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Cold approach journal of a 28-year-old virgin

Poor day today.

My inhibition was higher than it should have been for some reason so I walked around the mall for half an hour without approaching. When I eventually did my approach the girl wasn't receptive...she didn't smile or anything, just gave me a look and walked off. Thankfully I didn't say she looked stunning or anything - don't want to give girls like that too much of an ego boost.

I still have another 40 approaches to do this month. Fuuuuuuck.
2 approaches today, 2 very different reactions.

Both approaches were in the mall.

The first girl was sitting down wearing gym gear. The interaction went like this:

"Excuse me, have you got the time?"
*checks phone* "Twenty to twelve."
"Ok, but I actually just thought you looked quite nice."
"I thought you looked quite nice."
*she glares at me*
"...but you don't seem very receptive. Are you not interested?"
"No." *buries her face in phone*
"Ok." *walks off*

She was a stuck up bitch. I don't have time to waste talking to stuck up bitches.

I was sick of having shitty interactions fulfil my quota for the day, so while walking away from her I saw another girl - literally within a minute of the first approach - and as I walked alongside her I started talking to her:

"Excuse me, I saw you back there and thought you looked quite nice."
*she smiles*
"I'm just going to get food, but I just thought I have to take my chance."

She was smiley and receptive and we slowed down before stopping to chat. Turns out she works in the mall - yet another girl I've approached who works there - but it wouldn't be awkward if I saw her again because she was genuinely decent. Unfortunately she brought up the boyfriend before I got the chance to ask her out:

"My partner is in Dubai just now."
"Ok...I like how you just dropped that in there." (jokingly)
"I didn't want to disappoint you, sorry."

When I was having my food five minutes later a better reply came to mind - "Ok, so how long have I got to steal you from him before he gets back?"...why do I only think of these things after the interactions? Anyway, she was cool and we parted on good terms.

What genuinely struck me was the difference in the two reactions. I said pretty much the exact same thing, in the same place, to both girls - and the reactions were night and day. The first girl responded in a way that fuels the hatred and misogyny we see here; if lots of girls responded to me the way she did, it would be hard not to feel increasingly angry and resentful. The second girl was so much more chilled, decent and sociable - the kind of girl I enjoy approaching, where I enjoy the interactions despite them rejecting me. When you experience this kind of contrast, it shows the "all women are like that" rhetoric to be bullshit. And before anyone says it, I know, they both rejected me - but they did it in completely different ways. Having done nearly 100 approaches now, I've experienced reactions ranging from disgust to euphoria - not just today, but going right back to my first approaches. If all women were the same, you would get the same reaction every time you approach. That doesn't happen.

The other point to take from this is from my approach with the second girl. Some people think cold approaching is weird, but I just walked up and told her I liked her like it was the most normal, natural thing in the world. This seemed to rub off on her as she clearly didn't think there was anything weird about the situation.

I'm planning on doing several approaches tomorrow - hopefully get more interactions like the second one today and fewer like the first.
3 more approaches today. All in the mall. Pretty much the exact same line each time - "Hi, I saw you and thought you looked quite nice". Straight to the point.

1. Cute blonde girl, 6.5/10. Approached her in the exact same spot as the receptive girl yesterday, walking alongside her. She wasn't as receptive - she did that uneasy smile that told me she'd rather I wasn't there. I just turned and left her.

2. Brunette girl, 7.5/10. She had just about gone by me when I opened her - she could have easily kept going but stopped and turned to face me. She looked taken aback so I said "you look stunned" at which she replied "I am stunned!"...asked her if she had been approached like this before and she said she hadn't. Turned out she was engaged.

3. Cute blonde girl in gym gear, 6.5/10. She didn't hear me at first and when I repeated the line she smiled and said "oh, thank you!" but kept walking. She genuinely liked the validation from the compliment but didn't find me attractive.

Was hoping for a slightly busier day as Saturday is definitely the best day - mall is always busy so lots of potential targets.

15 done, 35 to go for the month.
Decent reaction from today's approach.

