl in bright top in mall.
Started walking alongside her, tapped her on the shoulder and said I thought she looked nice. Her facial expression left me in no doubt that she didn't want to be there. She sped up so I just turned and left her.

129 approaches, still nowhere near getting a date.

Oh, and that guy isn't me. Honestly, I wouldn't surprise me if one of the girls in the mall did something similar to me though. I've already had the warning from security. We go out and actually put in the effort to improve our situation and that's what happens. Fucking pathetic.
What do you think of this?
This guy is proposing almost exactly what you did, approaching 100 girls in a month, but recommends practicing social interactions, leaving a good first impression and starting a deeper conversations on males and platonic interactions on females first (just ignore 0:40-0:51). Maybe this will increase your chances, or did you see this already and this is actually where you got the idea from?

It seems a bit pie in the sky to me. You can't ignore what he says in 0:40-0:51 because his theories are based on what he says there. He claims looks is less than 20% of the equation which is absolutely absurd.

Personally, I found that approaching 50 girls in a month was more bad than good for me. Towards the end of the month I felt worn down and just wanted to get it over with. I don't feel it has improved my chances - 1 out of 50 girls agreeing to a date and then not following up says it all.

I appreciate you coming forward with a constructive suggestion, though, so thanks - I just think this guy is misguided.
Have you ever watched the youtuber Virgin Messiah? He's really good, been cold approaching for a while now, at one point he cold approached 4 women in one day, 2 girls at a time etc but still a 33yo virgin. I think you might relate to him and he's honestly one of the nicest incels. Deserves it the least imo.
If you’re ugly you need surgery and buy some elevator shoes around 3 inches won’t be noticeable but will make you taller than most girls
Busy day today.

I did 10 approaches in around an hour and a half.

All bar one of the approaches were done on the street. I'm wary of spending too much time wandering around malls.

1. Cute brunette girl.
Saw her walking towards me but it was only when I stopped her I noticed she looked quite young. I said "I'm probably too old for you". She told me she was 17 so I bounced.

2. Black haired girl in mall, make up maxxed.
Started as if asking for directions. Hesitated for some reason before saying "I actually just thought you looked quite nice". She said "thanks" as she walked away but her facial expression left me in no doubt that she wasn't impressed.

3. Cute blonde girl with nose ring.
First decent interaction of the day. Thought she was going to walk by me but she stopped and we chatted for a couple of minutes, she was smiling and laughing but said "sorry, I'm with someone".

4. Greek girl.
Started as if asking for directions and was going to say I thought she looked nice but when she spoke I knew she was foreign so I just said "oh, you're not from here? I'm thinking...Middle Eastern." Told me she was Greek so I spoke about the time I visited Greece. She said she was going so I asked her out for a coffee and she said, "sorry but I have no idea who you are". I instantly replied with "you have no idea who I am, so this is how you'll get to know me". She just said "sorry" again...obviously didn't have a boyfriend but didn't find me attractive.

5. Foreign girl.
Started as if asking for directions. She didn't stop. Tried to transition - "where are you from?" - but she kept walking.

6. Stacylite blonde in sunglasses.
Honestly, when I saw her I felt sure she would just reject me off hand. She looked like a diva. Decided to go for it nonetheless. To my surprise she stopped and turned out to be a cool girl - laid back and chatty. Unfortunately said she was taken early in the interaction. Still ended up speaking with her for five minutes or so, decent chat, had a laugh with her. I didn't ask her for advice but she suggested going to a bar instead and suggested I'm unlikely to find someone on the street...she's right about that.

7. Cute brunette girl.
Stopped her and looked at her as if I knew her from somewhere. She smiled and shook her head as I rambled - "you're not Danielle? You used to work at...at the old place?" Told her I thought she looked nice but a bit young...she said "I'm 22 but I live with my boyfriend".

8. Blonde girl in leather jacket.
Not as receptive. "I'm going that way...bye."

9. Brunette girl.
Bad reaction. Approached her from the side and went direct. She looked uneasy and said "sorry, I'm in a rush".

