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Theory Blacks Are Not Human.

Proof for this? I don't believe it, since I have also heard Abos are the furthest from all other humans so as such, they would have no Neanderthal or Denisovans. @ElTruecel @Chudpreet
No they have very high Denisovan hes right in that but Im pretty sure they have too much.
This: I also believe the Berbers originally were White but have became muttified due to mixing with Arabs(Semites) & Blacks.
Berbers are complicated it depends on what region. However yea I’m pretty sure they have same ancestors as EEF who migrated there. But The original berbers were Iberomaurusian. The Natufians were more in the Middle East.
fuck this site I’m leaving
Good: You come onto my thread, spew your bluepilled-aligned views, don't even provide the sources I asked for, and then get all pissy at me because we don't agree.
Good: You come onto my thread, spew your bluepilled-aligned views, don't even provide the sources I asked for, and then get all pissy at me because we don't agree.
No because you insulted me
No they have very high Denisovan hes right in that but Im pretty sure they have too much.
Can you show anything on that?
Berbers are complicated it depends on what region. However yea I’m pretty sure they have same ancestors as EEF who migrated there. But The original berbers were Iberomaurusian.
Yeah, Berbers trace DNA is very similar to EEF I believe. Do you have anything more about this? I'm interested in learning.
The Natufians were more in the Middle East.
So me calling you one word is "insulting?"

Also, you technically insulted me here:

Attitude & tone is aggressive.

Accusing me of "playing dumb"
Fucking retarded shitalian. Literally haven’t met a white person as dumb as you.
Fucking retarded shitalian. Literally haven’t met a white person as dumb as you.
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Fucking retarded shitalian. Literally haven’t met a white person as dumb as you.
I was literally just pointing out how you technically insulted me with your attitude & how you basically called me "dumb"

Yet somehow I am the "retard" here. Also, the fact you sperged out & never showed your sources says a lot.
ACCORDING TO Rushton’s Race, Evolution, and Behavior fully modern Homo sapiens emerged in Africa 200,000 years ago. 100,000 years ago, a small group of Africans had a sudden urge to head north. This small group inhabited the rest of the world, with minimal contact with the rest of the Africans who stayed in Africa. Forty thousand years ago, the Caucasoid race broke off from the Mongoloid race.

This means the entire world outside of Africa is largely related, descended from one small tribe of perhaps a few hundred or a thousand. This tribe was obviously already unique, in that it alone had the intrepidity and determination to head north and conquer the world. We, the descendants of this unique tribe, have afterwards been evolving under extremely different, more challenging environments for the last 100,000 years apart from the African race we left behind. 100,000 years under dramatically different environments from a dramatically different founding stock is a long time. Compare it to dogs:

Dog Domestication and History

“Dog history has been studied recently using mitochondrial DNA, which suggests that wolves and dogs split into different species around 100,000 years ago…”

Another recent study suggests that the entire population of dogs today are descended from three females near China about 15,000 years ago.

So, I’m going to stick my neck out and use the 13,000 year BC date as the probable date of domestication.

This is a convenient parallel. Dogs also come from a bottleneck, they’ve also been genetically separate from wolves for 100,000 years, and they’ve also undergone different environmental pressures than their wolf counterparts. Just as the northern latitudes presented a unique environment for non-Blacks to grow up in, dogs were domesticated and evolved towards suiting human needs instead of wolf needs. No one on earth says dogs and wolves are the same species, even though it is possible for dogs to mate with wolves and have fertile offspring. The genetic differences are vast enough, the phenotypic differences in looks, behavior, and personality are great enough, that everyone instinctively recognizes dogs and wolves are different species now.

Why then are Blacks considered human? Why are Blacks and non-Blacks considered part of the same species? We could not look more different, act more different, or have more different personalities than them. There is a vast genetic divergence between Blacks and non-Blacks dating back 100,000 years. And even though Blacks and non-Blacks can have fertile offspring, biologically that has never been used as the exclusive standard for whether you belong to the same species or not.