In the mall yet again. Saw a blonde girl in gym gear with an expensive looking handbag. She went into a women's clothing store. In the past this has deterred me from approaching but not this time...I just went into the store and opened her:

"Excuse me, I was just passing by and saw you and thought you looked quite nice."
"Oh, thank you!"
"It might sound a bit weird but just thought I'd come in."
"Thank you! Thank you!"
"Are you Swedish? You've got a Scandinavian look about you."
"Oh, no, I'm from here."
"Ok, it was just the blonde hair and blue eyes, but I hear the accent now...so you're just going to the gym?"
"I've just been."
"Really? You don't look very sweaty...can't have been much of a workout."
"Oh, no, I am! If you felt my hair you would know." (teasing her led to her qualifying herself)
"It's an unusual combination, the gym gear and handbag..."
"Yeah, I knew I had to come to the shops afterwards."
"Ok...well I'm just going to work, I know I barely know you, but would you fancy getting a coffee sometime?"
"Thank you, but I'm married."
"But you're so young...ah well, listen, have a good day."
"Thanks, you too."

One of the better interactions from this mini run.

Also saw a couple of girls I'd approached who work in the mall. Made awkward eye contact with one of them as I passed her shop. Got to love these awkward moments!

91 approaches done now...the 100 landmark beckons.
Today's approach took an unexpected twist...

Saw a really cute brunette girl in a summery dress. 7.5/10. Opened her as if I needed directions:

"Excuse me, is this the way to..."

I then turned to face her and saw her name badge. Discovered she works at the same store as a girl I've approached twice.

This threw me and I hesitated before continuing...

"...do you know me?"
"Yeah, I tried to chat up one of your colleagues..."
"Oh, okay!" (smiling, receptive - good reaction)
"I just saw her and thought she was nice looking so thought I have to take my chance."
"Yeah! Why not?" (unexpected good reaction) "Where do you need to go?"
"I don't, I just thought you were nice looking as well."
"Oh, thank you!"
"...but that's probably not going to help my chances...you won't want to go with the guy that was rejected by your colleague."
*she laughs*
"Ah well, have a good day."

I enjoyed the interaction but I was too quick to disqualify myself. She was well out of my league aesthetically, but she seemed like a cool girl - very receptive and obviously didn't think I was beneath her or anything despite being nowhere near as attractive, and she even liked the idea that I'd approached her colleague. One of the best reactions I've had recently. Should have taken it further.
- 6'4"(I'm lucky in this regard but also the walking refutal of "women go for tall guys")
- 5/10
- Do you mean in terms of physical posture? It's hard to say without seeing myself approach but I try to walk and stand purposefully and confidently, making sure shoulders aren't slouched etc.
- White
"Hello my fellow incels"
It seems clear comparing your approaches to uninstall's that once, he is probably lower inhib at this point, and 2, you are definitely not as ugly as most of us, it is obvious by the way you get treated that you are not true incel tier ugly. Good for you man.
Made the mistake of not approaching in the mall before work again today. This left my prospects very slim for the rest of the day. No approaching was not an option, though, and where there's a will, there's a way, so I got my approach done after 10pm in a shop. Brunette girl, 7/10, in another shop's uniform. Was surprised to find a girl as attractive as her as it's difficult at such a quiet, late time. Pretended to mistake her for a staff member in the shop by saying, "Do you know where..." then stopped and she laughed and said "wrong shop!". Just continued by saying I thought she looked nice, she was a bit taken aback. Probably should have transitioned better as her initial reaction was good. Got the boyfriend excuse. Tried to reduce the awkwardness by calling out the randomness and wishing her a good night. Still, got the approach done.

Tomorrow will be a multiple approach day. If I can do 7 approaches, I'll hit the 100 approach mark. The aim is quality over quantity though - I'd rather have 2 or 3 decent interactions than 7 girls walking away within 10 seconds. I'll see how it goes.
28 yo virgin is an oxymoron
Only managed one approach today. Honestly, I couldn't bring myself to pay for a train ticket into the city to walk about for hours getting rejected, so I settled for the local mall yet again. Approach was a blonde girl, 7/10, with friend (brunette girl, 6/10 face but chubby). Both in gym gear. Went direct and they actually stopped to my surprise. Talked with them for a couple of minutes but got the impression they weren't really feeling it. Tried to address the two of them although the brunette girl wasn't really looking at me and at one point turned her head because she was holding in her laugh. Target (blonde) gave me the boyfriend objection before I could even ask her out. When I walked away I heard the two of them laughing and saying "what the fuck?!"...standard.

Just going out to get food so hopefully I'll find another target as was hoping for more than one approach today. Now we're just about halfway through the month, I've done 19 approaches. Going to need at least a couple of days doing approaches in the city to get to the 50 mark...those are usually the worst days.
You have better vibes than uninstall so you are getting some sympathetic reactions. Keep going.
Today's approach - brunette girl in the mall, 6.5/10. Saw her walking very quickly and was about to approach when she asked one of the security guards for directions. I kept walking then when she caught up I opened her.