10. Blonde girl in denim jacket.
Went direct. Lukewarm reaction. Her phone rang just as I started speaking to her. I left her as I was getting tired and hungry and wasn't going to stand there while she was on the phone.

139 approaches
136 girls approached
0 dates
"just be confident, you'll find someone" :soy:
>do approaches

Was running out of time to make today's approach so settled for a slightly chubbier girl, 6/10 max.

Got the boyfriend excuse but she was more smiley and receptive and touched my arm as she walked past me...closest thing to physical affection I've had from a girl I find at least somewhat attractive in a long time. Sad but true.

Best reaction out of the 4 so far from this small run but that's not saying much.

Dude, fuck off with this boyfriend excuse on your end. If she touches your arm you could easily fuck her. Tell her her ass is juicy but not as juicy as my dick.
Have you ever watched the youtuber Virgin Messiah? He's really good, been cold approaching for a while now, at one point he cold approached 4 women in one day, 2 girls at a time etc but still a 33yo virgin. I think you might relate to him and he's honestly one of the nicest incels. Deserves it the least imo.
Started watching this guy's videos and he seems like a good guy. I can absolutely relate to some of the things he says. The fact that he's 5 years older than me and saying these things drives home how hopeless my situation is.
respect OP. Valuable thread. its truly over.
1 out of 50 girls agreeing to a date and then not following up says it all.
What happened btw, did she just ghost you?

What I also don't understand: Why do you put so much effort into it but only use the most ineffective approach there is, cold approach during daytime?
Your chances would increase quite a lot if you approached girls at parties/nice and relaxed bars, or if you focused on enlarging your social circle and trying new group hobbies to meet women there. Even online dating is prob more effective than this kind of cold approach.
- 6'4" (I'm lucky in this regard but also the walking refutal of "women go for tall guys")
- 5/10
- White

You are not incel because of your looks. Have this in mind.

AND STOP DOING COULD APPROACHES. This shit does not work for Sub8 man.
I'm not a kissless virgin because some girls kissed me in middle school. Am I fakecel?
If you kissed at one point that means you were at least somewhat attractive at one point. But depending on how much your looks declined, you could be a truecel now IMO.

Consider the following situation: a guy is a 4.5/10 at his prime and manages to kiss a couple of foids after 1000 approaches or so. Then he gets older, loses looks and is now a 3/10. Can't get anything anymore.

Is he a fakecel?
@Colin is this you, OP? JFL! :feelsrope::lul:

By the way, here's a tip for approaching at the mall: have a shopping bag in your hands. Mall security watch the CCTVs and single out men who are alone with nothing in their hands.

Shit, where is that? Quality ragefuel.

I approached a lot in one specific area during the day in Brazil, some girls caught up on me but something as severe as that never happened. Brazil isn't so cucked by feminism yet.
What happened btw, did she just ghost you?

What I also don't understand: Why do you put so much effort into it but only use the most ineffective approach there is, cold approach during daytime?
Your chances would increase quite a lot if you approached girls at parties/nice and relaxed bars, or if you focused on enlarging your social circle and trying new group hobbies to meet women there. Even online dating is prob more effective than this kind of cold approach.
I sent her a message the day after meeting her, she replied after 24 hours, then I sent her a second message and she never replied to that.

I resort to cold approaching because it's all I really have.

I have no social circle. I have very few friends and hardly ever meet up with them.
I sent her a message the day after meeting her, she replied after 24 hours, then I sent her a second message and she never replied to that.
That sucks. What did you send her?

I resort to cold approaching because it's all I really have.

I have no social circle. I have very few friends and hardly ever meet up with them.

then I would try to make new friends, even if it doesn't help you to ascend it is a good cope on its own. Trying out new clubs and hobbies is also possible without friends. Of course there is no guarantee that you will find a gf this way, but at least it is more promising and less exhausting as mass cold approaching.
What do you think of this?
This guy is proposing almost exactly what you did, approaching 100 girls in a month, but recommends practicing social interactions, leaving a good first impression and starting a deeper conversations on males and platonic interactions on females first (just ignore 0:40-0:51). Maybe this will increase your chances, or did you see this already and this is actually where you got the idea from?

muh social skills

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