Phenotypic Variations Between Blacks and Non-Blacks

Blacks have wide noses, kinky hair, black skin, high waist-to-hip ratios, prognathic jaws, long arms, and soulless, vacant eyes. Everything about them is very different in comparison to other races.

Blacks have the lowest IQ in the world (ignoring Australian aborigines for convenience’s sake). The Bushmen clock in at around 50 IQ, the average Bantu achieves the mentally retarded level of 70 IQ, and the highly cultivated, well fed, well cared for, partially White African-Americans reach 85 IQ. IQ has an enormous impact on lifestyle, achievement, and behavior. IQ correlates to poverty, crime, mortality, and broken homes on one side — and education, wealth, human accomplishment, long life and stable homes on the other. According to IQ and the Wealth of Nations, a country must have a minimum average IQ of 90 to run a technological civilization. It is not a far cry to say it is IQ that makes humans better than the animals, and it is IQ that makes some humans better than other humans.

That’s not all though. Blacks are unique in that when we arrived, they had no written language, no wheel, no architectural works, nothing at all that would indicate they live a human existence. Whereas literature and palaces and cities existed in almost every corner of the earth, from the Incas to the Indians to the Persians to the Chinese to Stonehenge to Ankar Wat in Cambodia — nothing existed in Africa. For the past 100,000 years non-Blacks have been spreading across the globe, building pyramids and cities, developing new technology, domesticating animals and crops, covering themselves in finely decorated clothing, and living essentially human lives. Blacks, meanwhile, stayed nearly naked, self-mutilating, technology-less, with no domesticated animals, no written language, no wheel, no stone buildings, no metalworking, nothing.

Virtually every other non-Black group came up with an admirable or at least interesting religion or philosophy which was recorded and taught to a priesthood. Indians had the Vedas and the Upanishads, Chinese had Confucianism, Daoism, and various sects of Buddhism. Europeans had Virgil, Horace, and Homer to write down their pagan religion, with Plato, Aristotle, and numberless other greats to record their philosophy. Even the Aztecs had a corpus of literature which was, unfortunately, burnt and destroyed by the Spanish invaders. Shintoism was developed in Japan, the epic of Gilgamesh was recorded in ancient Babylonian times, and Egypt authored the Book of the Dead. Only Black Africa (and assorted primitives in Australasia) hadn’t recorded or created any official religion or philosophy. Blacks still rely on voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, and animism with no particular pantheon of Gods, no priesthood, no anything that could develop them past superstition and barbarism.

Today it is questionable what Blacks could achieve on their own, without the intervention of others giving to them all the things they could never produce or maintain themselves. Though we see Blacks walking around in business suits, speaking English, shooting guns, and making use of all sorts of non-Black generated goods and services and inventions and ideas and discoveries — none of them originate from the Black man. Without the continuous intervention of charity into Black Africa, it’s unknown whether they could even maintain what they have, or if they would simply regress back to mud huts the moment we left. All current Black civilization is in fact transplanted non-Black civilization. There is not as yet a single Black civilization on Earth that has independently developed and maintained its own technological and philosophical way of life. No Blacks have won any Nobel prizes in the hard sciences, Fields medals, or gotten any spot on a list of human accomplishment that would represent some major scientific or technological advancement for the world.

Geography can be no excuse, because Blacks today live all across the world. Blacks in France, the UK, and the USA are given preferential treatment and access to college educations, and yet they still produce nothing. At the same time, Whites who lived in South Africa and Zimbabwe made them into decent, First World nations without a problem. There is nothing about the African continent inimical to modern life, it is simply the fact that it is populated by Blacks.