"Excuse me...random comment - I thought you looked quite nice."
"Oh, thanks!"
"You're kinda charging along, so I'm not going to talk to you for long..."
"Yeah, thanks."

Her reaction was mainly one of surprise...she quite liked the compliment but not enough to stop and talk to me - she just kept walking quickly. Poor choice of target in all honesty - it's hard enough getting any girl to stop let alone someone going as fast as she was.

20 approaches done, 30 to go for the month.
Cold approach only works if you are 8+/10 OR you maybe find a ugly girl who gets no attention and on the edge of suicide because of loneliness. It would be easier to win the lottery than find the latter.

I hate normie advices because same shit gets thrown to every incel. BUT in your case, being 6'4, 5/10(you claim),white and having kissed before, I would actually recommend some normie advice. You should socialize more, get friends (female friends would be better) meet new people. You are not desirable enough to pull "pickup 7/10 stacy from a mall" stuff. But you should be able to pursue a possible relationship with someone you meet through your circle of friends. That is, if you were honest in your post ofcourse.
Decent reaction from today's approach. Was just leaving the mall to get the train when I saw a girl, so started walking with her and opened her - "Random comment - I thought you looked quite nice". She smiled and laughed in a receptive way, not vindictive - I've had a couple of girls laugh at me before, not in a good way, but she was more receptive. Didn't have time to talk to her for long so just asked for her number but she said, "sorry, I'm with someone".

Should be able to get in at least a couple of approaches in the mall tomorrow - probably going to reach the 100 mark over the weekend.
SuicideFuel for me
You need to work on your social skills more.
Was in the mall for less than half an hour this morning and only managed one approach. However, it was quite a bold approach as the girl was with her mum. The two of them were walking towards me so I just made solid eye contact, planted myself in front of them and opened the girl:

"Kinda random...I thought you looked quite nice."
"Oh, thank you!" (big smile)
I then turned to her mum. "Are you her mum?"
"Is it okay if I chat her up for one minute?"
"No..." (but said while smiling and laughing)
Girl: "I have a boyfriend, sorry!"

Decent reaction - she was smiley and receptive. Approaching a girl with her mum is one of a few challenges I've set myself in this mini run - will try to do it again but get a longer interaction.

Still, 0 numbers from 22 approaches is...well, it speaks for itself. I've spaced out the approaches so far, only doing one most days, to save myself from burning out. I'll need at least one 'mega approach' day, though, to get the number up to 50. Can't say I'm looking forward to it...
Planting yourself in front of a girl on the move is a bit rude tbh.

I think you need a better line than "you look nice"
Was in the mall for less than 15 minutes today - prospects were virtually non-existent until I found a 7/10 girl in leather jacket. Went direct and got a decent enough reaction but when I said "tell me something interesting about yourself" she hit me with "I'm engaged". JFL.

Honestly, it's going to be a struggle to get through the rest of the month. I will keep approaching every day and get to the 50 mark, but motivation is seriously running thin. I think it's pretty clear what the outcome's going to be.
Planting yourself in front of a girl on the move is a bit rude tbh.

I think you need a better line than "you look nice"
I need to do that otherwise they'll just walk off.

In all honesty, I really don't think it matters what I say first. It's clear they're rejecting me on my looks, and no matter if you say the wittiest line in the world, it's not going to change your looks. Even if I go indirect, I need to tell them at some point that I find them attractive, and they're clearly not interested.
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Dude you're very low inhib.

Don't you get a racing heart?

Any tips for high inhibcels?
Dude you're very low inhib.

Don't you get a racing heart?

Any tips for high inhibcels?
Practice, practice, practice.

When I started doing this, I would feel like my heart was about to jump out of my chest, my voice would be shaky and quiet, my mind would go blank.

The more you approach girls, the more you gradually desensitize yourself to the process. Now, having approached every day for nearly three weeks, my inhibition is probably at the lowest it's been. With almost 100 approaches under my belt, I have enough reference experience to know I can approach without really feeling nervous. That feeling will never fully go away, but it's about accepting that and knowing that you can reduce it and still approach.
Lack of prospects in the mall again today. Didn't get any approaches done so had to wait until tonight when prospects are difficult to find. In the end, though, managed to find a Polish girl, 6.5/10. Approached her in a shop and at first she looked startled and didn't look receptive but I just smiled and laughed a bit and said "don't worry" and she smiled and said "oh no, it's fine" and took it from there - was going to go direct but when I heard her accent I tried to guess where she was from and took it from there - I didn't actually say I thought she looked nice straight away. Chatted for 5 minutes and she was receptive and asking me questions. Was cautiously hopeful; alas, when I asked her out, she told me she had 2 kids and a partner (showed me a picture of the kids on her phone - I didn't even ask - so knew she wasn't LARPing). Really cool girl, though, and interesting to note that some of the most receptive girls I've met in this run were both foreign, and I met them both late at night.

Tomorrow, I'll reach 100 rejections. It's been a long, tough road, and there's a long way to go.
Decent reaction - they stopped for a moment and she smiled - then I said "can I talk to you for one minute?" but she just said "sorry" and walked off.
this is why sites like these exist
lol @ all the retarded incel kids calling a 28 year old virgin who approaches women a fakecel. Y'ALL haven't tried an nth as hard as this guy has, nor experienced an nth of his pain. Nothing amplifies inceldom like age.
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Well, today was the big day. My 100th approach. Hitting the century. An historic landmark. Would I mark this milestone by meeting the girl of my dreams and starting a long-lasting, fulfilling relationship?


I went to the mall and pussied out of a couple of approaches before finally selecting my target to hit the landmark.

I opened her:

"Do you work here? Or do you know this place quite well?"

That's all I said.

Her reaction?

She put her head down, avoiding eye contact, muttered "no" in a barely audible voice and hurried past me as fast as she possibly could.

I didn't say I thought she looked nice or anything of the sort. For all she knew, I genuinely needed directions.

But no. She couldn't bear the thought of having to interact with me in any way, shape or form. She got out of there as fast as she could.

Fucking pathetic.
So...today was my 'mega approach' day.

Did it go as expected? Well...almost.

I did 10 approaches in less than an hour.

1. Brunette girl coming out of a store. Approached her from the side but was too far away.
"I thought you looked quite nice...can I talk to you for one minute?"
"No, sorry..." *walks off*
Shit approach. Weak and permission seeking.

2. Good God. Probably the worst reaction I've ever had to a cold approach.
Went into the store the first girl had just exited. Saw an Asian girl who looked decent from the side. Approached her and when she turned to face me I knew my first impression was wrong - she had a big nose and compressed face. 5/10 at best. Mulled over whether to go ahead with it for a moment and just went for it.
"I thought you looked quite nice."
She looked at me like I was a fucking rapist.
"Ok, but I'm just looking..."
Briefly tried to make conversation about where she was from. Her next words were:
"There are cameras everywhere here." *pointing around*
In 100+ approaches, this has got to be the worst reaction I've had.
Seriously...what the fuck did she think I was going to do? Attack her in the middle of a store full of security and cameras?
Absolutely pathetic.

3. First decent reaction.
Literally one minute after the previous girl. I had to do another approach straight away to get it out of my system.
Blonde girl walking towards me. Went direct. She stopped and we spoke for a minute or so. She was smiley and reasonably receptive but gave me the boyfriend excuse.

4. Cute girl in gym gear. Again, one minute after the last.
"I thought you looked kinda cute."
"Oh, thanks!" Smiled but kept walking.

5. Eastern European sounding girl walking towards me. Yet again, one minute after the last.
"I thought you looked quite nice."
"Thanks." Kept walking.
"Where are you from? You sound Eastern European..."
"Sorry, I need to go..."

6. Brunette girl. 8/10.
"I thought you looked quite nice."
"Thank youuu..." Kept her head down, avoiding eye contact, walked off.

7. Blonde girl texting. She looked engrossed in her phone but I decided to go for it nonetheless.
"I know you're on the phone - this is really important - really, really important."
"I thought you looked quite nice."
She smiled. She was more receptive and we talked for a couple of minutes but she gave me the boyfriend excuse.

8. Potential JB with her mum.
"Kinda forward...I thought you looked quite nice."
Mum: "Ohh..."
Girl smiled but kept walking.
Hard to tell with her make up but she couldn't have been older than 18.

9. 8/10 girl with friend. Did it to test my inhibition more than anything.
"This is quite forward - I thought you looked quite nice."
Had to speak quite loudly because there were street musicians performing nearby.
"Oh, thank you, but I have a boyfriend, sorry..."

10. Tall blonde Polish girl.

Finally, after nearly an hour of constant rejections...one of the best interactions I've had.