Nor can some strange combination of bad luck and being separate from other civilizations explain Black underperformance. After all, Blacks have been connected to the outside world since the 1400s. They have had centuries to modernize and improve themselves in Africa with full access to modern knowledge and technology. In contrast, it took Japan about twenty years to modernize from a feudal Samurai culture to a fully modern industrial state which then took on and defeated Russia in 1900. Blacks have had centuries in the USA to do all sorts of human activities, immersed in White culture, knowledge, and technology. Instead all they do is riot, rape, steal, sell drugs, and demand more handouts from the government. Germany recovered from WWII in just ten years, becoming yet again a prosperous, powerful, and leading-edge modern civilization. Africans meanwhile cannot recover from ‘colonization,’ ’slavery,’ or ‘discrimination’ after centuries. Haiti has been an all-Black, independent, free state since the Napoleonic wars, 200 years ago. Even so, its lifestyle and standard of living perfectly matches that of darkest Africa. In those 200 years it hasn’t progressed an inch. In fact it has probably regressed since that time. Their neighbors in the Dominican Republic have immensely better statistics than them in all fields. Instead of a failed state, the Dominican Republic takes care of its people, has a working government, and doesn’t need charity. The difference? Their population is non-Black. All of the old, tired excuses are refuted by geography and history.

The Black murder rate is nine times that of the White/Hispanic (combined!) murder rate. It is 36 times as high as the Asian murder rate. Blacks are the majority of AIDS cases and all other STDs, their STD rates are completely out of proportion to all other groups. Even homosexuals have a hard time keeping up with the Black STD rates. No ordinary healthy human has the sexual habits of the Black race. Whereas every other people on earth developed a family structure, Blacks still roam around aimlessly screwing everyone they meet and never staying to raise the child. Seventy percent of Black children in the USA are illegitimate. In Africa, women largely do all the work and raise the kids while the men commit crime or sit around chewing leaves or smoking something. Domestic violence among Blacks is atrocious. Rape is endemic. The human race does not act like this; their morals and habits are completely different.

Good things can be said of virtually every group or civilization on earth. This is unsurprising, given the fact that everyone on earth is descended from the same small tribe that left Africa 100,000 years ago. East Asians are such decent, advanced people they are comparable to Whites. Unsurprisingly, they only diverged from the White race 40,000 years ago. There is only one group nothing good can be said about, there is only one group completely unrelated to the rest of the human race, and that is the Black African. There is enough genetic variation between Blacks and non-Blacks that any objective scientist, classifying us like they would classify various animal species, would label us different species. On one side humans, on the other Blacks. There is enough phenotypic, common sense variation, that again it is an insult to categorize Blacks among the human race. They are nothing like us and they never will be; they are worse in every way. Call them orcs, or trolls, devils, or whatever you like — they are not human.

the average IQ of a nigger is lower than the average person, retards will say "its because they don't have education".
the abbos niggers in Australia are also black and are in a developed country, they even get certain education benefits for being indigenous, BUT THEY'RE STILL FUCKING STUPID, NIGGERS ARE BEYOND RETARDED.
I was literally just pointing out how you technically insulted me with your attitude & how you basically called me "dumb"

Yet somehow I am the "retard" here. Also, the fact you sperged out & never showed your sources says a lot.
I win, guinea
I win, guinea
Anyone who has to say this did not win:

1. You never showed your data
2. You said I "insulted" you when it was just my reaction to your attitude based on what you wrote.
3. Rent-free, nigger.
Can you show anything on that?
They’re part of the same race.
Yeah, Berbers trace DNA is very similar to EEF I believe. Do you have anything more about this? I'm interested in learning.

The mesolithic people around the levant who started agriculture.
No, retard.

So by the logic you have in this context, are Ricemen, Curries, etc all "attractive" now?

Also, this post had nothing to do with attractiveness; many blacks are perceived as attractive & also masculine.