Went direct and she looked surprised at first but she turned out to be receptive.

She was very tall - 6' - and I immediately got physical by comparing her height to mine, putting my hand on the top of her head to measure herself against me. Obviously I started by complimenting her appearance but went on to say I wasn't as keen on her tattoos which led to her asking why. Validation seeking?

We spoke for at least five minutes. She was smiley, receptive and asking me questions. Easily the most physical I've been early on with a girl I've approached - I was holding her hands, touching her arm etc. And as a result of doing this, I got hard as fuck. God, I was so fucking hard.

In the end, I didn't so much ask her out as tell her:

"Another time, let's continue this conversation over coffee."
"So that's a yes, you just don't want to say it yet. Listen, let me add you on Facebook and send you one message. You can think about it and if you want to come out, cool. It's not a big dinner or anything, just coffee, 20 minutes."
"Ok, yes, coffee is good."

She gave me her phone and I loaded up my Facebook page. She sent a friend request without me prompting her. Spoke for a couple more minutes then hugged her and we parted ways.

I'm not getting carried away. I've not checked my Facebook since meeting her, and I know there's every chance she's cancelled the request by now. Even if she hasn't, there's every chance I won't get her out on a date. But there's still a chance, however slim, that I might. A slim chance is still a chance. And after 34 straight rejections this month, I've fucking earned that chance.

35 approaches in, I finally have a lead. Watch this space...
Well...I can't quite believe what happened today. Maybe I should have seen it coming. Maybe it was a matter of time. But it still left me taken aback.

Started as a normal day. Walked around the mall for a while. Eventually did 2 approaches.

1. Cute blonde girl. Started as if asking for directions then said "I just thought you looked quite nice". She smiled and laughed but walked away.

2. Brunette girl in gym gear. Went direct. She was smiley and somewhat receptive. Spoke for a minute or so. Asked her out but got the boyfriend excuse. Decent interaction, though, and we parted on good terms.

I was walking away from the second girl when I heard a voice saying "excuse me". I turned around to see a female security guard.

She said to me:

"Can you stop asking girls if they'd like to go out with you, please?"

...I was dumbfounded. After three weeks of solid approaching, they've caught up to me.

I was taken aback - but determined to stand my ground. The conversation went like this:

"...is it illegal?"
"No, but some girls might find it uncomfortable."
"Was she uncomfortable?" (The security guard had literally just seen my approach with the second girl and she was smiling and we clearly parted on good terms.)
"No, but we had a complaint from a girl who works in one of the stores."

I couldn't believe it. I explained to her that if the girls aren't interested, I leave them alone, I never follow them, I never get angry with them. I was polite with the security guard as I can't afford to get banned from the mall. But I was standing my ground. I didn't say anything to suggest that I was going to stop approaching as she asked. And walking away from her, the last thing I said was, "as I say, if they're not interested I leave them alone, so it's all good".

Fuck it. I've said I'll approach every day this month and approach 50 for the month, and that's what's going to happen. If that means a run in with mall security in the next week, so be it.
Short visit to the mall today. Didn't do any approaches. I'm very wary of security after yesterday's incident - I can't afford to get banned from the mall, and this clearly isn't effective and is not worth getting banned.

To get my approach in for the day, I had to resort to a late night approach. It was 11pm and I was approaching a dark street corner when I saw a girl walking perpendicular to me. Honestly, it felt so wrong having to approach her, but I had to get it done. Given the circumstances, I was surprised when I said "hi" and she greeted me with an enthusiastic "hiiiii...". Tried to keep my voice upbeat and reassuring as I asked for directions - it had to be indirect - and she was enthusiastic enough with her response. Had to transition but she was walking away. I did say "I think you look quite nice" and she said "thank you" but kept walking. Obviously I didn't walk after her at any point.

I can't let it get to the stage where I have to do an approach like that again. All my approaches for the rest of the month will have to be during the daytime. To be honest, I'm just looking forward to the end of the month so I can be done with this.
Well...I can't quite believe what happened today. Maybe I should have seen it coming. Maybe it was a matter of time. But it still left me taken aback.

Started as a normal day. Walked around the mall for a while. Eventually did 2 approaches.

1. Cute blonde girl. Started as if asking for directions then said "I just thought you looked quite nice". She smiled and laughed but walked away.

2. Brunette girl in gym gear. Went direct. She was smiley and somewhat receptive. Spoke for a minute or so. Asked her out but got the boyfriend excuse. Decent interaction, though, and we parted on good terms.