I was simply stating how Blacks differ greatly from all other races in many ways.
I meant attractive ones are humans.
all "attractive" now?
Never said that
@ElTruecel since you're the wiz on genes, can you try & find the source for this & a more clear image?
Sure @Copexodius Maximus @Made in Heaven this G25 right?
Sure @Copexodius Maximus @Made in Heaven this G25 right?
I can barely read the numbers, but it is true that natufian dna is the earliest branch off from other caucasoid populations
The parts of Africa without civilization are disease infested and lack domesticable animals
The parts of Africa with civilization are never black, like Egypt, or mixed with non blacks, like ethiopians
Also, to further this, look at East Africans who have some non-black in them: All their civilization is advanced from Semitic ones.
What's funny is that east africans are still low iq, but because they have that small semitic (caucasion) blood in them, many somalis and Ethiopians are very wealthy in kenya and uganda because the bantu niggers there are just THAT much dumber than them
What's funny is that east africans are still low iq, but because they have that small semitic (caucasion) blood in them, many somalis and Ethiopians are very wealthy in kenya and uganda because the bantu niggers there are just THAT much dumber than them
wow! You discovered something called brain drain!
Based and high IQ.

I'm no biologist, so I don't know shit about taxonomy, but I think it might be more accurate to say that they're a sub-species of human.
The parts of Africa with civilization are never black, like Egypt, or mixed with non blacks, like ethiopians

Egypt originally was White civilization, and stuff such as Axum was heavily borrowed from Semitic culture I believe & had heavy Semitic(Arab I would imagine) admixture within it.


Egypt & North Africa as a whole was originally a White civilization(Mediterannid with traces of Nordic in it). However, due to mixing with Semites(Arabs) & especially Sub-saharans, we see the consequences of it nowadays.
wow! You discovered something called brain drain!
What the fuck are youtalking about? Arabs, indians, and somalis are all wealthier than Ugandans and kenyans in their own countries.

Egypt originally was White civilization, and stuff such as Axum was heavily borrowed from Semitic culture I believe & had heavy Semitic(Arab I would imagine) admixture within it.

View attachment 962695

Egypt & North Africa as a whole was originally a White civilization(Mediterannid with traces of Nordic in it). However, due to mixing with Semites(Arabs) & especially Sub-saharans, we see the consequences of it nowadays.
Egypt nor the rest of North Africa was never white/mediterranean in the sense of being southern european. Idk where this delusion stems from. even prior to islam, we have clear cut evidence of egyptians 2000 years ago looking brown
Egypt nor the rest of North Africa was never white/mediterranean in the sense of being southern european.
Yes it was, they were colonized by the original Greeks, Romans, etc. & thus, shared the same genes as them.
Idk where this delusion stems from. even prior to islam, we have clear cut evidence of egyptians 2000 years ago looking brown

Also, how about the Pharos with lighter hair & eyes?
What the fuck are youtalking about? Arabs, indians, and somalis are all wealthier than Ugandans and kenyans in their own countries.
I’m not disagreeing with you. You’re right about that. First of all, Kenya and Uganda are fictional countries in that they are an invention of colonization. So thats are factors to consider. Usually Ethiopians and Somalis that are able to leave their very poor countries are wealthy and higher IQ than the average by a long long way. This is what is known as brain drain. Saying a few Arabs Indians Ethiopians and Somalis are rich and smart and that is indicative of their people is false in my opinion since they are just high IQ immigrants like you see in the west.
"We was humans and sheeeeitt"
You Are Still Black': Charlottesville's Racial Divide Hinders Students -  The New York Times
Cope. Niggers are the ultimate form of being a human, they live life on its purest form, their tribes represent the human life : eat, fuck and sleep. A black man from a tribe in the jungle of Africa gets more sex than a whitecel in the west. Civilization is what makes us less humans, it turns us to emotionless soulless reboots.
These are some of the inconvenient truths that won't go away. Pure Blacks are incredibly distant from modern humans. And mixed Blacks aren't much better.

There is a book called The Biology of the Race Problem where the author points out that Blacks' frontal lobes—the brain part responsible for decision-making, problem-solving, and planning—are smaller than Whites' frontal lobes, hence their inability to measure up to the standards of civilization.

In a poor attempt to enrich Black history, Afrocentrists claim that the ancient Egyptians ("We wuz kangz") and the Moors were Black, but even that has been disproven countless times.

I contend that this is the hierarchy of races:
• Whites;
• East Asians;
• Semites;
• Native Americans;
• Polynesians;
• Blacks;
• Australian Aborigines.