I was walking away from the second girl when I heard a voice saying "excuse me". I turned around to see a female security guard.

She said to me:

"Can you stop asking girls if they'd like to go out with you, please?"

...I was dumbfounded. After three weeks of solid approaching, they've caught up to me.

I was taken aback - but determined to stand my ground. The conversation went like this:

"...is it illegal?"
"No, but some girls might find it uncomfortable."
"Was she uncomfortable?" (The security guard had literally just seen my approach with the second girl and she was smiling and we clearly parted on good terms.)
"No, but we had a complaint from a girl who works in one of the stores."

I couldn't believe it. I explained to her that if the girls aren't interested, I leave them alone, I never follow them, I never get angry with them. I was polite with the security guard as I can't afford to get banned from the mall. But I was standing my ground. I didn't say anything to suggest that I was going to stop approaching as she asked. And walking away from her, the last thing I said was, "as I say, if they're not interested I leave them alone, so it's all good".

Fuck it. I've said I'll approach every day this month and approach 50 for the month, and that's what's going to happen. If that means a run in with mall security in the next week, so be it.
loled thx

just approach bro, fucking lol @ this advice when foids are so defensive to non-model looking guys... you know what would have happened if you were a Chad, right? Exactly
Well...I can't quite believe what happened today. Maybe I should have seen it coming. Maybe it was a matter of time. But it still left me taken aback.

Started as a normal day. Walked around the mall for a while. Eventually did 2 approaches.

1. Cute blonde girl. Started as if asking for directions then said "I just thought you looked quite nice". She smiled and laughed but walked away.

2. Brunette girl in gym gear. Went direct. She was smiley and somewhat receptive. Spoke for a minute or so. Asked her out but got the boyfriend excuse. Decent interaction, though, and we parted on good terms.

I was walking away from the second girl when I heard a voice saying "excuse me". I turned around to see a female security guard.

She said to me:

"Can you stop asking girls if they'd like to go out with you, please?"

...I was dumbfounded. After three weeks of solid approaching, they've caught up to me.

I was taken aback - but determined to stand my ground. The conversation went like this:

"...is it illegal?"
"No, but some girls might find it uncomfortable."
"Was she uncomfortable?" (The security guard had literally just seen my approach with the second girl and she was smiling and we clearly parted on good terms.)
"No, but we had a complaint from a girl who works in one of the stores."

I couldn't believe it. I explained to her that if the girls aren't interested, I leave them alone, I never follow them, I never get angry with them. I was polite with the security guard as I can't afford to get banned from the mall. But I was standing my ground. I didn't say anything to suggest that I was going to stop approaching as she asked. And walking away from her, the last thing I said was, "as I say, if they're not interested I leave them alone, so it's all good".

Fuck it. I've said I'll approach every day this month and approach 50 for the month, and that's what's going to happen. If that means a run in with mall security in the next week, so be it.

just do it in a public area (not at the mall, which is private) and if it's legal video-record it
just do it in a public area (not at the mall, which is private) and if it's legal video-record it
Unfortunately there's nowhere else in the local area where I would find anywhere close to such a high concentration of girls. The mall is by far the best place to do it because there are lots of girls. But now it's going to be difficult.

On a more positive note, the Polish girl from Wednesday didn't cancel the friend request, so I'm now friends with her on Facebook. I messaged her on Thursday morning and when I checked on Thursday night she hadn't responded so I assumed it was a dead end. To my surprise, she responded on Friday morning. I'll try and arrange a date with her for next week but she's very slow to respond so not sure what to expect.

We're in uncharted territory - I've managed to become Facebook friends with a girl I approached. It only took me 110 approaches.
Was in the mall for less than half an hour this morning and only managed one approach. However, it was quite a bold approach as the girl was with her mum. The two of them were walking towards me so I just made solid eye contact, planted myself in front of them and opened the girl:

"Kinda random...I thought you looked quite nice."
"Oh, thank you!" (big smile)
I then turned to her mum. "Are you her mum?"
"Is it okay if I chat her up for one minute?"
"No..." (but said while smiling and laughing)
Girl: "I have a boyfriend, sorry!"

Decent reaction - she was smiley and receptive. Approaching a girl with her mum is one of a few challenges I've set myself in this mini run - will try to do it again but get a longer interaction.

Still, 0 numbers from 22 approaches is...well, it speaks for itself. I've spaced out the approaches so far, only doing one most days, to save myself from burning out. I'll need at least one 'mega approach' day, though, to get the number up to 50. Can't say I'm looking forward to it...
Ok I see here a problem with "can I talk with her for minute.."that look kinda creepy comercial thing
Did you watch pick up pranks on youtube ? angrypicnic or cassady cambell I know that they do real pranks and they got the digits easy not like PUA infield bullshit. I never done a cold aproach but I want to try it, I have terrible social anxiety, so that is stoping me a lot. I would try like..Do you know where is ?...then after she says the direction I would ask her phone number. The thing with this having a loud voice and smiling is very important. If I go on the street and smile some girls smile me back. Of course I cant smile beacuse I want to smile I think something funny and smile( autism intesifies xD)
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Today's approach - brunette girl in gym gear, 5/10 - barely found her attractive at all. Went indirect, asking about her running shoes. Tried to transition by saying she didn't look sweaty so couldn't have been much of a workout. She walked away.

39 approaches done, 11 to go. Burnout is well and truly setting in. Can't wait to be done with this shit.
Today's approach - brunette girl in gym gear, 5/10 - barely found her attractive at all. Went indirect, asking about her running shoes. Tried to transition by saying she didn't look sweaty so couldn't have been much of a workout. She walked away.

39 approaches done, 11 to go. Burnout is well and truly setting in. Can't wait to be done with this shit.
hey you didnt answer me
Ok I see here a problem with "can I talk with her for minute.."that look kinda creepy comercial thing
Did you watch pick up pranks on youtube ? angrypicnic or cassady cambell I know that they do real pranks and they got the digits easy not like PUA infield bullshit. I never done a cold aproach but I want to try it, I have terrible social anxiety, so that is stoping me a lot. I would try like..Do you know where is ?...then after she says the direction I would ask her phone number. The thing with this having a loud voice and smiling is very important. If I go on the street and smile some girls smile me back. Of course I cant smile beacuse I want to smile I think something funny and smile( autism intesifies xD)
Yeah, I've watched a few of those videos. I don't try to base my approaches on them, though. I'm not trying to copy anyone else.

It sounds like you're getting the wrong impression of that approach I did. When I asked the girl's mum if I could chat up her daughter I did it with a cheeky/confident smile, not in a rigid, straight-faced manner.

You should try cold approaching simply because it's satisfying to know you've pushed yourself out of your comfort zone. Initially, you'll get a rewarding feeling if you do it. Just don't expect it to go anywhere in regards to actually getting girls - see my experiences for evidence of that.
Yeah, I've watched a few of those videos. I don't try to base my approaches on them, though. I'm not trying to copy anyone else.

It sounds like you're getting the wrong impression of that approach I did. When I asked the girl's mum if I could chat up her daughter I did it with a cheeky/confident smile, not in a rigid, straight-faced manner.

You should try cold approaching simply because it's satisfying to know you've pushed yourself out of your comfort zone. Initially, you'll get a rewarding feeling if you do it. Just don't expect it to go anywhere in regards to actually getting girls - see my experiences for evidence of that.
yes but I expect to get minimum 1 phone number form 10 girls(15 max) aproached if not its waste of time
Tonight's approach - cute blonde girl in supermarket, 7/10. Was very tired and didn't have the energy to try to chat her up to be honest. Still said I thought she looked nice and she was quite smiley and receptive, if somewhat surprised, but gave me the boyfriend excuse.

10 to go...I'm on the home stretch.
Did my approach at the mall today. Cute brunette girl, 7/10. Good reaction - she said "thank you so much, that's made my day". Still got the boyfriend excuse though.

I'm still paranoid about security at the moment. Didn't see any when walking through the mall, but even when talking to the girl I was wary of the possibility of being spotted. Need to keep a low profile for now.
This thread is gold, I wish I had your guts.
You might not be aware if this, but you are keeping alive a lost art... Before the social media era cold approaches in the street were quinte normal.
So you're 6'4, white and clearly not ugly enough since a girl (possibly more than one) thought you were hot enough to kiss you.

Why are you here again?
I'm not a kissless virgin because some girls kissed me in middle school. Am I fakecel?
I'm not a kissless virgin because some girls kissed me in middle school. Am I fakecel?

Depends on the circumstances.

If prime teen girls (especially if it's more than one) were attracted to you at some point in your life. Then you're a fakecel, non-negotiable.

If they kissed you as part of a game or something, then it's different.
destroy those holes, brother

i wish you the best of luck
Try the metro instead of the wall some days - more security but also more girls

Malls never worked for me. Don't remember having one good interaction there.