There might be some other races that have not been categorized because of political correctness, but everything indicates that there are 7 at the minimum. Notice how the inferior races have the most dominant genes, while the superior ones have the most recessive genes.


Last edited:
Fair enough point; please elaborate though.
Whatever the group that left Africa had the same common ancestor. The group that stayed behind got left behind in the evolutionary track. There wasn't any impetus to change and improve (evolve), and so they didn't, while the emigrating group had to adapt to different climates and environments. It was literally improve or die.
I contend that this is the hierarchy of races:
• Whites;
• East Asians;
• Semites;
• Native Americans;
• Polynesians;
• Blacks;
• Australian Aborigines.
All of these are a sub-classification of the primary ones: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid. Some say that aborigines and natives are their own primary race, but I don't know for sure.
and assorted primitives in Australasia
Indigenous Australians believed in something called the "Dreamtime" and had their own ideas about gods and what not, its nothing as complex as Christianity or Islam though.

I see all races as a different sort of sub spieces anyway.

Niggers were the first humans, much like how the first phone is nothing compared to what it is now, obviously this analogy is kind of stupid but I think you can still kind of place it on to humans in a way.
All of these are a sub-classification of the primary ones: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid. Some say that aborigines and natives are their own primary race, but I don't know for sure.
The three model race classification was proposed in a time when PCAs and genetic clusters didn't exist. All scientists could do then was compare the skulls and bodily features of the races, which led them to conclude that Whites and Arabs belong to the same category just because of some commonality, but today we can separate races with incredible accuracy. "Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid" is an outdated model.
They're descendants of homo erectus
Screenshot 2023 11 20 50546 AM
Screenshot 2023 11 20 50521 AM
If you don’t look white, you’re not white. That’s all there is to it.

The parts of Africa with civilization are never black, like Egypt, or mixed with non blacks, like ethiopians
The Nubians were black.

Sure @Copexodius Maximus @Made in Heaven this G25 right?


Egypt originally was White civilization, and stuff such as Axum was heavily borrowed from Semitic culture I believe & had heavy Semitic(Arab I would imagine) admixture within it.

View attachment 962695

Egypt & North Africa as a whole was originally a White civilization(Mediterannid with traces of Nordic in it). However, due to mixing with Semites(Arabs) & especially Sub-saharans, we see the consequences of it nowadays.
Genetics have shown it’s the same people living there for tens of thousands of years. Still not black though, but not white either. Closer to whites though due to being caucasoid.
I don't know much about Rastafarian religion but it was from black Africa.

Rastafarianism is a form of Christianity that claims that Emperor Haile Selassie (Rasta Fari) is the Immortal incarnation of Jesus Christ on Earth. The thing is, Haile Selassie was an Orthodox Christian and he always vehemently denied that he was Jesus himself. For context, Ethiopians and other Hamites are Black Caucasians and while they have been severely failing for centuries, not developing technology, not being able to maintain peace, constantly falling into famines, they are literally the "most successful" "civilisation" in Black Africa.

Rastafarianism is literally a cult that worships a man who denied literally every aspect of that cult. It was created in Jamaica based on the prophecies of Black Nationalists who spoke of an Emperor from Africa arising to bring in an "Age of Black Supremacy".

This would be like a cult of Chad's arising that would claim that they should take plastic surgery to look like the men posting on this forum (us) and that the only way to get loving relationships with toilets is by worshipping us. That is literally how stupid Rastafarianism is.

Plenty of other Black religions like the Nation of Islam and the Black Israelites are this stupid. I was once shouted at by a group of angry Black "Hebrews" for being an actual Jew, the Nation of Islam believes that literally every civilisation ever was Black Africans and that the "Albinoids" (Non-Blacks) were created by the evil Yakub the Scientist to oppress "the super intelligent and superior Black race". Like Feminists, Black Supremacists believe that despite being superior they have been oppressed by an inferior group for centuries. (We wuz Kangz 'n Sheet).