But it's different depending on the country and town I guess.

I have most success with street, bus stop and metro

But I can't go to the metro right now because last time I approached some foid apparently for the second time...

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destroy those holes, brother

i wish you the best of luck
Try the metro instead of the wall some days - more security but also more girls

Malls never worked for me. Don't remember having one good interaction there.

But it's different depending on the country and town I guess.

I have most success with street, bus stop and metro

But I can't go to the metro right now because last time I approached some foid apparently for the second time...

do you think its good to aproach girl near living place, I want to start too but

I know the phrase " dont shit where you eat"

what do you think ?
Good luck homie
do you think its good to aproach girl near living place, I want to start too but

I know the phrase " dont shit where you eat"

what do you think ?

depends on the town

as a start it is ok, but you may quickly outgrow it
Did my approach right beside the entrance to the mall today. Security can't do shit!

Girl was cool. Went indirect - asked if she worked in the mall, and to my surprise she said she used to work in one of the stores. She doesn't work there now, though, so we're all good. Talked with her for a couple of minutes and she was happy to chat away and ask me questions...then her mum showed up. Her first words to me were: "Are you trying to chat up my daughter?!" Not going to lie, she was well built and I wouldn't want to mess with her, but I still asked the girl out in front of her. Got the boyfriend excuse but she was nice about it.

Funny how her mum instinctively knew my intentions. My conversation with the girl was actually pretty platonic - I never even said I thought she looked nice - but she knew straight away. Wasn't going to stop me asking out her daughter though!
do you think its good to aproach girl near living place, I want to start too but

I know the phrase " dont shit where you eat"

what do you think ?
Depends on the size of your city/town. If you live in a very small town and approach a large number of girls there, it probably won't turn out well. It's also best to vary up your approach locations. As you can see, I kept approaching in the mall day after day and security caught onto me.

This thread is gold, I wish I had your guts.
You might not be aware if this, but you are keeping alive a lost art... Before the social media era cold approaches in the street were quinte normal.

destroy those holes, brother

i wish you the best of luck
Try the metro instead of the wall some days - more security but also more girls

Malls never worked for me. Don't remember having one good interaction there.

But it's different depending on the country and town I guess.

I have most success with street, bus stop and metro

But I can't go to the metro right now because last time I approached some foid apparently for the second time...


Good luck homie
Thanks for the support guys. Honestly, this shit is brutal and is wearing me down, but knowing that you guys are behind me keeps me going.
5 approaches today.

Went direct every time. No asking for directions, no messing around, just straight to the point.

1. Blonde girl in train station.
Approached her literally within a minute of arriving at the train station. She smiled but she was getting on her train. No time to chat her up.

2. Cute brunette girl sitting down in train station.
Approached her a minute after the first girl. Sat down beside her - there were people sitting on either side of us and this may have deterred me in the past but not now. Chatted with her briefly but she told me she was 18 - I pretty much disqualified myself by saying "I'm probably too old for you" and she went on to tell me she had a boyfriend. 10 years younger than me and she already has more experience - and she's probably never approached in her life.

3. Brunette girl (8/10) sitting down in mall.
She was fiiiiine. Ass looked so good in her tight jeans. She said "I admire your confidence" but said she was waiting for her boyfriend.

4. Girl walking briskly down street.
She smiled and laughed but said "sorry, I don't have time". Poor choice of target given how quickly she was walking.

5. Egyptian girl.
Decent interaction. She was receptive - "thank you, that's so sweet" - and the chat was decent but when I asked her out she hesitated and declined. Didn't say she had a boyfriend so obviously she doesn't but just didn't find me attractive.

3 of the girls had earphones in when I approached them. Each time, when they took one out to hear me, I said to them "I used to hate when people would try to talk to me when I had earphones in", but they would say something along the lines of "it's okay" - by drawing attention to the idea that it's an inconvenience, it has the opposite effect as they become more receptive.

Pretty standard day. The girls were fine - none of them reacted in a negative way - but as always I couldn't get anywhere with them.

I'm nearly at the end of this run, and I'm glad of it. This has chipped away at my self-esteem. Let's be honest - you have to be pretty undesirable to only get contact details from 1 out of 47 girls you approach. I'll approach three more in the next two days, then I'm taking at least a week off. I need time to take a step back, forget about girls and focus on other things. I'm going to stay away from the mall to avoid temptation. Hopefully I can come back feeling rested and refreshed as right now I'm burnt out.

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