The worst part about being a Mulatto sperm donor is that my sperm will most likely exclusively be selected by Black Lesbians. :feelswhat: :feelswhat: :feelswhat:

For every female genius there are 8 male geniuses, several non-Black toilets have won Nobel prizes in (actual) scientific fields. Because there wasn't a taboo on discussing the neural differences between the sexes we have bodies of literature explaining just how different these are. But the most human part of Homo SAPIENS SAPIENS is our cognitive ability, that is what sets us apart from other animals, but despite men being much smarter than toilets, not a single Black male has attained what a number of non-Black females have already achieved.

The few intelligent Blacks we have today are either not reproducing or only reproducing with non-Blacks. We can clearly see trends of Blacks becoming worse over time, not better (all races suffer from dysgenics in the modern age, but this is especially pronounced among Blacks).

I name the Black African, Homo Semisapiens Africanus, Homo KFCus Watermelonus, or Homo Dumbfuckus. Judging by how few of them actually seem to be capable of understanding advanced abstract ideas maybe Homo Nonsapiens is better, but even the dumbest Black is smarter than the smartest Non-Human. Blacks are essentially slightly smarter land dolphins.
They're basically half MENA just like Horn Africans

That race has a name, they're called Hamites (Black Caucasians), this includes anyone from Nubia to Somalia. Hamites are more intelligent than other Blacks but dumber than those to the north of them. This is why they often served as middlemen in the Islamic slave trade in Africa.
That race has a name, they're called Hamites (Black Caucasians), this includes anyone from Nubia to Somalia. Hamites are more intelligent than other Blacks but dumber than those to the north of them. This is why they often served as middlemen in the Islamic slave trade in Africa.

Note that "Caucasian" isn't a race, it's a skeleton type. There are enough genetic clusters within Caucasians to divide them into 4 races (Europeans, Semites, Hamites, and Aryans). Curries are a hybrid of Aryans and Dravidians.
What the fuck are youtalking about? Arabs, indians, and somalis are all wealthier than Ugandans and kenyans in their own countries.

Egypt nor the rest of North Africa was never white/mediterranean in the sense of being southern european. Idk where this delusion stems from. even prior to islam, we have clear cut evidence of egyptians 2000 years ago looking brown
Yep, they were neither White or Black so it's funny when Europeans and Afro centrists claim them, Egyptians are their own thing and the genetic variation between the Ancient population and the modern population is not that much, the differences is an 8% increase of Negro blood which isn't great enough to vastly alter looks in a population, but they still share similar mtDNA and haplogroups as modern day Egyptians, I saw plenty of light eyed/haired Egyptians when I used to live in a MENA enclave and they don't have any recent European blood.


The absolute estimates of sub-Saharan African ancestry in these three ancient Egyptian individuals ranged from 6 to 15%, and the absolute estimates of sub-Saharan African ancestry in the 135 modern Egyptian samples ranged from 14 to 21%, which show an 8% increase in African component. The age of the ancient Egyptian samples suggests that this 8% increase in African component occurred predominantly within the last 2000 years.
The ancient Egyptian individuals in their own dataset possessed highly similar mtDNA haplogroup profiles, and cluster together, supporting genetic continuity across the 1,300-year transect. Modern Egyptians shared this mtDNA haplogroup profile, but also carried 8% more African component.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genet...ividuals in,carried 8% more African component.
If you don’t look white, you’re not white. That’s all there is to it.
Most Italians do look white:

Image0 5

(ignore the obvious nigs)

Image 1

Screenshot 2023 11 20 at 102829 AM

The Nubians were black.

What is G25?
Genetics have shown it’s the same people living there for tens of thousands of years. Still not black though, but not white either. Closer to whites though due to being caucasoid.
Perhaps you are right, I sometimes debate if they actually were Whites, or just a different subgroup of Caucasoid: Perhaps they were just "White-er" back then due to not having any Black admixture.
Most Italians do look white
Most Italians are White. North Americans are used to southern Italians, who are Arab-looking probably because of the foreign admixture left there by the invaders, but central and northern Italians are White.

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